path: root/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/BlobStorageTest.scala
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authorAleksandr <ognelisar@gmail.com>2018-04-10 11:12:33 +0700
committerAleksandr <ognelisar@gmail.com>2018-04-10 11:12:33 +0700
commitd396c3b6b510c3ed77c17c64df3e58af4146b9a4 (patch)
tree3533ce548006a836e947e77aa9890d2da666c2fa /src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/BlobStorageTest.scala
parent9a73fb5628f494bcae73496012f8c3baf13a26f1 (diff)
parent1f49149ba768ac86263d11cb18e7a365b0bb0210 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into TM-1431
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/BlobStorageTest.scala')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/BlobStorageTest.scala b/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/BlobStorageTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65f9cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/BlobStorageTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+package xyz.driver.core
+import java.nio.file.Files
+import akka.actor.ActorSystem
+import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
+import akka.stream.scaladsl._
+import akka.util.ByteString
+import org.scalatest._
+import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures
+import xyz.driver.core.storage.{BlobStorage, FileSystemBlobStorage}
+import scala.concurrent.Future
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
+class BlobStorageTest extends FlatSpec with ScalaFutures {
+ implicit val patientce = PatienceConfig(timeout = 100.seconds)
+ implicit val system = ActorSystem("blobstorage-test")
+ implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer()
+ import system.dispatcher
+ def storageBehaviour(storage: BlobStorage) = {
+ val key = "foo"
+ val data = "hello world".getBytes
+ it should "upload data" in {
+ assert(storage.exists(key).futureValue === false)
+ assert(storage.uploadContent(key, data).futureValue === key)
+ assert(storage.exists(key).futureValue === true)
+ }
+ it should "download data" in {
+ val content = storage.content(key).futureValue
+ assert(content.isDefined)
+ assert(content.get === data)
+ }
+ it should "not download non-existing data" in {
+ assert(storage.content("bar").futureValue.isEmpty)
+ }
+ it should "overwrite an existing key" in {
+ val newData = "new string".getBytes("utf-8")
+ assert(storage.uploadContent(key, newData).futureValue === key)
+ assert(storage.content(key).futureValue.get === newData)
+ }
+ it should "upload a file" in {
+ val tmp = Files.createTempFile("testfile", "txt")
+ Files.write(tmp, data)
+ assert(storage.uploadFile(key, tmp).futureValue === key)
+ Files.delete(tmp)
+ }
+ it should "upload content" in {
+ val text = "foobar"
+ val src = Source
+ .single(text)
+ .map(l => ByteString(l))
+ src.runWith(storage.upload(key).futureValue).futureValue
+ assert(storage.content(key).futureValue.map(_.toSeq) === Some("foobar".getBytes.toSeq))
+ }
+ it should "delete content" in {
+ assert(storage.exists(key).futureValue)
+ storage.delete(key).futureValue
+ assert(!storage.exists(key).futureValue)
+ }
+ it should "download content" in {
+ storage.uploadContent(key, data) futureValue
+ val srcOpt = storage.download(key).futureValue
+ assert(srcOpt.isDefined)
+ val src = srcOpt.get
+ val content: Future[Array[Byte]] = src.runWith(Sink.fold(Array[Byte]())(_ ++ _))
+ assert(content.futureValue === data)
+ }
+ it should "list keys" in {
+ assert(storage.list("").futureValue === Set(key))
+ storage.uploadContent("a/a.txt", data).futureValue
+ storage.uploadContent("a/b", data).futureValue
+ storage.uploadContent("c/d", data).futureValue
+ storage.uploadContent("d", data).futureValue
+ assert(storage.list("").futureValue === Set(key, "a", "c", "d"))
+ assert(storage.list("a").futureValue === Set("a/a.txt", "a/b"))
+ assert(storage.list("a").futureValue === Set("a/a.txt", "a/b"))
+ assert(storage.list("c").futureValue === Set("c/d"))
+ }
+ }
+ "File system storage" should behave like storageBehaviour(
+ new FileSystemBlobStorage(Files.createTempDirectory("test")))