path: root/bot/src/dotty/tools
diff options
authorFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2017-02-06 17:18:26 +0100
committerFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2017-02-13 10:53:45 +0100
commit3f06fe9cc2debaacbb889e33c7339457fc5355cd (patch)
treea9d67a74543e17de42cff6f75cd57020000487f8 /bot/src/dotty/tools
parent8bdc91f7a5fc3efd93b6be255ec1bfb83787c69b (diff)
Add initial steps to dotty-bot
This PR will add a bot whose first purpose is to check the CLA of contributing PRs. It improves on the old bot in that it checks each commit individually, and doesn't get upset about 100+ commits. It would be fun to do this PR with you @OlivierBlanvillain, feel free to provide feedback/comments and refactor as you like
Diffstat (limited to 'bot/src/dotty/tools')
2 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bot/src/dotty/tools/bot/BotServer.scala b/bot/src/dotty/tools/bot/BotServer.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ce8a83e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bot/src/dotty/tools/bot/BotServer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+package dotty.tools.bot
+import org.http4s.server.{ Server, ServerApp }
+import org.http4s.server.blaze._
+import scalaz.concurrent.Task
+object Main extends ServerApp with PullRequestService {
+ /** Services mounted to the server */
+ final val services = prService
+ override def server(args: List[String]): Task[Server] =
+ BlazeBuilder
+ .bindHttp(8080, "localhost")
+ .mountService(services, "/api")
+ .start
diff --git a/bot/src/dotty/tools/bot/PullRequestService.scala b/bot/src/dotty/tools/bot/PullRequestService.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b568b134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bot/src/dotty/tools/bot/PullRequestService.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+package dotty.tools.bot
+import org.http4s._
+import org.http4s.client.blaze._
+import org.http4s.client.Client
+import scalaz.concurrent.Task
+import io.circe._
+import io.circe.generic.auto._
+import io.circe.syntax._
+import org.http4s.circe._
+import org.http4s.dsl._
+import github4s.Github
+import github4s.jvm.Implicits._
+import github4s.free.domain.{ Commit, Issue }
+trait PullRequestService {
+ val prService = HttpService {
+ case request @ POST -> Root =>
+ request.as(jsonOf[Issue]).flatMap(checkPullRequest)
+ }
+ private case class CLASignature(
+ user: String,
+ signed: Boolean,
+ version: String,
+ currentVersion: String
+ )
+ private case class Status(
+ state: String,
+ target_url: String,
+ description: String,
+ context: String = "continuous-integration/CLA"
+ )
+ def claUrl(userName: String): String =
+ s"https://www.lightbend.com/contribute/cla/scala/check/$userName"
+ def commitsUrl(prNumber: Int): String =
+ s"https://api.github.com/repos/lampepfl/dotty/pulls/$prNumber/commits"
+ def toUri(url: String): Task[Uri] =
+ Uri.fromString(url).fold(Task.fail, Task.now)
+ def getRequest(endpoint: Uri): Task[Request] = Task.now {
+ Request(uri = endpoint, method = Method.GET)
+ }
+ def postRequest(endpoint: Uri): Task[Request] = Task.now {
+ Request(uri = endpoint, method = Method.POST)
+ }
+ def shutdownClient(client: Client): Task[Unit] = Task.now {
+ client.shutdownNow()
+ }
+ def users(xs: List[Commit]): Task[Set[String]] = Task.now {
+ xs.map(_.login).flatten.toSet
+ }
+ sealed trait CommitStatus {
+ def commit: Commit
+ def isValid: Boolean
+ }
+ final case class Valid(commit: Commit) extends CommitStatus { def isValid = true }
+ final case class Invalid(commit: Commit) extends CommitStatus { def isValid = false }
+ /** Partitions invalid and valid commits */
+ def checkCLA(xs: List[Commit], httpClient: Client): Task[List[CommitStatus]] = {
+ def checkUser(commit: Commit): Task[CommitStatus] = for {
+ endpoint <- toUri(claUrl(commit.login.get))
+ claReq <- getRequest(endpoint)
+ claRes <- httpClient.expect(claReq)(jsonOf[CLASignature])
+ res = if (claRes.signed) Valid(commit) else Invalid(commit)
+ } yield res
+ Task.gatherUnordered(xs.filter(_.login.isDefined).map(checkUser))
+ }
+ def sendStatuses(xs: List[CommitStatus], httpClient: Client): Task[Unit] = {
+ def setStatus(cm: CommitStatus): Task[Unit] = for {
+ endpoint <- toUri(cm.commit.url.replaceAll("git\\/commits", "statuses"))
+ target = claUrl(cm.commit.login.getOrElse("<invalid-user>"))
+ state = if (cm.isValid) "success" else "failure"
+ desc =
+ if (cm.isValid) "User signed CLA"
+ else "User needs to sign cla: https://www.lightbend.com/contribute/cla/scala"
+ statusReq <- postRequest(endpoint).map(_.withBody(Status(state, target, desc).asJson))
+ statusRes <- httpClient.expect(statusReq)(jsonOf[String])
+ print <- Task.now(println(statusRes))
+ } yield print
+ Task.gatherUnordered(xs.map(setStatus)).map(_ => ())
+ }
+ def checkPullRequest(issue: Issue): Task[Response] = {
+ val httpClient = PooledHttp1Client()
+ for {
+ // First get all the commits from the PR
+ endpoint <- toUri(commitsUrl(issue.number))
+ commitsReq <- getRequest(endpoint)
+ commitsRes <- httpClient.expect(commitsReq)(jsonOf[List[Commit]])
+ // Then get check the CLA of each commit
+ statuses <- checkCLA(commitsRes, httpClient)
+ // Send statuses to Github and exit
+ _ <- sendStatuses(statuses, httpClient)
+ _ <- shutdownClient(httpClient)
+ resp <- Ok("All statuses checked")
+ } yield resp
+ }