path: root/doc/intellij-gsoc.md
blob: 7aa3b01767364ac7a6a877156a2e0c47cf03b42f (plain) (tree)

# CBT support in Intellij Scala Plugin
### A Google Summer of Code Project
* Organiztion **Scala**
* Mentor is [Christopher Vogt](https://github.com/cvogt)
* [Project proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14BQSOKGYL9-JqrO3ZTqcCJVy2LD1JAL6nXzScxYSU-c/edit?usp=sharing)
* [Pull Request to the Intellij IDEA Scala Plugin](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-scala/pull/383)
* [Pull Requests to the CBT](https://github.com/cvogt/cbt/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=%20is%3Apr%20author%3Adarthorimar%20created%3A%3E2017-06-09%20)

## Project Description

[CBT](https://github.com/cvogt/cbt) is a new **Scala** Build System made to improve programmers experience by providing a fast and easy to use tool. 

**Intellij IDEA** with **Scala** Plugin is one of the most popular tools for **Scala** developers. So, integration **CBT** with **IDEA** is important for further **CBT** development.

Now **IDEA** **Scala** plugin supports working with **CBT** and have the next features: 

### Features:
* Creating **CBT**-based projects
* Importing existing **CBT**-based projects 
* Running and Debugging project code using either **IDEA**'s compiler or **CBT** default one
* Running and Debugging any **CBT** build task
* **CBT** Project tempaltes via [giter8](https://github.com/foundweekends/giter8) engine
* Navigating through libraries sources
* Editting **CBT** source code

### Requirements:
* Latest version of **CBT** from github and
* **CBT** executable available within comandline
* **Intellij IDEA** 2017.2

### Others

#### Running a task
There are two possible ways 
##### The first one is to use a per task line buttons

##### The second is creating a **CBT** task manualy 


#### Refreshing a project
To refresh o project you need to enable a `CBT tool panel`: just press `ctrl-shift-A` and then enter `cbt`:

When done a tool panel will aperas at the right side: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16403337/27643788-b4d8998c-5c2a-11e7-929e-4e80724d4b6d.png)

#### Creating extra modules
IDEA assumes that all modules which you use are in dependencies (may be transitive) of a root module

If you want to work on some module which is not you can right-click on the directory in the project tree view and then choose `Consider as CBT module` (directory should contains `build` directory with a correct build file)


## Current viersion of plugin
Until Pull Request is note merged here is a Plugin with a **CBT** support: 
Link to the built project: [scala-plugin.zip](https://goo.gl/9vqurz) (sha1: `dedb029d3c4b378f85cf62a10da6425cbd1f102b`)

In order to install you need to remove existing intellij-scala plugin and then choose `Install plugin from disk` and point out to the downloaded zip