path: root/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/ScriptParsers.scala
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diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/ScriptParsers.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/ScriptParsers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..afa7fefab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/ScriptParsers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package parsing
+import util.SourceFile
+import core._
+import Contexts._
+import Parsers._
+/** <p>Performs the following context-free rewritings:</p>
+ * <ol>
+ * <li>
+ * Places all pattern variables in Bind nodes. In a pattern, for
+ * identifiers <code>x</code>:<pre>
+ * x => x @ _
+ * x:T => x @ (_ : T)</pre>
+ * </li>
+ * <li>Removes pattern definitions (PatDef's) as follows:
+ * If pattern is a simple (typed) identifier:<pre>
+ * <b>val</b> x = e ==> <b>val</b> x = e
+ * <b>val</b> x: T = e ==> <b>val</b> x: T = e</pre>
+ *
+ * if there are no variables in pattern<pre>
+ * <b>val</b> p = e ==> e match (case p => ())</pre>
+ *
+ * if there is exactly one variable in pattern<pre>
+ * <b>val</b> x_1 = e <b>match</b> (case p => (x_1))</pre>
+ *
+ * if there is more than one variable in pattern<pre>
+ * <b>val</b> p = e ==> <b>private synthetic val</b> t$ = e <b>match</b> (case p => (x_1, ..., x_N))
+ * <b>val</b> x_1 = t$._1
+ * ...
+ * <b>val</b> x_N = t$._N</pre>
+ * </li>
+ * <li>
+ * Removes function types as follows:<pre>
+ * (argtpes) => restpe ==> scala.Function_n[argtpes, restpe]</pre>
+ * </li>
+ * <li>
+ * Wraps naked case definitions in a match as follows:<pre>
+ * { cases } ==> (x => x.match {cases})<span style="font-family:normal;">, except when already argument to match</span></pre>
+ * </li>
+ * </ol>
+ */
+object ScriptParsers {
+ import ast.untpd._
+ class ScriptParser(source: SourceFile)(implicit ctx: Context) extends Parser(source) {
+ /** This is the parse entry point for code which is not self-contained, e.g.
+ * a script which is a series of template statements. They will be
+ * swaddled in Trees until the AST is equivalent to the one returned
+ * by compilationUnit().
+ */
+ override def parse(): Tree = unsupported("parse")
+ /* TODO: reinstantiate
+ val stmts = templateStatSeq(false)._2
+ accept(EOF)
+ def mainModuleName = ctx.settings.script.value
+ /** If there is only a single object template in the file and it has a
+ * suitable main method, we will use it rather than building another object
+ * around it. Since objects are loaded lazily the whole script would have
+ * been a no-op, so we're not taking much liberty.
+ */
+ def searchForMain(): Option[Tree] = {
+ /** Have to be fairly liberal about what constitutes a main method since
+ * nothing has been typed yet - for instance we can't assume the parameter
+ * type will look exactly like "Array[String]" as it could have been renamed
+ * via import, etc.
+ */
+ def isMainMethod(t: Tree) = t match {
+ case DefDef(_, nme.main, Nil, List(_), _, _) => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ /** For now we require there only be one top level object. */
+ var seenModule = false
+ val newStmts = stmts collect {
+ case t @ Import(_, _) => t
+ case md @ ModuleDef(mods, name, template)
+ if !seenModule && (template.body exists isMainMethod) =>
+ seenModule = true
+ /** This slightly hacky situation arises because we have no way to communicate
+ * back to the scriptrunner what the name of the program is. Even if we were
+ * willing to take the sketchy route of settings.script.value = progName, that
+ * does not work when using fsc. And to find out in advance would impose a
+ * whole additional parse. So instead, if the actual object's name differs from
+ * what the script is expecting, we transform it to match.
+ */
+ md.derivedModuleDef(mods, mainModuleName.toTermName, template)
+ case _ =>
+ /** If we see anything but the above, fail. */
+ return None
+ }
+ Some(makePackaging(0, emptyPkg, newStmts))
+ }
+ if (mainModuleName == ScriptRunner.defaultScriptMain)
+ searchForMain() foreach { return _ }
+ /** Here we are building an AST representing the following source fiction,
+ * where <moduleName> is from -Xscript (defaults to "Main") and <stmts> are
+ * the result of parsing the script file.
+ *
+ * object <moduleName> {
+ * def main(argv: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ * val args = argv
+ * new AnyRef {
+ * <stmts>
+ * }
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ import definitions._
+ def emptyPkg = atPos(0, 0, 0) { Ident(nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME) }
+ def emptyInit = DefDef(
+ Modifiers(),
+ Nil,
+ List(Nil),
+ TypeTree(),
+ Block(List(Apply(Select(Super(This(tpnme.EMPTY), tpnme.EMPTY), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), Nil)), Literal(Constant(())))
+ )
+ // def main
+ def mainParamType = AppliedTypeTree(Ident(tpnme.Array), List(Ident(tpnme.String)))
+ def mainParameter = List(ValDef(Modifiers(Param), "argv", mainParamType, EmptyTree))
+ def mainSetArgv = List(ValDef(Modifiers(), "args", TypeTree(), Ident("argv")))
+ def mainNew = makeNew(Nil, emptyValDef, stmts, List(Nil), NoPosition, NoPosition)
+ def mainDef = DefDef(Modifiers(), nme.main, Nil, List(mainParameter), scalaDot(tpnme.Unit), Block(mainSetArgv, mainNew))
+ // object Main
+ def moduleName = ScriptRunner scriptMain settings
+ def moduleBody = Template(List(scalaScalaObjectConstr), emptyValDef, List(emptyInit, mainDef))
+ def moduleDef = ModuleDef(Modifiers(), moduleName, moduleBody)
+ // package <empty> { ... }
+ makePackaging(0, emptyPkg, List(moduleDef))
+ }*/
+ }