path: root/bridge/src/main/scala/xsbt/CompilerClassLoader.scala
blob: 3cb3f344f425e658c11a11880e3b16b35152a999 (plain) (tree)

package xsbt

import java.net.{URL, URLClassLoader}

/**  A classloader to run the compiler
 *   A CompilerClassLoader is constructed from a list of `urls` that need to be on
 *   the classpath to run the compiler and the classloader used by sbt.
 *   To understand why a custom classloader is needed for the compiler, let us
 *   describe some alternatives that wouldn't work.
 *   - `new URLClassLoader(urls)`:
 *     The compiler contains sbt phases that callback to sbt using the `xsbti.*`
 *     interfaces. If `urls` does not contain the sbt interfaces we'll get a
 *     `ClassNotFoundException` in the compiler when we try to use them, if
 *     `urls` does contain the interfaces we'll get a `ClassCastException` or a
 *     `LinkageError` because if the same class is loaded by two different
 *     classloaders, they are considered distinct by the JVM.
 *    - `new URLClassLoader(urls, sbtLoader)`:
 *      Because of the JVM delegation model, this means that we will only load
 *      a class from `urls` if it's not present in the parent `sbtLoader`, but
 *      sbt uses its own version of the scala compiler and scala library which
 *      is not the one we need to run the compiler.
 *  Our solution is to implement a subclass of URLClassLoader with no parent, instead
 *  we override `loadClass` to load the `xsbti.*` interfaces from `sbtLoader`.
class CompilerClassLoader(urls: Array[URL], sbtLoader: ClassLoader)
    extends URLClassLoader(urls, null) {
  override def loadClass(className: String, resolve: Boolean): Class[_] =
    if (className.startsWith("xsbti.")) {
      // We can't use the loadClass overload with two arguments because it's
      // protected, but we can do the same by hand (the classloader instance
      // from which we call resolveClass does not matter).
      val c = sbtLoader.loadClass(className)
      if (resolve)
    } else {
      super.loadClass(className, resolve)

object CompilerClassLoader {
  /** Fix the compiler bridge ClassLoader
   *  Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imamcajBEJs
   *  The classloader that we get from sbt looks like:
   *    URLClassLoader(bridgeURLs,
   *      DualLoader(scalaLoader, notXsbtiFilter, sbtLoader, xsbtiFilter))
   *  DualLoader will load the `xsbti.*` interfaces using `sbtLoader` and
   *  everything else with `scalaLoader`. Once we have loaded the dotty Main
   *  class using `scalaLoader`, subsequent classes in the dotty compiler will
   *  also be loaded by `scalaLoader` and _not_ by the DualLoader. But the sbt
   *  compiler phases are part of dotty and still need access to the `xsbti.*`
   *  interfaces in `sbtLoader`, therefore DualLoader does not work for us
   *  (this issue is not present with scalac because the sbt phases are
   *  currently defined in the compiler bridge itself, not in scalac).
   *  CompilerClassLoader is a replacement for DualLoader. Until we can fix
   *  this in sbt proper, we need to use reflection to construct our own
   *  fixed classloader:
   *    URLClassLoader(bridgeURLs,
   *      CompilerClassLoader(scalaLoader.getURLs, sbtLoader))
   *  @param bridgeLoader  The classloader that sbt uses to load the compiler bridge
   *  @return A fixed classloader that works with dotty
  def fixBridgeLoader(bridgeLoader: ClassLoader) = bridgeLoader match {
    case bridgeLoader: URLClassLoader =>
      val dualLoader = bridgeLoader.getParent
      val dualLoaderClass = dualLoader.getClass

      // DualLoader#parentA and DualLoader#parentB are private
      val parentAField = dualLoaderClass.getDeclaredField("parentA")
      val parentBField = dualLoaderClass.getDeclaredField("parentB")
      val scalaLoader = parentAField.get(dualLoader).asInstanceOf[URLClassLoader]
      val sbtLoader = parentBField.get(dualLoader).asInstanceOf[URLClassLoader]

      val bridgeURLs = bridgeLoader.getURLs
      new URLClassLoader(bridgeURLs,
        new CompilerClassLoader(scalaLoader.getURLs, sbtLoader))