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		<h1>Style Guide</h1>
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	    This guide recommends stylistic and architectural best
	    practices, designed to make your code easier for others to
	    understand. It offers <em>guidelines</em> not <em>rules</em>,
	    and there are situations in which the advice offered
	    should be actively ignored.
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	    <h2 id="git">Git</h2>
<li><p>Use a simple branching model with one master development branch, and create feature and backport branches as required.</p>
<li><p>The master branch should represent the latest development version.</p></li>
<li><p>Tag all released versions.</p></li>
<li><p>Backport branches may be spun off tags when they become necessary.</p></li>
<li><p>Proposed changes require at least one sign-off to be accepted into master.</p></li>
<li><p>Large feature branches with multiple collaborators should be <em>merged</em> into master.</p>
<p>Rationale: rewriting history in public branches can break other people’s work and should not be done lightly.</p></li>
<li><p>Private feature branches should be <em>rebased</em> onto master, prior to merging. <em>Squashing</em> is optional, but all intermediate commits should contain meaningful changes and must pass continuous integration tests.</p>
<p>Rationale: private branches should be considered backups of work on local developer machines and hence should not be relied upon by others. Furthermore, a linear history is easier to reason about than a branched one.</p></li>
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	    	    <span class="date">2018-09-21</span>
	    	    	    | <a href="https://github.com/drivergroup/best-practices/blob/master/guides/git.md" style="display: inline-block;"><i class="fa fa-github"></i> Edit on GitHub</a>