############################################################################ # configs/ez80f910200zco/httpd/Make.defs # # Copyright (C) 2009, 2012 Gregory Nutt. All rights reserved. # Author: Gregory Nutt # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # 3. Neither the name NuttX nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ############################################################################ include $(TOPDIR)/.config include $(TOPDIR)/tools/Config.mk # These are the directories where the ZDS-II toolchain is installed. NOTE # that short 8.3 path names are used in order to avoid spaces. On my machine # I have: # # C:\PROGRA~1\ = C:\Profram Files\ # C:\PROGRA~2\ = C:\Program Files (x86)\ # # Your PC may be configured differently. ZDSVERSION := 5.1.1 ifeq ($(CONFIG_WINDOWS_NATIVE),y) ZDSINSTALLDIR := C:/PROGRA~2/ZiLOG/ZDSII_eZ80Acclaim!_$(ZDSVERSION) INSTALLDIR = ${shell echo $(ZDSINSTALLDIR)| sed -e "s/\//\\/g"} ZDSBINDIR := $(INSTALLDIR)\bin ZDSSTDINCDIR := $(INSTALLDIR)\include\std ZDSZILOGINCDIR := $(INSTALLDIR)\include\zilog ZDSSTDLIBDIR := $(INSTALLDIR)\lib\std ZDSZILOGLIBDIR := $(INSTALLDIR)\lib\zilog # CFLAGs ARCHASMINCLUDES = -include:$(TOPDIR)\include;$(ZDSSTDINCDIR);$(ZDSZILOGINCDIR) EARCHASMINCLUDES = -include:$(TOPDIR)\include;$(ZDSSTDINCDIR);$(ZDSZILOGINCDIR) ARCHSTDINCLUDES = -stdinc:$(TOPDIR)\include;$(ZDSSTDINCDIR);$(ZDSZILOGINCDIR) ARCHUSRINCLUDES = -usrinc:. else WINTOOL := y ZDSINSTALLDIR := C:/PROGRA~2/ZiLOG/ZDSII_eZ80Acclaim!_$(ZDSVERSION) INSTALLDIR = ${shell cygpath -u "$(ZDSINSTALLDIR)"} ZDSBINDIR := $(INSTALLDIR)/bin ZDSSTDINCDIR := $(INSTALLDIR)/include/std ZDSZILOGINCDIR := $(INSTALLDIR)/include/zilog ZDSSTDLIBDIR := $(INSTALLDIR)/lib/std ZDSZILOGLIBDIR := $(INSTALLDIR)/lib/zilog # These are the same directories but with the directory separator # character swapped as needed by the ZDS-II compiler WTOPDIR := ${shell cygpath -w "$(TOPDIR)"} WZDSSTDINCDIR := ${shell cygpath -w "$(ZDSSTDINCDIR)"} WZDSZILOGINCDIR := ${shell cygpath -w "$(ZDSZILOGINCDIR)"} WZDSSTDLIBDIR := ${shell cygpath -w "$(ZDSSTDLIBDIR)"} WZDSZILOGLIBDIR := ${shell cygpath -w "$(ZDSZILOGLIBDIR)"} # Escaped versions ETOPDIR := ${shell echo "$(WTOPDIR)" | sed -e "s/ /%20/g"} EZDSSTDINCDIR := ${shell echo "$(WZDSSTDINCDIR)" | sed -e "s/ /%20/g"} EZDSZILOGINCDIR := ${shell echo "$(WZDSZILOGINCDIR)" | sed -e "s/ /%20/g"} # CFLAGs ARCHASMINCLUDES = -include:'$(WTOPDIR)\include;$(WZDSSTDINCDIR);$(WZDSZILOGINCDIR)' EARCHASMINCLUDES = -include:'$(ETOPDIR)\include;$(EZDSSTDINCDIR);$(EZDSZILOGINCDIR)' ARCHSTDINCLUDES = -stdinc:'$(WTOPDIR)\include;$(WZDSSTDINCDIR);$(WZDSZILOGINCDIR)' ARCHUSRINCLUDES = -usrinc:'.' endif # Assembler definitions ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_CHIP_EZ80F91),y) ARCHCPU = eZ80F91 ARCHCPUDEF = _EZ80F91 ARCHFAMILY = _EZ80ACCLAIM! endif ifeq ($(CONFIG_DEBUG_SYMBOLS),y) ARCHASMOPTIMIZATION = -debug -NOsdiopt else ARCHASMOPTIMIZATION = -nodebug -NOsdiopt endif ARCHASMCPUFLAGS = -cpu:$(ARCHCPU) -NOigcase ARCHASMLIST = -list -NOlistmac -name -pagelen:56 -pagewidth:80 -quiet ARCHASMWARNINGS = -warn ARCHASMDEFINES = -define:$(ARCHCPUDEF)=1 -define:$(ARCHFAMILYDEF)=1 -define:__ASSEMBLY__ AFLAGS = $(ARCHASMCPUFLAGS) $(ARCHASMINCLUDES) $(ARCHASMLIST) $(ARCHASMWARNINGS) $(ARCHASMOPTIMIZATION) # Compiler definitions ifeq ($(CONFIG_DEBUG_SYMBOLS),y) ARCHOPTIMIZATION = -debug -reduceopt else ARCHOPTIMIZATION = -nodebug -optsize endif ARCHCPUFLAGS = -chartype:S -promote -cpu:$(ARCHCPU) -NOgenprintf -NOmodsect \ -asmsw:" $(ARCHASMCPUFLAGS) $(EARCHASMINCLUDES) $(ARCHASMWARNINGS) $(ARCHASMOPTIMIZATION)" ARCHLIST = -keeplst -NOlist -NOlistinc -keepasm ARCHPICFLAGS = ARCHWARNINGS = -warn ARCHDEFINES = -define:$(ARCHCPUDEF) -define:$(ARCHFAMILYDEF) ARCHINCLUDES = $(ARCHSTDINCLUDES) $(ARCHUSRINCLUDES) CFLAGS = $(ARCHWARNINGS) $(ARCHOPTIMIZATION) $(ARCHLIST) $(ARCHCPUFLAGS) $(ARCHINCLUDES) $(ARCHDEFINES) $(EXTRADEFINES) CPPDEFINES = -D$(ARCHFAMILYDEF) -D$(ARCHCPUDEF) -D__ASSEMBLY__ CPPINCLUDES = -I$(TOPDIR)$(DELIM)include CPPFLAGS = $(CPPDEFINES) $(CPPINCLUDES) # Librarian definitions ARFLAGS = -quiet -warn # Linker definitions LINKCMDTEMPLATE = $(TOPDIR)$(DELIM)configs$(DELIM)ez80f910200zco$(DELIM)httpd$(DELIM)httpd.linkcmd # Tool names/pathes CROSSDEV = CC = ez80cc.exe CPP = gcc -E LD = ez80link.exe AS = ez80asm.exe AR = ez80lib.exe # File extensions ASMEXT = .asm OBJEXT = .obj LIBEXT = .lib EXEEXT = .lod HEXEXT = .hex # These are the macros that will be used in the NuttX make system # to compile and assembly source files and to insert the resulting # object files into an archive ifeq ($(CONFIG_WINDOWS_NATIVE),y) define PREPROCESS @echo CPP: $1->$2 $(Q) "$(CPP)" $(CPPFLAGS) $1 -o $2 endef define COMPILE $(Q) "$(CC)" $(CFLAGS) ${shell echo $1 | sed -e "s/\//\\/g"} endef define ASSEMBLE $(Q) "$(AS)" $(AFLAGS) ${shell echo $1 | sed -e "s/\//\\/g"} endef define ARCHIVE @echo AR: $2 $(Q) for %%G in ($(2)) do ( "$(AR)" $(ARFLAGS) $1=-+%%G ) endef define CLEAN $(Q) if exist *.obj (del /f /q *.obj) $(Q) if exist *.src (del /f /q *.src) $(Q) if exist *.lib (del /f /q *.lib) $(Q) if exist *.hex (del /f /q *.hex) $(Q) if exist *.lod (del /f /q *.lod) $(Q) if exist *.lst (del /f /q *.lst) endef else define PREPROCESS @echo "CPP: $1->$2" $(Q) "$(CPP)" $(CPPFLAGS) $1 -o $2 endef define COMPILE $(Q) (wfile=`cygpath -w "$1"`; "$(CC)" $(CFLAGS) $$wfile) endef define ASSEMBLE $(Q) (wfile=`cygpath -w "$1"`; "$(AS)" $(AFLAGS) $$wfile) endef define ARCHIVE $(Q) for __obj in $(2) ; do \ echo "AR: $$__obj"; \ "$(AR)" $(ARFLAGS) $1=-+$$__obj || { echo "$(AR) $1=-+$$__obj FAILED!" ; exit 1 ; } \ done endef define CLEAN $(Q) rm -f *.obj *.src *.lib *.hex *.lod *.lst endef endif # Windows native host tool definitions ifeq ($(CONFIG_WINDOWS_NATIVE),y) HOSTCC = mingw32-gcc.exe HOSTINCLUDES = -I. HOSTCFLAGS = -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wshadow -g -pipe HOSTLDFLAGS = HOSTEXEEXT = .exe # Windows-native host tools MKDEP = $(TOPDIR)\tools\mkdeps.exe --winnative else # Linux/Cygwin host tool definitions HOSTCC = gcc HOSTINCLUDES = -I. HOSTCFLAGS = -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wshadow -g -pipe HOSTLDFLAGS = # This is the tool to use for dependencies (i.e., none) MKDEP = $(TOPDIR)$(DELIM)tools$(DELIM)mknulldeps.sh # ZDS-II cannot follow Cygwin soft links, so we will have to use directory copies DIRLINK = $(TOPDIR)$(DELIM)tools$(DELIM)copydir.sh DIRUNLINK = $(TOPDIR)$(DELIM)tools$(DELIM)unlink.sh endif