path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/ast/TreeTypeMap.scala
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diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/ast/TreeTypeMap.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/ast/TreeTypeMap.scala
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index cf529dfda..000000000
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/ast/TreeTypeMap.scala
+++ /dev/null
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-package dotty.tools
-package dotc
-package ast
-import core._
-import Types._, Contexts._, Constants._, Names._, Flags._
-import SymDenotations._, Symbols._, Annotations._, Trees._, Symbols._
-import Denotations._, Decorators._
-import dotty.tools.dotc.transform.SymUtils._
-/** A map that applies three functions and a substitution together to a tree and
- * makes sure they are coordinated so that the result is well-typed. The functions are
- * @param typeMap A function from Type to Type that gets applied to the
- * type of every tree node and to all locally defined symbols,
- * followed by the substitution [substFrom := substTo].
- * @param treeMap A transformer that translates all encountered subtrees in
- * prefix traversal orders
- * @param oldOwners Previous owners. If a top-level local symbol in the mapped tree
- * has one of these as an owner, the owner is replaced by the corresponding
- * symbol in `newOwners`.
- * @param newOwners New owners, replacing previous owners.
- * @param substFrom The symbols that need to be substituted.
- * @param substTo The substitution targets.
- *
- * The reason the substitution is broken out from the rest of the type map is
- * that all symbols have to be substituted at the same time. If we do not do this,
- * we risk data races on named types. Example: Say we have `outer#1.inner#2` and we
- * have two substitutions S1 = [outer#1 := outer#3], S2 = [inner#2 := inner#4] where
- * hashtags precede symbol ids. If we do S1 first, we get outer#2.inner#3. If we then
- * do S2 we get outer#2.inner#4. But that means that the named type outer#2.inner
- * gets two different denotations in the same period. Hence, if -Yno-double-bindings is
- * set, we would get a data race assertion error.
- */
-final class TreeTypeMap(
- val typeMap: Type => Type = IdentityTypeMap,
- val treeMap: tpd.Tree => tpd.Tree = identity _,
- val oldOwners: List[Symbol] = Nil,
- val newOwners: List[Symbol] = Nil,
- val substFrom: List[Symbol] = Nil,
- val substTo: List[Symbol] = Nil)(implicit ctx: Context) extends tpd.TreeMap {
- import tpd._
- /** If `sym` is one of `oldOwners`, replace by corresponding symbol in `newOwners` */
- def mapOwner(sym: Symbol) = sym.subst(oldOwners, newOwners)
- /** Replace occurrences of `This(oldOwner)` in some prefix of a type
- * by the corresponding `This(newOwner)`.
- */
- private val mapOwnerThis = new TypeMap {
- private def mapPrefix(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol], tp: Type): Type = from match {
- case Nil => tp
- case (cls: ClassSymbol) :: from1 => mapPrefix(from1, to.tail, tp.substThis(cls, to.head.thisType))
- case _ :: from1 => mapPrefix(from1, to.tail, tp)
- }
- def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case tp: NamedType => tp.derivedSelect(mapPrefix(oldOwners, newOwners, tp.prefix))
- case _ => mapOver(tp)
- }
- }
- def mapType(tp: Type) =
- mapOwnerThis(typeMap(tp).substSym(substFrom, substTo))
- private def updateDecls(prevStats: List[Tree], newStats: List[Tree]): Unit =
- if (prevStats.isEmpty) assert(newStats.isEmpty)
- else {
- prevStats.head match {
- case pdef: MemberDef =>
- val prevSym = pdef.symbol
- val newSym = newStats.head.symbol
- val newCls = newSym.owner.asClass
- if (prevSym != newSym) newCls.replace(prevSym, newSym)
- case _ =>
- }
- updateDecls(prevStats.tail, newStats.tail)
- }
- override def transform(tree: tpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = treeMap(tree) match {
- case impl @ Template(constr, parents, self, _) =>
- val tmap = withMappedSyms(localSyms(impl :: self :: Nil))
- cpy.Template(impl)(
- constr = tmap.transformSub(constr),
- parents = parents mapconserve transform,
- self = tmap.transformSub(self),
- body = impl.body mapconserve
- (tmap.transform(_)(ctx.withOwner(mapOwner(impl.symbol.owner))))
- ).withType(tmap.mapType(impl.tpe))
- case tree1 =>
- tree1.withType(mapType(tree1.tpe)) match {
- case id: Ident if tpd.needsSelect(id.tpe) =>
- ref(id.tpe.asInstanceOf[TermRef]).withPos(id.pos)
- case ddef @ DefDef(name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, _) =>
- val (tmap1, tparams1) = transformDefs(ddef.tparams)
- val (tmap2, vparamss1) = tmap1.transformVParamss(vparamss)
- val res = cpy.DefDef(ddef)(name, tparams1, vparamss1, tmap2.transform(tpt), tmap2.transform(ddef.rhs))
- res.symbol.transformAnnotations {
- case ann: BodyAnnotation => ann.derivedAnnotation(res.rhs)
- case ann => ann
- }
- res
- case blk @ Block(stats, expr) =>
- val (tmap1, stats1) = transformDefs(stats)
- val expr1 = tmap1.transform(expr)
- cpy.Block(blk)(stats1, expr1)
- case inlined @ Inlined(call, bindings, expanded) =>
- val (tmap1, bindings1) = transformDefs(bindings)
- val expanded1 = tmap1.transform(expanded)
- cpy.Inlined(inlined)(call, bindings1, expanded1)
- case cdef @ CaseDef(pat, guard, rhs) =>
- val tmap = withMappedSyms(patVars(pat))
- val pat1 = tmap.transform(pat)
- val guard1 = tmap.transform(guard)
- val rhs1 = tmap.transform(rhs)
- cpy.CaseDef(cdef)(pat1, guard1, rhs1)
- case tree1 =>
- super.transform(tree1)
- }
- }
- override def transformStats(trees: List[tpd.Tree])(implicit ctx: Context) =
- transformDefs(trees)._2
- private def transformDefs[TT <: tpd.Tree](trees: List[TT])(implicit ctx: Context): (TreeTypeMap, List[TT]) = {
- val tmap = withMappedSyms(tpd.localSyms(trees))
- (tmap, tmap.transformSub(trees))
- }
- private def transformVParamss(vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): (TreeTypeMap, List[List[ValDef]]) = vparamss match {
- case vparams :: rest =>
- val (tmap1, vparams1) = transformDefs(vparams)
- val (tmap2, vparamss2) = tmap1.transformVParamss(rest)
- (tmap2, vparams1 :: vparamss2)
- case nil =>
- (this, vparamss)
- }
- def apply[ThisTree <: tpd.Tree](tree: ThisTree): ThisTree = transform(tree).asInstanceOf[ThisTree]
- def apply(annot: Annotation): Annotation = annot.derivedAnnotation(apply(annot.tree))
- /** The current tree map composed with a substitution [from -> to] */
- def withSubstitution(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol]): TreeTypeMap =
- if (from eq to) this
- else {
- // assert that substitution stays idempotent, assuming its parts are
- // TODO: It might be better to cater for the asserted-away conditions, by
- // setting up a proper substitution abstraction with a compose operator that
- // guarantees idempotence. But this might be too inefficient in some cases.
- // We'll cross that bridge when we need to.
- assert(!from.exists(substTo contains _))
- assert(!to.exists(substFrom contains _))
- assert(!from.exists(newOwners contains _))
- assert(!to.exists(oldOwners contains _))
- new TreeTypeMap(
- typeMap,
- treeMap,
- from ++ oldOwners,
- to ++ newOwners,
- from ++ substFrom,
- to ++ substTo)
- }
- /** Apply `typeMap` and `ownerMap` to given symbols `syms`
- * and return a treemap that contains the substitution
- * between original and mapped symbols.
- */
- def withMappedSyms(syms: List[Symbol], mapAlways: Boolean = false): TreeTypeMap =
- withMappedSyms(syms, ctx.mapSymbols(syms, this, mapAlways))
- /** The tree map with the substitution between originals `syms`
- * and mapped symbols `mapped`. Also goes into mapped classes
- * and substitutes their declarations.
- */
- def withMappedSyms(syms: List[Symbol], mapped: List[Symbol]): TreeTypeMap = {
- val symsChanged = syms ne mapped
- val substMap = withSubstitution(syms, mapped)
- val fullMap = (substMap /: mapped.filter(_.isClass)) { (tmap, cls) =>
- val origDcls = cls.info.decls.toList
- val mappedDcls = ctx.mapSymbols(origDcls, tmap)
- val tmap1 = tmap.withMappedSyms(origDcls, mappedDcls)
- if (symsChanged) (origDcls, mappedDcls).zipped.foreach(cls.asClass.replace)
- tmap1
- }
- if (symsChanged || (fullMap eq substMap)) fullMap
- else withMappedSyms(syms, mapAlways = true)
- }