path: root/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/instrumentation/HttpServerInstrumentationSpec.scala
blob: d469725fcd6302cc337aaae92539a8ccf4eb801d (plain) (tree)
















package kamon.instrumentation

import kamon.context.Context
import kamon.metric.Counter
import kamon.testkit.{MetricInspection, SpanInspection}
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, OptionValues, WordSpec}

import scala.collection.mutable

class HttpServerInstrumentationSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with SpanInspection with OptionValues with MetricInspection {

  "the HTTP server instrumentation" when {
    "configured for context propagation" should {
      "read context entries and tags from the incoming request" in {
        val handler = httpServer().receive(fakeRequest("http://localhost:8080/", "/", "GET", Map(
          "context-tags" -> "tag=value;none=0011223344556677;",
          "custom-trace-id" -> "0011223344556677"

        handler.context.tags should contain only(
          "tag" -> "value",
          "none" -> "0011223344556677"

      "use the configured HTTP propagation channel" in {
        val handler = httpServer().receive(fakeRequest("http://localhost:8080/", "/", "GET", Map(
          "context-tags" -> "tag=value;none=0011223344556677;",
          "custom-trace-id" -> "0011223344556677"

        handler.context.tags should contain only(
          "tag" -> "value",
          "none" -> "0011223344556677"

        val span = inspect(handler.span)
        span.context().traceID.string shouldNot be("0011223344556677")
        span.tag("http.method").value shouldBe "GET"
        span.tag("http.url").value shouldBe "http://localhost:8080/"

        val responseHeaders = mutable.Map.empty[String, String]
        handler.send(fakeResponse(200, responseHeaders), handler.context.withTag("hello", "world"))


    "configured for distributed tracing" should {
      "create a span representing the current HTTP operation" in {
        val handler = httpServer().receive(fakeRequest("http://localhost:8080/", "/", "GET", Map.empty))
        handler.send(fakeResponse(200, mutable.Map.empty), handler.context)

        val span = inspect(handler.span)
        span.tag("http.method").value shouldBe "GET"
        span.tag("http.url").value shouldBe "http://localhost:8080/"
        span.tag("http.status_code").value shouldBe "200"

      "adopt a traceID when explicitly provided" in {
        val handler = httpServer().receive(fakeRequest("http://localhost:8080/", "/", "GET", Map(
          "context-tags" -> "tag=value;none=0011223344556677;",
          "x-correlation-id" -> "0011223344556677"

        handler.span.context().traceID.string shouldBe "0011223344556677"

      "record span metrics when enabled" in {
        val handler = httpServer().receive(fakeRequest("http://localhost:8080/", "/", "GET", Map.empty))
        handler.send(fakeResponse(200, mutable.Map.empty), handler.context)

        val span = inspect(handler.span)
        span.hasMetricsEnabled() shouldBe true

      "not record span metrics when disabled" in {
        val handler = noSpanMetricsHttpServer()
          .receive(fakeRequest("http://localhost:8080/", "/", "GET", Map.empty))
        handler.send(fakeResponse(200, mutable.Map.empty), handler.context)

        val span = inspect(handler.span)
        span.hasMetricsEnabled() shouldBe false

      "receive tags from context when available" in {
        val handler = httpServer().receive(fakeRequest("http://localhost:8080/", "/", "GET", Map(
          "context-tags" -> "tag=value;none=0011223344556677;peer=superservice;",
          "custom-trace-id" -> "0011223344556677"

        val span = inspect(handler.span)
        span.tag("peer").value shouldBe "superservice"

    "all capabilities are disabled" should {
      "not read any context from the incoming requests" in {
        val httpServer = noopHttpServer()
        val handler = httpServer.receive(fakeRequest("http://localhost:8080/", "/", "GET", Map(
          "context-tags" -> "tag=value;none=0011223344556677;",
          "custom-trace-id" -> "0011223344556677"

        handler.context shouldBe Context.Empty

      "not create any span to represent the server request" in {
        val httpServer = noopHttpServer()
        val handler = httpServer.receive(fakeRequest("http://localhost:8080/", "/", "GET", Map(
          "context-tags" -> "tag=value;none=0011223344556677;",
          "custom-trace-id" -> "0011223344556677"

        handler.span.isEmpty() shouldBe true

      "not record any HTTP server metrics" in {
        val request = fakeRequest("http://localhost:8080/", "/", "GET", Map.empty)
        noopHttpServer().receive(request).send(fakeResponse(200, mutable.Map.empty), Context.Empty)
        noopHttpServer().receive(request).send(fakeResponse(302, mutable.Map.empty), Context.Empty)
        noopHttpServer().receive(request).send(fakeResponse(404, mutable.Map.empty), Context.Empty)
        noopHttpServer().receive(request).send(fakeResponse(504, mutable.Map.empty), Context.Empty)
        noopHttpServer().receive(request).send(fakeResponse(110, mutable.Map.empty), Context.Empty)

        completedRequests(8083, 100).value() shouldBe 0L
        completedRequests(8083, 200).value() shouldBe 0L
        completedRequests(8083, 300).value() shouldBe 0L
        completedRequests(8083, 400).value() shouldBe 0L
        completedRequests(8083, 500).value() shouldBe 0L

  val TestComponent = "http.server"
  val TestInterface = ""

  def httpServer(): HttpServer = HttpServer.from("default", component = TestComponent, interface = TestInterface, port = 8081)
  def noSpanMetricsHttpServer(): HttpServer = HttpServer.from("no-span-metrics", component = TestComponent, interface = TestInterface, port = 8082)
  def noopHttpServer(): HttpServer = HttpServer.from("noop", component = TestComponent, interface = TestInterface, port = 8083)

  def fakeRequest(requestUrl: String, requestPath: String, requestMethod: String, headers: Map[String, String]): HttpRequest =
    new HttpRequest {
      override def url: String = requestUrl
      override def path: String = requestPath
      override def method: String = requestMethod
      override def readHeader(header: String): Option[String] = headers.get(header)

  def fakeResponse(responseStatusCode: Int, headers: mutable.Map[String, String]): HttpResponse.Writable[HttpResponse] =
    new HttpResponse.Writable[HttpResponse] {
      override def statusCode: Int = responseStatusCode
      override def writeHeader(header: String, value: String): Unit = headers.put(header, value)
      override def build(): HttpResponse = this

  def completedRequests(port: Int, statusCode: Int): Counter = {
    val metrics = HttpServer.Metrics.of(TestComponent, TestInterface, port)

    statusCode match {
      case sc if sc >= 100 && sc <= 199 => metrics.requestsInformational
      case sc if sc >= 200 && sc <= 299 => metrics.requestsSuccessful
      case sc if sc >= 300 && sc <= 399 => metrics.requestsRedirection
      case sc if sc >= 400 && sc <= 499 => metrics.requestsClientError
      case sc if sc >= 500 && sc <= 599 => metrics.requestsServerError
