pjrc-8051 README ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This port uses the PJRC 87C52 development system and the SDCC toolchain. The PJRC 87C52 development system can be obtained from http://www.pjrc.com/. The SDCC toolchain is available from http://sdcc.sourceforge.net/. All testing has been performed using verison 2.6.0 of the SDDC toolchain. Building the SDCC toolchain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The SDCC toolchain is built with the standard configure/make/make install sequence. However, some special actions are required to generate libraries compatible with this build. First start with the usual steps download unpack cd sdcc ./configure make But before installing, we need to apply a patch to the SDCC 2.6.0 source. WARNING: This patch is specific to the particular combination of CFLAGS that are used in the compilation. If you change Make.defs, then you will likely have to change the patch as well. Apply sdcc-2.6.0.patch cd sdcc/device/lib make model-mcs51-stack-auto Then cd sdcc make install