path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/printing/RefinedPrinter.scala
blob: 31d45d42c491702d44cc4c6975f99e9fa996fe25 (plain) (tree)











































































































package dotty.tools.dotc
package printing

import core._
import Texts._, Types._, Flags._, Names._, Symbols._, NameOps._, Constants._
import TypeErasure.ErasedValueType
import Contexts.Context, Scopes.Scope, Denotations._, SymDenotations._, Annotations.Annotation
import StdNames.{nme, tpnme}
import ast.{Trees, untpd, tpd}
import typer.{Namer, Inliner}
import typer.ProtoTypes.{SelectionProto, ViewProto, FunProto, IgnoredProto, dummyTreeOfType}
import Trees._
import TypeApplications._
import Decorators._
import config.Config
import scala.annotation.switch
import language.implicitConversions

class RefinedPrinter(_ctx: Context) extends PlainPrinter(_ctx) {

  /** A stack of enclosing DefDef, TypeDef, or ClassDef, or ModuleDefs nodes */
  private var enclosingDef: untpd.Tree = untpd.EmptyTree
  private var myCtx: Context = _ctx
  override protected[this] implicit def ctx: Context = myCtx

  def withEnclosingDef(enclDef: Tree[_ >: Untyped])(op: => Text): Text = {
    val savedCtx = myCtx
    if (enclDef.hasType && enclDef.symbol.exists)
      myCtx = ctx.withOwner(enclDef.symbol)
    val savedDef = enclosingDef
    enclosingDef = enclDef
    try op finally {
      myCtx = savedCtx
      enclosingDef = savedDef

  private def enclDefIsClass = enclosingDef match {
    case owner: TypeDef[_] => owner.isClassDef
    case owner: untpd.ModuleDef => true
    case _ => false

  override protected def recursionLimitExceeded() = {}

  protected val PrintableFlags = (SourceModifierFlags | Label | Module | Local).toCommonFlags

  override def nameString(name: Name): String = name.decode.toString

  override protected def simpleNameString(sym: Symbol): String = {
    val name = sym.originalName
    nameString(if (sym is ExpandedTypeParam) name.asTypeName.unexpandedName else name)

  override def fullNameString(sym: Symbol): String =
    if (isEmptyPrefix(sym.maybeOwner)) nameString(sym)
    else super.fullNameString(sym)

  override protected def fullNameOwner(sym: Symbol) = {
    val owner = super.fullNameOwner(sym)
    if (owner is ModuleClass) owner.sourceModule else owner

  override def toTextRef(tp: SingletonType): Text = controlled {
    tp match {
      case tp: ThisType =>
        if (tp.cls.isAnonymousClass) return "this"
        if (tp.cls is ModuleClass) return fullNameString(tp.cls.sourceModule)
      case _ =>

  override def toTextPrefix(tp: Type): Text = controlled {
    def isOmittable(sym: Symbol) =
      if (ctx.settings.verbose.value) false
      else if (homogenizedView) isEmptyPrefix(sym) // drop <root> and anonymous classes, but not scala, Predef.
      else isOmittablePrefix(sym)
    tp match {
      case tp: ThisType =>
        if (isOmittable(tp.cls)) return ""
      case tp @ TermRef(pre, _) =>
        val sym = tp.symbol
        if (sym.isPackageObject) return toTextPrefix(pre)
        if (isOmittable(sym)) return ""
      case _ =>

  override protected def refinementNameString(tp: RefinedType): String =
    if (tp.parent.isInstanceOf[WildcardType] || tp.refinedName == nme.WILDCARD)
    else {
      val tsym = tp.parent.member(tp.refinedName).symbol
      if (!tsym.exists) super.refinementNameString(tp)
      else simpleNameString(tsym)

  override def toText(tp: Type): Text = controlled {
    def toTextTuple(args: List[Type]): Text =
      "(" ~ Text(args.map(argText), ", ") ~ ")"
    def toTextFunction(args: List[Type]): Text =
      changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
        val argStr: Text =
          if (args.length == 2 && !defn.isTupleType(args.head))
            atPrec(InfixPrec) { argText(args.head) }
        argStr ~ " => " ~ argText(args.last)
    homogenize(tp) match {
      case AppliedType(tycon, args) =>
        val cls = tycon.typeSymbol
        if (tycon.isRepeatedParam) return toTextLocal(args.head) ~ "*"
        if (defn.isFunctionClass(cls)) return toTextFunction(args)
        if (defn.isTupleClass(cls)) return toTextTuple(args)
        return (toTextLocal(tycon) ~ "[" ~ Text(args map argText, ", ") ~ "]").close
      case tp: TypeRef =>
        val hideType = tp.symbol is AliasPreferred
        if (hideType && !ctx.phase.erasedTypes && !tp.symbol.isCompleting) {
          tp.info match {
            case TypeAlias(alias) => return toText(alias)
            case _ => if (tp.prefix.isInstanceOf[ThisType]) return nameString(tp.symbol)
        else if (tp.symbol.isAnonymousClass && !ctx.settings.uniqid.value)
          return toText(tp.info)
      case ExprType(result) =>
        return "=> " ~ toText(result)
      case ErasedValueType(tycon, underlying) =>
        return "ErasedValueType(" ~ toText(tycon) ~ ", " ~ toText(underlying) ~ ")"
      case tp: ClassInfo =>
        return toTextParents(tp.parentsWithArgs) ~ "{...}"
      case JavaArrayType(elemtp) =>
        return toText(elemtp) ~ "[]"
      case tp: SelectionProto =>
        return "?{ " ~ toText(tp.name) ~ (" " provided !tp.name.decode.last.isLetterOrDigit) ~
          ": " ~ toText(tp.memberProto) ~ " }"
      case tp: ViewProto =>
        return toText(tp.argType) ~ " ?=>? " ~ toText(tp.resultType)
      case tp @ FunProto(args, resultType, _) =>
        val argsText = args match {
          case dummyTreeOfType(tp) :: Nil if !(tp isRef defn.NullClass) => "null: " ~ toText(tp)
          case _ => toTextGlobal(args, ", ")
        return "FunProto(" ~ argsText ~ "):" ~ toText(resultType)
      case tp: IgnoredProto =>
        return "?"
      case _ =>

  def blockText[T >: Untyped](trees: List[Tree[T]]): Text =
    ("{" ~ toText(trees, "\n") ~ "}").close

  override def toText[T >: Untyped](tree: Tree[T]): Text = controlled {

    import untpd.{modsDeco => _, _}

    /** Print modifiers from symbols if tree has type, overriding the untpd behavior. */
    implicit def modsDeco(mdef: untpd.MemberDef)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.ModsDecorator =
      new untpd.ModsDecorator {
        def mods = if (mdef.hasType) Modifiers(mdef.symbol) else mdef.rawMods

    def Modifiers(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Modifiers = untpd.Modifiers(
      sym.flags & (if (sym.isType) ModifierFlags | VarianceFlags else ModifierFlags),
      if (sym.privateWithin.exists) sym.privateWithin.asType.name else tpnme.EMPTY,
      sym.annotations map (_.tree))

    def isLocalThis(tree: Tree) = tree.typeOpt match {
      case tp: ThisType => tp.cls == ctx.owner.enclosingClass
      case _ => false

    def optDotPrefix(tree: This) = optText(tree.qual)(_ ~ ".") provided !isLocalThis(tree)

    def optAscription(tpt: untpd.Tree) = optText(tpt)(": " ~ _)
      // Dotty deviation: called with an untpd.Tree, so cannot be a untpd.Tree[T] (seems to be a Scala2 problem to allow this)
      // More deviations marked below as // DD

    def tparamsText[T >: Untyped](params: List[Tree]): Text =
      "[" ~ toText(params, ", ") ~ "]" provided params.nonEmpty

    def addVparamssText(txt: Text, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): Text =
      (txt /: vparamss)((txt, vparams) => txt ~ "(" ~ toText(vparams, ", ") ~ ")")

    def caseBlockText(tree: Tree): Text = tree match {
      case Block(stats, expr) => toText(stats :+ expr, "\n")
      case expr => toText(expr)

    def enumText(tree: untpd.Tree) = tree match { // DD
      case _: untpd.GenFrom | _: untpd.GenAlias => toText(tree)
      case _ => "if " ~ toText(tree)

    def forText(enums: List[untpd.Tree], expr: untpd.Tree, sep: String): Text = // DD
      changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "for " ~ Text(enums map enumText, "; ") ~ sep ~ toText(expr) }

    def cxBoundToText(bound: untpd.Tree): Text = bound match { // DD
      case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, _) => " : " ~ toText(tpt)
      case untpd.Function(_, tpt) => " <% " ~ toText(tpt)

    def constrText(tree: untpd.Tree): Text = toTextLocal(tree).stripPrefix("new ") // DD

    def annotText(tree: untpd.Tree): Text = "@" ~ constrText(tree) // DD

    def useSymbol =
      tree.hasType && tree.symbol.exists && ctx.settings.YprintSyms.value

    def modText(mods: untpd.Modifiers, kw: String): Text = { // DD
      val suppressKw = if (enclDefIsClass) mods is ParamAndLocal else mods is Param
      var flagMask =
        if (ctx.settings.debugFlags.value) AnyFlags
        else if (suppressKw) PrintableFlags &~ Private
        else PrintableFlags
      if (homogenizedView && mods.flags.isTypeFlags) flagMask &~= Implicit // drop implicit from classes
      val flagsText = (mods.flags & flagMask).toString
      Text(mods.annotations.map(annotText), " ") ~~ flagsText ~~ (kw provided !suppressKw)

    def varianceText(mods: untpd.Modifiers) =
      if (mods is Covariant) "+"
      else if (mods is Contravariant) "-"
      else ""

    def argText(arg: Tree): Text = arg match {
      case arg: TypeBoundsTree => "_" ~ toTextGlobal(arg)
      case arg: TypeTree =>
        arg.typeOpt match {
          case tp: TypeBounds => "_" ~ toTextGlobal(arg)
          case _ => toTextGlobal(arg)
      case _ => toTextGlobal(arg)

    def dclTextOr(treeText: => Text) =
      if (useSymbol)
        annotsText(tree.symbol) ~~ dclText(tree.symbol) ~
        ( " <in " ~ toText(tree.symbol.owner) ~ ">" provided ctx.settings.debugOwners.value)
      else treeText

    def idText(tree: untpd.Tree): Text = {
      if (ctx.settings.uniqid.value && tree.hasType && tree.symbol.exists) s"#${tree.symbol.id}" else ""

    def nameIdText(tree: untpd.NameTree): Text =
      toText(tree.name) ~ idText(tree)

    def toTextTemplate(impl: Template, ofNew: Boolean = false): Text = {
      val Template(constr @ DefDef(_, tparams, vparamss, _, _), parents, self, _) = impl
      val tparamsTxt = withEnclosingDef(constr) { tparamsText(tparams) }
      val primaryConstrs = if (constr.rhs.isEmpty) Nil else constr :: Nil
      val prefix: Text =
        if (vparamss.isEmpty || primaryConstrs.nonEmpty) tparamsTxt
        else {
          var modsText = modText(constr.mods, "")
          if (!modsText.isEmpty) modsText = " " ~ modsText
          if (constr.mods.hasAnnotations && !constr.mods.hasFlags) modsText = modsText ~~ " this"
          withEnclosingDef(constr) { addVparamssText(tparamsTxt ~~ modsText, vparamss) }
      val parentsText = Text(parents map constrText, " with ")
      val selfText = {
        val selfName = if (self.name == nme.WILDCARD) "this" else self.name.toString
        (selfName ~ optText(self.tpt)(": " ~ _) ~ " =>").close
      } provided !self.isEmpty
      val bodyText = "{" ~~ selfText ~~ toTextGlobal(primaryConstrs ::: impl.body, "\n") ~ "}"
      prefix ~ (" extends" provided !ofNew) ~~ parentsText ~~ bodyText

    def toTextPackageId(pid: Tree): Text =
      if (homogenizedView && pid.hasType) toTextLocal(pid.tpe)
      else toTextLocal(pid)

    def toTextCore(tree: Tree): Text = tree match {
      case id: Trees.BackquotedIdent[_] if !homogenizedView =>
        "`" ~ toText(id.name) ~ "`"
      case Ident(name) =>
        tree.typeOpt match {
          case tp: NamedType if name != nme.WILDCARD =>
            val pre = if (tp.symbol is JavaStatic) tp.prefix.widen else tp.prefix
            toTextPrefix(pre) ~ selectionString(tp)
          case _ => toText(name)
      case tree @ Select(qual, name) =>
        if (qual.isType) toTextLocal(qual) ~ "#" ~ toText(name)
        else toTextLocal(qual) ~ ("." ~ nameIdText(tree) provided name != nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
      case tree: This =>
        optDotPrefix(tree) ~ "this" ~ idText(tree)
      case Super(qual: This, mix) =>
        optDotPrefix(qual) ~ "super" ~ optText(mix)("[" ~ _ ~ "]")
      case Apply(fun, args) =>
        if (fun.hasType && fun.symbol == defn.throwMethod)
          changePrec (GlobalPrec) {
            "throw " ~ toText(args.head)
          toTextLocal(fun) ~ "(" ~ toTextGlobal(args, ", ") ~ ")"
      case TypeApply(fun, args) =>
        toTextLocal(fun) ~ "[" ~ toTextGlobal(args, ", ") ~ "]"
      case Literal(c) =>
        tree.typeOpt match {
          case ConstantType(tc) => toText(tc)
          case _ => toText(c)
      case New(tpt) =>
        "new " ~ {
          tpt match {
            case tpt: Template => toTextTemplate(tpt, ofNew = true)
            case _ =>
              if (tpt.hasType)
                toTextLocal(tpt.typeOpt.underlyingClassRef(refinementOK = false))
      case Typed(expr, tpt) =>
        changePrec(InfixPrec) { toText(expr) ~ ": " ~ toText(tpt) }
      case NamedArg(name, arg) =>
        toText(name) ~ " = " ~ toText(arg)
      case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) { toTextLocal(lhs) ~ " = " ~ toText(rhs) }
      case Block(stats, expr) =>
        blockText(stats :+ expr)
      case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
          "if " ~ toText(cond) ~ (" then" provided !cond.isInstanceOf[Parens]) ~~ toText(thenp) ~ optText(elsep)(" else " ~ _)
      case Closure(env, ref, target) =>
        "closure(" ~ (toTextGlobal(env, ", ") ~ " | " provided env.nonEmpty) ~
        toTextGlobal(ref) ~ (":" ~ toText(target) provided !target.isEmpty) ~ ")"
      case Match(sel, cases) =>
        if (sel.isEmpty) blockText(cases)
        else changePrec(GlobalPrec) { toText(sel) ~ " match " ~ blockText(cases) }
      case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>
        "case " ~ toText(pat) ~ optText(guard)(" if " ~ _) ~ " => " ~ caseBlockText(body)
      case Return(expr, from) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "return" ~ optText(expr)(" " ~ _) }
      case Try(expr, cases, finalizer) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
          "try " ~ toText(expr) ~ optText(cases)(" catch " ~ _) ~ optText(finalizer)(" finally " ~ _)
      case Throw(expr) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
          "throw " ~ toText(expr)
      case SeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt) =>
        "[" ~ toTextGlobal(elems, ",") ~ " : " ~ toText(elemtpt) ~ "]"
      case tree @ Inlined(call, bindings, body) =>
        if (homogenizedView) toTextCore(Inliner.dropInlined(tree.asInstanceOf[tpd.Inlined]))
        else "/* inlined from " ~ toText(call) ~ "*/ " ~ blockText(bindings :+ body)
      case tpt: untpd.DerivedTypeTree =>
        "<derived typetree watching " ~ summarized(toText(tpt.watched)) ~ ">"
      case TypeTree() =>
      case SingletonTypeTree(ref) =>
        toTextLocal(ref) ~ ".type"
      case AndTypeTree(l, r) =>
        changePrec(AndPrec) { toText(l) ~ " & " ~ toText(r) }
      case OrTypeTree(l, r) =>
        changePrec(OrPrec) { toText(l) ~ " | " ~ toText(r) }
      case RefinedTypeTree(tpt, refines) =>
        toTextLocal(tpt) ~ " " ~ blockText(refines)
      case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) =>
        toTextLocal(tpt) ~ "[" ~ Text(args map argText, ", ") ~ "]"
      case PolyTypeTree(tparams, body) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
          tparamsText(tparams) ~ " -> " ~ toText(body)
      case ByNameTypeTree(tpt) =>
        "=> " ~ toTextLocal(tpt)
      case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) =>
        optText(lo)(" >: " ~ _) ~ optText(hi)(" <: " ~ _)
      case Bind(name, body) =>
        changePrec(InfixPrec) { toText(name) ~ " @ " ~ toText(body) }
      case Alternative(trees) =>
        changePrec(OrPrec) { toText(trees, " | ") }
      case UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns) =>
        val extractor = fun match {
          case Select(extractor, nme.unapply) => extractor
          case _ => fun
        toTextLocal(extractor) ~
        "(" ~ toTextGlobal(patterns, ", ") ~ ")" ~
        ("(" ~ toTextGlobal(implicits, ", ") ~ ")" provided implicits.nonEmpty)
      case tree @ ValDef(name, tpt, _) =>
        dclTextOr {
          modText(tree.mods, if (tree.mods is Mutable) "var" else "val") ~~
          nameIdText(tree) ~ optAscription(tpt) ~
          withEnclosingDef(tree) { optText(tree.rhs)(" = " ~ _) }
      case tree @ DefDef(name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, _) =>
        dclTextOr {
          val prefix = modText(tree.mods, "def") ~~ nameIdText(tree)
          withEnclosingDef(tree) {
            addVparamssText(prefix ~ tparamsText(tparams), vparamss) ~ optAscription(tpt) ~
            optText(tree.rhs)(" = " ~ _)
      case tree @ TypeDef(name, rhs) =>
        def typeDefText(rhsText: Text) =
          dclTextOr {
            modText(tree.mods, "type") ~~ (varianceText(tree.mods) ~ nameIdText(tree)) ~
            withEnclosingDef(tree) {
              val rhsText1 = if (tree.hasType) toText(tree.symbol.info) else rhsText
              tparamsText(tree.tparams) ~ rhsText1
        rhs match {
          case impl: Template =>
            modText(tree.mods, if ((tree).mods is Trait) "trait" else "class") ~~
            nameIdText(tree) ~ withEnclosingDef(tree) { toTextTemplate(impl) } ~
            (if (tree.hasType && ctx.settings.verbose.value) i"[decls = ${tree.symbol.info.decls}]" else "")
          case rhs: TypeBoundsTree =>
          case _ =>
            typeDefText(optText(rhs)(" = " ~ _))
      case Import(expr, selectors) =>
        def selectorText(sel: Tree): Text = sel match {
          case Thicket(l :: r :: Nil) => toTextGlobal(l) ~ " => " ~ toTextGlobal(r)
          case _ => toTextGlobal(sel)
        val selectorsText: Text = selectors match {
          case id :: Nil => toText(id)
          case _ => "{" ~ Text(selectors map selectorText, ", ") ~ "}"
        "import " ~ toTextLocal(expr) ~ "." ~ selectorsText
      case PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
        val statsText = stats match {
          case (pdef: PackageDef) :: Nil => toText(pdef)
          case _ => toTextGlobal(stats, "\n")
        val bodyText =
          if (currentPrecedence == TopLevelPrec) "\n" ~ statsText else " {" ~ statsText ~ "}"
        "package " ~ toTextPackageId(pid) ~ bodyText
      case tree: Template =>
      case Annotated(arg, annot) =>
        toTextLocal(arg) ~~ annotText(annot)
      case EmptyTree =>
      case TypedSplice(t) =>
      case tree @ ModuleDef(name, impl) =>
        withEnclosingDef(tree) {
          modText(tree.mods, "object") ~~ nameIdText(tree) ~ toTextTemplate(impl)
      case SymbolLit(str) =>
        "'" + str
      case InterpolatedString(id, segments) =>
        def strText(str: Literal) = Str(escapedString(str.const.stringValue))
        def segmentText(segment: Tree) = segment match {
          case Thicket(List(str: Literal, expr)) => strText(str) ~ "{" ~ toTextGlobal(expr) ~ "}"
          case str: Literal => strText(str)
        toText(id) ~ "\"" ~ Text(segments map segmentText, "") ~ "\""
      case Function(args, body) =>
        var implicitSeen: Boolean = false
        def argToText(arg: Tree) = arg match {
          case arg @ ValDef(name, tpt, _) =>
            val implicitText =
              if ((arg.mods is Implicit) && !implicitSeen) { implicitSeen = true; "implicit " }
              else ""
            implicitText ~ toText(name) ~ optAscription(tpt)
          case _ =>
        val argsText = args match {
          case (arg @ ValDef(_, tpt, _)) :: Nil if tpt.isEmpty => argToText(arg)
          case _ => "(" ~ Text(args map argToText, ", ") ~ ")"
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
          argsText ~ " => " ~ toText(body)
      case InfixOp(l, op, r) =>
        val opPrec = parsing.precedence(op)
        changePrec(opPrec) { toText(l) ~ " " ~ toText(op) ~ " " ~ toText(r) }
      case PostfixOp(l, op) =>
        changePrec(InfixPrec) { toText(l) ~ " " ~ toText(op) }
      case PrefixOp(op, r) =>
        changePrec(DotPrec) { toText(op) ~ " " ~ toText(r) }
      case Parens(t) =>
        "(" ~ toTextGlobal(t) ~ ")"
      case Tuple(ts) =>
        "(" ~ toTextGlobal(ts, ", ") ~ ")"
      case WhileDo(cond, body) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "while " ~ toText(cond) ~ " do " ~ toText(body) }
      case DoWhile(cond, body) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "do " ~ toText(body) ~ " while " ~ toText(cond) }
      case ForYield(enums, expr) =>
        forText(enums, expr, " yield ")
      case ForDo(enums, expr) =>
        forText(enums, expr, " do ")
      case GenFrom(pat, expr) =>
        toText(pat) ~ " <- " ~ toText(expr)
      case GenAlias(pat, expr) =>
        toText(pat) ~ " = " ~ toText(expr)
      case ContextBounds(bounds, cxBounds) =>
        (toText(bounds) /: cxBounds) {(t, cxb) =>
          t ~ cxBoundToText(cxb)
      case PatDef(mods, pats, tpt, rhs) =>
        modText(mods, "val") ~~ toText(pats, ", ") ~ optAscription(tpt) ~
          optText(rhs)(" = " ~ _)
      case ParsedTry(expr, handler, finalizer) =>
        changePrec(GlobalPrec) {
          "try " ~ toText(expr) ~ " catch {" ~ toText(handler) ~ "}" ~ optText(finalizer)(" finally " ~ _)
      case Thicket(trees) =>
        "Thicket {" ~~ toTextGlobal(trees, "\n") ~~ "}"
      case _ =>
    var txt = toTextCore(tree)
    if (ctx.settings.printtypes.value && tree.hasType) {
      val tp = tree.typeOpt match {
        case tp: TermRef if tree.isInstanceOf[RefTree] && !tp.denot.isOverloaded => tp.underlying
        case tp => tp
      if (tree.isType) txt = toText(tp)
      else if (!tree.isDef) txt = ("<" ~ txt ~ ":" ~ toText(tp) ~ ">").close
    if (ctx.settings.Yprintpos.value && !tree.isInstanceOf[WithoutTypeOrPos[_]]) {
      val pos = if (homogenizedView) tree.pos.toSynthetic else tree.pos
      txt = (txt ~ "@" ~ pos.toString /*~ tree.getClass.toString*/).close
    tree match {
      case Block(_, _) | Template(_, _, _, _) => txt
      case _ => txt.close

  def optText(name: Name)(encl: Text => Text): Text =
    if (name.isEmpty) "" else encl(toText(name))

  def optText[T >: Untyped](tree: Tree[T])(encl: Text => Text): Text =
    if (tree.isEmpty) "" else encl(toText(tree))

  def optText[T >: Untyped](tree: List[Tree[T]])(encl: Text => Text): Text =
    if (tree.exists(!_.isEmpty)) encl(blockText(tree)) else ""

  override protected def polyParamNameString(name: TypeName): String =

  override protected def treatAsTypeParam(sym: Symbol): Boolean = sym is TypeParam

  override protected def treatAsTypeArg(sym: Symbol) =
    sym.isType && (sym is ProtectedLocal) &&
      (sym.allOverriddenSymbols exists (_ is TypeParam))

  override def toText(sym: Symbol): Text = {
    if (sym.isImport) {
      def importString(tree: untpd.Tree) = s"import ${tree.show}"
      sym.infoOrCompleter match {
        case info: Namer#Completer => return importString(info.original)
        case info: ImportType => return importString(info.expr)
        case _ =>
    if (sym.is(ModuleClass))
      kindString(sym) ~~ (nameString(sym.name.stripModuleClassSuffix) + idString(sym))

  override def kindString(sym: Symbol) = {
    val flags = sym.flagsUNSAFE
    if (flags is Package) "package"
    else if (sym.isPackageObject) "package object"
    else if (flags is Module) "object"
    else if (flags is ImplClass) "class"
    else if (sym.isClassConstructor) "constructor"
    else super.kindString(sym)

  override protected def keyString(sym: Symbol): String = {
    val flags = sym.flagsUNSAFE
    if (sym.isType && sym.owner.isTerm) ""
    else super.keyString(sym)

  override def toTextFlags(sym: Symbol) =
    if (ctx.settings.debugFlags.value)
    else {
      var flags = sym.flagsUNSAFE
      if (flags is TypeParam) flags = flags &~ Protected
      Text((flags & PrintableFlags).flagStrings map stringToText, " ")

  override def toText(denot: Denotation): Text = denot match {
    case denot: MultiDenotation => Text(denot.alternatives.map(dclText), " <and> ")
    case NoDenotation => "NoDenotation"
    case _ =>
      if (denot.symbol.exists) toText(denot.symbol)
      else "some " ~ toText(denot.info)

  override def plain = new PlainPrinter(_ctx)