path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala
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diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala
index b9817f6d1..e4bddcb5c 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import core.Types._
import core.Constants._
import core.StdNames._
import core.transform.Erasure.isUnboundedGeneric
+import dotty.tools.dotc.transform.PatternMatcher.CodegenCore.Casegen
+import dotty.tools.dotc.util.Positions
import typer.ErrorReporting._
import ast.Trees._
@@ -268,4 +270,621 @@ class PatternMatcher extends MiniPhaseTransform {
+ final case class Suppression(exhaustive: Boolean, unreachable: Boolean)
+ object Suppression {
+ val NoSuppression = Suppression(false, false)
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // the making of the trees
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ trait TreeMakers /*extends TypedSubstitution*/ extends CodegenCore {
+ def optimizeCases(prevBinder: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type): (List[List[TreeMaker]], List[Tree])
+ def analyzeCases(prevBinder: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, suppression: Suppression): Unit
+ def emitSwitch(scrut: Tree, scrutSym: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, matchFailGenOverride: Option[Tree => Tree], unchecked: Boolean): Option[Tree] =
+ None
+ // for catch (no need to customize match failure)
+ def emitTypeSwitch(bindersAndCases: List[(Symbol, List[TreeMaker])], pt: Type): Option[List[CaseDef]] =
+ None
+ abstract class TreeMaker{
+ def pos: Position
+ /** captures the scope and the value of the bindings in patterns
+ * important *when* the substitution happens (can't accumulate and do at once after the full matcher has been constructed)
+ */
+ /*def substitution: Substitution =
+ if (currSub eq null) localSubstitution
+ else currSub*/
+ //protected def localSubstitution: Substitution
+ /*private[TreeMakers] def incorporateOuterSubstitution(outerSubst: Substitution): Unit = {
+ if (currSub ne null) {
+ debug.patmat("BUG: incorporateOuterSubstitution called more than once for "+ ((this, currSub, outerSubst)))
+ Thread.dumpStack()
+ }
+ else currSub = outerSubst >> substitution
+ }
+ private[this] var currSub: Substitution = null*/
+ /** The substitution that specifies the trees that compute the values of the subpattern binders.
+ *
+ * Should not be used to perform actual substitution!
+ * Only used to reason symbolically about the values the subpattern binders are bound to.
+ * See TreeMakerToCond#updateSubstitution.
+ *
+ * Overridden in PreserveSubPatBinders to pretend it replaces the subpattern binders by subpattern refs
+ * (Even though we don't do so anymore -- see SI-5158, SI-5739 and SI-6070.)
+ *
+ * TODO: clean this up, would be nicer to have some higher-level way to compute
+ * the binders bound by this tree maker and the symbolic values that correspond to them
+ */
+ // def subPatternsAsSubstitution: Substitution = substitution
+ // build Tree that chains `next` after the current extractor
+ def chainBefore(next: Tree)(casegen: Casegen): Tree
+ }
+ sealed trait NoNewBinders extends TreeMaker {
+ //protected val localSubstitution: Substitution = EmptySubstitution
+ }
+ case class TrivialTreeMaker(tree: Tree) extends TreeMaker with NoNewBinders {
+ def pos = tree.pos
+ def chainBefore(next: Tree)(casegen: Casegen): Tree = tree
+ }
+ case class BodyTreeMaker(body: Tree, matchPt: Type) extends TreeMaker with NoNewBinders {
+ def pos = body.pos
+ def chainBefore(next: Tree)(casegen: Casegen): Tree = // assert(next eq EmptyTree)
+ /*atPos(body.pos)*/(casegen.one(/*substitution(*/body/*)*/)) // since SubstOnly treemakers are dropped, need to do it here
+ override def toString = "B"+((body, matchPt))
+ }
+ case class SubstOnlyTreeMaker(prevBinder: Symbol, nextBinder: Symbol) extends TreeMaker {
+ val pos = Positions.NoPosition
+ //val localSubstitution = Substitution(prevBinder, CODE.REF(nextBinder))
+ def chainBefore(next: Tree)(casegen: Casegen): Tree = /*substitution(*/next//)
+ override def toString = "S"//+ localSubstitution
+ }
+ sealed abstract class FunTreeMaker extends TreeMaker {
+ val nextBinder: Symbol
+ def pos = nextBinder.pos
+ }
+ sealed abstract class CondTreeMaker extends FunTreeMaker {
+ val prevBinder: Symbol
+ val nextBinderTp: Type
+ val cond: Tree
+ val res: Tree
+ lazy val nextBinder = freshSym(pos, nextBinderTp)
+ //lazy val localSubstitution = Substitution(List(prevBinder), List(CODE.REF(nextBinder)))
+ def chainBefore(next: Tree)(casegen: Casegen): Tree =
+ /*atPos(pos)(*/casegen.flatMapCond(cond, res, nextBinder, /*substitution(*/next/*)*/))
+ }
+ // unless we're optimizing, emit local variable bindings for all subpatterns of extractor/case class patterns
+ protected val debugInfoEmitVars = true //!settings.optimise.value
+ sealed trait PreserveSubPatBinders extends TreeMaker {
+ val subPatBinders: List[Symbol]
+ val subPatRefs: List[Tree]
+ val ignoredSubPatBinders: Set[Symbol]
+ // unless `debugInfoEmitVars`, this set should contain the bare minimum for correctness
+ // mutable case class fields need to be stored regardless (SI-5158, SI-6070) -- see override in ProductExtractorTreeMaker
+ // sub patterns bound to wildcard (_) are never stored as they can't be referenced
+ // dirty debuggers will have to get dirty to see the wildcards
+ lazy val storedBinders: Set[Symbol] =
+ (if (debugInfoEmitVars) subPatBinders.toSet else Set.empty) ++ extraStoredBinders -- ignoredSubPatBinders
+ // e.g., mutable fields of a case class in ProductExtractorTreeMaker
+ def extraStoredBinders: Set[Symbol]
+ def emitVars = storedBinders.nonEmpty
+ private lazy val (stored, substed) = (subPatBinders, subPatRefs).zipped.partition{ case (sym, _) => storedBinders(sym) }
+ protected lazy val localSubstitution: Substitution = if (!emitVars) Substitution(subPatBinders, subPatRefs)
+ else {
+ val (subPatBindersSubstituted, subPatRefsSubstituted) = substed.unzip
+ Substitution(subPatBindersSubstituted.toList, subPatRefsSubstituted.toList)
+ }
+ /** The substitution that specifies the trees that compute the values of the subpattern binders.
+ *
+ * We pretend to replace the subpattern binders by subpattern refs
+ * (Even though we don't do so anymore -- see SI-5158, SI-5739 and SI-6070.)
+ */
+ override def subPatternsAsSubstitution =
+ Substitution(subPatBinders, subPatRefs) >> super.subPatternsAsSubstitution
+ def bindSubPats(in: Tree): Tree =
+ if (!emitVars) in
+ else {
+ // binders in `subPatBindersStored` that are referenced by tree `in`
+ val usedBinders = new mutable.HashSet[Symbol]()
+ // all potentially stored subpat binders
+ val potentiallyStoredBinders = stored.unzip._1.toSet
+ // compute intersection of all symbols in the tree `in` and all potentially stored subpat binders
+ in.foreach(t => if (potentiallyStoredBinders(t.symbol)) usedBinders += t.symbol)
+ if (usedBinders.isEmpty) in
+ else {
+ // only store binders actually used
+ val (subPatBindersStored, subPatRefsStored) = stored.filter{case (b, _) => usedBinders(b)}.unzip
+ Block(map2(subPatBindersStored.toList, subPatRefsStored.toList)(ValDef(_, _)), in)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make a TreeMaker that will result in an extractor call specified by `extractor`
+ * the next TreeMaker (here, we don't know which it'll be) is chained after this one by flatMap'ing
+ * a function with binder `nextBinder` over our extractor's result
+ * the function's body is determined by the next TreeMaker
+ * (furthermore, the interpretation of `flatMap` depends on the codegen instance we're using).
+ *
+ * The values for the subpatterns, as computed by the extractor call in `extractor`,
+ * are stored in local variables that re-use the symbols in `subPatBinders`.
+ * This makes extractor patterns more debuggable (SI-5739).
+ */
+ case class ExtractorTreeMaker(extractor: Tree, extraCond: Option[Tree], nextBinder: Symbol)(
+ val subPatBinders: List[Symbol],
+ val subPatRefs: List[Tree],
+ extractorReturnsBoolean: Boolean,
+ val checkedLength: Option[Int],
+ val prevBinder: Symbol,
+ val ignoredSubPatBinders: Set[Symbol]
+ ) extends FunTreeMaker with PreserveSubPatBinders {
+ def extraStoredBinders: Set[Symbol] = Set()
+ debug.patmat(s"""
+ |ExtractorTreeMaker($extractor, $extraCond, $nextBinder) {
+ | $subPatBinders
+ | $subPatRefs
+ | $extractorReturnsBoolean
+ | $checkedLength
+ | $prevBinder
+ | $ignoredSubPatBinders
+ |}""".stripMargin)
+ def chainBefore(next: Tree)(casegen: Casegen): Tree = {
+ val condAndNext = extraCond match {
+ case Some(cond) =>
+ casegen.ifThenElseZero(substitution(cond), bindSubPats(substitution(next)))
+ case _ =>
+ bindSubPats(substitution(next))
+ }
+ atPos(extractor.pos)(
+ if (extractorReturnsBoolean) casegen.flatMapCond(extractor, CODE.UNIT, nextBinder, condAndNext)
+ else casegen.flatMap(extractor, nextBinder, condAndNext)
+ )
+ }
+ override def toString = "X"+((extractor, nextBinder.name))
+ }
+ /**
+ * An optimized version of ExtractorTreeMaker for Products.
+ * For now, this is hard-coded to case classes, and we simply extract the case class fields.
+ *
+ * The values for the subpatterns, as specified by the case class fields at the time of extraction,
+ * are stored in local variables that re-use the symbols in `subPatBinders`.
+ * This makes extractor patterns more debuggable (SI-5739) as well as
+ * avoiding mutation after the pattern has been matched (SI-5158, SI-6070)
+ *
+ * TODO: make this user-definable as follows
+ * When a companion object defines a method `def unapply_1(x: T): U_1`, but no `def unapply` or `def unapplySeq`,
+ * the extractor is considered to match any non-null value of type T
+ * the pattern is expected to have as many sub-patterns as there are `def unapply_I(x: T): U_I` methods,
+ * and the type of the I'th sub-pattern is `U_I`.
+ * The same exception for Seq patterns applies: if the last extractor is of type `Seq[U_N]`,
+ * the pattern must have at least N arguments (exactly N if the last argument is annotated with `: _*`).
+ * The arguments starting at N (and beyond) are taken from the sequence returned by apply_N,
+ * and it is checked that that sequence has enough elements to provide values for all expected sub-patterns.
+ *
+ * For a case class C, the implementation is assumed to be `def unapply_I(x: C) = x._I`,
+ * and the extractor call is inlined under that assumption.
+ */
+ case class ProductExtractorTreeMaker(prevBinder: Symbol, extraCond: Option[Tree])(
+ val subPatBinders: List[Symbol],
+ val subPatRefs: List[Tree],
+ val mutableBinders: List[Symbol],
+ binderKnownNonNull: Boolean,
+ val ignoredSubPatBinders: Set[Symbol]
+ ) extends FunTreeMaker with PreserveSubPatBinders {
+ import CODE._
+ val nextBinder = prevBinder // just passing through
+ // mutable binders must be stored to avoid unsoundness or seeing mutation of fields after matching (SI-5158, SI-6070)
+ def extraStoredBinders: Set[Symbol] = mutableBinders.toSet
+ def chainBefore(next: Tree)(casegen: Casegen): Tree = {
+ val nullCheck = REF(prevBinder) OBJ_NE NULL
+ val cond =
+ if (binderKnownNonNull) extraCond
+ else (extraCond map (nullCheck AND _)
+ orElse Some(nullCheck))
+ cond match {
+ case Some(cond) =>
+ casegen.ifThenElseZero(cond, bindSubPats(substitution(next)))
+ case _ =>
+ bindSubPats(substitution(next))
+ }
+ }
+ override def toString = "P"+((prevBinder.name, extraCond getOrElse "", localSubstitution))
+ }
+ object IrrefutableExtractorTreeMaker {
+ // will an extractor with unapply method of methodtype `tp` always succeed?
+ // note: this assumes the other side-conditions implied by the extractor are met
+ // (argument of the right type, length check succeeds for unapplySeq,...)
+ def irrefutableExtractorType(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.resultType.dealias match {
+ case TypeRef(_, SomeClass, _) => true
+ // probably not useful since this type won't be inferred nor can it be written down (yet)
+ case ConstantTrue => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ def unapply(xtm: ExtractorTreeMaker): Option[(Tree, Symbol)] = xtm match {
+ case ExtractorTreeMaker(extractor, None, nextBinder) if irrefutableExtractorType(extractor.tpe) =>
+ Some((extractor, nextBinder))
+ case _ =>
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ object TypeTestTreeMaker {
+ // factored out so that we can consistently generate other representations of the tree that implements the test
+ // (e.g. propositions for exhaustivity and friends, boolean for isPureTypeTest)
+ trait TypeTestCondStrategy {
+ type Result
+ def outerTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result
+ // TODO: can probably always widen
+ def typeTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result
+ def nonNullTest(testedBinder: Symbol): Result
+ def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result
+ def eqTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result
+ def and(a: Result, b: Result): Result
+ def tru: Result
+ }
+ object treeCondStrategy extends TypeTestCondStrategy { import CODE._
+ type Result = Tree
+ def and(a: Result, b: Result): Result = a AND b
+ def tru = mkTRUE
+ def typeTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type) = codegen._isInstanceOf(testedBinder, expectedTp)
+ def nonNullTest(testedBinder: Symbol) = REF(testedBinder) OBJ_NE NULL
+ def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol) = codegen._equals(pat, testedBinder)
+ def eqTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol) = REF(testedBinder) OBJ_EQ pat
+ def outerTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Tree = {
+ val expectedOuter = expectedTp.prefix match {
+ case ThisType(clazz) => This(clazz)
+ case NoType => mkTRUE // fallback for SI-6183
+ case pre => REF(pre.prefix, pre.termSymbol)
+ }
+ // ExplicitOuter replaces `Select(q, outerSym) OBJ_EQ expectedPrefix` by `Select(q, outerAccessor(outerSym.owner)) OBJ_EQ expectedPrefix`
+ // if there's an outer accessor, otherwise the condition becomes `true` -- TODO: can we improve needsOuterTest so there's always an outerAccessor?
+ val outer = expectedTp.typeSymbol.newMethod(vpmName.outer, newFlags = SYNTHETIC | ARTIFACT) setInfo expectedTp.prefix
+ (Select(codegen._asInstanceOf(testedBinder, expectedTp), outer)) OBJ_EQ expectedOuter
+ }
+ }
+ object pureTypeTestChecker extends TypeTestCondStrategy {
+ type Result = Boolean
+ def typeTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result = true
+ def outerTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result = false
+ def nonNullTest(testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false
+ def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false
+ def eqTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false
+ def and(a: Result, b: Result): Result = false // we don't and type tests, so the conjunction must include at least one false
+ def tru = true
+ }
+ def nonNullImpliedByTestChecker(binder: Symbol) = new TypeTestCondStrategy {
+ type Result = Boolean
+ def typeTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result = testedBinder eq binder
+ def outerTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type): Result = false
+ def nonNullTest(testedBinder: Symbol): Result = testedBinder eq binder
+ def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false // could in principle analyse pat and see if it's statically known to be non-null
+ def eqTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol): Result = false // could in principle analyse pat and see if it's statically known to be non-null
+ def and(a: Result, b: Result): Result = a || b
+ def tru = false
+ }
+ }
+ /** implements the run-time aspects of (§8.2) (typedPattern has already done the necessary type transformations)
+ *
+ * Type patterns consist of types, type variables, and wildcards. A type pattern T is of one of the following forms:
+ - A reference to a class C, p.C, or T#C.
+ This type pattern matches any non-null instance of the given class.
+ Note that the prefix of the class, if it is given, is relevant for determining class instances.
+ For instance, the pattern p.C matches only instances of classes C which were created with the path p as prefix.
+ The bottom types scala.Nothing and scala.Null cannot be used as type patterns, because they would match nothing in any case.
+ - A singleton type p.type.
+ This type pattern matches only the value denoted by the path p
+ (that is, a pattern match involved a comparison of the matched value with p using method eq in class AnyRef). // TODO: the actual pattern matcher uses ==, so that's what I'm using for now
+ // https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-4577 "pattern matcher, still disappointing us at equality time"
+ - A compound type pattern T1 with ... with Tn where each Ti is a type pat- tern.
+ This type pattern matches all values that are matched by each of the type patterns Ti.
+ - A parameterized type pattern T[a1,...,an], where the ai are type variable patterns or wildcards _.
+ This type pattern matches all values which match T for some arbitrary instantiation of the type variables and wildcards.
+ The bounds or alias type of these type variable are determined as described in (§8.3).
+ - A parameterized type pattern scala.Array[T1], where T1 is a type pattern. // TODO
+ This type pattern matches any non-null instance of type scala.Array[U1], where U1 is a type matched by T1.
+ **/
+ case class TypeTestTreeMaker(prevBinder: Symbol, testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type, nextBinderTp: Type)(override val pos: Position, extractorArgTypeTest: Boolean = false) extends CondTreeMaker {
+ import TypeTestTreeMaker._
+ debug.patmat("TTTM"+((prevBinder, extractorArgTypeTest, testedBinder, expectedTp, nextBinderTp)))
+ lazy val outerTestNeeded = (
+ (expectedTp.prefix ne NoPrefix)
+ && !expectedTp.prefix.typeSymbol.isPackageClass
+ && needsOuterTest(expectedTp, testedBinder.info, matchOwner)
+ )
+ // the logic to generate the run-time test that follows from the fact that
+ // a `prevBinder` is expected to have type `expectedTp`
+ // the actual tree-generation logic is factored out, since the analyses generate Cond(ition)s rather than Trees
+ // TODO: `null match { x : T }` will yield a check that (indirectly) tests whether `null ne null`
+ // don't bother (so that we don't end up with the warning "comparing values of types Null and Null using `ne' will always yield false")
+ def renderCondition(cs: TypeTestCondStrategy): cs.Result = {
+ import cs._
+ // propagate expected type
+ def expTp(t: Tree): t.type = t setType expectedTp
+ def testedWide = testedBinder.info.widen
+ def expectedWide = expectedTp.widen
+ def isAnyRef = testedWide <:< AnyRefTpe
+ def isAsExpected = testedWide <:< expectedTp
+ def isExpectedPrimitiveType = isAsExpected && isPrimitiveValueType(expectedTp)
+ def isExpectedReferenceType = isAsExpected && (expectedTp <:< AnyRefTpe)
+ def mkNullTest = nonNullTest(testedBinder)
+ def mkOuterTest = outerTest(testedBinder, expectedTp)
+ def mkTypeTest = typeTest(testedBinder, expectedWide)
+ def mkEqualsTest(lhs: Tree): cs.Result = equalsTest(lhs, testedBinder)
+ def mkEqTest(lhs: Tree): cs.Result = eqTest(lhs, testedBinder)
+ def addOuterTest(res: cs.Result): cs.Result = if (outerTestNeeded) and(res, mkOuterTest) else res
+ // If we conform to expected primitive type:
+ // it cannot be null and cannot have an outer pointer. No further checking.
+ // If we conform to expected reference type:
+ // have to test outer and non-null
+ // If we do not conform to expected type:
+ // have to test type and outer (non-null is implied by successful type test)
+ def mkDefault = (
+ if (isExpectedPrimitiveType) tru
+ else addOuterTest(
+ if (isExpectedReferenceType) mkNullTest
+ else mkTypeTest
+ )
+ )
+ // true when called to type-test the argument to an extractor
+ // don't do any fancy equality checking, just test the type
+ // TODO: verify that we don't need to special-case Array
+ // I think it's okay:
+ // - the isInstanceOf test includes a test for the element type
+ // - Scala's arrays are invariant (so we don't drop type tests unsoundly)
+ if (extractorArgTypeTest) mkDefault
+ else expectedTp match {
+ case SingleType(_, sym) => mkEqTest(gen.mkAttributedQualifier(expectedTp)) // SI-4577, SI-4897
+ case ThisType(sym) if sym.isModule => and(mkEqualsTest(CODE.REF(sym)), mkTypeTest) // must use == to support e.g. List() == Nil
+ case ConstantType(Constant(null)) if isAnyRef => mkEqTest(expTp(CODE.NULL))
+ case ConstantType(const) => mkEqualsTest(expTp(Literal(const)))
+ case ThisType(sym) => mkEqTest(expTp(This(sym)))
+ case _ => mkDefault
+ }
+ }
+ val cond = renderCondition(treeCondStrategy)
+ val res = codegen._asInstanceOf(testedBinder, nextBinderTp)
+ // is this purely a type test, e.g. no outer check, no equality tests (used in switch emission)
+ def isPureTypeTest = renderCondition(pureTypeTestChecker)
+ def impliesBinderNonNull(binder: Symbol) = renderCondition(nonNullImpliedByTestChecker(binder))
+ override def toString = "TT"+((expectedTp, testedBinder.name, nextBinderTp))
+ }
+ // need to substitute to deal with existential types -- TODO: deal with existentials better, don't substitute (see RichClass during quick.comp)
+ case class EqualityTestTreeMaker(prevBinder: Symbol, patTree: Tree, override val pos: Position) extends CondTreeMaker {
+ val nextBinderTp = prevBinder.info.widen
+ // NOTE: generate `patTree == patBinder`, since the extractor must be in control of the equals method (also, patBinder may be null)
+ // equals need not be well-behaved, so don't intersect with pattern's (stabilized) type (unlike MaybeBoundTyped's accumType, where it's required)
+ val cond = codegen._equals(patTree, prevBinder)
+ val res = CODE.REF(prevBinder)
+ override def toString = "ET"+((prevBinder.name, patTree))
+ }
+ case class AlternativesTreeMaker(prevBinder: Symbol, var altss: List[List[TreeMaker]], pos: Position) extends TreeMaker with NoNewBinders {
+ // don't substitute prevBinder to nextBinder, a set of alternatives does not need to introduce a new binder, simply reuse the previous one
+ override private[TreeMakers] def incorporateOuterSubstitution(outerSubst: Substitution): Unit = {
+ super.incorporateOuterSubstitution(outerSubst)
+ altss = altss map (alts => propagateSubstitution(alts, substitution))
+ }
+ def chainBefore(next: Tree)(codegenAlt: Casegen): Tree = {
+ atPos(pos){
+ // one alternative may still generate multiple trees (e.g., an extractor call + equality test)
+ // (for now,) alternatives may not bind variables (except wildcards), so we don't care about the final substitution built internally by makeTreeMakers
+ val combinedAlts = altss map (altTreeMakers =>
+ ((casegen: Casegen) => combineExtractors(altTreeMakers :+ TrivialTreeMaker(casegen.one(mkTRUE)))(casegen))
+ )
+ val findAltMatcher = codegenAlt.matcher(EmptyTree, NoSymbol, BooleanTpe)(combinedAlts, Some(x => mkFALSE))
+ codegenAlt.ifThenElseZero(findAltMatcher, substitution(next))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case class GuardTreeMaker(guardTree: Tree) extends TreeMaker with NoNewBinders {
+ val pos = guardTree.pos
+ def chainBefore(next: Tree)(casegen: Casegen): Tree = casegen.flatMapGuard(substitution(guardTree), next)
+ override def toString = "G("+ guardTree +")"
+ }
+ // combineExtractors changes the current substitution's of the tree makers in `treeMakers`
+ // requires propagateSubstitution(treeMakers) has been called
+ def combineExtractors(treeMakers: List[TreeMaker])(casegen: Casegen): Tree =
+ treeMakers.foldRight(EmptyTree: Tree)((a, b) => a.chainBefore(b)(casegen))
+ def removeSubstOnly(makers: List[TreeMaker]) = makers filterNot (_.isInstanceOf[SubstOnlyTreeMaker])
+ // a foldLeft to accumulate the localSubstitution left-to-right
+ // it drops SubstOnly tree makers, since their only goal in life is to propagate substitutions to the next tree maker, which is fullfilled by propagateSubstitution
+ def propagateSubstitution(treeMakers: List[TreeMaker], initial: Substitution): List[TreeMaker] = {
+ var accumSubst: Substitution = initial
+ treeMakers foreach { maker =>
+ maker incorporateOuterSubstitution accumSubst
+ accumSubst = maker.substitution
+ }
+ removeSubstOnly(treeMakers)
+ }
+ // calls propagateSubstitution on the treemakers
+ def combineCases(scrut: Tree, scrutSym: Symbol, casesRaw: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, owner: Symbol, matchFailGenOverride: Option[Tree => Tree]): Tree = {
+ // drops SubstOnlyTreeMakers, since their effect is now contained in the TreeMakers that follow them
+ val casesNoSubstOnly = casesRaw map (propagateSubstitution(_, EmptySubstitution))
+ combineCasesNoSubstOnly(scrut, scrutSym, casesNoSubstOnly, pt, owner, matchFailGenOverride)
+ }
+ // pt is the fully defined type of the cases (either pt or the lub of the types of the cases)
+ def combineCasesNoSubstOnly(scrut: Tree, scrutSym: Symbol, casesNoSubstOnly: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, owner: Symbol, matchFailGenOverride: Option[Tree => Tree]): Tree =
+ fixerUpper(owner, scrut.pos) {
+ def matchFailGen = matchFailGenOverride orElse Some(Throw(MatchErrorClass.tpe, _: Tree))
+ debug.patmat("combining cases: "+ (casesNoSubstOnly.map(_.mkString(" >> ")).mkString("{", "\n", "}")))
+ val (suppression, requireSwitch): (Suppression, Boolean) =
+ if (settings.XnoPatmatAnalysis) (Suppression.NoSuppression, false)
+ else scrut match {
+ case Typed(tree, tpt) =>
+ val suppressExhaustive = tpt.tpe hasAnnotation UncheckedClass
+ val supressUnreachable = tree match {
+ case Ident(name) if name startsWith nme.CHECK_IF_REFUTABLE_STRING => true // SI-7183 don't warn for withFilter's that turn out to be irrefutable.
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ val suppression = Suppression(suppressExhaustive, supressUnreachable)
+ // matches with two or fewer cases need not apply for switchiness (if-then-else will do)
+ val requireSwitch = treeInfo.isSwitchAnnotation(tpt.tpe) && casesNoSubstOnly.lengthCompare(2) > 0
+ (suppression, requireSwitch)
+ case _ =>
+ (Suppression.NoSuppression, false)
+ }
+ emitSwitch(scrut, scrutSym, casesNoSubstOnly, pt, matchFailGenOverride, suppression.exhaustive).getOrElse{
+ if (requireSwitch) typer.context.unit.warning(scrut.pos, "could not emit switch for @switch annotated match")
+ if (casesNoSubstOnly nonEmpty) {
+ // before optimizing, check casesNoSubstOnly for presence of a default case,
+ // since DCE will eliminate trivial cases like `case _ =>`, even if they're the last one
+ // exhaustivity and reachability must be checked before optimization as well
+ // TODO: improve notion of trivial/irrefutable -- a trivial type test before the body still makes for a default case
+ // ("trivial" depends on whether we're emitting a straight match or an exception, or more generally, any supertype of scrutSym.tpe is a no-op)
+ // irrefutability checking should use the approximation framework also used for CSE, unreachability and exhaustivity checking
+ val synthCatchAll =
+ if (casesNoSubstOnly.nonEmpty && {
+ val nonTrivLast = casesNoSubstOnly.last
+ nonTrivLast.nonEmpty && nonTrivLast.head.isInstanceOf[BodyTreeMaker]
+ }) None
+ else matchFailGen
+ analyzeCases(scrutSym, casesNoSubstOnly, pt, suppression)
+ val (cases, toHoist) = optimizeCases(scrutSym, casesNoSubstOnly, pt)
+ val matchRes = codegen.matcher(scrut, scrutSym, pt)(cases map combineExtractors, synthCatchAll)
+ if (toHoist isEmpty) matchRes else Block(toHoist, matchRes)
+ } else {
+ codegen.matcher(scrut, scrutSym, pt)(Nil, matchFailGen)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: do this during tree construction, but that will require tracking the current owner in treemakers
+ // TODO: assign more fine-grained positions
+ // fixes symbol nesting, assigns positions
+ protected def fixerUpper(origOwner: Symbol, pos: Position) = new Traverser {
+ currentOwner = origOwner
+ override def traverse(t: Tree) {
+ if (t != EmptyTree && t.pos == NoPosition) {
+ t.setPos(pos)
+ }
+ t match {
+ case Function(_, _) if t.symbol == NoSymbol =>
+ t.symbol = currentOwner.newAnonymousFunctionValue(t.pos)
+ debug.patmat("new symbol for "+ ((t, t.symbol.ownerChain)))
+ case Function(_, _) if (t.symbol.owner == NoSymbol) || (t.symbol.owner == origOwner) =>
+ debug.patmat("fundef: "+ ((t, t.symbol.ownerChain, currentOwner.ownerChain)))
+ t.symbol.owner = currentOwner
+ case d : DefTree if (d.symbol != NoSymbol) && ((d.symbol.owner == NoSymbol) || (d.symbol.owner == origOwner)) => // don't indiscriminately change existing owners! (see e.g., pos/t3440, pos/t3534, pos/unapplyContexts2)
+ debug.patmat("def: "+ ((d, d.symbol.ownerChain, currentOwner.ownerChain)))
+ d.symbol.moduleClass andAlso (_.owner = currentOwner)
+ d.symbol.owner = currentOwner
+ // TODO DD:
+ // case _ if (t.symbol != NoSymbol) && (t.symbol ne null) =>
+ debug.patmat("untouched "+ ((t, t.getClass, t.symbol.ownerChain, currentOwner.ownerChain)))
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ super.traverse(t)
+ }
+ // override def apply
+ // debug.patmat("before fixerupper: "+ xTree)
+ // currentRun.trackerFactory.snapshot()
+ // debug.patmat("after fixerupper")
+ // currentRun.trackerFactory.snapshot()
+ }
+ }
+ trait MatchOptimizer extends OptimizedCodegen
+ /*with SwitchEmission // todo: toBe ported
+ with CommonSubconditionElimination*/ {
+ override def optimizeCases(prevBinder: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type): (List[List[TreeMaker]], List[Tree]) = {
+ // TODO: do CSE on result of doDCE(prevBinder, cases, pt)
+ val optCases = cases// todo: doCSE(prevBinder, cases, pt)
+ val toHoist = (
+ for (treeMakers <- optCases)
+ yield treeMakers.collect{case tm: ReusedCondTreeMaker => tm.treesToHoist}
+ ).flatten.flatten.toList
+ (optCases, toHoist)
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file