path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/Splitter.scala
blob: d9c1c5e5eaae9e61d72800b5317a8e558ef722ae (plain) (tree)










package dotty.tools.dotc
package transform

import TreeTransforms._
import ast.Trees._
import core._
import Contexts._, Types._, Decorators._, Denotations._, Symbols._, SymDenotations._, Names._

/** This transform makes sure every identifier and select node
 *  carries a symbol. To do this, certain qualifiers with a union type
 *  have to be "splitted" with a type test.
 *  For now, only self references are treated.
class Splitter extends MiniPhaseTransform {
  import ast.tpd._

  override def phaseName: String = "splitter"

  /** Replace self referencing idents with ThisTypes. */
  override def transformIdent(tree: Ident)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo) = tree.tpe match {
    case ThisType(cls) =>
      ctx.debuglog(s"owner = ${ctx.owner}, context = ${ctx}")
      This(cls) withPos tree.pos
    case _ => tree

  /** If we select a name, make sure the node has a symbol.
   *  If necessary, split the qualifier with type tests.
   *  Example: Assume:
   *      class A { def f(x: S): T }
   *      class B { def f(x: S): T }
   *      def p(): A | B
   *  Then   p().f(a)   translates to
   *      val ev$1 = p()
   *      if (ev$1.isInstanceOf[A]) ev$1.asInstanceOf[A].f(a)
   *      else ev$1.asInstanceOf[B].f(a)
  override def transformSelect(tree: Select)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo) = {
    val Select(qual, name) = tree

    def memberDenot(tp: Type): SingleDenotation = {
      val mbr = tp.member(name)
      if (!mbr.isOverloaded) mbr.asSingleDenotation
      else tree.tpe match {
        case tref: TermRefWithSignature => mbr.atSignature(tref.sig)
        case _ => ctx.error(s"cannot disambiguate overloaded member $mbr"); NoDenotation

    def candidates(tp: Type): List[Symbol] = {
      val mbr = memberDenot(tp)
      if (mbr.symbol.exists) mbr.symbol :: Nil
      else tp.widen match {
        case tref: TypeRef =>
          tref.info match {
            case TypeBounds(_, hi) => candidates(hi)
            case _ => Nil
        case OrType(tp1, tp2) =>
          candidates(tp1) | candidates(tp2)
        case AndType(tp1, tp2) =>
          candidates(tp1) & candidates(tp2)
        case tpw =>

    def isStructuralSelect(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.stripTypeVar match {
      case tp: RefinedType => tp.refinedName == name || isStructuralSelect(tp.parent)
      case tp: TypeProxy => isStructuralSelect(tp.underlying)
      case AndType(tp1, tp2) => isStructuralSelect(tp1) || isStructuralSelect(tp2)
      case _ => false

    if (tree.symbol.exists) tree
    else {
      def choose(qual: Tree, syms: List[Symbol]): Tree = {
        def testOrCast(which: Symbol, mbr: Symbol) =
        def select(sym: Symbol) = {
          val qual1 =
            if (qual.tpe derivesFrom sym.owner) qual
            else testOrCast(defn.Any_asInstanceOf, sym)
        syms match {
          case Nil =>
            def msg =
              if (isStructuralSelect(qual.tpe))
                s"cannot access member '$name' from structural type ${qual.tpe.widen.show}; use Dynamic instead"
                s"no candidate symbols for ${tree.tpe.show} found in ${qual.tpe.show}"
            ctx.error(msg, tree.pos)
          case sym :: Nil =>
          case sym :: syms1 =>
            If(testOrCast(defn.Any_isInstanceOf, sym), select(sym), choose(qual, syms1))
      evalOnce(qual)(qual => choose(qual, candidates(qual.tpe)))

  /** Distribute arguments among splitted branches */
  def distribute(tree: GenericApply[Type], rebuild: (Tree, List[Tree]) => Context => Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
    def recur(fn: Tree): Tree = fn match {
      case Block(stats, expr) => Block(stats, recur(expr))
      case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => If(cond, recur(thenp), recur(elsep))
      case _ => rebuild(fn, tree.args)(ctx) withPos tree.pos

  override def transformTypeApply(tree: TypeApply)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo) =
    distribute(tree, typeApply)

  override def transformApply(tree: Apply)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo) =
    distribute(tree, apply)

  private val typeApply = (fn: Tree, args: List[Tree]) => (ctx: Context) => TypeApply(fn, args)(ctx)
  private val apply     = (fn: Tree, args: List[Tree]) => (ctx: Context) => Apply(fn, args)(ctx)