path: root/project
diff options
authorFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2017-04-05 10:50:40 +0200
committerFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2017-04-12 11:31:13 +0200
commit7dcfbd71b1c05b4bc5e8c7e1da94fd99600e740f (patch)
tree91e245afd6a979d2c2f9ddbca6935fbbea8cf25c /project
parent2f1a542034ddbc6cccf321e068e5161d32839f07 (diff)
Rename filter shorthand to vulpix and update `drone.yml`
Diffstat (limited to 'project')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/project/Build.scala b/project/Build.scala
index 391799ef7..04e75de4c 100644
--- a/project/Build.scala
+++ b/project/Build.scala
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ object Build {
// Spawns a repl with the correct classpath
lazy val repl = inputKey[Unit]("run the REPL with correct classpath")
- // Run tests with filter
- lazy val filterTest = inputKey[Unit]("runs integration test with the supplied filter")
+ // Run tests with filter through vulpix test suite
+ lazy val vulpix = inputKey[Unit]("runs integration test with the supplied filter")
// Used to compile files similar to ./bin/dotc script
lazy val dotc =
@@ -134,7 +134,9 @@ object Build {
triggeredMessage in ThisBuild := Watched.clearWhenTriggered,
- addCommandAlias("run", "dotty-compiler/run")
+ addCommandAlias("run", "dotty-compiler/run") ++
+ addCommandAlias("test", "testOnly -- --exclude-categories=java.lang.Exception") ++
+ addCommandAlias("legacyTests", "dotty-compiler/testOnly dotc.tests")
@@ -142,7 +144,8 @@ object Build {
lazy val `dotty-bootstrapped` = project.
aggregate(`dotty-library-bootstrapped`, `dotty-compiler-bootstrapped`).
- publishArtifact := false
+ publishArtifact := false,
+ addCommandAlias("test", "testOnly -- --exclude-categories=java.lang.Exception")
lazy val `dotty-interfaces` = project.in(file("interfaces")).
@@ -283,12 +286,13 @@ object Build {
- filterTest := Def.inputTaskDyn {
+ vulpix := Def.inputTaskDyn {
val args: Seq[String] = spaceDelimited("<arg>").parsed
- testOptions := Seq()
- (testOnly in Test).toTask(
- " dotty.tools.dotc.CompilationTests -- -Ddotty.partest.filter=" + args.head
- )
+ val cmd = " dotty.tools.dotc.CompilationTests" + {
+ if (args.nonEmpty) " -- -Ddotty.tests.filter=" + args.mkString(" ")
+ else ""
+ }
+ (testOnly in Test).toTask(cmd)
// Override run to be able to run compiled classfiles
@@ -332,12 +336,6 @@ object Build {
- // Ignore old sequential unit tests when running `test` in sbt
- testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(
- TestFrameworks.JUnit,
- "--exclude-categories=dotc.SequentialUnitTests"
- ),
/* Add the sources of scalajs-ir.
* To guarantee that dotty can bootstrap without depending on a version
* of scalajs-ir built with a different Scala compiler, we add its