path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala
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authorMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2013-06-05 17:27:02 +0200
committerMartin Odersky <odersky@gmail.com>2013-06-05 17:27:02 +0200
commit898fe8a499c97fa62840e2c79755fc729015a442 (patch)
tree95d0795c01764326bf51f2a0d4c8212b484e5da5 /src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala
parentb28c9ef75e274bdc54e9502e56c95b505495de5b (diff)
wip - partial redesign of namer/typer
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala
index d5b63a703..fc8b85f11 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala
@@ -23,7 +23,15 @@ trait NamerContextOps { this: Context =>
-abstract class Namer { typer: Typer =>
+class Environment {
+ import untpd._
+ val scope = newScope
+ val expandedTree = new mutable.WeakHashMap[MemberDef, Tree]
+ val treeOfSym = mutable.Map[Symbol, Tree]()
+ val typedTree = mutable.Map[Tree, tpd.Tree]()
+class Namer { typer: Typer =>
import untpd._
@@ -80,23 +88,15 @@ abstract class Namer { typer: Typer =>
* during phase typer.
- val expandedTree = new mutable.WeakHashMap[MemberDef, Tree]
- val untypedTreeOfSym = mutable.Map[Symbol, Tree]()
+ lazy val expandedTree = new mutable.WeakHashMap[Tree, Tree]
+ lazy val symOfTree = new mutable.WeakHashMap[Tree, Symbol]
+ lazy val typedTree = new mutable.WeakHashMap[Tree, tpd.Tree]
+ lazy val nestedTyper = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Typer]
- val typedTreeOfSym = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, tpd.Tree]
+ val scope = newScope
implicit def posToCoord(pos: Position): Coord = positionCoord(pos)
- def enclosingStats(implicit ctx: Context): List[Trees.Tree[_ >: Untyped]] =
- if (ctx == NoContext) Nil
- else ctx.tree match {
- case Template(_, _, _, stats) => stats
- case Block(stats, _) => stats
- case PackageDef(_, stats) => stats
- case _ => enclosingStats(ctx.outer)
- }
def privateWithinClass(mods: Modifiers)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = {
val pw = mods.privateWithin
if (pw.isEmpty) NoSymbol
@@ -107,33 +107,23 @@ abstract class Namer { typer: Typer =>
- def symOfTree(tree: Trees.NameTree[_], treeMap: collection.Map[Symbol, Trees.Tree[_]])(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = {
- var e = ctx.scope.lookupEntry(tree.name)
- while (e != null && treeMap(e.sym) != tree)
- e = ctx.scope.lookupNextEntry(e)
- if (e == null) NoSymbol else e.sym
- }
- def symOfTypedTree(tree: tpd.NameTree)(implicit ctx: Context) = symOfTree(tree, typedTreeOfSym)(ctx)
- def symOfUntypedTree (tree: NameTree)(implicit ctx: Context) = symOfTree(tree, untypedTreeOfSym)(ctx)
def createSymbol(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = {
val sym = tree match {
case tree: ClassDef =>
- ctx.owner, tree.name, tree.mods.flags, new Completer,
+ ctx.owner, tree.name, tree.mods.flags, new Completer(tree),
privateWithinClass(tree.mods), tree.pos, ctx.source.file))
case tree: MemberDef =>
- ctx.owner, tree.name, tree.mods.flags, new Completer,
+ ctx.owner, tree.name, tree.mods.flags, new Completer(tree),
privateWithinClass(tree.mods), tree.pos))
case imp: Import =>
- ctx.owner, nme.IMPORT, Synthetic, new Completer, NoSymbol, tree.pos)
+ ctx.owner, nme.IMPORT, Synthetic, new Completer(tree), NoSymbol, tree.pos)
case _ =>
- if (sym.exists) untypedTreeOfSym(sym) = tree
+ if (sym.exists) symOfTree(tree) = sym
@@ -186,121 +176,120 @@ abstract class Namer { typer: Typer =>
- def enterParams(ddef: DefDef)(ctx: Context): Context =
- (enterSyms(ddef.tparams)(ctx) /: ddef.vparamss) ((ctx, params) => enterSyms(params)(ctx))
- class Completer(implicit ctx: Context) extends LazyType {
+ class Completer(original: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) extends LazyType {
def complete(denot: SymDenotation): Unit = {
- val symToComplete = denot.symbol
- val original = untypedTreeOfSym(symToComplete)
+ val sym = denot.symbol
+ def localContext = ctx.fresh.withOwner(sym)
- def inheritedResultType(paramFn: Type => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
- lazy val schema = paramFn(WildcardType)
- val site = symToComplete.owner.symTypeRef
- ((NoType: Type) /: symToComplete.owner.info.baseClasses.tail) { (tp, cls) =>
- val itpe = cls.info
- .nonPrivateDecl(symToComplete.name)
- .matchingDenotation(site, schema)
- .asSeenFrom(site)
- .info.finalResultType
- tp & itpe
- }
- }
- def typedDefn(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = {
- val tree1 = typer.typed(tree, sym.symRef)
- typedTreeOfSym(sym) = tree1
- tree1
+ def typeSig(defn: Tree): Type = defn match {
+ case defn: ValDef =>
+ valOrDefDefSig(defn, sym, identity)(localContext)
+ case defn: DefDef =>
+ val typer1 = new Typer
+ nestedTyper(sym) = typer1
+ typer1.defDefSig(defn, sym)(localContext.withScope(typer1.scope))
+ case defn: TypeDef =>
+ typeDefSig(defn, sym)(localContext.withNewScope)
+ case defn: ClassDef =>
+ classDefSig(defn, sym.asClass)(localContext)
+ case imp: Import =>
+ val expr1 = typedAhead(imp.expr)
+ ImportType(SharedTree(expr1))
- def valOrDefDefSig[UT <: untpd.ValOrDefDef, T <: tpd.ValOrDefDef]
- (defn: UT, op: DefTyper[UT, T], paramFn: Type => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
- paramFn {
- if (!defn.tpt.isEmpty) typer.typed(defn.tpt).tpe
- else {
- val inherited = inheritedResultType(paramFn)
- if (inherited.exists) typer.typed(defn.tpt, inherited).tpe
- else aheadDef(defn, op).tpt.tpe
- }
- }
+ sym.info = typeSig(original)
+ }
+ }
- def completeParams[UT <: untpd.NameTree, T <: tpd.Tree]
- (params: List[UT], completer: DefTyper[UT, T])(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
- enterSyms(params)
- for (param <- params) aheadDef(param, completer)
- }
+ def typedAhead(tree: Tree, mode: Mode.Value = Mode.Expr, pt: Type = WildcardType)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree =
+ typedTree.getOrElseUpdate(tree, typer.typed(tree))
- def defDefSig(defn: DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
- val DefDef(_, _, tparams, vparamss, _, _) = defn
- completeParams(tparams, completeTypeDef)
- for (vparams <- vparamss) completeParams(vparams, completeValDef)
- def wrapMethType(restpe: Type): Type = {
- val monotpe =
- (restpe /: vparamss) { (restpe, params) =>
- val creator =
- if (params.nonEmpty && (params.head.mods is Implicit)) ImplicitMethodType else MethodType
- creator.fromSymbols(params map symOfUntypedTree, restpe)
- }
- if (tparams.nonEmpty) PolyType.fromSymbols(tparams map symOfUntypedTree, monotpe)
- else if (vparamss.isEmpty) ExprType(monotpe)
- else monotpe
+ def valOrDefDefSig(defn: ValOrDefDef, sym: Symbol, paramFn: Type => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ val pt =
+ if (!defn.tpt.isEmpty) WildcardType
+ else {
+ lazy val schema = paramFn(WildcardType)
+ val site = sym.owner.symTypeRef
+ val inherited = {
+ ((NoType: Type) /: sym.owner.info.baseClasses.tail) { (tp, cls) =>
+ val itpe = cls.info
+ .nonPrivateDecl(sym.name)
+ .matchingDenotation(site, schema)
+ .asSeenFrom(site)
+ .info.finalResultType
+ tp & itpe
- valOrDefDefSig(defn, completeDefDef, wrapMethType)
- }
- def typeDefSig(defn: TypeDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
- val lctx = localContext
- completeParams(defn.tparams, completeTypeDef)(lctx)
- val TypeDef(_, _, _, rhs) = aheadDef(defn, completeTypeDef)(lctx)
- rhs.tpe // !!! do something about parameters!
+ }
+ inherited orElse typedAhead(defn.rhs).tpe
+ paramFn(typedAhead(defn.tpt, Mode.Type, pt).tpe)
+ }
- def classDefSig(defn: ClassDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ def completeParams(params: List[MemberDef])(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ enterSyms(params)
+ for (param <- params) typedAhead(param)
+ }
- def parentType(constr: untpd.Tree): Type = {
- val Trees.Select(Trees.New(tpt), _) = TreeInfo.methPart(constr)
- val ptype = typedType(tpt).tpe
- if (ptype.uninstantiatedTypeParams.isEmpty) ptype else typedExpr(constr).tpe
+ def defDefSig(ddef: DefDef, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ val DefDef(_, name, tparams, vparamss, _, _) = ddef
+ completeParams(tparams)
+ vparamss foreach completeParams
+ val isConstructor = name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR
+ val isSecondaryConstructor = isConstructor && sym != sym.owner.primaryConstructor
+ def typeParams =
+ if (isSecondaryConstructor) sym.owner.primaryConstructor.typeParams
+ else tparams map symOfTree
+ def wrapMethType(restpe: Type): Type = {
+ val monotpe =
+ (restpe /: vparamss) { (restpe, params) =>
+ val creator =
+ if (params.nonEmpty && (params.head.mods is Implicit)) ImplicitMethodType else MethodType
+ creator.fromSymbols(params map symOfTree, restpe)
+ if (tparams.nonEmpty) PolyType.fromSymbols(typeParams, monotpe)
+ else if (vparamss.isEmpty) ExprType(monotpe)
+ else monotpe
+ }
+ if (isConstructor) {
+ // set result type tree to unit, but set the current class as result type of the symbol
+ typedAhead(ddef.tpt, Mode.Type, defn.UnitType)
+ wrapMethType(sym.owner.typeConstructor.appliedTo(typeParams map (_.symRef)))
+ }
+ else valOrDefDefSig(ddef, sym, wrapMethType)
+ }
- def enterSelfSym(name: TermName, tpe: Type): Unit =
- ctx.enter(ctx.newSymbol(ctx.owner, name, Synthetic, tpe, coord = symToComplete.coord))
+ def typeDefSig(defn: TypeDef, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ completeParams(defn.tparams)
+ ???
+ }
- val ClassDef(_, _, impl @ Template(constr, parents, self, body)) = defn
+ def classDefSig(defn: ClassDef, cls: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
- val decls = newScope
- val (params, rest) = body span {
- case td: TypeDef => td.mods is ParamOrAccessor
- case _ => false
- }
- enterSyms(params)
- val parentTypes = parents map parentType
- val parentRefs = ctx.normalizeToRefs(parentTypes, symToComplete.asClass, decls)
- val selfTypeOpt = if (self.tpt.isEmpty) NoType else typedType(self.tpt).tpe
- if (self.name != nme.WILDCARD)
- enterSelfSym(self.name, selfTypeOpt orElse symToComplete.typeConstructor)
- enterSyms(rest)
- ClassInfo(denot.owner.thisType, symToComplete.asClass, parentRefs, decls, selfTypeOpt)
- }
+ def parentType(constr: untpd.Tree): Type = {
+ val Trees.Select(Trees.New(tpt), _) = TreeInfo.methPart(constr)
+ val ptype = typedAhead(tpt, Mode.Type).tpe
+ if (ptype.uninstantiatedTypeParams.isEmpty) ptype
+ else typedAhead(constr, Mode.Expr).tpe
+ }
- def localContext = ctx.fresh.withOwner(symToComplete)
+ def enterSelfSym(name: TermName, tpe: Type): Unit =
+ ctx.enter(ctx.newSymbol(ctx.owner, name, Synthetic, tpe, coord = cls.coord))
- def typeSig(defn: Tree): Type = defn match {
- case defn: ValDef =>
- valOrDefDefSig(defn, completeValDef, identity)(localContext)
- case defn: DefDef =>
- defDefSig(defn)(localContext.withNewScope)
- case defn: TypeDef =>
- typeDefSig(defn)(localContext.withNewScope)
- case defn: ClassDef =>
- classDefSig(defn)(localContext)
- case imp: Import =>
- val expr1 = typedDefn(imp.expr, symToComplete)
- ImportType(SharedTree(expr1))
- }
+ val ClassDef(_, _, impl @ Template(_, parents, self, body)) = defn
- symToComplete.info = typeSig(original)
+ val decls = newScope
+ val (params, rest) = body span {
+ case td: TypeDef => td.mods is ParamOrAccessor
+ case _ => false
+ enterSyms(params)
+ val parentTypes = parents map parentType
+ val parentRefs = ctx.normalizeToRefs(parentTypes, cls, decls)
+ val selfTypeOpt = if (self.tpt.isEmpty) NoType else typedAhead(self.tpt, Mode.Type).tpe
+ if (self.name != nme.WILDCARD)
+ enterSelfSym(self.name, selfTypeOpt orElse cls.typeConstructor)
+ enterSyms(rest)
+ ClassInfo(cls.owner.thisType, cls, parentRefs, decls, selfTypeOpt)
} \ No newline at end of file