path: root/compiler
diff options
authorFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2017-04-05 19:22:58 +0200
committerFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2017-04-12 11:31:13 +0200
commitc1e787f7560807ca95e021d9cb7f1406c5953c3c (patch)
tree75d2d3e93f89d19f5113a10287a739512f9a7d7a /compiler
parent923533ea86b53b90e343e4fc0f88956996a2ed5b (diff)
Make inter JVM communication be string based
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
7 files changed, 133 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/Jars.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/Jars.scala
index f062f8b25..06df9c891 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/Jars.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/Jars.scala
@@ -19,4 +19,17 @@ object Jars {
val dottyTestDeps: List[String] =
dottyLib :: dottyCompiler :: dottyInterfaces :: dottyExtras
+ def scalaLibraryFromRuntime: String = findJarFromRuntime("scala-library-2.")
+ private def findJarFromRuntime(partialName: String) = {
+ val urls = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader.asInstanceOf[java.net.URLClassLoader].getURLs.map(_.getFile.toString)
+ urls.find(_.contains(partialName)).getOrElse {
+ throw new java.io.FileNotFoundException(
+ s"""Unable to locate $partialName on classpath:\n${urls.toList.mkString("\n")}"""
+ )
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ChildJVMMain.java b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ChildJVMMain.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90b795898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ChildJVMMain.java
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package dotty.tools.vulpix;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.InputStreamReader;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.net.URL;
+import java.net.URLClassLoader;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+public class ChildJVMMain {
+ static final String MessageEnd = "##THIS IS THE END FOR ME, GOODBYE##";
+ private static void runMain(String dir) throws Exception {
+ ArrayList<URL> cp = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (String path : dir.split(":"))
+ cp.add(new File(path).toURI().toURL());
+ URLClassLoader ucl = new URLClassLoader(cp.toArray(new URL[cp.size()]));
+ Class<?> cls = ucl.loadClass("Test");
+ Method meth = cls.getMethod("main", String[].class);
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{ new String[]{ "jvm" } };
+ meth.invoke(null, args);
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
+ while (true) {
+ runMain(stdin.readLine());
+ System.out.println(MessageEnd);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ChildMain.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ChildMain.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 30059a9c5..000000000
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ChildMain.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-package dotty.tools.vulpix
-import java.io.{
- File => JFile,
- InputStream, ObjectInputStream,
- OutputStream, ObjectOutputStream,
- ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
-import dotty.tools.vulpix.Statuses._
-object ChildMain {
- val realStdin = System.in
- val realStderr = System.err
- val realStdout = System.out
- private def runMain(dir: JFile): Status = {
- def renderStackTrace(ex: Throwable): String =
- ex.getStackTrace
- .takeWhile(_.getMethodName != "invoke0")
- .mkString(" ", "\n ", "")
- def resetOutDescriptors(): Unit = {
- System.setOut(realStdout)
- System.setErr(realStderr)
- }
- import java.net.{ URL, URLClassLoader }
- val printStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream
- try {
- // Do classloading magic and running here:
- val ucl = new URLClassLoader(Array(dir.toURI.toURL))
- val cls = ucl.loadClass("Test")
- val meth = cls.getMethod("main", classOf[Array[String]])
- try {
- val ps = new PrintStream(printStream)
- System.setOut(ps)
- System.setErr(ps)
- Console.withOut(printStream) {
- Console.withErr(printStream) {
- // invoke main with "jvm" as arg
- meth.invoke(null, Array("jvm"))
- }
- }
- resetOutDescriptors()
- } catch {
- case t: Throwable =>
- resetOutDescriptors()
- throw t
- }
- new Success(printStream.toString("utf-8"))
- }
- catch {
- case ex: NoSuchMethodException =>
- val msg = s"test in '$dir' did not contain method: ${ex.getMessage}"
- new Failure(msg, renderStackTrace(ex.getCause))
- case ex: ClassNotFoundException =>
- val msg = s"test in '$dir' did not contain class: ${ex.getMessage}"
- new Failure(msg, renderStackTrace(ex.getCause))
- case ex: InvocationTargetException =>
- val msg = s"An exception ocurred when running main: ${ex.getCause}"
- new Failure(msg, renderStackTrace(ex.getCause))
- }
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- val stdin = new ObjectInputStream(System.in);
- val stdout = new ObjectOutputStream(System.out);
- while (true) {
- val dir = stdin.readObject().asInstanceOf[JFile]
- stdout.writeObject(runMain(dir))
- stdout.flush()
- }
- }
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ParallelTesting.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ParallelTesting.scala
index 9b9f0a2bb..d23ab0778 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ParallelTesting.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ParallelTesting.scala
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ import dotc.interfaces.Diagnostic.ERROR
import dotc.util.DiffUtil
import dotc.{ Driver, Compiler }
-import vulpix.Statuses._
/** A parallel testing suite whose goal is to integrate nicely with JUnit
* This trait can be mixed in to offer parallel testing to compile runs. When
@@ -54,6 +52,15 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
def outDir: JFile
def flags: Array[String]
+ def classPath: String = {
+ val (beforeCp, cpAndAfter) = flags.toList.span(_ != "-classpath")
+ if (cpAndAfter.nonEmpty) {
+ val (_ :: cpArg :: _) = cpAndAfter
+ s"${outDir.getAbsolutePath}:" + cpArg
+ }
+ else outDir.getAbsolutePath
+ }
def title: String = self match {
case self: JointCompilationSource =>
@@ -294,15 +301,6 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
val files: Array[JFile] = files0.flatMap(flattenFiles)
- def findJarFromRuntime(partialName: String) = {
- val urls = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader.asInstanceOf[java.net.URLClassLoader].getURLs.map(_.getFile.toString)
- urls.find(_.contains(partialName)).getOrElse {
- throw new java.io.FileNotFoundException(
- s"""Unable to locate $partialName on classpath:\n${urls.toList.mkString("\n")}"""
- )
- }
- }
def addOutDir(xs: Array[String]): Array[String] = {
val (beforeCp, cpAndAfter) = xs.toList.span(_ != "-classpath")
if (cpAndAfter.nonEmpty) {
@@ -313,11 +311,10 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
def compileWithJavac(fs: Array[String]) = if (fs.nonEmpty) {
- val scalaLib = findJarFromRuntime("scala-library-2.")
val fullArgs = Array(
- s".:$scalaLib:${targetDir.getAbsolutePath}"
+ s".:${Jars.scalaLibraryFromRuntime}:${targetDir.getAbsolutePath}"
) ++ flags.takeRight(2) ++ fs
Runtime.getRuntime.exec(fullArgs).waitFor() == 0
@@ -430,9 +427,9 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
private final class RunTest(testSources: List[TestSource], times: Int, threadLimit: Option[Int], suppressAllOutput: Boolean)
extends Test(testSources, times, threadLimit, suppressAllOutput) {
private def verifyOutput(checkFile: JFile, dir: JFile, testSource: TestSource, warnings: Int) = {
- runMain(dir) match {
- case success: Success => {
- val outputLines = success.output.lines.toArray
+ runMain(testSource.classPath) match {
+ case Success(output) => {
+ val outputLines = output.lines.toArray
val checkLines: Array[String] = Source.fromFile(checkFile).getLines.toArray
val sourceTitle = testSource.title
@@ -463,19 +460,16 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
- case failure: Failure =>
- echo(renderFailure(failure))
+ case Failure(output) =>
+ echo(output)
- case _: Timeout =>
+ case Timeout =>
echo("failed because test " + testSource.title + " timed out")
failTestSource(testSource, Some("test timed out"))
- private def renderFailure(failure: Failure): String =
- failure.message + "\n" + failure.stacktrace
protected def compilationRunnable(testSource: TestSource): Runnable = new Runnable {
def run(): Unit = tryCompile(testSource) {
val (errorCount, warningCount, hasCheckFile, verifier: Function0[Unit]) = testSource match {
@@ -519,17 +513,14 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
if (errorCount == 0 && hasCheckFile) verifier()
- else if (errorCount == 0) runMain(testSource.outDir) match {
- case status: Failure =>
- echo(renderFailure(status))
+ else if (errorCount == 0) runMain(testSource.classPath) match {
+ case Success(_) => // success!
+ case Failure(output) =>
- case _: Timeout =>
- echo("failed because test " + testSource.title + " timed out")
+ case Timeout =>
failTestSource(testSource, Some("test timed out"))
- case _: Success => // success!
else if (errorCount > 0) {
- echo(s"\nCompilation failed for: '$testSource'")
val buildInstr = testSource.buildInstructions(errorCount, warningCount)
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/RunnerOrchestration.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/RunnerOrchestration.scala
index a75b1c564..22bebf714 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/RunnerOrchestration.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/RunnerOrchestration.scala
@@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
-package dotty.tools
+package dotty
+package tools
package vulpix
-import java.io.{
- File => JFile,
- InputStream, ObjectInputStream,
- OutputStream, ObjectOutputStream
+import java.io.{ File => JFile, InputStreamReader, BufferedReader, PrintStream }
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
@@ -13,8 +10,25 @@ import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future }
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.collection.mutable
-import vulpix.Statuses._
+/** Vulpix spawns JVM subprocesses (`numberOfSlaves`) in order to run tests
+ * without compromising the main JVM
+ *
+ * These need to be orchestrated in a safe manner with a simple protocol. This
+ * interface provides just that.
+ *
+ * The protocol is defined as:
+ *
+ * - master sends classpath to for which to run `Test#main` and waits for
+ * `maxDuration`
+ * - slave invokes the method and waits until completion
+ * - upon completion it sends back a `RunComplete` message
+ * - the master checks if the child is still alive
+ * - child is still alive, the output was valid
+ * - child is dead, the output is the failure message
+ *
+ * If this whole chain of events is not completed within `maxDuration`, the
+ * child process is destroyed and a new child is spawned.
+ */
trait RunnerOrchestration {
/** The maximum amount of active runners, which contain a child JVM */
@@ -29,25 +43,24 @@ trait RunnerOrchestration {
def safeMode: Boolean
/** Running a `Test` class's main method from the specified `dir` */
- def runMain(dir: JFile): Status = monitor.runMain(dir)
+ def runMain(classPath: String): Status = monitor.runMain(classPath)
private[this] val monitor = new RunnerMonitor
+ /** Look away now, sweet child of summer */
private class RunnerMonitor {
- def runMain(dir: JFile): Status = withRunner(_.runMain(dir))
+ def runMain(classPath: String): Status = withRunner(_.runMain(classPath))
private class Runner(private var process: Process) {
- private[this] var ois: ObjectInputStream = _
- private[this] var oos: ObjectOutputStream = _
+ private[this] var childStdout: BufferedReader = _
+ private[this] var childStdin: PrintStream = _
/** Checks if `process` is still alive
* When `process.exitValue()` is called on an active process the caught
* exception is thrown. As such we can know if the subprocess exited or
* not.
- *
- * @note used for debug
def isAlive: Boolean =
try { process.exitValue(); false }
@@ -57,12 +70,12 @@ trait RunnerOrchestration {
def kill(): Unit = {
if (process ne null) process.destroy()
process = null
- ois = null
- oos = null
+ childStdout = null
+ childStdin = null
/** Blocks less than `maxDuration` while running `Test.main` from `dir` */
- def runMain(dir: JFile): Status = {
+ def runMain(classPath: String): Status = {
assert(process ne null,
"Runner was killed and then reused without setting a new process")
@@ -70,33 +83,45 @@ trait RunnerOrchestration {
def respawn(): Unit = {
process = createProcess
- ois = null
- oos = null
+ childStdout = null
+ childStdin = null
- if (oos eq null) oos = new ObjectOutputStream(process.getOutputStream)
+ if (childStdin eq null)
+ childStdin = new PrintStream(process.getOutputStream, /* autoFlush = */ true)
// pass file to running process
- oos.writeObject(dir)
- oos.flush()
+ childStdin.println(classPath)
// Create a future reading the object:
- val readObject = Future {
- if (ois eq null) ois = new ObjectInputStream(process.getInputStream)
- ois.readObject().asInstanceOf[Status]
+ val readOutput = Future {
+ val sb = new StringBuilder
+ if (childStdout eq null)
+ childStdout = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream))
+ var childOutput = childStdout.readLine()
+ while (childOutput != ChildJVMMain.MessageEnd && childOutput != null) {
+ sb.append(childOutput)
+ sb += '\n'
+ childOutput = childStdout.readLine()
+ }
+ if (process.isAlive && childOutput != null) Success(sb.toString)
+ else Failure(sb.toString)
// Await result for `maxDuration` and then timout and destroy the
// process:
val status =
- try Await.result(readObject, maxDuration)
- catch { case _: TimeoutException => new Timeout() }
+ try Await.result(readOutput, maxDuration)
+ catch { case _: TimeoutException => Timeout }
// Handle failure of the VM:
status match {
- case _ if safeMode => respawn()
+ case _: Success if safeMode => respawn()
case _: Failure => respawn()
- case _: Timeout => respawn()
+ case Timeout => respawn()
case _ => ()
@@ -105,9 +130,11 @@ trait RunnerOrchestration {
private def createProcess: Process = {
val sep = sys.props("file.separator")
- val cp = sys.props("java.class.path")
- val java = sys.props("java.home") + sep + "bin" + sep + "java"
- new ProcessBuilder(java, "-cp", cp, "dotty.tools.dotc.vulpix.ChildMain")//classOf[ChildMain].getName)
+ val cp =
+ classOf[ChildJVMMain].getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource.getLocation.getFile + ":" +
+ Jars.scalaLibraryFromRuntime
+ val javaBin = sys.props("java.home") + sep + "bin" + sep + "java"
+ new ProcessBuilder(javaBin, "-cp", cp, "dotty.tools.vulpix.ChildJVMMain")
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/Status.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/Status.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3de7aff2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/Status.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package vulpix
+sealed trait Status
+final case class Success(output: String) extends Status
+final case class Failure(output: String) extends Status
+final case object Timeout extends Status
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/Statuses.java b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/Statuses.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 68add30eb..000000000
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/Statuses.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-package dotty.tools.vulpix;
-import java.io.Serializable;
-/** The status of each call to `main` in the test applications */
-public class Statuses {
- interface Status {}
- static class Success implements Status, Serializable {
- public final String output;
- public Success(String output) { this.output = output; }
- }
- static class Failure implements Status, Serializable {
- public final String message;
- public final String stacktrace;
- public Failure(String message, String stacktrace) {
- this.message = message;
- this.stacktrace = stacktrace;
- }
- }
- static class Timeout implements Status, Serializable {}