path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/DiffUtil.scala
diff options
authorNicolas Stucki <nicolas.stucki@gmail.com>2016-07-20 16:25:25 +0200
committerNicolas Stucki <nicolas.stucki@gmail.com>2016-08-24 16:53:11 +0200
commitc3c796f6b46a93dbace9b3c281a634f2f49a4d2d (patch)
tree5750d201efc8421a784d4e732b058b65e42fbc79 /src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/DiffUtil.scala
parent0e8f05d88bfef95fac59f522fd9d06792126bd11 (diff)
Fix #1405: Implement Xprint-diff without external libraries.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/DiffUtil.scala')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/DiffUtil.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/DiffUtil.scala
index b28f36382..b7c77ad62 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/DiffUtil.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/DiffUtil.scala
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package dotty.tools.dotc.util
import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import difflib._
+import scala.collection.mutable
object DiffUtil {
@@ -13,9 +13,8 @@ object DiffUtil {
private final val ADDITION_COLOR = ANSI_GREEN
def mkColoredCodeDiff(code: String, lastCode: String, printDiffDel: Boolean): String = {
- import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
- @tailrec def split(str: String, acc: List[String]): List[String] = {
+ @tailrec def splitTokens(str: String, acc: List[String] = Nil): List[String] = {
if (str == "") {
} else {
@@ -30,38 +29,119 @@ object DiffUtil {
!Character.isMirrored(c) && !Character.isWhitespace(c)
- split(rest, token :: acc)
+ splitTokens(rest, token :: acc)
- val lines = split(code, Nil).toArray
- val diff = DiffUtils.diff(split(lastCode, Nil), lines.toList)
+ val tokens = splitTokens(code, Nil).toArray
+ val lastTokens = splitTokens(lastCode, Nil).toArray
- for (delta <- diff.getDeltas) {
- val pos = delta.getRevised.getPosition
- val endPos = pos + delta.getRevised.getLines.size - 1
+ val diff = hirschberg(lastTokens, tokens)
- delta.getType.toString match { // Issue #1355 forces us to use the toString
- case "INSERT" =>
- lines(pos) = ADDITION_COLOR + lines(pos)
- lines(endPos) = lines(endPos) + ANSI_DEFAULT
+ diff.collect {
+ case Unmodified(str) => str
+ case Inserted(str) => ADDITION_COLOR + str + ANSI_DEFAULT
+ case Modified(old, str) if printDiffDel => DELETION_COLOR + old + ADDITION_COLOR + str + ANSI_DEFAULT
+ case Modified(_, str) => ADDITION_COLOR + str + ANSI_DEFAULT
+ case Deleted(str) if printDiffDel => DELETION_COLOR + str + ANSI_DEFAULT
+ }.mkString
+ }
- case "CHANGE" =>
- val old = if (!printDiffDel) "" else
- DELETION_COLOR + delta.getOriginal.getLines.mkString + ANSI_DEFAULT
- lines(pos) = old + ADDITION_COLOR + lines(pos)
- lines(endPos) = lines(endPos) + ANSI_DEFAULT
+ private sealed trait Patch
+ private final case class Unmodified(str: String) extends Patch
+ private final case class Modified(original: String, str: String) extends Patch
+ private final case class Deleted(str: String) extends Patch
+ private final case class Inserted(str: String) extends Patch
- case "DELETE" if printDiffDel =>
- val deleted = delta.getOriginal.getLines.mkString
- if (!deleted.forall(Character.isWhitespace)) {
- lines(pos) = DELETION_COLOR + deleted + ANSI_DEFAULT + lines(pos)
- }
+ private def hirschberg(a: Array[String], b: Array[String]): Array[Patch] = {
+ def build(x: Array[String], y: Array[String], builder: mutable.ArrayBuilder[Patch]): Unit = {
+ if (x.isEmpty) {
+ builder += Inserted(y.mkString)
+ } else if (y.isEmpty) {
+ builder += Deleted(x.mkString)
+ } else if (x.length == 1 || y.length == 1) {
+ needlemanWunsch(x, y, builder)
+ } else {
+ val xlen = x.length
+ val xmid = xlen / 2
+ val ylen = y.length
+ val (x1, x2) = x.splitAt(xmid)
+ val leftScore = nwScore(x1, y)
+ val rightScore = nwScore(x2.reverse, y.reverse)
+ val scoreSum = (leftScore zip rightScore.reverse).map {
+ case (left, right) => left + right
+ }
+ val max = scoreSum.max
+ val ymid = scoreSum.indexOf(max)
- case _ =>
+ val (y1, y2) = y.splitAt(ymid)
+ build(x1, y1, builder)
+ build(x2, y2, builder)
+ val builder = Array.newBuilder[Patch]
+ build(a, b, builder)
+ builder.result()
+ }
+ private def nwScore(x: Array[String], y: Array[String]): Array[Int] = {
+ def ins(s: String) = -2
+ def del(s: String) = -2
+ def sub(s1: String, s2: String) = if (s1 == s2) 2 else -1
- lines.mkString
+ val score = Array.fill(x.length + 1, y.length + 1)(0)
+ for (j <- 1 to y.length)
+ score(0)(j) = score(0)(j - 1) + ins(y(j - 1))
+ for (i <- 1 to x.length) {
+ score(i)(0) = score(i - 1)(0) + del(x(i - 1))
+ for (j <- 1 to y.length) {
+ val scoreSub = score(i - 1)(j - 1) + sub(x(i - 1), y(j - 1))
+ val scoreDel = score(i - 1)(j) + del(x(i - 1))
+ val scoreIns = score(i)(j - 1) + ins(y(j - 1))
+ score(i)(j) = scoreSub max scoreDel max scoreIns
+ }
+ }
+ Array.tabulate(y.length + 1)(j => score(x.length)(j))
+ private def needlemanWunsch(x: Array[String], y: Array[String], builder: mutable.ArrayBuilder[Patch]): Unit = {
+ def similarity(a: String, b: String) = if (a == b) 2 else -1
+ val d = 1
+ val score = Array.tabulate(x.length + 1, y.length + 1) { (i, j) =>
+ if (i == 0) d * j
+ else if (j == 0) d * i
+ else 0
+ }
+ for (i <- 1 to x.length) {
+ for (j <- 1 to y.length) {
+ val mtch = score(i - 1)(j - 1) + similarity(x(i - 1), y(j - 1))
+ val delete = score(i - 1)(j) + d
+ val insert = score(i)(j - 1) + d
+ score(i)(j) = mtch max insert max delete
+ }
+ }
+ var alignment = List.empty[Patch]
+ var i = x.length
+ var j = y.length
+ while (i > 0 || j > 0) {
+ if (i > 0 && j > 0 && score(i)(j) == score(i - 1)(j - 1) + similarity(x(i - 1), y(j - 1))) {
+ val newHead =
+ if (x(i - 1) == y(j - 1)) Unmodified(x(i - 1))
+ else Modified(x(i - 1), y(j - 1))
+ alignment = newHead :: alignment
+ i = i - 1
+ j = j - 1
+ } else if (i > 0 && score(i)(j) == score(i - 1)(j) + d) {
+ alignment = Deleted(x(i - 1)) :: alignment
+ i = i - 1
+ } else {
+ alignment = Inserted(y(j - 1)) :: alignment
+ j = j - 1
+ }
+ }
+ builder ++= alignment
+ }