path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala
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authorMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2012-12-06 14:06:00 +0100
committerMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2012-12-06 14:06:00 +0100
commit90962407e72d88f8f3249ade0f6bd60ff15af5ce (patch)
tree6b2fc0ba13bad7c4532ebf1df39b0b2f5d7e70b6 /src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala
parent2308509d2651ee78e1122b5d61b798c984c96c4d (diff)
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala')
1 files changed, 943 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f11bc5cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,943 @@
+package dotty.tools.dotc
+package core
+import util.HashSet
+import Symbols._
+import Flags._
+import Names._
+import Scopes._
+import Constants._
+import Contexts._
+import Annotations._
+import RefSets._
+import Periods._
+import scala.util.hashing.{MurmurHash3 => hashing}
+import collection.mutable
+trait Types { self: Context =>
+ import Types._
+ private val initialUniquesCapacity = 50000
+ private[Types] val uniques = new util.HashSet[Type]("uniques", initialUniquesCapacity) {
+ override def hash(x: Type): Int = x.hash
+ }
+object Types {
+ /** The signature of a reference.
+ * Overloaded references with the same name are distinguished by
+ * their signatures. A signature is a list of the fully qualified names
+ * of the type symbols of the erasure of the parameters of the
+ * reference. For instance a reference to the definition
+ *
+ * def f(x: Int)(y: List[String]): String
+ *
+ * would have signature
+ *
+ * List("scala.Int".toTypeName, "scala.collection.immutable.List".toTypeName)
+ */
+ type Signature = List[TypeName]
+ val NullSignature = List(Names.EmptyTypeName)
+ /** The variants constituting an overloaded reference.
+ * This is a set of non-overloaded references indexed by their
+ * signatures. All instances of Variants are assumed to
+ * have NoSymbol as default value.
+ */
+ type Variants = Map[Signature, RefType]
+ /** The canonical creator of variants maps.
+ * Note that it adds NoSymbol as default value.
+ */
+ def Variants(bindings: (Signature, RefType)*): Variants =
+ Map(bindings: _*) withDefaultValue NoType
+ abstract class Type {
+ def <:< (that: Type): Boolean = ???
+ def hash = NotCached
+ /** The type symbol associated with the type
+ */
+ def typeSymbol: Symbol = NoSymbol
+ /** The term symbol associated with the type
+ */
+ def termSymbol: Symbol = NoSymbol
+ /** Does this type denote a stable reference (i.e. singleton type)? */
+ def isStableType: Boolean = false
+ /** Is this type dangerous (i.e. it might contain conflicting
+ * type information when empty, so that it can be constructed
+ * so that type unsoundness results.) A dangerous type has an underlying
+ * type of the form T_1 with T_n { decls }, where one of the
+ * T_i (i > 1) is an abstract type.
+ */
+ def isVolatile: Boolean = false
+ /** Is this type guaranteed not to have `null` as a value? */
+ def isNotNull: Boolean = false
+ /** Is this type produced as a repair for an error? */
+ def isError(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = (typeSymbol hasFlag Error) || (termSymbol hasFlag Error)
+ /** Is some part of this type produced as a repair for an error? */
+ def isErroneous(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = exists(_.isError)
+ /** Returns true if there is a part of this type that satisfies predicate `p`.
+ */
+ def exists(p: Type => Boolean): Boolean =
+ new ExistsAccumulator(p)(false, this)
+ /** For a class or intersection type, its parents.
+ * For a TypeBounds type, the parents of its hi bound.
+ * inherited by typerefs, singleton types, and refinement types,
+ * The empty list for all other types */
+ def parents: List[Type] = List()
+ def bounds(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds = TypeBounds(this, this)
+ def decl(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): RefType =
+ findClassDecl(name, typeSymbol.thisType, Flags.Empty)
+ // need: NoSymbol is as good as any other
+ def isAsGood(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = ???
+ def member(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ findMember(name, this, Flags.Empty)
+ def nonPrivateMember(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ findMember(name, this, Flags.Private)
+ def findMember(name: Name, pre: Type, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefType =
+ throw new AssertionError(s"cannot find members of $this")
+ protected def findClassMember(name: Name, pre: Type, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefType =
+ findMemberAmong(typeSymbol.asClass.deref.memberRefsNamed(name), pre, excluded)
+ protected def findClassDecl(name: Name, pre: Type, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefType =
+ findMemberAmong(typeSymbol.asClass.deref.declsNamed(name), pre, excluded)
+ private def findMemberAmong(candidates: RefSet, pre: Type, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefType = {
+ val resultSyms = candidates.filterAccessibleFrom(pre).filterExcluded(excluded)
+ def makeRef(refs: RefSet): RefType = refs match {
+ case RefUnion(refs1, refs2) => makeRef(refs1) ref_& makeRef(refs2)
+ case ref: SymRef => ref
+ }
+ if (resultSyms.isEmpty) ErrorRefType // todo: refine
+ else makeRef(resultSyms)
+ }
+ def memberType(sym: Symbol): Type = ???
+ def memberInfo(sym: Symbol): Type = ???
+ def widen: Type = ???
+ def deconst: Type = ???
+ def prefix(implicit ctx: Context): Type = ???
+ def isTrivial: Boolean = ???
+ def resultType: Type = ???
+ def isCachable: Boolean = false
+ def asSeenFrom(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ if (this.isTrivial || clazz.isStaticMono) this
+ else new AsSeenFromMap(pre, clazz) apply (this)
+ def subst(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]): Type = ???
+ def subst(from: PolyType, to: PolyType): Type = ???
+ def subst(from: MethodType, to: MethodType): Type = ???
+ def substSym(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): Type = ???
+ def baseType(clazz: Symbol): Type = ???
+ def typeParams: List[TypeSymbol] = ???
+ def effectiveBounds: TypeBounds = ???
+ def isWrong: Boolean = ???
+ def & (that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ if (this eq that) this
+ else if (this.isWrong) that
+ else if (that.isWrong) this
+ else (this, that) match {
+ case (_, OrType(that1, that2)) =>
+ this & that1 | this & that2
+ case (OrType(this1, this2), _) =>
+ this1 & that | this2 & that
+ case _ =>
+ val t1 = lower(this, that)
+ if (t1 ne that) t1
+ else {
+ val t2 = lower(that, this)
+ if (t2 ne this) t2
+ else AndType(this, that)
+ }
+ }
+ def | (that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ if (this eq that) this
+ else if (this.isWrong) this
+ else if (that.isWrong) that
+ else {
+ val t1 = higher(this, that)
+ if (t1 ne that) t1
+ else {
+ val t2 = higher(that, this)
+ if (t2 ne this) t2
+ else {
+ val t1w = t1.widen
+ val t2w = t2.widen
+ if ((t1w ne t1) || (t2w ne t2)) t1w | t2w
+ else OrType(this, that)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private def lower(t1: Type, t2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ if (t1 <:< t2) t1
+ else t2 match {
+ case t2 @ AndType(t21, t22) => t2.derivedAndType(lower(t1, t21), lower(t1, t22))
+ case _ => t2
+ }
+ private def higher(t1: Type, t2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ if (t2 <:< t1) t1
+ else t2 match {
+ case t2 @ OrType(t21, t22) => t2.derivedOrType(higher(t1, t21), higher(t1, t22))
+ case _ => t2
+ }
+ // hashing
+ def correctHash(h: Int) = if (h == NotCached) NotCachedAlt else h
+ def hashSeed = correctHash(getClass.hashCode)
+ protected def doHash(seed: Int, tp: Type): Int =
+ if (seed == NotCached) NotCached
+ else {
+ val elemHash = tp.hash
+ if (elemHash == NotCached) NotCached
+ else correctHash(hashing.mix(seed, elemHash))
+ }
+ protected def doHash(seed: Int, x: Any): Int =
+ if (seed == NotCached) NotCached
+ else {
+ val elemHash = x.hashCode
+ if (elemHash == NotCached) NotCached
+ else correctHash(hashing.mix(seed, elemHash))
+ }
+ protected def doHash(seed: Int, tps: List[Type]): Int =
+ if (seed == NotCached) NotCached
+ else {
+ var h = seed
+ var xs = tps
+ while (xs.nonEmpty) {
+ val elemHash = xs.head.hash
+ if (elemHash == NotCached) return NotCached
+ h = hashing.mix(h, elemHash)
+ xs = xs.tail
+ }
+ correctHash(h)
+ }
+ protected def doHash(seed: Int, variants: Variants): Int =
+ if (seed == NotCached) NotCached
+ else {
+ var h = seed
+ val it = variants.valuesIterator
+ while (it.hasNext) {
+ val elemHash = it.next.hash
+ if (elemHash == NotCached) return NotCached
+ h = hashing.mix(h, elemHash)
+ }
+ correctHash(h)
+ }
+ protected def finishHash(hashCode: Int, arity: Int): Int =
+ correctHash(hashing.finalizeHash(hashCode, arity))
+ protected def hash1(x: Any): Int =
+ finishHash(doHash(hashSeed, x), 1)
+ protected def hash2(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) =
+ finishHash(doHash(doHash(hashSeed, tp1), tp2), 2)
+ } // end Type
+ abstract class UniqueType extends Type {
+ final override val hash = computeHash
+ def computeHash: Int
+ }
+ def unique[T <: Type](tp: T)(implicit ctx: Context): T = {
+ if (tp.hash == NotCached) tp
+ else ctx.root.uniques.findEntryOrUpdate(tp).asInstanceOf[T]
+ }
+ trait RefType extends Type {
+ def signature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature =
+ throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.getClass+".signature")
+ def orElse(alt: => RefType): RefType = if (isWrong) alt else this
+ def ref_& (that: RefType)(implicit ctx: Context): RefType =
+ if (this eq that) this
+ else if (this.isWrong) that
+ else if (that.isWrong) this
+ else (this, that) match {
+ case (OverloadedType(vs1), OverloadedType(vs2)) =>
+ OverloadedType(conj(vs1, vs2))
+ case (_, OverloadedType(vs2)) =>
+ OverloadedType(vs2 updated (this.signature, this ref_& vs2(this.signature)))
+ case (OverloadedType(vs1), _) =>
+ OverloadedType(vs1 updated (that.signature, vs1(that.signature) ref_& that))
+ case (this1 @ TypeRef(pre1, sym1), that1 @ TypeRef(pre2, sym2)) =>
+ val rawtpe =
+ if (sym1.isAbstractType) this1
+ else if (sym2.isAbstractType) that1
+ else
+ TypeRef(pre1, sym1.owner.newAbstractType(sym1.name.asTypeName, sym1.info.bounds))
+ rawtpe withInfo (this1.bounds & that1.bounds)
+ case (this1 @ TermRef(pre1, sym1), that1 @ TermRef(pre2, sym2)) =>
+ if ((this.signature != that.signature))
+ OverloadedType(Variants(this.signature -> this, that.signature -> that))
+ else
+ TermRef(this1.prefix, sym1, this1.info & that1.info)
+ }
+ def ref_| (that: RefType)(implicit ctx: Context): RefType =
+ if (this eq that) this
+ else if (this.isWrong) this
+ else if (that.isWrong) that
+ else (this, that) match {
+ case (OverloadedType(vs1), OverloadedType(vs2)) =>
+ OverloadedType(disj(vs1, vs2))
+ case (_, OverloadedType(vs2)) =>
+ this ref_| vs2(this.signature)
+ case (OverloadedType(vs1), _) =>
+ vs1(that.signature) ref_| that
+ case (this1 @ TypeRef(pre1, sym1), that1 @ TypeRef(pre2, sym2)) =>
+ val rbounds = this1.bounds | that1.bounds
+ val rsym = lubSym(pre1, sym1, sym2) orElse {
+ val rpre = RefinedType(pre1, newScope)
+ val rsym = rpre.typeSymbol.newAbstractType(sym1.name, rbounds)
+ rpre.decls.enter(rsym)
+ rsym
+ }
+ TypeRef(pre1, rsym.asType)
+ case (this1 @ TermRef(pre1, sym1), that1 @ TermRef(pre2, sym2)) =>
+ val rtpe = this1.info | that1.info
+ val rsym = lubSym(pre1, sym1, sym2) orElse {
+ val rpre = RefinedType(pre1, newScope)
+ val rsym = rpre.typeSymbol.newAbstractTerm(sym1.name, rtpe)
+ rpre.decls.enter(rsym)
+ rsym
+ }
+ TermRef(pre1, rsym.asTerm)
+ }
+ /** Conjunction of two variants sets */
+ private def conj(vs1: Variants, vs2: Variants)(implicit ctx: Context): Variants =
+ Variants(
+ ((vs1.keySet | vs2.keySet) map (sig => (sig -> (vs1(sig) ref_& vs2(sig))))).toSeq: _*)
+ /** Disjunction of two variants sets */
+ private def disj(vs1: Variants, vs2: Variants)(implicit ctx: Context): Variants =
+ Variants(
+ ((vs1.keySet & vs2.keySet) map (sig => (sig -> (vs1(sig) ref_| vs2(sig))))).toSeq: _*)
+ private def lubSym(pre: Type, sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = {
+ def qualifies(sym: Symbol) =
+ (sym isAccessibleFrom pre) && (sym2.owner isSubClass sym.owner)
+ sym1.allOverriddenSymbols find qualifies getOrElse NoSymbol
+ }
+ }
+ case class OverloadedType(variants: Variants) extends UniqueType with RefType {
+ override def computeHash: Int = finishHash(doHash(hashSeed, variants), variants.size)
+ }
+ abstract class SymRef extends SubType with RefType with RefSetSingleton {
+ def prefix: Type
+ def symbol: Symbol
+ def isType: Boolean = symbol.isType
+ def isTerm = !isType
+ protected var infoVar: Type = null
+ def info(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ if (infoVar == null) infoVar = symbol.info.asSeenFrom(prefix, symbol.owner)
+ infoVar
+ }
+ def widen(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (symbol.isTerm) info.widen else this
+ def derivedSymRef(pre: Type, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ if (pre eq prefix)
+ this
+ else if (sym.isOverridable && (sym.owner ne pre.typeSymbol))
+ pre.nonPrivateMember(sym.name)
+ else
+ SymRef(pre, sym)
+ def underlying(implicit ctx: Context) = info
+ override def findMember(name: Name, pre: Type, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefType =
+ if (symbol.isClass) findClassMember(name, pre, excluded)
+ else info.findMember(name, pre, excluded)
+ def withInfo(newinfo: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): SymRef =
+ if (info eq newinfo) this else SymRef(prefix, symbol, info)
+ override def computeHash = finishHash(doHash(doHash(hashSeed, prefix), symbol), 2)
+ }
+ abstract case class TypeRef(prefix: Type, symbol: TypeSymbol) extends SymRef {
+ override def typeSymbol = symbol
+ override def signature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature = NullSignature
+ }
+ final class UniqueTypeRef(prefix: Type, symbol: TypeSymbol) extends TypeRef(prefix, symbol)
+ abstract case class TermRef(prefix: Type, symbol: TermSymbol) extends SymRef {
+ override def termSymbol = symbol
+ private var signatureVar: Signature = null
+ private var signatureRun: RunId = NoRunId
+ override def signature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature = {
+ def paramSig(tp: Type): TypeName = ???
+ def resultSig(tp: Type): Signature = {
+ val s = sig(tp)
+ if (s eq NullSignature) Nil else s
+ }
+ def sig(tp: Type): Signature = tp match {
+ case tp: PolyType =>
+ resultSig(tp.resultType)
+ case tp: MethodType =>
+ (tp.paramTypes map paramSig) ::: resultSig(tp.resultType)
+ case _ => NullSignature
+ }
+ if (signatureRun != ctx.runId) {
+ signatureVar = sig(info)
+ signatureRun = ctx.runId
+ }
+ signatureVar
+ }
+ }
+ final class UniqueTermRef(prefix: Type, symbol: TermSymbol) extends TermRef(prefix, symbol)
+ object SymRef {
+ def apply(prefix: Type, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): SymRef =
+ if (sym.isType) TypeRef(prefix, sym.asType) else TermRef(prefix, sym.asTerm)
+ def apply(prefix: Type, sym: Symbol, info: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): SymRef = {
+ if (sym.isType) TypeRef(prefix, sym.asType, info) else TermRef(prefix, sym.asTerm, info)
+ }
+ }
+ object TypeRef {
+ def apply(prefix: Type, sym: TypeSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeRef =
+ unique(new UniqueTypeRef(prefix, sym))
+ def apply(prefix: Type, sym: TypeSymbol, info: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeRef = {
+ val ref = apply(prefix, sym)
+ ref.infoVar = info
+ ref
+ }
+ }
+ object TermRef {
+ def apply(prefix: Type, sym: TermSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef =
+ unique(new UniqueTermRef(prefix, sym))
+ def apply(prefix: Type, sym: TermSymbol, info: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef = {
+ val ref = apply(prefix, sym)
+ ref.infoVar = info
+ ref
+ }
+ def make(pre: Type, sym: TermSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ if (ctx.phase.erasedTypes) sym.tpe.resultType
+ else TermRef(pre, sym) // was more complicated; see singleType
+ }
+ abstract case class AppliedType(tycon: Type, typeArgs: List[Type]) extends UniqueType {
+ assert(tycon.typeParams.length == typeArgs.length)
+ def derivedAppliedType(tc: Type, args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ if ((tc eq tycon) && (args eq typeArgs)) this
+ else AppliedType(tc, args)
+ override def computeHash = finishHash(doHash(doHash(hashSeed, tycon), typeArgs), 2)
+ }
+ final class UniqueAppliedType(tycon: Type, typeArgs: List[Type]) extends AppliedType(tycon, typeArgs)
+ object AppliedType {
+ def apply(tycon: Type, typeArgs: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ unique(new UniqueAppliedType(tycon, typeArgs))
+ }
+ abstract case class AndType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) extends UniqueType {
+ def derivedAndType(t1: Type, t2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ if ((t1 eq tp1) && (t2 eq tp2)) this
+ else AndType(tp1, tp2)
+ override def findMember(name: Name, pre: Type, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefType =
+ (tp1 findMember (name, pre, excluded)) ref_& (tp2 findMember (name, pre, excluded))
+ override def computeHash = hash2(tp1, tp2)
+ }
+ final class UniqueAndType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) extends AndType(tp1, tp2)
+ object AndType {
+ def apply(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ unique(new UniqueAndType(tp1, tp2))
+ }
+ abstract case class OrType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) extends UniqueType {
+ def derivedOrType(t1: Type, t2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ if ((t1 eq tp1) && (t2 eq tp2)) this
+ else OrType(tp1, tp2)
+ override def findMember(name: Name, pre: Type, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefType =
+ tp1.findMember(name, pre, excluded) ref_| tp2.findMember(name, pre, excluded)
+ override def computeHash = hash2(tp1, tp2)
+ }
+ final class UniqueOrType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) extends OrType(tp1, tp2)
+ object OrType {
+ def apply(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ unique(new UniqueOrType(tp1, tp2))
+ }
+ case object NoType extends SymRef {
+ def prefix = NoPrefix
+ def symbol = NoSymbol
+ }
+ case object NoPrefix extends UniqueType {
+ override def computeHash = hashSeed
+ }
+ abstract class ErrorType extends Type
+ object ErrorType extends ErrorType
+ object ErrorRefType extends ErrorType with RefType
+ trait SubType extends UniqueType {
+ def underlying(implicit ctx: Context): Type
+ }
+ abstract class SingletonType extends SubType
+ abstract case class ThisType(clazz: ClassSymbol) extends SingletonType {
+ def underlying(implicit ctx: Context) = clazz.typeOfThis
+ override def computeHash = finishHash(doHash(hashSeed, clazz), 1)
+ }
+ final class UniqueThisType(clazz: ClassSymbol) extends ThisType(clazz)
+ object ThisType {
+ def apply(clazz: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ unique(new UniqueThisType(clazz))
+ }
+ abstract case class SuperType(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type) extends SingletonType {
+ def derivedSuperType(thistp: Type, supertp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ if ((thistp eq thistpe) && (supertp eq supertpe)) this
+ else SuperType(thistp, supertp)
+ def underlying(implicit ctx: Context) = supertpe
+ override def computeHash = hash2(thistpe, supertpe)
+ }
+ final class UniqueSuperType(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type) extends SuperType(thistpe, supertpe)
+ object SuperType {
+ def apply(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ unique(new UniqueSuperType(thistpe, supertpe))
+ }
+ abstract case class ConstantType(value: Constant) extends SingletonType {
+ def underlying(implicit ctx: Context) = value.tpe
+ override def computeHash = hash1(value)
+ }
+ final class UniqueConstantType(value: Constant) extends ConstantType(value)
+ object ConstantType {
+ def apply(value: Constant)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ unique(new UniqueConstantType(value))
+ }
+ case class RefinedType(parent: Type, decls: Scope) extends Type { // can make uniquetype ??? but need to special-case symbols
+ def derivedRefinedType(parent1: Type, decls1: Scope): RefinedType =
+ if ((parent1 eq parent) && (decls1 eq decls)) this
+ else RefinedType(parent1, decls1)
+ override def findMember(name: Name, pre: Type, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefType =
+ findClassDecl(name, pre, excluded) orElse parent.findMember(name, pre, excluded)
+ }
+ abstract case class MethodType(paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type], resultTypeExp: MethodType => Type) extends UniqueType {
+ override lazy val resultType = resultTypeExp(this)
+ lazy val isDependent = resultType exists {
+ case MethodParam(mt, _) => mt eq this
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ def instantiate(argTypes: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ if (isDependent) new InstMethodMap(this, argTypes) apply resultType
+ else resultType
+ override def computeHash =
+ finishHash(doHash(doHash(doHash(hashSeed, paramNames), paramTypes), resultType), paramTypes.length + 2)
+ }
+ final class UniqueMethodType(paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type], resultTypeExp: MethodType => Type) extends MethodType(paramNames, paramTypes, resultTypeExp)
+ object MethodType {
+ def apply(paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type], resultTypeExp: MethodType => Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ unique(new UniqueMethodType(paramNames, paramTypes, resultTypeExp))
+ }
+ abstract case class ExprType(override val resultType: Type) extends UniqueType {
+ def derivedExprType(rt: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ if (rt eq resultType) this else ExprType(rt)
+ override def computeHash = hash1(resultType)
+ }
+ final class UniqueExprType(resultType: Type) extends ExprType(resultType)
+ object ExprType {
+ def apply(resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ unique(new UniqueExprType(resultType))
+ }
+ case class PolyType(paramNames: List[TypeName], paramBoundsExp: PolyType => List[TypeBounds], resultTypeExp: PolyType => Type) extends Type {
+ lazy val paramBounds = paramBoundsExp(this)
+ override lazy val resultType = resultTypeExp(this)
+ def derivedPolyType(pnames: List[TypeName], pboundsExp: PolyType => List[TypeBounds], restpeExp: PolyType => Type): Type = {
+ val restpe = PolyType(pnames, pboundsExp, restpeExp)
+ if ((pnames eq paramNames) &&
+ (pboundsExp(this) eq paramBounds) &&
+ (restpeExp(this) eq resultType)) this
+ else restpe
+ }
+ def instantiate(argTypes: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ new InstPolyMap(this, argTypes) apply resultType
+ }
+ case class MethodParam(mt: MethodType, paramNum: Int) extends SingletonType {
+ def underlying(implicit ctx: Context) = mt.paramTypes(paramNum)
+ override def computeHash = NotCached
+ }
+ case class PolyParam(pt: PolyType, paramNum: Int) extends Type {
+ }
+ abstract case class TypeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type) extends UniqueType {
+ def derivedTypeBounds(lo1: Type, hi1: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ if ((lo1 eq lo) && (hi1 eq hi)) this
+ else TypeBounds(lo, hi)
+ def & (that: TypeBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds =
+ TypeBounds(this.lo | that.lo, this.hi & that.hi)
+ def | (that: TypeBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds =
+ TypeBounds(this.lo & that.lo, this.hi | that.hi)
+ override def findMember(name: Name, pre: Type, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefType =
+ hi.findMember(name, pre, excluded)
+ def map(f: Type => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds =
+ TypeBounds(f(lo), f(hi))
+ override def computeHash = hash2(lo, hi)
+ }
+ final class UniqueTypeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type) extends TypeBounds(lo, hi)
+ object TypeBounds {
+ def apply(lo: Type, hi: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ unique(new UniqueTypeBounds(lo, hi))
+ }
+ case class AnnotatedType(annots: List[AnnotationInfo], underlying: Type) extends Type {
+ def derivedAnnotatedType(annots1: List[AnnotationInfo], underlying1: Type) =
+ if ((annots1 eq annots) && (underlying1 eq underlying)) this
+ else AnnotatedType.make(annots1, underlying1)
+ }
+ object AnnotatedType {
+ def make(annots: List[AnnotationInfo], underlying: Type) =
+ if (annots.isEmpty) underlying
+ else AnnotatedType(annots, underlying)
+ }
+ abstract class TypeMap(implicit ctx: Context) extends (Type => Type) {
+ def apply(tp: Type): Type
+ /** Map this function over given type */
+ def mapOver(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
+ case tp: SymRef =>
+ tp.derivedSymRef(this(tp.prefix), tp.symbol)
+ case ThisType(_)
+ | MethodParam(_, _)
+ | PolyParam(_, _)
+ | ConstantType(_) => tp
+ case tp @ AppliedType(tycon, targs) =>
+ tp.derivedAppliedType(this(tycon), targs mapConserve this)
+ case tp @ PolyType(pnames, pboundsExpr, restpeExpr) =>
+ val pbounds = tp.paramBounds
+ val pbounds1 = pbounds mapConserve (_ map this)
+ val restpe = tp.resultType
+ val restpe1 = this(restpe)
+ if ((pbounds1 eq pbounds) && (restpe1 eq restpe))
+ tp
+ else PolyType(
+ pnames,
+ x => pbounds1 mapConserve (_ map (_.subst(tp, x))),
+ x => restpe1.subst(tp, x))
+ case tp @ MethodType(pnames, ptypes, restpeExpr) =>
+ val ptypes1 = ptypes mapConserve this
+ val restpe = tp.resultType
+ val restpe1 = this(restpe)
+ if ((ptypes1 eq ptypes) && (restpe1 eq restpe)) tp
+ else MethodType(pnames, ptypes1, x => restpe1.subst(tp, x))
+ case tp @ ExprType(restpe) =>
+ tp.derivedExprType(this(restpe))
+ case tp @ SuperType(thistp, supertp) =>
+ tp.derivedSuperType(this(thistp), this(supertp))
+ case tp @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
+ if (lo eq hi) {
+ val lo1 = this(lo)
+ tp.derivedTypeBounds(lo1, lo1)
+ } else {
+ tp.derivedTypeBounds(this(lo), this(hi))
+ }
+ case tp @ RefinedType(parent, decls) =>
+ tp.derivedRefinedType(this(parent), mapOver(decls))
+ case tp @ OverloadedType(vs) =>
+ val altTypes = (vs map (_._2)).toList
+ val altTypes1 = altTypes mapConserve (t => this(t).asInstanceOf[RefType])
+ if (altTypes eq altTypes1) tp
+ else altTypes.reduceLeft(_ ref_& _)
+ case tp @ AnnotatedType(annots, underlying) =>
+ tp.derivedAnnotatedType(mapOverAnnotations(annots), this(underlying))
+ case _ =>
+ tp
+ }
+ /** Map this function over given scope */
+ def mapOver(scope: Scope): Scope = {
+ val elems = scope.toList
+ val elems1 = mapOver(elems)
+ if (elems1 eq elems) scope
+ else newScopeWith(elems1: _*)
+ }
+ /** Map this function over given list of symbols */
+ def mapOver(syms: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] = {
+ val infos = syms map (_.info)
+ val infos1 = infos mapConserve this
+ if (infos eq infos1) syms
+ else {
+ val syms1 = syms map (_.cloneSymbol)
+ (syms1, infos1).zipped.foreach { (sym1, info1) =>
+ sym1 setDenotation sym1.deref.withType(info1 substSym (syms, syms1))
+ }
+ syms1
+ }
+ }
+ def mapOverAnnotations(annots: List[AnnotationInfo]): List[AnnotationInfo] = ???
+ }
+ class InstMethodMap(mt: MethodType, argtypes: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context) extends TypeMap {
+ def apply(tp: Type) = tp match {
+ case MethodParam(`mt`, n) => argtypes(n)
+ case _ => mapOver(tp)
+ }
+ }
+ class InstPolyMap(pt: PolyType, argtypes: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context) extends TypeMap {
+ def apply(tp: Type) = tp match {
+ case PolyParam(`pt`, n) => argtypes(n)
+ case _ => mapOver(tp)
+ }
+ }
+// Constraints: poly => tvars
+ class AsSeenFromMap(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) extends TypeMap {
+ private def skipPrefixOf(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol) =
+ (pre eq NoType) || (pre eq NoPrefix) || clazz.isPackageClass
+ def apply(tp: Type) = tp match {
+ case ThisType(sym) =>
+ def toPrefix(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol): Type =
+ if (skipPrefixOf(pre, clazz))
+ tp
+ else if ((sym isNonBottomSubClass clazz) &&
+ (pre.widen.typeSymbol isNonBottomSubClass sym))
+ pre match {
+ case SuperType(thistp, _) => thistp
+ case _ => pre
+ }
+ else
+ toPrefix(pre.baseType(clazz).prefix, clazz.owner)
+ toPrefix(pre, clazz)
+ case TypeRef(_, tparam) if tparam.isTypeParameter =>
+ def toInstance(pre: Type, clazz: Symbol): Type = {
+ if (skipPrefixOf(pre, clazz)) tp
+ else {
+ val tparamOwner = tparam.owner
+ def throwError =
+ if (tparamOwner.tpe.parents exists (_.isErroneous))
+ ErrorType // don't be overzealous with throwing exceptions, see #2641
+ else
+ throw new Error(
+ s"something is wrong (wrong class file?): tp ${tparam.locationString} cannot be instantiated from ${pre.widen}")
+ def prefixMatches = pre.typeSymbol isNonBottomSubClass tparamOwner
+ val basePre = pre.baseType(clazz)
+ def instParamFrom(typeInst: Type): Type = typeInst match {
+ case ConstantType(_) =>
+ // have to deconst because it may be a Class[T].
+ instParamFrom(typeInst.deconst)
+ case AppliedType(tycon, baseArgs) =>
+ instParam(tycon.typeParams, baseArgs)
+ case _ =>
+ throwError
+ }
+ def instParam(ps: List[Symbol], as: List[Type]): Type =
+ if (ps.isEmpty || as.isEmpty) throwError
+ else if (tparam eq ps.head) as.head
+ else throwError
+ if (tparamOwner == clazz && prefixMatches) instParamFrom(basePre)
+ else toInstance(basePre.prefix, clazz.owner)
+ }
+ }
+ toInstance(pre, clazz)
+ case _ =>
+ if (tp.isTrivial) tp else mapOver(tp)
+ }
+ }
+ abstract class TypeAccumulator[T] extends ((T, Type) => T) {
+ def apply(x: T, tp: Type): T
+ def apply(x: T, sym: Symbol): T = apply(x, sym.info(NoContext))
+ def apply(x: T, annot: AnnotationInfo): T = ???
+ def foldOver(x: T, tp: Type): T = tp match {
+ case tp: SymRef =>
+ this(x, tp.prefix)
+ case ThisType(_)
+ | MethodParam(_, _)
+ | PolyParam(_, _)
+ | ConstantType(_) => x
+ case AppliedType(tycon, targs) =>
+ (this(x, tycon) /: targs) (this)
+ case tp @ PolyType(pnames, pboundsExpr, restpeExpr) =>
+ this((x /: tp.paramBounds) (this), tp.resultType)
+ case MethodType(pnames, ptypes, restpeExpr) =>
+ this((x /: ptypes) (this), tp.resultType)
+ case ExprType(restpe) =>
+ this(x, restpe)
+ case SuperType(thistp, supertp) =>
+ this(this(x, thistp), supertp)
+ case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
+ this(this(x, lo), hi)
+ case RefinedType(parent, decls) =>
+ (this(x, parent) /: decls.toList) (apply)
+ case OverloadedType(vs) =>
+ (x /: (vs map (_._2))) (this)
+ case AnnotatedType(annots, underlying) =>
+ this((x /: annots) (apply), underlying)
+ case _ => x
+ }
+ }
+ class ExistsAccumulator(p: Type => Boolean) extends TypeAccumulator[Boolean] {
+ def apply(x: Boolean, tp: Type) = x || p(tp) || foldOver(x, tp)
+ }
+ /** like map2, but returns list `xs` itself - instead of a copy - if function
+ * `f` maps all elements to themselves.
+ */
+ def map2Conserve[A <: AnyRef, B](xs: List[A], ys: List[B])(f: (A, B) => A): List[A] =
+ if (xs.isEmpty) xs
+ else {
+ val x1 = f(xs.head, ys.head)
+ val xs1 = map2Conserve(xs.tail, ys.tail)(f)
+ if ((x1 eq xs.head) && (xs1 eq xs.tail)) xs
+ else x1 :: xs1
+ }
+ final val NotCached = 0
+ final val NotCachedAlt = Int.MinValue
+ /** Compute the hash of a product
+ def productHash(x: Product): Int = {
+ val arr = x.productArity
+ var h = x.productPrefix.hashCode
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < arr) {
+ val elemHash = x.productElement(i) match {
+ case tp: Type => tp.hash
+ case elem => elem.hashCode
+ }
+ if (elemHash == NotCached) return NotCached
+ h = hashing.mix(h, elemHash)
+ i += 1
+ }
+ finalizeHash(h, arr)
+ }*/
+} \ No newline at end of file