path: root/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/StatusPage.scala
blob: 6f382a85fa997bcf7c5d0f982ca0ce442ac84e66 (plain) (tree)

package kamon

import com.typesafe.config.Config
import kamon.status.{StatusPageServer, Status}

trait StatusPage { self: Configuration with ClassLoading with ModuleLoading with Configuration =>
  @volatile private var _statusPageServer: Option[StatusPageServer] = None
  private val _status = new Status(self._moduleRegistry, self)

  // Initial configuration and reconfigures
  self.onReconfigure(newConfig => self.init(newConfig))

    * Allows to access internal Kamon status for troubleshooting and displaying purposes. All information returned
    * by the Status instance is a immutable snapshot of the current state of a given component.
  def status(): Status =

  private def init(config: Config): Unit = synchronized {
    val isStatusPageEnabled = config.getBoolean("kamon.status.enabled")

    if(isStatusPageEnabled) {
      val hostname = config.getString("kamon.status.listen.hostname")
      val port = config.getInt("kamon.status.listen.port")

      _statusPageServer.fold {
        // Starting a new server on the configured hostname/port
        startServer(hostname, port, self.classLoader())

      }(existentServer => {
        // If the configuration has changed we will stop the previous version
        // and start a new one with the new hostname/port.

        if(existentServer.getHostname != hostname || existentServer.getListeningPort != port) {
          startServer(hostname, port, self.classLoader())

    } else {
      _statusPageServer.foreach(_ => stopServer())

  private def startServer(hostname: String, port: Int, resourceLoader: ClassLoader): Unit = {
    val server = new StatusPageServer(hostname, port, resourceLoader, _status)

    _statusPageServer = Some(server)

  private def stopServer(): Unit = {
    _statusPageServer = None
