path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/Compiler.scala
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authorFelix Mulder <felix.mulder@gmail.com>2016-11-02 11:08:28 +0100
committerGuillaume Martres <smarter@ubuntu.com>2016-11-22 01:35:07 +0100
commit8a61ff432543a29234193cd1f7c14abd3f3d31a0 (patch)
treea8147561d307af862c295cfc8100d271063bb0dd /src/dotty/tools/dotc/Compiler.scala
parent6a455fe6da5ff9c741d91279a2dc6fe2fb1b472f (diff)
Move compiler and compiler tests to compiler dir
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/Compiler.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/Compiler.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/Compiler.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ad3249be2..000000000
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/Compiler.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-package dotty.tools
-package dotc
-import core._
-import Contexts._
-import Periods._
-import Symbols._
-import Types._
-import Scopes._
-import typer.{FrontEnd, Typer, ImportInfo, RefChecks}
-import reporting.{Reporter, ConsoleReporter}
-import Phases.Phase
-import transform._
-import util.FreshNameCreator
-import transform.TreeTransforms.{TreeTransform, TreeTransformer}
-import core.DenotTransformers.DenotTransformer
-import core.Denotations.SingleDenotation
-import dotty.tools.backend.jvm.{LabelDefs, GenBCode, CollectSuperCalls}
-/** The central class of the dotc compiler. The job of a compiler is to create
- * runs, which process given `phases` in a given `rootContext`.
- */
-class Compiler {
- /** Meta-ordering constraint:
- *
- * DenotTransformers that change the signature of their denotation's info must go
- * after erasure. The reason is that denotations are permanently referred to by
- * TermRefs which contain a signature. If the signature of a symbol would change,
- * all refs to it would become outdated - they could not be dereferenced in the
- * new phase.
- *
- * After erasure, signature changing denot-transformers are OK because erasure
- * will make sure that only term refs with fixed SymDenotations survive beyond it. This
- * is possible because:
- *
- * - splitter has run, so every ident or select refers to a unique symbol
- * - after erasure, asSeenFrom is the identity, so every reference has a
- * plain SymDenotation, as opposed to a UniqueRefDenotation.
- */
- def phases: List[List[Phase]] =
- List(
- List(new FrontEnd), // Compiler frontend: scanner, parser, namer, typer
- List(new sbt.ExtractDependencies), // Sends information on classes' dependencies to sbt via callbacks
- List(new PostTyper), // Additional checks and cleanups after type checking
- List(new sbt.ExtractAPI), // Sends a representation of the API of classes to sbt via callbacks
- List(new Pickler), // Generate TASTY info
- List(new FirstTransform, // Some transformations to put trees into a canonical form
- new CheckReentrant), // Internal use only: Check that compiled program has no data races involving global vars
- List(new RefChecks, // Various checks mostly related to abstract members and overriding
- new CheckStatic, // Check restrictions that apply to @static members
- new ElimRepeated, // Rewrite vararg parameters and arguments
- new NormalizeFlags, // Rewrite some definition flags
- new ExtensionMethods, // Expand methods of value classes with extension methods
- new ExpandSAMs, // Expand single abstract method closures to anonymous classes
- new TailRec, // Rewrite tail recursion to loops
- new LiftTry, // Put try expressions that might execute on non-empty stacks into their own methods
- new ClassOf), // Expand `Predef.classOf` calls.
- List(new TryCatchPatterns, // Compile cases in try/catch
- new PatternMatcher, // Compile pattern matches
- new ExplicitOuter, // Add accessors to outer classes from nested ones.
- new ExplicitSelf, // Make references to non-trivial self types explicit as casts
- new CrossCastAnd, // Normalize selections involving intersection types.
- new Splitter), // Expand selections involving union types into conditionals
- List(new VCInlineMethods, // Inlines calls to value class methods
- new IsInstanceOfEvaluator, // Issues warnings when unreachable statements are present in match/if expressions
- new SeqLiterals, // Express vararg arguments as arrays
- new InterceptedMethods, // Special handling of `==`, `|=`, `getClass` methods
- new Getters, // Replace non-private vals and vars with getter defs (fields are added later)
- new ElimByName, // Expand by-name parameters and arguments
- new AugmentScala2Traits, // Expand traits defined in Scala 2.11 to simulate old-style rewritings
- new ResolveSuper, // Implement super accessors and add forwarders to trait methods
- new ArrayConstructors), // Intercept creation of (non-generic) arrays and intrinsify.
- List(new Erasure), // Rewrite types to JVM model, erasing all type parameters, abstract types and refinements.
- List(new ElimErasedValueType, // Expand erased value types to their underlying implmementation types
- new VCElideAllocations, // Peep-hole optimization to eliminate unnecessary value class allocations
- new Mixin, // Expand trait fields and trait initializers
- new LazyVals, // Expand lazy vals
- new Memoize, // Add private fields to getters and setters
- new LinkScala2ImplClasses, // Forward calls to the implementation classes of traits defined by Scala 2.11
- new NonLocalReturns, // Expand non-local returns
- new CapturedVars, // Represent vars captured by closures as heap objects
- new Constructors, // Collect initialization code in primary constructors
- // Note: constructors changes decls in transformTemplate, no InfoTransformers should be added after it
- new FunctionalInterfaces, // Rewrites closures to implement @specialized types of Functions.
- new GetClass), // Rewrites getClass calls on primitive types.
- List(new LambdaLift, // Lifts out nested functions to class scope, storing free variables in environments
- // Note: in this mini-phase block scopes are incorrect. No phases that rely on scopes should be here
- new ElimStaticThis, // Replace `this` references to static objects by global identifiers
- new Flatten, // Lift all inner classes to package scope
- new RestoreScopes), // Repair scopes rendered invalid by moving definitions in prior phases of the group
- List(new ExpandPrivate, // Widen private definitions accessed from nested classes
- new SelectStatic, // get rid of selects that would be compiled into GetStatic
- new CollectEntryPoints, // Find classes with main methods
- new CollectSuperCalls, // Find classes that are called with super
- new DropInlined, // Drop Inlined nodes, since backend has no use for them
- new MoveStatics, // Move static methods to companion classes
- new LabelDefs), // Converts calls to labels to jumps
- List(new GenBCode) // Generate JVM bytecode
- )
- var runId = 1
- def nextRunId = {
- runId += 1; runId
- }
- /** Produces the following contexts, from outermost to innermost
- *
- * bootStrap: A context with next available runId and a scope consisting of
- * the RootPackage _root_
- * start A context with RootClass as owner and the necessary initializations
- * for type checking.
- * imports For each element of RootImports, an import context
- */
- def rootContext(implicit ctx: Context): Context = {
- ctx.initialize()(ctx)
- ctx.setPhasePlan(phases)
- val rootScope = new MutableScope
- val bootstrap = ctx.fresh
- .setPeriod(Period(nextRunId, FirstPhaseId))
- .setScope(rootScope)
- rootScope.enter(ctx.definitions.RootPackage)(bootstrap)
- val start = bootstrap.fresh
- .setOwner(defn.RootClass)
- .setTyper(new Typer)
- .setMode(Mode.ImplicitsEnabled)
- .setTyperState(new MutableTyperState(ctx.typerState, ctx.typerState.reporter, isCommittable = true))
- .setFreshNames(new FreshNameCreator.Default)
- ctx.initialize()(start) // re-initialize the base context with start
- def addImport(ctx: Context, refFn: () => TermRef) =
- ctx.fresh.setImportInfo(ImportInfo.rootImport(refFn)(ctx))
- (start.setRunInfo(new RunInfo(start)) /: defn.RootImportFns)(addImport)
- }
- def reset()(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
- ctx.base.reset()
- ctx.runInfo.clear()
- }
- def newRun(implicit ctx: Context): Run = {
- reset()
- new Run(this)(rootContext)
- }