path: root/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/trace/B3SpanCodecSpec.scala
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authorIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2018-08-30 10:40:53 +0200
committerIvan Topolnjak <ivantopo@gmail.com>2018-08-30 10:40:53 +0200
commite4abea098ef4d6e71a805812bfa95c14bd9002b5 (patch)
treef5fcb8222e293f420a9e7c06953805a7428d0f0e /kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/trace/B3SpanCodecSpec.scala
parent794fbf02664ac8c31072d8b955d897901f1f22e0 (diff)
working on context tags and http propagation improvements
Diffstat (limited to 'kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/trace/B3SpanCodecSpec.scala')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/trace/B3SpanCodecSpec.scala b/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/trace/B3SpanCodecSpec.scala
index f718d806..76e07c31 100644
--- a/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/trace/B3SpanCodecSpec.scala
+++ b/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/trace/B3SpanCodecSpec.scala
@@ -21,188 +21,188 @@ import kamon.testkit.SpanBuilding
import kamon.trace.IdentityProvider.Identifier
import kamon.trace.SpanContext.SamplingDecision
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, OptionValues, WordSpecLike}
-class B3SpanCodecSpec extends WordSpecLike with Matchers with OptionValues with SpanBuilding {
- val extendedB3Codec = SpanCodec.B3()
- "The ExtendedB3 SpanContextCodec" should {
- "return a TextMap containing the SpanContext data" in {
- val textMap = extendedB3Codec.encode(testContext())
- textMap.get("X-B3-TraceId").value shouldBe "1234"
- textMap.get("X-B3-ParentSpanId").value shouldBe "2222"
- textMap.get("X-B3-SpanId").value shouldBe "4321"
- textMap.get("X-B3-Sampled").value shouldBe "1"
- }
- "do not include the X-B3-ParentSpanId if there is no parent" in {
- val textMap = extendedB3Codec.encode(testContextWithoutParent())
- textMap.get("X-B3-TraceId").value shouldBe "1234"
- textMap.get("X-B3-ParentSpanId") shouldBe empty
- textMap.get("X-B3-SpanId").value shouldBe "4321"
- textMap.get("X-B3-Sampled").value shouldBe "1"
- }
- "not inject anything if there is no Span in the Context" in {
- val textMap = extendedB3Codec.encode(Context.Empty)
- textMap.values shouldBe empty
- }
- "extract a RemoteSpan from a TextMap when all fields are set" in {
- val textMap = TextMap.Default()
- textMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
- textMap.put("X-B3-ParentSpanId", "2222")
- textMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
- textMap.put("X-B3-Sampled", "1")
- textMap.put("X-B3-Extra-Baggage", "some=baggage;more=baggage")
- val spanContext = extendedB3Codec.decode(textMap, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey).context()
- spanContext.traceID.string shouldBe "1234"
- spanContext.spanID.string shouldBe "4321"
- spanContext.parentID.string shouldBe "2222"
- spanContext.samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.Sample
- }
- "decode the sampling decision based on the X-B3-Sampled header" in {
- val sampledTextMap = TextMap.Default()
- sampledTextMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
- sampledTextMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
- sampledTextMap.put("X-B3-Sampled", "1")
- val notSampledTextMap = TextMap.Default()
- notSampledTextMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
- notSampledTextMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
- notSampledTextMap.put("X-B3-Sampled", "0")
- val noSamplingTextMap = TextMap.Default()
- noSamplingTextMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
- noSamplingTextMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
- extendedB3Codec.decode(sampledTextMap, Context.Empty)
- .get(Span.ContextKey).context().samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.Sample
- extendedB3Codec.decode(notSampledTextMap, Context.Empty)
- .get(Span.ContextKey).context().samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.DoNotSample
- extendedB3Codec.decode(noSamplingTextMap, Context.Empty)
- .get(Span.ContextKey).context().samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.Unknown
- }
- "not include the X-B3-Sampled header if the sampling decision is unknown" in {
- val context = testContext()
- val sampledSpanContext = context.get(Span.ContextKey).context()
- val notSampledSpanContext = Context.Empty.withKey(Span.ContextKey,
- Span.Remote(sampledSpanContext.copy(samplingDecision = SamplingDecision.DoNotSample)))
- val unknownSamplingSpanContext = Context.Empty.withKey(Span.ContextKey,
- Span.Remote(sampledSpanContext.copy(samplingDecision = SamplingDecision.Unknown)))
- extendedB3Codec.encode(context).get("X-B3-Sampled").value shouldBe("1")
- extendedB3Codec.encode(notSampledSpanContext).get("X-B3-Sampled").value shouldBe("0")
- extendedB3Codec.encode(unknownSamplingSpanContext).get("X-B3-Sampled") shouldBe empty
- }
- "use the Debug flag to override the sampling decision, if provided." in {
- val textMap = TextMap.Default()
- textMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
- textMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
- textMap.put("X-B3-Sampled", "0")
- textMap.put("X-B3-Flags", "1")
- val spanContext = extendedB3Codec.decode(textMap, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey).context()
- spanContext.samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.Sample
- }
- "use the Debug flag as sampling decision when Sampled is not provided" in {
- val textMap = TextMap.Default()
- textMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
- textMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
- textMap.put("X-B3-Flags", "1")
- val spanContext = extendedB3Codec.decode(textMap, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey).context()
- spanContext.samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.Sample
- }
- "extract a minimal SpanContext from a TextMap containing only the Trace ID and Span ID" in {
- val textMap = TextMap.Default()
- textMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
- textMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
- val spanContext = extendedB3Codec.decode(textMap, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey).context()
- spanContext.traceID.string shouldBe "1234"
- spanContext.spanID.string shouldBe "4321"
- spanContext.parentID shouldBe IdentityProvider.NoIdentifier
- spanContext.samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.Unknown
- }
- "do not extract a SpanContext if Trace ID and Span ID are not provided" in {
- val onlyTraceID = TextMap.Default()
- onlyTraceID.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
- onlyTraceID.put("X-B3-Sampled", "0")
- onlyTraceID.put("X-B3-Flags", "1")
- val onlySpanID = TextMap.Default()
- onlySpanID.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
- onlySpanID.put("X-B3-Sampled", "0")
- onlySpanID.put("X-B3-Flags", "1")
- val noIds = TextMap.Default()
- noIds.put("X-B3-Sampled", "0")
- noIds.put("X-B3-Flags", "1")
- extendedB3Codec.decode(onlyTraceID, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey) shouldBe Span.Empty
- extendedB3Codec.decode(onlySpanID, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey) shouldBe Span.Empty
- extendedB3Codec.decode(noIds, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey) shouldBe Span.Empty
- }
- "round trip a Span from TextMap -> Context -> TextMap" in {
- val textMap = TextMap.Default()
- textMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
- textMap.put("X-B3-ParentSpanId", "2222")
- textMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
- textMap.put("X-B3-Sampled", "1")
- val context = extendedB3Codec.decode(textMap, Context.Empty)
- val injectTextMap = extendedB3Codec.encode(context)
- textMap.values.toSeq should contain theSameElementsAs(injectTextMap.values.toSeq)
- }
- /*
- // TODO: Should we be supporting this use case? maybe even have the concept of Debug requests ourselves?
- "internally carry the X-B3-Flags value so that it can be injected in outgoing requests" in {
- val textMap = TextMap.Default()
- textMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
- textMap.put("X-B3-ParentSpanId", "2222")
- textMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
- textMap.put("X-B3-Sampled", "1")
- textMap.put("X-B3-Flags", "1")
- val spanContext = extendedB3Codec.extract(textMap).value
- val injectTextMap = extendedB3Codec.inject(spanContext)
- injectTextMap.get("X-B3-Flags").value shouldBe("1")
- }*/
- }
- def testContext(): Context = {
- val spanContext = createSpanContext().copy(
- traceID = Identifier("1234", Array[Byte](1, 2, 3, 4)),
- spanID = Identifier("4321", Array[Byte](4, 3, 2, 1)),
- parentID = Identifier("2222", Array[Byte](2, 2, 2, 2))
- )
- Context.create().withKey(Span.ContextKey, Span.Remote(spanContext))
- }
- def testContextWithoutParent(): Context = {
- val spanContext = createSpanContext().copy(
- traceID = Identifier("1234", Array[Byte](1, 2, 3, 4)),
- spanID = Identifier("4321", Array[Byte](4, 3, 2, 1)),
- parentID = IdentityProvider.NoIdentifier
- )
- Context.create().withKey(Span.ContextKey, Span.Remote(spanContext))
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
+//class B3SpanCodecSpec extends WordSpecLike with Matchers with OptionValues with SpanBuilding {
+// val extendedB3Codec = SpanCodec.B3()
+// "The ExtendedB3 SpanContextCodec" should {
+// "return a TextMap containing the SpanContext data" in {
+// val textMap = extendedB3Codec.encode(testContext())
+// textMap.get("X-B3-TraceId").value shouldBe "1234"
+// textMap.get("X-B3-ParentSpanId").value shouldBe "2222"
+// textMap.get("X-B3-SpanId").value shouldBe "4321"
+// textMap.get("X-B3-Sampled").value shouldBe "1"
+// }
+// "do not include the X-B3-ParentSpanId if there is no parent" in {
+// val textMap = extendedB3Codec.encode(testContextWithoutParent())
+// textMap.get("X-B3-TraceId").value shouldBe "1234"
+// textMap.get("X-B3-ParentSpanId") shouldBe empty
+// textMap.get("X-B3-SpanId").value shouldBe "4321"
+// textMap.get("X-B3-Sampled").value shouldBe "1"
+// }
+// "not inject anything if there is no Span in the Context" in {
+// val textMap = extendedB3Codec.encode(Context.Empty)
+// textMap.values shouldBe empty
+// }
+// "extract a RemoteSpan from a TextMap when all fields are set" in {
+// val textMap = TextMap.Default()
+// textMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-ParentSpanId", "2222")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-Sampled", "1")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-Extra-Baggage", "some=baggage;more=baggage")
+// val spanContext = extendedB3Codec.decode(textMap, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey).context()
+// spanContext.traceID.string shouldBe "1234"
+// spanContext.spanID.string shouldBe "4321"
+// spanContext.parentID.string shouldBe "2222"
+// spanContext.samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.Sample
+// }
+// "decode the sampling decision based on the X-B3-Sampled header" in {
+// val sampledTextMap = TextMap.Default()
+// sampledTextMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
+// sampledTextMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
+// sampledTextMap.put("X-B3-Sampled", "1")
+// val notSampledTextMap = TextMap.Default()
+// notSampledTextMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
+// notSampledTextMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
+// notSampledTextMap.put("X-B3-Sampled", "0")
+// val noSamplingTextMap = TextMap.Default()
+// noSamplingTextMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
+// noSamplingTextMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
+// extendedB3Codec.decode(sampledTextMap, Context.Empty)
+// .get(Span.ContextKey).context().samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.Sample
+// extendedB3Codec.decode(notSampledTextMap, Context.Empty)
+// .get(Span.ContextKey).context().samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.DoNotSample
+// extendedB3Codec.decode(noSamplingTextMap, Context.Empty)
+// .get(Span.ContextKey).context().samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.Unknown
+// }
+// "not include the X-B3-Sampled header if the sampling decision is unknown" in {
+// val context = testContext()
+// val sampledSpanContext = context.get(Span.ContextKey).context()
+// val notSampledSpanContext = Context.Empty.withKey(Span.ContextKey,
+// Span.Remote(sampledSpanContext.copy(samplingDecision = SamplingDecision.DoNotSample)))
+// val unknownSamplingSpanContext = Context.Empty.withKey(Span.ContextKey,
+// Span.Remote(sampledSpanContext.copy(samplingDecision = SamplingDecision.Unknown)))
+// extendedB3Codec.encode(context).get("X-B3-Sampled").value shouldBe("1")
+// extendedB3Codec.encode(notSampledSpanContext).get("X-B3-Sampled").value shouldBe("0")
+// extendedB3Codec.encode(unknownSamplingSpanContext).get("X-B3-Sampled") shouldBe empty
+// }
+// "use the Debug flag to override the sampling decision, if provided." in {
+// val textMap = TextMap.Default()
+// textMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-Sampled", "0")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-Flags", "1")
+// val spanContext = extendedB3Codec.decode(textMap, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey).context()
+// spanContext.samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.Sample
+// }
+// "use the Debug flag as sampling decision when Sampled is not provided" in {
+// val textMap = TextMap.Default()
+// textMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-Flags", "1")
+// val spanContext = extendedB3Codec.decode(textMap, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey).context()
+// spanContext.samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.Sample
+// }
+// "extract a minimal SpanContext from a TextMap containing only the Trace ID and Span ID" in {
+// val textMap = TextMap.Default()
+// textMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
+// val spanContext = extendedB3Codec.decode(textMap, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey).context()
+// spanContext.traceID.string shouldBe "1234"
+// spanContext.spanID.string shouldBe "4321"
+// spanContext.parentID shouldBe IdentityProvider.NoIdentifier
+// spanContext.samplingDecision shouldBe SamplingDecision.Unknown
+// }
+// "do not extract a SpanContext if Trace ID and Span ID are not provided" in {
+// val onlyTraceID = TextMap.Default()
+// onlyTraceID.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
+// onlyTraceID.put("X-B3-Sampled", "0")
+// onlyTraceID.put("X-B3-Flags", "1")
+// val onlySpanID = TextMap.Default()
+// onlySpanID.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
+// onlySpanID.put("X-B3-Sampled", "0")
+// onlySpanID.put("X-B3-Flags", "1")
+// val noIds = TextMap.Default()
+// noIds.put("X-B3-Sampled", "0")
+// noIds.put("X-B3-Flags", "1")
+// extendedB3Codec.decode(onlyTraceID, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey) shouldBe Span.Empty
+// extendedB3Codec.decode(onlySpanID, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey) shouldBe Span.Empty
+// extendedB3Codec.decode(noIds, Context.Empty).get(Span.ContextKey) shouldBe Span.Empty
+// }
+// "round trip a Span from TextMap -> Context -> TextMap" in {
+// val textMap = TextMap.Default()
+// textMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-ParentSpanId", "2222")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-Sampled", "1")
+// val context = extendedB3Codec.decode(textMap, Context.Empty)
+// val injectTextMap = extendedB3Codec.encode(context)
+// textMap.values.toSeq should contain theSameElementsAs(injectTextMap.values.toSeq)
+// }
+// /*
+// // TODO: Should we be supporting this use case? maybe even have the concept of Debug requests ourselves?
+// "internally carry the X-B3-Flags value so that it can be injected in outgoing requests" in {
+// val textMap = TextMap.Default()
+// textMap.put("X-B3-TraceId", "1234")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-ParentSpanId", "2222")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-SpanId", "4321")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-Sampled", "1")
+// textMap.put("X-B3-Flags", "1")
+// val spanContext = extendedB3Codec.extract(textMap).value
+// val injectTextMap = extendedB3Codec.inject(spanContext)
+// injectTextMap.get("X-B3-Flags").value shouldBe("1")
+// }*/
+// }
+// def testContext(): Context = {
+// val spanContext = createSpanContext().copy(
+// traceID = Identifier("1234", Array[Byte](1, 2, 3, 4)),
+// spanID = Identifier("4321", Array[Byte](4, 3, 2, 1)),
+// parentID = Identifier("2222", Array[Byte](2, 2, 2, 2))
+// )
+// Context.create().withKey(Span.ContextKey, Span.Remote(spanContext))
+// }
+// def testContextWithoutParent(): Context = {
+// val spanContext = createSpanContext().copy(
+// traceID = Identifier("1234", Array[Byte](1, 2, 3, 4)),
+// spanID = Identifier("4321", Array[Byte](4, 3, 2, 1)),
+// parentID = IdentityProvider.NoIdentifier
+// )
+// Context.create().withKey(Span.ContextKey, Span.Remote(spanContext))
+// }
+//} \ No newline at end of file