path: root/doc-tool/test
diff options
authorValthor Halldorsson <halldorsson.v@gmail.com>2017-03-14 19:21:53 +0000
committerValthor Halldorsson <halldorsson.v@gmail.com>2017-03-14 21:45:42 +0000
commit6c924284163e2f45de1a9f1fed231a4630e843bf (patch)
treec9ec3f57e678fd24e5565cdb2fb680e48250957e /doc-tool/test
parente7fe9df3c14df0e5ccd88440dbd49a9dce65d48f (diff)
address feedback on #2074
- Added tests to ensure that the results of serialization match their pre-serialization values. - Removed unused parameter `extras` from Entity.asJava() implicit methods. - Removed _root_ imports - Fixed several code style issues
Diffstat (limited to 'doc-tool/test')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/doc-tool/test/JavaConverterTest.scala b/doc-tool/test/JavaConverterTest.scala
index 4f1dec5e9..6301fc25d 100644
--- a/doc-tool/test/JavaConverterTest.scala
+++ b/doc-tool/test/JavaConverterTest.scala
@@ -3,109 +3,318 @@ package dottydoc
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.Assert._
import model.{
+ Val,
+ Object => EObject,
+ CaseClass,
- Constructors => MConstructors,
+ Constructors => EConstructors,
+ Class,
+ Package,
- NonEntity
+ NonEntity,
+ ParamList
-import model.references.{ConstantReference, TypeReference, NoLink}
+import model.references._
+import model.internal.{ParamListImpl}
import model.comment.Comment
import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Symbols.NoSymbol
-import _root_.java.util.{Optional => JOptional, Map => JMap}
+import java.util.{Optional => JOptional, Map => JMap, List => JList}
class JavaConverterTest {
import model.JavaConverters._
+ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
@Test def entityConversions = {
- trait TestEntity extends Entity {
+ val paramList = new ParamListImpl(new NamedReference("x", new TypeReference("Int", new NoLink("title", "target"), List())) :: Nil, false)
+ val df = new Def {
def symbol = NoSymbol
def name = "test"
- def kind = "ent"
- def path = "path" :: "to" :: "test" :: Nil
- def comment = Some(new Comment("", "", List(), List(), None, Map(), Map(), Map(), None, None, List(), None, List(), List(), None, None, Map(), Map(), Map(), List()))
+ def path = "path" :: "to" :: "def" :: Nil
+ def comment = None
def annotations = List("test")
def parent = NonEntity
- }
- trait TestMembers extends TestEntity with Members {
- def members = new TestEntity{} :: Nil
+ def modifiers = "private" :: Nil
+ def typeParams = "String" :: "String" :: Nil
+ def implicitlyAddedFrom = Some(
+ new TypeReference("String", new NoLink("title", "target"), List()))
+ def returnValue = new TypeReference("String", new NoLink("title", "target"), List())
+ def paramLists = List(paramList)
- trait TestSuperTypes extends TestEntity with SuperTypes {
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(df, df.asJava())
+ val trt = new Trait {
+ def symbol = NoSymbol
+ def name = "someTrait"
+ def path = "path" :: "to" :: "trait" :: Nil
+ def comment = None
+ def annotations = List("test")
+ def parent = NonEntity
+ def modifiers = "protected" :: Nil
+ def typeParams = "String" :: "String" :: Nil
def superTypes = new NoLink("title", "query") :: Nil
+ def members = df :: Nil
+ def traitParams = List(paramList)
+ def companionPath = "path" :: "to" :: "companion" :: Nil
+ def companionPath_=(xs: List[String]) = Unit
- trait TestModifiers extends TestEntity with Modifiers {
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(trt, trt.asJava())
+ val cls = new Class {
+ def symbol = NoSymbol
+ def name = "test"
+ def path = "path" :: "to" :: "test" :: Nil
+ def comment = None
+ def annotations = List("test")
+ def parent = NonEntity
def modifiers = "private" :: Nil
- }
- trait TestTypeParams extends TestEntity with TypeParams {
def typeParams = "String" :: "String" :: Nil
+ def superTypes = new NoLink("title", "query") :: Nil
+ def members = Nil
+ def companionPath = "path" :: "to" :: "companion" :: Nil
+ def companionPath_=(xs: List[String]) = Unit
+ def constructors = List(List(paramList))
- trait TestConstructors extends TestEntity with MConstructors {
- def constructors = List(List())
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(cls, cls.asJava())
+ val caseClass = new CaseClass {
+ def symbol = NoSymbol
+ def name = "test"
+ def path = "path" :: "to" :: "test" :: Nil
+ def comment = None
+ def annotations = List("test")
+ def parent = NonEntity
+ def modifiers = "private" :: Nil
+ def typeParams = "String" :: "String" :: Nil
+ def constructors = List(List(paramList))
+ def superTypes = new NoLink("title", "query") :: Nil
+ def members = Nil
+ def companionPath = "path" :: "to" :: "companion" :: Nil
+ def companionPath_=(xs: List[String]) = Unit
- trait TestCompanion extends TestEntity with Companion {
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(caseClass, caseClass.asJava())
+ val obj = new EObject {
+ def symbol = NoSymbol
+ def name = "someObject"
+ def path = "path" :: "to" :: "object" :: Nil
+ def comment = None
+ def annotations = List("test")
+ def parent = NonEntity
+ def modifiers = "protected" :: Nil
+ def typeParams = "String" :: "String" :: Nil
+ def superTypes = new NoLink("title", "query") :: Nil
+ def members = df :: Nil
def companionPath = "path" :: "to" :: "companion" :: Nil
def companionPath_=(xs: List[String]) = Unit
- trait TestReturnValue extends TestEntity with ReturnValue {
- def returnValue =
- new TypeReference("String", new NoLink("title", "target"), List())
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(obj, obj.asJava())
+ val typeAlias = new TypeAlias {
+ def symbol = NoSymbol
+ def name = "typeAlias"
+ def path = "path" :: "to" :: "typeAlias" :: Nil
+ def comment = None
+ def annotations = List("test")
+ def parent = NonEntity
+ def modifiers = "private" :: Nil
+ def typeParams = "String" :: "String" :: Nil
+ def alias = Some(new TypeReference("String", new NoLink("title", "target"), List()))
- trait TestImplicitlyAddedEntity
- extends TestEntity
- with ImplicitlyAddedEntity {
- def implicitlyAddedFrom =
- Some(
- new TypeReference("String", new NoLink("title", "target"), List()))
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(typeAlias, typeAlias.asJava())
+ val vl = new Val {
+ val kind = "val"
+ def symbol = NoSymbol
+ def name = "val"
+ def path = "path" :: "to" :: "val" :: Nil
+ def comment = None
+ def annotations = List("test")
+ def parent = NonEntity
+ def modifiers = "private" :: Nil
+ def returnValue = new TypeReference("String", new NoLink("title", "target"), List())
+ def implicitlyAddedFrom = Some(
+ new TypeReference("String", new NoLink("title", "target"), List()))
+ }
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(vl, vl.asJava())
+ val pkg = new Package {
+ def symbol = NoSymbol
+ def name = "test"
+ def path = "path" :: "to" :: "test" :: Nil
+ def comment = None
+ def annotations = List("test")
+ def parent = NonEntity
+ def members = trt :: typeAlias :: Nil
+ def superTypes = new NoLink("title", "query") :: Nil
+ }
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(pkg, pkg.asJava())
+ }
+ def assertEach[E, C[E] <: Seq[E]](expected: C[E], serialized: Any)(pairwiseAssertion: (E, Any) => Unit) {
+ val actual = serialized.asInstanceOf[JList[_]].asScala.toList
+ assertEquals(expected.length, actual.length)
+ for ((exp, act) <- expected zip actual) {
+ pairwiseAssertion(exp, act)
+ }
+ }
+ def assertSameSeq[T, C[T] <: Seq[T]](expected: C[T], serialized: Any) = {
+ val actual = serialized.asInstanceOf[java.util.List[T]].asScala.toList
+ assertEquals(expected, actual);
+ }
+ def assertSerializedCorrectly(expected: ParamList, serialized: Any) {
+ val actual = serialized.asInstanceOf[JMap[String, _]]
+ assertEach(expected.list, actual.get("list")) {(exp, act) =>
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(exp, act)
+ }
+ assertEquals(expected.isImplicit, actual.get("isImplicit"))
+ }
+ def assertSerializedCorrectly(expected: Reference, serialized: Any) {
+ val actual = serialized.asInstanceOf[JMap[String, _]]
+ expected match {
+ case TypeReference(title, tpeLink, paramLinks) =>
+ assertEquals(title, actual.get("title"))
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(tpeLink, actual.get("tpeLink"))
+ assertEach(paramLinks, actual.get("paramLinks")) { (exp, act) =>
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(exp, act)
+ }
+ case OrTypeReference(left, right) =>
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(left, actual.get("left"))
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(right, actual.get("right"))
+ case AndTypeReference(left, right) =>
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(left, actual.get("left"))
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(right, actual.get("right"))
+ case FunctionReference(args, returnValue) =>
+ assertEach(args, actual.get("args")) { (exp, act) =>
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(exp, act)
+ }
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(returnValue, actual.get("returnValue"))
+ case TupleReference(args) =>
+ assertEach(args, actual.get("args")) { (exp, act) =>
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(exp, act)
+ }
+ case BoundsReference(low, high) =>
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(low, actual.get("low"))
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(high, actual.get("high"))
+ case NamedReference(title, ref, isByName, isRepeated) =>
+ assertEquals(title, actual.get("title"))
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(ref, actual.get("ref"))
+ assertEquals(isByName, actual.get("isByName"))
+ assertEquals(isRepeated, actual.get("isRepeated"))
+ case ConstantReference(title) =>
+ assertEquals(title, actual.get("title"))
+ case EmptyReference =>
+ }
+ }
+ def assertSerializedCorrectly(expected: MaterializableLink, serialized: Any) {
+ val actual = serialized.asInstanceOf[JMap[String, _]]
+ expected match {
+ case UnsetLink(title, query) =>
+ assertEquals(title, actual.get("title"))
+ assertEquals(query, actual.get("query"))
+ case MaterializedLink(title, target) =>
+ assertEquals(title, actual.get("title"))
+ assertEquals(target, actual.get("target"))
+ case NoLink(title, target) =>
+ assertEquals(title, actual.get("title"))
+ assertEquals(target, actual.get("target"))
+ }
+ }
+ def assertSerializedCorrectly(expected: Entity, serialized: Any) {
+ val actual = serialized.asInstanceOf[JMap[String, _]]
+ assertEquals(expected.name, actual.get("name"))
+ assertEquals(expected.kind, actual.get("kind"))
+ assertSameSeq(expected.annotations, actual.get("annotations"))
+ assertSameSeq(expected.path, actual.get("path"))
+ assertEquals(expected.hasShortenedDocstring, actual.get("hasShortenedDocstring"))
+ // Only test if a comment is present
+ expected.comment match {
+ case Some(c) => assertNotEquals(null, actual.get("comment"))
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ expected match {
+ case e: Members => {
+ assertEach(e.members, actual.get("members")) { (exp, act) =>
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(exp, act)
+ }
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ expected match {
+ case e: SuperTypes => {
+ assertEach(e.superTypes, actual.get("superTypes")) { (exp, act) =>
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(exp, act)
+ }
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ expected match {
+ case e: Modifiers => {
+ assertSameSeq(e.modifiers, actual.get("modifiers"))
+ assertEquals(e.isPrivate, actual.get("isPrivate"))
+ assertEquals(e.isProtected, actual.get("isProtected"))
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ expected match {
+ case e: TypeParams => {
+ assertSameSeq(e.typeParams, actual.get("typeParams"))
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ expected match {
+ case e: EConstructors => {
+ // constructors is of type List[List[ParamList]], so we need to apply assertEach twice
+ assertEach(e.constructors, actual.get("constructors")) { (exp, act) =>
+ assertEach(exp, act) { (exp, act) =>
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(exp, act)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ expected match {
+ case e: Companion => {
+ assertSameSeq(e.companionPath, actual.get("companionPath"))
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ expected match {
+ case e: ReturnValue => {
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(e.returnValue, actual.get("returnValue"))
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ expected match {
+ case e: ImplicitlyAddedEntity => {
+ e.implicitlyAddedFrom.map(assertSerializedCorrectly(_, actual.get("implicitlyAddedFrom")))
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ expected match {
+ case e: TypeAlias => {
+ e.alias.map(assertSerializedCorrectly(_, actual.get("alias")))
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ expected match {
+ case e: Def => {
+ assertEach(e.paramLists, actual.get("paramLists")) { (exp, act) =>
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(exp, act)
+ }
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ expected match {
+ case e: Trait => {
+ assertEach(e.traitParams, actual.get("traitParams")) { (exp, act) =>
+ assertSerializedCorrectly(exp, act)
+ }
+ }
+ case _ =>
- trait TestTypeAlias extends TestTypeParams with TestModifiers with TypeAlias {
- override val kind = "type"
- def alias = None
- }
- trait TestDef extends TestModifiers with TestTypeParams with TestImplicitlyAddedEntity {
- def paramLists = List()
- }
- trait TestTrait extends TestModifiers with TestTypeParams with TestSuperTypes with TestMembers with TestCompanion {
- def traitParams = List()
- }
- val ent = new TestEntity {}
- val members = new TestMembers {}
- val superTypes = new TestSuperTypes {}
- val modifiers = new TestModifiers {}
- val typeParams = new TestTypeParams {}
- val constructors = new TestConstructors {}
- val companion = new TestCompanion {}
- val returnValue = new TestReturnValue {}
- val implicitlyAddedEntity = new TestImplicitlyAddedEntity {}
- val typeAlias = new TestTypeAlias {}
- val df = new TestDef {}
- val trt = new TestTrait {}
- val ent_serialized = ent.asJava()
- val members_serialized = members.asJava()
- val superTypes_serialized = superTypes.asJava()
- val modifiers_serialized = modifiers.asJava()
- val typeParams_serialized = typeParams.asJava()
- val constructors_serialized = constructors.asJava()
- val companion_serialized = companion.asJava()
- val returnValue_serialized = returnValue.asJava()
- val implicitlyAddedEntity_serialized = implicitlyAddedEntity.asJava()
- val typeAlias_serialized = typeAlias.asJava()
- val def_serialized = df.asJava()
- val trait_serialized = trt.asJava()