path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/OrderingConstraint.scala
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authorMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2015-01-24 11:18:39 +0100
committerMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2015-01-24 11:18:45 +0100
commit80618207e1ec169178f037bfab01a2b3bbd27ebe (patch)
tree583a8be444240cd4e4b1529cb6ac77c998842f4a /src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/OrderingConstraint.scala
parentfd3a5beb5176581c07badaaa15beb88dc06752ed (diff)
New constraint implementation: OrderingConstraint
This is one both a bit simpler and a faster than TrackingConstraint. Main change is to replace the 2-d bitmap for ordering with two SimpleMaps which record for each parameter the smaller and greater parameters. This is faster in practice because the ordering relation is sparse.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/OrderingConstraint.scala')
1 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/OrderingConstraint.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/OrderingConstraint.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2deec51a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/OrderingConstraint.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package core
+import Types._, Contexts._, Symbols._, Decorators._
+import util.SimpleMap
+import collection.mutable
+import printing.{Printer, Showable}
+import printing.Texts._
+import config.Config
+import config.Printers._
+import collection.immutable.BitSet
+import reflect.ClassTag
+object OrderingConstraint {
+ /** The type of `Constraint#boundsMap` */
+ type ParamBounds = SimpleMap[PolyType, Array[Type]]
+ /** The type of `Constraint#lowerMap`, `Constraint#upperMap` */
+ type ParamOrdering = SimpleMap[PolyType, Array[List[PolyParam]]]
+ /** A new constraint with given maps */
+ private def newConstraint(boundsMap: ParamBounds, lowerMap: ParamOrdering, upperMap: ParamOrdering)(implicit ctx: Context) : OrderingConstraint = {
+ val result = new OrderingConstraint(boundsMap, lowerMap, upperMap)
+ if (Config.checkConstraintsNonCyclic) result.checkNonCyclic()
+ ctx.runInfo.recordConstraintSize(result, result.boundsMap.size)
+ result
+ }
+ /** A lens for updating a single entry array in one of the three constraint maps */
+ abstract class ConstraintLens[T <: AnyRef: ClassTag] {
+ def entries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: PolyType): Array[T]
+ def updateEntries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: PolyType, entries: Array[T])(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint
+ def initial: T
+ def apply(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: PolyType, idx: Int) = {
+ val es = entries(c, poly)
+ if (es == null) initial else es(idx)
+ }
+ /** The `current` constraint but with the entry for `param` updated to `entry`.
+ * `current` is used linearly. If it is different from `prev` it is
+ * known to be dead after the call. Hence it is OK to update destructively
+ * parts of `current` which are not shared by `prev`.
+ */
+ def update(prev: OrderingConstraint, current: OrderingConstraint,
+ poly: PolyType, idx: Int, entry: T)(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint = {
+ var es = entries(current, poly)
+ if (es != null && (es(idx) eq entry)) current
+ else {
+ val result =
+ if (es == null) {
+ es = Array.fill(poly.paramNames.length)(initial)
+ updateEntries(current, poly, es)
+ }
+ else if (es ne entries(prev, poly))
+ current // can re-use existing entries array.
+ else {
+ es = es.clone
+ updateEntries(current, poly, es)
+ }
+ es(idx) = entry
+ result
+ }
+ }
+ def update(prev: OrderingConstraint, current: OrderingConstraint,
+ param: PolyParam, entry: T)(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint =
+ update(prev, current, param.binder, param.paramNum, entry)
+ def map(prev: OrderingConstraint, current: OrderingConstraint,
+ poly: PolyType, idx: Int, f: T => T)(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint =
+ update(prev, current, poly, idx, f(apply(current, poly, idx)))
+ def map(prev: OrderingConstraint, current: OrderingConstraint,
+ param: PolyParam, f: T => T)(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint =
+ map(prev, current, param.binder, param.paramNum, f)
+ }
+ val boundsLens = new ConstraintLens[Type] {
+ def entries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: PolyType): Array[Type] =
+ c.boundsMap(poly)
+ def updateEntries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: PolyType, entries: Array[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint =
+ newConstraint(c.boundsMap.updated(poly, entries), c.lowerMap, c.upperMap)
+ def initial = NoType
+ }
+ val lowerLens = new ConstraintLens[List[PolyParam]] {
+ def entries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: PolyType): Array[List[PolyParam]] =
+ c.lowerMap(poly)
+ def updateEntries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: PolyType, entries: Array[List[PolyParam]])(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint =
+ newConstraint(c.boundsMap, c.lowerMap.updated(poly, entries), c.upperMap)
+ def initial = Nil
+ }
+ val upperLens = new ConstraintLens[List[PolyParam]] {
+ def entries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: PolyType): Array[List[PolyParam]] =
+ c.upperMap(poly)
+ def updateEntries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: PolyType, entries: Array[List[PolyParam]])(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint =
+ newConstraint(c.boundsMap, c.lowerMap, c.upperMap.updated(poly, entries))
+ def initial = Nil
+ }
+import OrderingConstraint._
+/** Constraint over undetermined type parameters that keeps separate maps to
+ * reflect parameter orderings.
+ * @param boundsMap a map from PolyType to arrays.
+ * Each array contains twice the number of entries as there a type parameters
+ * in the PolyType. The first half of the array contains the type bounds that constrain the
+ * polytype's type parameters. The second half might contain type variables that
+ * track the corresponding parameters, or is left empty (filled with nulls).
+ * An instantiated type parameter is represented by having its instance type in
+ * the corresponding array entry.
+ *
+ * @param lowerMap a map from PolyTypes to arrays. Each array entry corresponds
+ * to a parameter P of the polytype; it contains all constrained parameters
+ * Q that are known to be smaller than P, i.e. P <: Q.
+ * @param upperMap a map from PolyTypes to arrays. Each array entry corresponds
+ * to a parameter P of the polytype; it contains all constrained parameters
+ * Q that are known to be greater than P, i.e. Q <: P.
+ */
+class OrderingConstraint(private val boundsMap: ParamBounds,
+ private val lowerMap : ParamOrdering,
+ private val upperMap : ParamOrdering) extends Constraint {
+ type This = OrderingConstraint
+// ----------- Basic indices --------------------------------------------------
+ /** The number of type parameters in the given entry array */
+ private def paramCount(entries: Array[Type]) = entries.length >> 1
+ /** The type variable corresponding to parameter numbered `n`, null if none was created */
+ private def typeVar(entries: Array[Type], n: Int): Type =
+ entries(paramCount(entries) + n)
+ /** The `boundsMap` entry corresponding to `param` */
+ def entry(param: PolyParam): Type = {
+ val entries = boundsMap(param.binder)
+ if (entries == null) NoType
+ else entries(param.paramNum)
+ }
+// ----------- Contains tests --------------------------------------------------
+ def contains(pt: PolyType): Boolean = boundsMap(pt) != null
+ def contains(param: PolyParam): Boolean = {
+ val entries = boundsMap(param.binder)
+ entries != null && entries(param.paramNum).isInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
+ }
+ def contains(tvar: TypeVar): Boolean = {
+ val origin = tvar.origin
+ val entries = boundsMap(origin.binder)
+ val pnum = origin.paramNum
+ entries != null && isBounds(entries(pnum)) && (typeVar(entries, pnum) eq tvar)
+ }
+ private def isBounds(tp: Type) = tp.isInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
+// ---------- Dependency handling ----------------------------------------------
+ def lower(param: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = lowerLens(this, param.binder, param.paramNum)
+ def upper(param: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = upperLens(this, param.binder, param.paramNum)
+ def minLower(param: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = {
+ val all = lower(param)
+ all.filterNot(p => all.exists(isLess(p, _)))
+ }
+ def minUpper(param: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = {
+ val all = upper(param)
+ all.filterNot(p => all.exists(isLess(_, p)))
+ }
+ def exclusiveLower(param: PolyParam, butNot: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] =
+ lower(param).filterNot(isLess(_, butNot))
+ def exclusiveUpper(param: PolyParam, butNot: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] =
+ upper(param).filterNot(isLess(butNot, _))
+// ---------- Info related to PolyParams -------------------------------------------
+ def isLess(param1: PolyParam, param2: PolyParam): Boolean =
+ upper(param1).contains(param2)
+ def nonParamBounds(param: PolyParam): TypeBounds =
+ entry(param).asInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
+ def fullLowerBound(param: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ (nonParamBounds(param).lo /: minLower(param))(_ | _)
+ def fullUpperBound(param: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ (nonParamBounds(param).hi /: minUpper(param))(_ & _)
+ def fullBounds(param: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds =
+ nonParamBounds(param).derivedTypeBounds(fullLowerBound(param), fullUpperBound(param))
+ def typeVarOfParam(param: PolyParam): Type = {
+ val entries = boundsMap(param.binder)
+ if (entries == null) NoType
+ else {
+ val tvar = typeVar(entries, param.paramNum)
+ if (tvar != null) tvar else NoType
+ }
+ }
+// ---------- Adding PolyTypes --------------------------------------------------
+ /** The bound type `tp` without dependent parameters
+ * NoType if type consists only of dependent parameters.
+ * @param seenFromBelow If true, `bound` is an upper bound, else a lower bound.
+ */
+ private def stripParams(tp: Type, paramBuf: mutable.ListBuffer[PolyParam],
+ isUpper: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tp match {
+ case param: PolyParam if contains(param) =>
+ if (!paramBuf.contains(param)) paramBuf += param
+ NoType
+ case tp: AndOrType if isUpper == tp.isAnd =>
+ val tp1 = stripParams(tp.tp1, paramBuf, isUpper)
+ val tp2 = stripParams(tp.tp2, paramBuf, isUpper)
+ if (tp1.exists)
+ if (tp2.exists) tp.derivedAndOrType(tp1, tp2)
+ else tp1
+ else tp2
+ case _ =>
+ tp
+ }
+ /** The bound type `tp` without dependent parameters.
+ * A top or bottom type if type consists only of dependent parameters.
+ * @param seenFromBelow If true, `bound` is an upper bound, else a lower bound.
+ */
+ private def normalizedType(tp: Type, paramBuf: mutable.ListBuffer[PolyParam],
+ isUpper: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ stripParams(tp, paramBuf, isUpper)
+ .orElse(if (isUpper) defn.AnyType else defn.NothingType)
+ def add(poly: PolyType, tvars: List[TypeVar])(implicit ctx: Context): This = {
+ assert(!contains(poly))
+ val nparams = poly.paramNames.length
+ val entries1 = new Array[Type](nparams * 2)
+ poly.paramBounds.copyToArray(entries1, 0)
+ tvars.copyToArray(entries1, nparams)
+ newConstraint(boundsMap.updated(poly, entries1), lowerMap, upperMap).init(poly)
+ }
+ private def init(poly: PolyType)(implicit ctx: Context): This = {
+ var current = this
+ val loBuf, hiBuf = new mutable.ListBuffer[PolyParam]
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < poly.paramNames.length) {
+ val param = PolyParam(poly, i)
+ val bounds = nonParamBounds(param)
+ val lo = normalizedType(bounds.lo, loBuf, isUpper = false)
+ val hi = normalizedType(bounds.hi, hiBuf, isUpper = true)
+ current = boundsLens.update(this, current, poly, i, bounds.derivedTypeBounds(lo, hi))
+ current = (current /: loBuf)(order(_, _, param))
+ current = (current /: hiBuf)(order(_, param, _))
+ loBuf.clear()
+ hiBuf.clear()
+ i += 1
+ }
+ if (Config.checkConstraintsNonCyclic) checkNonCyclic()
+ current
+ }
+// ---------- Updates ------------------------------------------------------------
+ /** An updated partial order matrix that incorporates `less` and also reflects that `param` relates
+ * to `p2` wrt <:< if `inOrder` is true, `>:>` otherwise.
+ */
+ private def order(current: This, param1: PolyParam, param2: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): This =
+ if (param1 == param2 || current.isLess(param1, param2)) this
+ else {
+ assert(contains(param1))
+ assert(contains(param2))
+ val newUpper = param2 :: exclusiveUpper(param2, param1)
+ val newLower = param1 :: exclusiveLower(param1, param2)
+ val current1 = (current /: newLower)(upperLens.map(this, _, _, newUpper ::: _))
+ val current2 = (current1 /: newUpper)(lowerLens.map(this, _, _, newLower ::: _))
+ current2
+ }
+ def addLess(param1: PolyParam, param2: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): This =
+ order(this, param1, param2)
+ def updateEntry(param: PolyParam, tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): This =
+ boundsLens.update(this, this, param, tp)
+ def unify(p1: PolyParam, p2: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): This = {
+ val p1Bounds = (nonParamBounds(p1) & nonParamBounds(p2)).substParam(p2, p1)
+ updateEntry(p1, p1Bounds).replace(p2, p1)
+ }
+ def narrowBound(param: PolyParam, bound: Type, isUpper: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): This = {
+ val oldBounds @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) = nonParamBounds(param)
+ val newBounds =
+ if (isUpper) oldBounds.derivedTypeBounds(lo, hi & bound)
+ else oldBounds.derivedTypeBounds(lo | bound, hi)
+ updateEntry(param, newBounds)
+ }
+// ---------- Removals ------------------------------------------------------------
+ /** Drop parameter `PolyParam(poly, n)` from `bounds`,
+ * replacing with Nothing in the lower bound and by `Any` in the upper bound.
+ */
+ private def dropParamIn(bounds: TypeBounds, poly: PolyType, n: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds = {
+ def drop(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
+ case tp: AndOrType =>
+ val tp1 = drop(tp.tp1)
+ val tp2 = drop(tp.tp2)
+ if (!tp1.exists) tp2
+ else if (!tp2.exists) tp1
+ else tp
+ case PolyParam(`poly`, `n`) => NoType
+ case _ => tp
+ }
+ def approx(tp: Type, limit: Type): Type = {
+ val tp1 = drop(tp)
+ if (tp1.exists || !tp.exists) tp1 else limit
+ }
+ bounds.derivedTypeBounds(
+ approx(bounds.lo, defn.NothingType), approx(bounds.hi, defn.AnyType))
+ }
+ def replace(param: PolyParam, tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint = {
+ val replacement = tp.dealias.stripTypeVar
+ if (param == replacement) this
+ else {
+ assert(replacement.isValueType)
+ val poly = param.binder
+ val idx = param.paramNum
+ def removeParam(ps: List[PolyParam]) =
+ ps.filterNot(p => p.binder.eq(poly) && p.paramNum == idx)
+ def replaceParam(tp: Type, atPoly: PolyType, atIdx: Int) = tp match {
+ case bounds: TypeBounds =>
+ val bounds1 = tp.substParam(param, replacement).asInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
+ if (bounds1 eq bounds) bounds
+ else dropParamIn(bounds1, atPoly, atIdx)
+ case _ => tp
+ }
+ var current = this
+ if (isRemovable(poly, idx)) current = remove(poly)
+ else {
+ current = updateEntry(param, replacement)
+ lowerLens.update(this, current, poly, idx, Nil)
+ upperLens.update(this, current, poly, idx, Nil)
+ }
+ current.foreachParam {(p, i) =>
+ current = boundsLens.map(this, current, p, i, replaceParam(_, p, i))
+ current = lowerLens.map(this, current, p, i, removeParam)
+ current = upperLens.map(this, current, p, i, removeParam)
+ }
+ current
+ }
+ }
+ def remove(pt: PolyType)(implicit ctx: Context): This =
+ newConstraint(boundsMap.remove(pt), lowerMap.remove(pt), upperMap.remove(pt))
+ def isRemovable(pt: PolyType, removedParam: Int = -1): Boolean = {
+ val entries = boundsMap(pt)
+ var noneLeft = true
+ var i = paramCount(entries)
+ while (noneLeft && i > 0) {
+ i -= 1
+ if (i != removedParam && isBounds(entries(i))) noneLeft = false
+ else typeVar(entries, i) match {
+ case tv: TypeVar =>
+ if (!tv.inst.exists) noneLeft = false // need to keep line around to compute instType
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ noneLeft
+ }
+// ---------- Exploration --------------------------------------------------------
+ def domainPolys: List[PolyType] = boundsMap.keys
+ def domainParams: List[PolyParam] =
+ for {
+ (poly, entries) <- boundsMap.toList
+ n <- 0 until paramCount(entries)
+ if isBounds(entries(n))
+ } yield PolyParam(poly, n)
+ def forallParams(p: PolyParam => Boolean): Boolean = {
+ boundsMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) =>
+ for (i <- 0 until paramCount(entries))
+ if (isBounds(entries(i)) && !p(PolyParam(poly, i))) return false
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ def foreachParam(p: (PolyType, Int) => Unit): Unit =
+ boundsMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) =>
+ 0.until(poly.paramNames.length).foreach(p(poly, _))
+ }
+ def foreachTypeVar(op: TypeVar => Unit): Unit =
+ boundsMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) =>
+ for (i <- 0 until paramCount(entries)) {
+ typeVar(entries, i) match {
+ case tv: TypeVar if !tv.inst.exists => op(tv)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private var myUninstVars: mutable.ArrayBuffer[TypeVar] = _
+ /** The uninstantiated typevars of this constraint */
+ def uninstVars: collection.Seq[TypeVar] = {
+ if (myUninstVars == null) {
+ myUninstVars = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[TypeVar]
+ boundsMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) =>
+ for (i <- 0 until paramCount(entries)) {
+ typeVar(entries, i) match {
+ case tv: TypeVar if !tv.inst.exists && isBounds(entries(i)) => myUninstVars += tv
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ myUninstVars
+ }
+// ---------- Cyclic checking -------------------------------------------
+ def checkNonCyclic()(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
+ domainParams.foreach(checkNonCyclic)
+ private def checkNonCyclic(param: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
+ assert(!isLess(param, param), i"cyclic constraint involving $param in $this")
+// ---------- toText -----------------------------------------------------
+ override def toText(printer: Printer): Text = {
+ def entryText(tp: Type) = tp match {
+ case tp: TypeBounds =>
+ tp.toText(printer)
+ case _ =>
+ " := " ~ tp.toText(printer)
+ }
+ val indent = 3
+ val header: Text = "Constraint("
+ val uninstVarsText = " uninstVars = " ~
+ Text(uninstVars map (_.toText(printer)), ", ") ~ ";"
+ val constrainedText =
+ " constrained types = " ~ Text(domainPolys map (_.toText(printer)), ", ")
+ val boundsText =
+ " bounds = " ~ {
+ val assocs =
+ for (param <- domainParams)
+ yield (" " * indent) ~ param.toText(printer) ~ entryText(entry(param))
+ Text(assocs, "\n")
+ }
+ val orderingText =
+ " ordering = " ~ {
+ val deps =
+ for {
+ param <- domainParams
+ ups = minUpper(param)
+ if ups.nonEmpty
+ }
+ yield
+ (" " * indent) ~ param.toText(printer) ~ " <: " ~
+ Text(ups.map(_.toText(printer)), ", ")
+ Text(deps, "\n")
+ }
+ Text.lines(List(header, uninstVarsText, constrainedText, boundsText, orderingText, ")"))
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file