path: root/core-rest/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/rest/Swagger.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'core-rest/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/rest/Swagger.scala')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core-rest/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/rest/Swagger.scala b/core-rest/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/rest/Swagger.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ceac54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core-rest/src/main/scala/xyz/driver/core/rest/Swagger.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+package xyz.driver.core.rest
+import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ContentType, ContentTypes, HttpEntity}
+import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route
+import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.FileAndResourceDirectives.ResourceFile
+import akka.stream.ActorAttributes
+import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Framing, StreamConverters}
+import akka.util.ByteString
+import com.github.swagger.akka.SwaggerHttpService
+import com.github.swagger.akka.model._
+import com.typesafe.config.Config
+import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger
+import io.swagger.models.Scheme
+import io.swagger.models.auth.{ApiKeyAuthDefinition, In}
+import io.swagger.util.Json
+import scala.util.control.NonFatal
+class Swagger(
+ override val host: String,
+ accessSchemes: List[String],
+ version: String,
+ override val apiClasses: Set[Class[_]],
+ val config: Config,
+ val logger: Logger)
+ extends SwaggerHttpService {
+ override val schemes = accessSchemes.map { s =>
+ Scheme.forValue(s)
+ }
+ // Note that the reason for overriding this is a subtle chain of causality:
+ //
+ // 1. Some of our endpoints require a single trailing slash and will not
+ // function if it is omitted
+ // 2. Swagger omits trailing slashes in its generated api doc
+ // 3. To work around that, a space is added after the trailing slash in the
+ // swagger Path annotations
+ // 4. This space is removed manually in the code below
+ //
+ // TODO: Ideally we'd like to drop this custom override and fix the issue in
+ // 1, by dropping the slash requirement and accepting api endpoints with and
+ // without trailing slashes. This will require inspecting and potentially
+ // fixing all service endpoints.
+ override def generateSwaggerJson: String = {
+ import io.swagger.models.{Swagger => JSwagger}
+ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+ try {
+ val swagger: JSwagger = reader.read(apiClasses.asJava)
+ val paths = if (swagger.getPaths == null) {
+ Map.empty
+ } else {
+ swagger.getPaths.asScala
+ }
+ // Removing trailing spaces
+ val fixedPaths = paths.map {
+ case (key, path) =>
+ key.trim -> path
+ }
+ swagger.setPaths(fixedPaths.asJava)
+ Json.pretty().writeValueAsString(swagger)
+ } catch {
+ case NonFatal(t) =>
+ logger.error("Issue with creating swagger.json", t)
+ throw t
+ }
+ }
+ override val securitySchemeDefinitions = Map(
+ "token" -> {
+ val definition = new ApiKeyAuthDefinition("Authorization", In.HEADER)
+ definition.setDescription("Authentication token")
+ definition
+ }
+ )
+ override val basePath: String = config.getString("swagger.basePath")
+ override val apiDocsPath: String = config.getString("swagger.docsPath")
+ override val info = Info(
+ config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.description"),
+ version,
+ config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.title"),
+ config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.termsOfServiceUrl"),
+ contact = Some(
+ Contact(
+ config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.contact.name"),
+ config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.contact.url"),
+ config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.contact.email")
+ )),
+ license = Some(
+ License(
+ config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.license"),
+ config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.licenseUrl")
+ )),
+ vendorExtensions = Map.empty[String, AnyRef]
+ )
+ /** A very simple templating extractor. Gets a resource from the classpath and subsitutes any `{{key}}` with a value. */
+ private def getTemplatedResource(
+ resourceName: String,
+ contentType: ContentType,
+ substitution: (String, String)): Route = get {
+ Option(this.getClass.getClassLoader.getResource(resourceName)) flatMap ResourceFile.apply match {
+ case Some(ResourceFile(url, length @ _, _)) =>
+ extractSettings { settings =>
+ val stream = StreamConverters
+ .fromInputStream(() => url.openStream())
+ .withAttributes(ActorAttributes.dispatcher(settings.fileIODispatcher))
+ .via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), 4096, true).map(_.utf8String))
+ .map { line =>
+ line.replaceAll(s"\\{\\{${substitution._1}\\}\\}", substitution._2)
+ }
+ .map(line => ByteString(line + "\n"))
+ complete(
+ HttpEntity(contentType, stream)
+ )
+ }
+ case None => reject
+ }
+ }
+ def swaggerUI: Route =
+ pathEndOrSingleSlash {
+ getTemplatedResource(
+ "swagger-ui/index.html",
+ ContentTypes.`text/html(UTF-8)`,
+ "title" -> config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.title"))
+ } ~ getFromResourceDirectory("swagger-ui")
+ def swaggerUINew: Route =
+ pathEndOrSingleSlash {
+ getTemplatedResource(
+ "swagger-ui-dist/index.html",
+ ContentTypes.`text/html(UTF-8)`,
+ "title" -> config.getString("swagger.apiInfo.title"))
+ } ~ getFromResourceDirectory("swagger-ui-dist")