path: root/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/ReporterRegistry.scala
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 405 deletions
diff --git a/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/ReporterRegistry.scala b/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/ReporterRegistry.scala
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--- a/kamon-core/src/main/scala/kamon/ReporterRegistry.scala
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-/* =========================================================================================
- * Copyright © 2013-2017 the kamon project <http://kamon.io/>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
- * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
- * and limitations under the License.
- * =========================================================================================
- */
-package kamon
-import java.time.{Duration, Instant}
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicLong, AtomicReference}
-import java.util.concurrent._
-import com.typesafe.config.Config
-import kamon.metric._
-import kamon.trace.Span
-import kamon.trace.Span.FinishedSpan
-import kamon.util.{Clock, DynamicAccess, Registration}
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
-import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, ExecutionContextExecutorService, Future}
-import scala.util.Try
-import scala.util.control.NonFatal
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
-import scala.concurrent.duration._
-sealed trait Reporter {
- def start(): Unit
- def stop(): Unit
- def reconfigure(config: Config): Unit
-trait MetricReporter extends Reporter {
- def reportPeriodSnapshot(snapshot: PeriodSnapshot): Unit
-trait SpanReporter extends Reporter {
- def reportSpans(spans: Seq[Span.FinishedSpan]): Unit
-trait ReporterRegistry {
- def loadReportersFromConfig(): Unit
- def addReporter(reporter: MetricReporter): Registration
- def addReporter(reporter: MetricReporter, name: String): Registration
- def addReporter(reporter: MetricReporter, name: String, filter: String): Registration
- def addReporter(reporter: SpanReporter): Registration
- def addReporter(reporter: SpanReporter, name: String): Registration
- def stopAllReporters(): Future[Unit]
-object ReporterRegistry {
- private[kamon] trait SpanSink {
- def reportSpan(finishedSpan: FinishedSpan): Unit
- }
- private[kamon] class Default(metrics: MetricsSnapshotGenerator, initialConfig: Config, clock: Clock) extends ReporterRegistry with SpanSink {
- private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[ReporterRegistry])
- private val registryExecutionContext = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2, threadFactory("kamon-reporter-registry", daemon = true))
- private val reporterCounter = new AtomicLong(0L)
- private var registryConfiguration = readRegistryConfiguration(initialConfig)
- private val metricReporters = TrieMap[Long, MetricReporterEntry]()
- private val metricReporterTickerSchedule = new AtomicReference[ScheduledFuture[_]]()
- private val spanReporters = TrieMap[Long, SpanReporterEntry]()
- private val spanReporterTickerSchedule = new AtomicReference[ScheduledFuture[_]]()
- reconfigure(initialConfig)
- override def loadReportersFromConfig(): Unit = {
- if(registryConfiguration.configuredReporters.isEmpty)
- logger.info("The kamon.reporters setting is empty, no reporters have been started.")
- else {
- registryConfiguration.configuredReporters.foreach { reporterFQCN =>
- val dynamicAccess = new DynamicAccess(getClass.getClassLoader)
- dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[Reporter](reporterFQCN, Nil).map({
- case mr: MetricReporter =>
- addMetricReporter(mr, "loaded-from-config: " + reporterFQCN)
- logger.info("Loaded metric reporter [{}]", reporterFQCN)
- case sr: SpanReporter =>
- addSpanReporter(sr, "loaded-from-config: " + reporterFQCN)
- logger.info("Loaded span reporter [{}]", reporterFQCN)
- }).failed.foreach {
- t => logger.error(s"Failed to load configured reporter [$reporterFQCN]", t)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- override def addReporter(reporter: MetricReporter): Registration =
- addMetricReporter(reporter, reporter.getClass.getName())
- override def addReporter(reporter: MetricReporter, name: String): Registration =
- addMetricReporter(reporter, name)
- override def addReporter(reporter: MetricReporter, name: String, filter: String): Registration =
- addMetricReporter(reporter, name, Some(filter))
- override def addReporter(reporter: SpanReporter): Registration =
- addSpanReporter(reporter, reporter.getClass.getName())
- override def addReporter(reporter: SpanReporter, name: String): Registration =
- addSpanReporter(reporter, name)
- private def addMetricReporter(reporter: MetricReporter, name: String, filter: Option[String] = None): Registration = synchronized {
- val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(threadFactory(name))
- val reporterEntry = new MetricReporterEntry(
- id = reporterCounter.getAndIncrement(),
- name = name,
- reporter = reporter,
- filter = filter,
- executionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(executor)
- )
- Future {
- Try {
- reporterEntry.reporter.start()
- }.failed.foreach { error =>
- logger.error(s"Metric reporter [$name] failed to start.", error)
- }
- }(reporterEntry.executionContext)
- if(metricReporters.isEmpty)
- reStartMetricTicker()
- metricReporters.put(reporterEntry.id, reporterEntry)
- createRegistration(reporterEntry.id, metricReporters)
- }
- private def addSpanReporter(reporter: SpanReporter, name: String): Registration = synchronized {
- val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(threadFactory(name))
- val reporterEntry = new SpanReporterEntry(
- id = reporterCounter.incrementAndGet(),
- name = name,
- reporter = reporter,
- bufferCapacity = registryConfiguration.traceReporterQueueSize,
- executionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(executor)
- )
- Future {
- Try {
- reporterEntry.reporter.start()
- }.failed.foreach { error =>
- logger.error(s"Span reporter [$name] failed to start.", error)
- }
- }(reporterEntry.executionContext)
- if(spanReporters.isEmpty)
- reStartTraceTicker()
- spanReporters.put(reporterEntry.id, reporterEntry)
- createRegistration(reporterEntry.id, spanReporters)
- }
- private def createRegistration(id: Long, target: TrieMap[Long, _]): Registration = new Registration {
- override def cancel(): Boolean =
- target.remove(id).nonEmpty
- }
- override def stopAllReporters(): Future[Unit] = {
- implicit val stopReporterExeContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(registryExecutionContext)
- val reporterStopFutures = Vector.newBuilder[Future[Unit]]
- while(metricReporters.nonEmpty) {
- val (idToRemove, _) = metricReporters.head
- metricReporters.remove(idToRemove).foreach { entry =>
- reporterStopFutures += stopMetricReporter(entry)
- }
- }
- while(spanReporters.nonEmpty) {
- val (idToRemove, _) = spanReporters.head
- spanReporters.remove(idToRemove).foreach { entry =>
- reporterStopFutures += stopSpanReporter(entry)
- }
- }
- Future.sequence(reporterStopFutures.result()).map(_ => ())
- }
- private[kamon] def reconfigure(config: Config): Unit = synchronized {
- val oldConfig = registryConfiguration
- registryConfiguration = readRegistryConfiguration(config)
- if(oldConfig.metricTickInterval != registryConfiguration.metricTickInterval && metricReporters.nonEmpty)
- reStartMetricTicker()
- if(oldConfig.traceTickInterval != registryConfiguration.traceTickInterval && spanReporters.nonEmpty)
- reStartTraceTicker()
- // Reconfigure all registered reporters
- metricReporters.foreach {
- case (_, entry) =>
- Future {
- Try {
- entry.reporter.reconfigure(config)
- }.failed.foreach { error =>
- logger.error(s"Metric reporter [${entry.name}] failed to reconfigure.", error)
- }
- }(entry.executionContext)
- }
- spanReporters.foreach {
- case (_, entry) =>
- Future {
- Try {
- entry.reporter.reconfigure(config)
- }.failed.foreach { error =>
- logger.error(s"Span reporter [${entry.name}] failed to reconfigure.", error)
- }
- }(entry.executionContext)
- }
- }
- private def reStartMetricTicker(): Unit = {
- val tickIntervalMillis = registryConfiguration.metricTickInterval.toMillis
- val currentMetricTicker = metricReporterTickerSchedule.get()
- if(currentMetricTicker != null)
- currentMetricTicker.cancel(false)
- metricReporterTickerSchedule.set {
- val initialDelay =
- if(registryConfiguration.optimisticMetricTickAlignment) {
- val now = clock.instant()
- val nextTick = Clock.nextTick(now, registryConfiguration.metricTickInterval)
- Duration.between(now, nextTick).toMillis
- } else tickIntervalMillis
- registryExecutionContext.scheduleAtFixedRate(
- new MetricReporterTicker(metrics, metricReporters, clock), initialDelay, tickIntervalMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
- )
- }
- }
- private def reStartTraceTicker(): Unit = {
- val tickIntervalMillis = registryConfiguration.traceTickInterval.toMillis
- val currentSpanTicker = spanReporterTickerSchedule.get()
- if(currentSpanTicker != null)
- currentSpanTicker.cancel(false)
- spanReporterTickerSchedule.set {
- registryExecutionContext.scheduleAtFixedRate(
- new SpanReporterTicker(spanReporters), tickIntervalMillis, tickIntervalMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
- )
- }
- }
- def reportSpan(span: Span.FinishedSpan): Unit = {
- spanReporters.foreach { case (_, reporterEntry) =>
- if(reporterEntry.isActive)
- reporterEntry.buffer.offer(span)
- }
- }
- private def stopMetricReporter(entry: MetricReporterEntry): Future[Unit] = {
- entry.isActive = false
- Future {
- Try {
- entry.reporter.stop()
- }.failed.foreach { error =>
- logger.error(s"Metric reporter [${entry.name}] failed to stop.", error)
- }
- }(entry.executionContext).andThen {
- case _ => entry.executionContext.shutdown()
- }(ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(registryExecutionContext))
- }
- private def stopSpanReporter(entry: SpanReporterEntry): Future[Unit] = {
- entry.isActive = false
- Future {
- Try {
- entry.reporter.stop()
- }.failed.foreach { error =>
- logger.error(s"Span reporter [${entry.name}] failed to stop.", error)
- }
- }(entry.executionContext).andThen {
- case _ => entry.executionContext.shutdown()
- }(ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(registryExecutionContext))
- }
- private class MetricReporterEntry(
- @volatile var isActive: Boolean = true,
- val id: Long,
- val name: String,
- val reporter: MetricReporter,
- val filter: Option[String],
- val executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutorService
- )
- private class SpanReporterEntry(
- @volatile var isActive: Boolean = true,
- val id: Long,
- val name: String,
- val reporter: SpanReporter,
- val bufferCapacity: Int,
- val executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutorService
- ) {
- val buffer = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Span.FinishedSpan](bufferCapacity)
- }
- private class MetricReporterTicker(snapshotGenerator: MetricsSnapshotGenerator, reporterEntries: TrieMap[Long, MetricReporterEntry],
- clock: Clock) extends Runnable {
- val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[MetricReporterTicker])
- var lastInstant = Instant.now(clock)
- def run(): Unit = try {
- val currentInstant = Instant.now(clock)
- val periodSnapshot = PeriodSnapshot(
- from = lastInstant,
- to = currentInstant,
- metrics = snapshotGenerator.snapshot()
- )
- reporterEntries.foreach { case (_, entry) =>
- Future {
- Try {
- if (entry.isActive) {
- val filteredSnapshot = entry.filter
- .map(f => filterMetrics(f, periodSnapshot))
- .getOrElse(periodSnapshot)
- entry.reporter.reportPeriodSnapshot(filteredSnapshot)
- }
- }.failed.foreach { error =>
- logger.error(s"Reporter [${entry.name}] failed to process a metrics tick.", error)
- }
- }(entry.executionContext)
- }
- lastInstant = currentInstant
- } catch {
- case NonFatal(t) => logger.error("Error while running a tick", t)
- }
- private def filterMetrics(filterName: String, periodSnapshot: PeriodSnapshot): PeriodSnapshot = {
- val metricFilter = Kamon.filter(filterName)
- val counters = periodSnapshot.metrics.counters.filter(c => metricFilter.accept(c.name))
- val gauges = periodSnapshot.metrics.gauges.filter(g => metricFilter.accept(g.name))
- val histograms = periodSnapshot.metrics.histograms.filter(h => metricFilter.accept(h.name))
- val rangeSamplers = periodSnapshot.metrics.rangeSamplers.filter(rs => metricFilter.accept(rs.name))
- periodSnapshot.copy(metrics = MetricsSnapshot(
- histograms, rangeSamplers, gauges, counters
- ))
- }
- }
- private class SpanReporterTicker(spanReporters: TrieMap[Long, SpanReporterEntry]) extends Runnable {
- override def run(): Unit = {
- spanReporters.foreach {
- case (_, entry) =>
- val spanBatch = new java.util.ArrayList[Span.FinishedSpan](entry.bufferCapacity)
- entry.buffer.drainTo(spanBatch, entry.bufferCapacity)
- Future {
- Try {
- entry.reporter.reportSpans(spanBatch.asScala)
- }.failed.foreach { error =>
- logger.error(s"Reporter [${entry.name}] failed to report spans.", error)
- }
- }(entry.executionContext)
- }
- }
- }
- private def readRegistryConfiguration(config: Config): Configuration =
- Configuration(
- metricTickInterval = config.getDuration("kamon.metric.tick-interval"),
- optimisticMetricTickAlignment = config.getBoolean("kamon.metric.optimistic-tick-alignment"),
- traceTickInterval = config.getDuration("kamon.trace.tick-interval"),
- traceReporterQueueSize = config.getInt("kamon.trace.reporter-queue-size"),
- configuredReporters = config.getStringList("kamon.reporters").asScala
- )
- private case class Configuration(metricTickInterval: Duration, optimisticMetricTickAlignment: Boolean,
- traceTickInterval: Duration, traceReporterQueueSize: Int, configuredReporters: Seq[String])
- }