path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ExtractDependencies.scala
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diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ExtractDependencies.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ExtractDependencies.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..181d6a2d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/sbt/ExtractDependencies.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+package dotty.tools.dotc
+package sbt
+import ast.{Trees, tpd}
+import core._, core.Decorators._
+import Contexts._, Flags._, Phases._, Trees._, Types._, Symbols._
+import Names._, NameOps._, StdNames._
+import scala.collection.{Set, mutable}
+import dotty.tools.io.{AbstractFile, Path, PlainFile, ZipArchive}
+import java.io.File
+import java.util.{Arrays, Comparator}
+import xsbti.DependencyContext
+/** This phase sends information on classes' dependencies to sbt via callbacks.
+ *
+ * This is used by sbt for incremental recompilation. Briefly, when a file
+ * changes sbt will recompile it, if its API has changed (determined by what
+ * `ExtractAPI` sent) then sbt will determine which reverse-dependencies
+ * (determined by what `ExtractDependencies` sent) of the API have to be
+ * recompiled depending on what changed.
+ *
+ * See the documentation of `ExtractDependenciesCollector`, `ExtractAPI`,
+ * `ExtractAPICollector` and
+ * http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/Understanding-Recompilation.html for more
+ * information on how sbt incremental compilation works.
+ *
+ * The following flags affect this phase:
+ * -Yforce-sbt-phases
+ * -Ydump-sbt-inc
+ *
+ * @see ExtractAPI
+ */
+class ExtractDependencies extends Phase {
+ override def phaseName: String = "sbt-deps"
+ // This phase should be run directly after `Frontend`, if it is run after
+ // `PostTyper`, some dependencies will be lost because trees get simplified.
+ // See the scripted test `constants` for an example where this matters.
+ // TODO: Add a `Phase#runsBefore` method ?
+ override def run(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
+ val unit = ctx.compilationUnit
+ val dumpInc = ctx.settings.YdumpSbtInc.value
+ val forceRun = dumpInc || ctx.settings.YforceSbtPhases.value
+ if ((ctx.sbtCallback != null || forceRun) && !unit.isJava) {
+ val sourceFile = unit.source.file.file
+ val extractDeps = new ExtractDependenciesCollector
+ extractDeps.traverse(unit.tpdTree)
+ if (dumpInc) {
+ val names = extractDeps.usedNames.map(_.toString).toArray[Object]
+ val deps = extractDeps.topLevelDependencies.map(_.toString).toArray[Object]
+ val inhDeps = extractDeps.topLevelInheritanceDependencies.map(_.toString).toArray[Object]
+ Arrays.sort(names)
+ Arrays.sort(deps)
+ Arrays.sort(inhDeps)
+ val pw = Path(sourceFile).changeExtension("inc").toFile.printWriter()
+ try {
+ pw.println(s"// usedNames: ${names.mkString(",")}")
+ pw.println(s"// topLevelDependencies: ${deps.mkString(",")}")
+ pw.println(s"// topLevelInheritanceDependencies: ${inhDeps.mkString(",")}")
+ } finally pw.close()
+ }
+ if (ctx.sbtCallback != null) {
+ extractDeps.usedNames.foreach(name =>
+ ctx.sbtCallback.usedName(sourceFile, name.toString))
+ extractDeps.topLevelDependencies.foreach(dep =>
+ recordDependency(sourceFile, dep, DependencyContext.DependencyByMemberRef))
+ extractDeps.topLevelInheritanceDependencies.foreach(dep =>
+ recordDependency(sourceFile, dep, DependencyContext.DependencyByInheritance))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Record that `currentSourceFile` depends on the file where `dep` was loaded from.
+ *
+ * @param currentSourceFile The source file of the current unit
+ * @param dep The dependency
+ * @param context Describes how `currentSourceFile` depends on `dep`
+ */
+ def recordDependency(currentSourceFile: File, dep: Symbol, context: DependencyContext)
+ (implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ val depFile = dep.associatedFile
+ if (depFile != null) {
+ if (depFile.path.endsWith(".class")) {
+ /** Transform `List(java, lang, String.class)` into `java.lang.String` */
+ def className(classSegments: List[String]) =
+ classSegments.mkString(".").stripSuffix(".class")
+ def binaryDependency(file: File, className: String) =
+ ctx.sbtCallback.binaryDependency(file, className, currentSourceFile, context)
+ depFile match {
+ case ze: ZipArchive#Entry =>
+ for (zip <- ze.underlyingSource; zipFile <- Option(zip.file)) {
+ val classSegments = Path(ze.path).segments
+ binaryDependency(zipFile, className(classSegments))
+ }
+ case pf: PlainFile =>
+ val packages = dep.ownersIterator
+ .filter(x => x.is(PackageClass) && !x.isEffectiveRoot).length
+ // We can recover the fully qualified name of a classfile from
+ // its path
+ val classSegments = pf.givenPath.segments.takeRight(packages + 1)
+ binaryDependency(pf.file, className(classSegments))
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ } else if (depFile.file != currentSourceFile) {
+ ctx.sbtCallback.sourceDependency(depFile.file, currentSourceFile, context)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/** Extract the dependency information of a compilation unit.
+ *
+ * To understand why we track the used names see the section "Name hashing
+ * algorithm" in http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/Understanding-Recompilation.html
+ * To understand why we need to track dependencies introduced by inheritance
+ * specially, see the subsection "Dependencies introduced by member reference and
+ * inheritance" in the "Name hashing algorithm" section.
+ */
+private class ExtractDependenciesCollector(implicit val ctx: Context) extends tpd.TreeTraverser {
+ import tpd._
+ private[this] val _usedNames = new mutable.HashSet[Name]
+ private[this] val _topLevelDependencies = new mutable.HashSet[Symbol]
+ private[this] val _topLevelInheritanceDependencies = new mutable.HashSet[Symbol]
+ /** The names used in this class, this does not include names which are only
+ * defined and not referenced.
+ */
+ def usedNames: Set[Name] = _usedNames
+ /** The set of top-level classes that the compilation unit depends on
+ * because it refers to these classes or something defined in them.
+ * This is always a superset of `topLevelInheritanceDependencies` by definition.
+ */
+ def topLevelDependencies: Set[Symbol] = _topLevelDependencies
+ /** The set of top-level classes that the compilation unit extends or that
+ * contain a non-top-level class that the compilaion unit extends.
+ */
+ def topLevelInheritanceDependencies: Set[Symbol] = _topLevelInheritanceDependencies
+ private def addUsedName(name: Name) =
+ _usedNames += name
+ private def addDependency(sym: Symbol): Unit =
+ if (!ignoreDependency(sym)) {
+ val tlClass = sym.topLevelClass
+ if (tlClass.ne(NoSymbol)) // Some synthetic type aliases like AnyRef do not belong to any class
+ _topLevelDependencies += sym.topLevelClass
+ addUsedName(sym.name)
+ }
+ private def ignoreDependency(sym: Symbol) =
+ sym.eq(NoSymbol) ||
+ sym.isEffectiveRoot ||
+ sym.isAnonymousFunction ||
+ sym.isAnonymousClass ||
+ sym.isLambdaTrait
+ private def addInheritanceDependency(sym: Symbol): Unit =
+ _topLevelInheritanceDependencies += sym.topLevelClass
+ /** Traverse the tree of a source file and record the dependencies which
+ * can be retrieved using `topLevelDependencies`, `topLevelInheritanceDependencies`,
+ * and `usedNames`
+ */
+ override def traverse(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
+ tree match {
+ case Import(expr, selectors) =>
+ def lookupImported(name: Name) = expr.tpe.member(name).symbol
+ def addImported(name: Name) = {
+ // importing a name means importing both a term and a type (if they exist)
+ addDependency(lookupImported(name.toTermName))
+ addDependency(lookupImported(name.toTypeName))
+ }
+ selectors foreach {
+ case Ident(name) =>
+ addImported(name)
+ case Pair(Ident(name), Ident(rename)) =>
+ addImported(name)
+ if (rename ne nme.WILDCARD)
+ addUsedName(rename)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ case t: TypeTree =>
+ usedTypeTraverser.traverse(t.tpe)
+ case ref: RefTree =>
+ addDependency(ref.symbol)
+ usedTypeTraverser.traverse(ref.tpe)
+ case t @ Template(_, parents, _, _) =>
+ t.parents.foreach(p => addInheritanceDependency(p.tpe.typeSymbol))
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ traverseChildren(tree)
+ }
+ /** Traverse a used type and record all the dependencies we need to keep track
+ * of for incremental recompilation.
+ *
+ * As a motivating example, given a type `T` defined as:
+ *
+ * type T >: L <: H
+ * type L <: A1
+ * type H <: B1
+ * class A1 extends A0
+ * class B1 extends B0
+ *
+ * We need to record a dependency on `T`, `L`, `H`, `A1`, `B1`. This is
+ * necessary because the API representation that `ExtractAPI` produces for
+ * `T` just refers to the strings "L" and "H", it does not contain their API
+ * representation. Therefore, the name hash of `T` does not change if for
+ * example the definition of `L` changes.
+ *
+ * We do not need to keep track of superclasses like `A0` and `B0` because
+ * the API representation of a class (and therefore its name hash) already
+ * contains all necessary information on superclasses.
+ *
+ * A natural question to ask is: Since traversing all referenced types to
+ * find all these names is costly, why not change the API representation
+ * produced by `ExtractAPI` to contain that information? This way the name
+ * hash of `T` would change if any of the types it depends on change, and we
+ * would only need to record a dependency on `T`. Unfortunately there is no
+ * simple answer to the question "what does T depend on?" because it depends
+ * on the prefix and `ExtractAPI` does not compute types as seen from every
+ * possible prefix, the documentation of `ExtractAPI` explains why.
+ *
+ * The tests in sbt `types-in-used-names-a`, `types-in-used-names-b`,
+ * `as-seen-from-a` and `as-seen-from-b` rely on this.
+ */
+ private object usedTypeTraverser extends TypeTraverser {
+ val seen = new mutable.HashSet[Type]
+ def traverse(tp: Type): Unit = if (!seen.contains(tp)) {
+ seen += tp
+ tp match {
+ case tp: NamedType =>
+ val sym = tp.symbol
+ if (!sym.is(Package)) {
+ addDependency(sym)
+ if (!sym.isClass)
+ traverse(tp.info)
+ traverse(tp.prefix)
+ }
+ case tp: ThisType =>
+ traverse(tp.underlying)
+ case tp: ConstantType =>
+ traverse(tp.underlying)
+ case tp: MethodParam =>
+ traverse(tp.underlying)
+ case tp: PolyParam =>
+ traverse(tp.underlying)
+ case _ =>
+ traverseChildren(tp)
+ }
+ }
+ }