path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Applications.scala
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diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Applications.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Applications.scala
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--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Applications.scala
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-package dotty.tools
-package dotc
-package typer
-import core._
-import ast.{Trees, untpd, tpd, TreeInfo}
-import util.Positions._
-import util.Stats.track
-import Trees.Untyped
-import Mode.ImplicitsEnabled
-import Contexts._
-import Flags._
-import Denotations._
-import NameOps._
-import Symbols._
-import Types._
-import Decorators._
-import ErrorReporting._
-import Trees._
-import config.Config
-import Names._
-import StdNames._
-import ProtoTypes._
-import EtaExpansion._
-import Inferencing._
-import collection.mutable
-import config.Printers.{typr, unapp, overload}
-import TypeApplications._
-import language.implicitConversions
-import reporting.diagnostic.Message
-object Applications {
- import tpd._
- def extractorMemberType(tp: Type, name: Name, errorPos: Position = NoPosition)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
- val ref = tp.member(name).suchThat(_.info.isParameterless)
- if (ref.isOverloaded)
- errorType(i"Overloaded reference to $ref is not allowed in extractor", errorPos)
- else if (ref.info.isInstanceOf[PolyType])
- errorType(i"Reference to polymorphic $ref: ${ref.info} is not allowed in extractor", errorPos)
- else
- ref.info.widenExpr.dealias
- }
- def productSelectorTypes(tp: Type, errorPos: Position = NoPosition)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = {
- val sels = for (n <- Iterator.from(0)) yield extractorMemberType(tp, nme.selectorName(n), errorPos)
- sels.takeWhile(_.exists).toList
- }
- def productSelectors(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Symbol] = {
- val sels = for (n <- Iterator.from(0)) yield tp.member(nme.selectorName(n)).symbol
- sels.takeWhile(_.exists).toList
- }
- def getUnapplySelectors(tp: Type, args: List[untpd.Tree], pos: Position = NoPosition)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] =
- if (args.length > 1 && !(tp.derivesFrom(defn.SeqClass))) {
- val sels = productSelectorTypes(tp, pos)
- if (sels.length == args.length) sels
- else tp :: Nil
- } else tp :: Nil
- def unapplyArgs(unapplyResult: Type, unapplyFn: Tree, args: List[untpd.Tree], pos: Position = NoPosition)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = {
- def seqSelector = defn.RepeatedParamType.appliedTo(unapplyResult.elemType :: Nil)
- def getTp = extractorMemberType(unapplyResult, nme.get, pos)
- // println(s"unapply $unapplyResult ${extractorMemberType(unapplyResult, nme.isDefined)}")
- if (extractorMemberType(unapplyResult, nme.isDefined, pos) isRef defn.BooleanClass) {
- if (getTp.exists)
- if (unapplyFn.symbol.name == nme.unapplySeq) {
- val seqArg = boundsToHi(getTp.elemType)
- if (seqArg.exists) return args map Function.const(seqArg)
- }
- else return getUnapplySelectors(getTp, args, pos)
- else if (defn.isProductSubType(unapplyResult)) return productSelectorTypes(unapplyResult, pos)
- }
- if (unapplyResult derivesFrom defn.SeqClass) seqSelector :: Nil
- else if (unapplyResult isRef defn.BooleanClass) Nil
- else {
- ctx.error(i"$unapplyResult is not a valid result type of an unapply method of an extractor", pos)
- Nil
- }
- }
- def wrapDefs(defs: mutable.ListBuffer[Tree], tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
- if (defs != null && defs.nonEmpty) tpd.Block(defs.toList, tree) else tree
-import Applications._
-trait Applications extends Compatibility { self: Typer with Dynamic =>
- import Applications._
- import tpd.{ cpy => _, _ }
- import untpd.cpy
- import Dynamic.isDynamicMethod
- /** @tparam Arg the type of arguments, could be tpd.Tree, untpd.Tree, or Type
- * @param methRef the reference to the method of the application
- * @param funType the type of the function part of the application
- * @param args the arguments of the application
- * @param resultType the expected result type of the application
- */
- abstract class Application[Arg](methRef: TermRef, funType: Type, args: List[Arg], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) {
- /** The type of typed arguments: either tpd.Tree or Type */
- type TypedArg
- /** Given an original argument and the type of the corresponding formal
- * parameter, produce a typed argument.
- */
- protected def typedArg(arg: Arg, formal: Type): TypedArg
- /** Turn a typed tree into an argument */
- protected def treeToArg(arg: Tree): Arg
- /** Check that argument corresponds to type `formal` and
- * possibly add it to the list of adapted arguments
- */
- protected def addArg(arg: TypedArg, formal: Type): Unit
- /** Is this an argument of the form `expr: _*` or a RepeatedParamType
- * derived from such an argument?
- */
- protected def isVarArg(arg: Arg): Boolean
- /** If constructing trees, turn last `n` processed arguments into a
- * `SeqLiteral` tree with element type `elemFormal`.
- */
- protected def makeVarArg(n: Int, elemFormal: Type): Unit
- /** If all `args` have primitive numeric types, make sure it's the same one */
- protected def harmonizeArgs(args: List[TypedArg]): List[TypedArg]
- /** Signal failure with given message at position of given argument */
- protected def fail(msg: => Message, arg: Arg): Unit
- /** Signal failure with given message at position of the application itself */
- protected def fail(msg: => Message): Unit
- protected def appPos: Position
- /** The current function part, which might be affected by lifting.
- */
- protected def normalizedFun: Tree
- /** If constructing trees, pull out all parts of the function
- * which are not idempotent into separate prefix definitions
- */
- protected def liftFun(): Unit = ()
- /** A flag signalling that the typechecking the application was so far successful */
- private[this] var _ok = true
- def ok = _ok
- def ok_=(x: Boolean) = {
- assert(x || ctx.reporter.errorsReported || !ctx.typerState.isCommittable) // !!! DEBUG
- _ok = x
- }
- /** The function's type after widening and instantiating polytypes
- * with polyparams in constraint set
- */
- val methType = funType.widen match {
- case funType: MethodType => funType
- case funType: PolyType => constrained(funType).resultType
- case tp => tp //was: funType
- }
- /** The arguments re-ordered so that each named argument matches the
- * same-named formal parameter.
- */
- lazy val orderedArgs =
- if (hasNamedArg(args))
- reorder(args.asInstanceOf[List[untpd.Tree]]).asInstanceOf[List[Arg]]
- else
- args
- protected def init() = methType match {
- case methType: MethodType =>
- // apply the result type constraint, unless method type is dependent
- if (!methType.isDependent) {
- val savedConstraint = ctx.typerState.constraint
- if (!constrainResult(methType.resultType, resultType))
- if (ctx.typerState.isCommittable)
- // defer the problem until after the application;
- // it might be healed by an implicit conversion
- assert(ctx.typerState.constraint eq savedConstraint)
- else
- fail(err.typeMismatchMsg(methType.resultType, resultType))
- }
- // match all arguments with corresponding formal parameters
- matchArgs(orderedArgs, methType.paramTypes, 0)
- case _ =>
- if (methType.isError) ok = false
- else fail(s"$methString does not take parameters")
- }
- /** The application was successful */
- def success = ok
- protected def methodType = methType.asInstanceOf[MethodType]
- private def methString: String = i"${methRef.symbol}: ${methType.show}"
- /** Re-order arguments to correctly align named arguments */
- def reorder[T >: Untyped](args: List[Trees.Tree[T]]): List[Trees.Tree[T]] = {
- /** @param pnames The list of parameter names that are missing arguments
- * @param args The list of arguments that are not yet passed, or that are waiting to be dropped
- * @param nameToArg A map from as yet unseen names to named arguments
- * @param toDrop A set of names that have already be passed as named arguments
- *
- * For a well-typed application we have the invariants
- *
- * 1. `(args diff toDrop)` can be reordered to match `pnames`
- * 2. For every `(name -> arg)` in `nameToArg`, `arg` is an element of `args`
- */
- def recur(pnames: List[Name], args: List[Trees.Tree[T]],
- nameToArg: Map[Name, Trees.NamedArg[T]], toDrop: Set[Name]): List[Trees.Tree[T]] = pnames match {
- case pname :: pnames1 if nameToArg contains pname =>
- // there is a named argument for this parameter; pick it
- nameToArg(pname) :: recur(pnames1, args, nameToArg - pname, toDrop + pname)
- case _ =>
- def pnamesRest = if (pnames.isEmpty) pnames else pnames.tail
- args match {
- case (arg @ NamedArg(aname, _)) :: args1 =>
- if (toDrop contains aname) // argument is already passed
- recur(pnames, args1, nameToArg, toDrop - aname)
- else if ((nameToArg contains aname) && pnames.nonEmpty) // argument is missing, pass an empty tree
- genericEmptyTree :: recur(pnames.tail, args, nameToArg, toDrop)
- else { // name not (or no longer) available for named arg
- def msg =
- if (methodType.paramNames contains aname)
- s"parameter $aname of $methString is already instantiated"
- else
- s"$methString does not have a parameter $aname"
- fail(msg, arg.asInstanceOf[Arg])
- arg :: recur(pnamesRest, args1, nameToArg, toDrop)
- }
- case arg :: args1 =>
- arg :: recur(pnamesRest, args1, nameToArg, toDrop) // unnamed argument; pick it
- case Nil => // no more args, continue to pick up any preceding named args
- if (pnames.isEmpty) Nil
- else recur(pnamesRest, args, nameToArg, toDrop)
- }
- }
- val nameAssocs = for (arg @ NamedArg(name, _) <- args) yield (name, arg)
- recur(methodType.paramNames, args, nameAssocs.toMap, Set())
- }
- /** Splice new method reference into existing application */
- def spliceMeth(meth: Tree, app: Tree): Tree = app match {
- case Apply(fn, args) => Apply(spliceMeth(meth, fn), args)
- case TypeApply(fn, targs) => TypeApply(spliceMeth(meth, fn), targs)
- case _ => meth
- }
- /** Find reference to default parameter getter for parameter #n in current
- * parameter list, or NoType if none was found
- */
- def findDefaultGetter(n: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
- val meth = methRef.symbol.asTerm
- val receiver: Tree = methPart(normalizedFun) match {
- case Select(receiver, _) => receiver
- case mr => mr.tpe.normalizedPrefix match {
- case mr: TermRef => ref(mr)
- case mr =>
- if (this.isInstanceOf[TestApplication[_]])
- // In this case it is safe to skolemize now; we will produce a stable prefix for the actual call.
- ref(mr.narrow)
- else
- EmptyTree
- }
- }
- val getterPrefix =
- if ((meth is Synthetic) && meth.name == nme.apply) nme.CONSTRUCTOR else meth.name
- def getterName = getterPrefix.defaultGetterName(n)
- if (!meth.hasDefaultParams)
- EmptyTree
- else if (receiver.isEmpty) {
- def findGetter(cx: Context): Tree = {
- if (cx eq NoContext) EmptyTree
- else if (cx.scope != cx.outer.scope &&
- cx.denotNamed(meth.name).hasAltWith(_.symbol == meth)) {
- val denot = cx.denotNamed(getterName)
- assert(denot.exists, s"non-existent getter denotation ($denot) for getter($getterName)")
- ref(TermRef(cx.owner.thisType, getterName, denot))
- } else findGetter(cx.outer)
- }
- findGetter(ctx)
- }
- else {
- def selectGetter(qual: Tree): Tree = {
- val getterDenot = qual.tpe.member(getterName)
- if (getterDenot.exists) qual.select(TermRef(qual.tpe, getterName, getterDenot))
- else EmptyTree
- }
- if (!meth.isClassConstructor)
- selectGetter(receiver)
- else {
- // default getters for class constructors are found in the companion object
- val cls = meth.owner
- val companion = cls.companionModule
- receiver.tpe.baseTypeRef(cls) match {
- case tp: TypeRef if companion.isTerm =>
- selectGetter(ref(TermRef(tp.prefix, companion.asTerm)))
- case _ =>
- EmptyTree
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /** Match re-ordered arguments against formal parameters
- * @param n The position of the first parameter in formals in `methType`.
- */
- def matchArgs(args: List[Arg], formals: List[Type], n: Int): Unit = {
- if (success) formals match {
- case formal :: formals1 =>
- def addTyped(arg: Arg, formal: Type) =
- addArg(typedArg(arg, formal), formal)
- def missingArg(n: Int): Unit = {
- val pname = methodType.paramNames(n)
- fail(
- if (pname contains '$') s"not enough arguments for $methString"
- else s"missing argument for parameter $pname of $methString")
- }
- def tryDefault(n: Int, args1: List[Arg]): Unit = {
- liftFun()
- val getter = findDefaultGetter(n + numArgs(normalizedFun))
- if (getter.isEmpty) missingArg(n)
- else {
- addTyped(treeToArg(spliceMeth(getter withPos appPos, normalizedFun)), formal)
- matchArgs(args1, formals1, n + 1)
- }
- }
- if (formal.isRepeatedParam)
- args match {
- case arg :: Nil if isVarArg(arg) =>
- addTyped(arg, formal)
- case _ =>
- val elemFormal = formal.widenExpr.argTypesLo.head
- val origConstraint = ctx.typerState.constraint
- var typedArgs = args.map(typedArg(_, elemFormal))
- val harmonizedArgs = harmonizeArgs(typedArgs)
- if (harmonizedArgs ne typedArgs) {
- ctx.typerState.constraint = origConstraint
- typedArgs = harmonizedArgs
- }
- typedArgs.foreach(addArg(_, elemFormal))
- makeVarArg(args.length, elemFormal)
- }
- else args match {
- case EmptyTree :: args1 =>
- tryDefault(n, args1)
- case arg :: args1 =>
- addTyped(arg, formal)
- matchArgs(args1, formals1, n + 1)
- case nil =>
- tryDefault(n, args)
- }
- case nil =>
- args match {
- case arg :: args1 => fail(s"too many arguments for $methString", arg)
- case nil =>
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /** Subclass of Application for the cases where we are interested only
- * in a "can/cannot apply" answer, without needing to construct trees or
- * issue error messages.
- */
- abstract class TestApplication[Arg](methRef: TermRef, funType: Type, args: List[Arg], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context)
- extends Application[Arg](methRef, funType, args, resultType) {
- type TypedArg = Arg
- type Result = Unit
- /** The type of the given argument */
- protected def argType(arg: Arg, formal: Type): Type
- def typedArg(arg: Arg, formal: Type): Arg = arg
- def addArg(arg: TypedArg, formal: Type) =
- ok = ok & isCompatible(argType(arg, formal), formal)
- def makeVarArg(n: Int, elemFormal: Type) = {}
- def fail(msg: => Message, arg: Arg) =
- ok = false
- def fail(msg: => Message) =
- ok = false
- def appPos = NoPosition
- lazy val normalizedFun = ref(methRef)
- init()
- }
- /** Subclass of Application for applicability tests with type arguments and value
- * argument trees.
- */
- class ApplicableToTrees(methRef: TermRef, targs: List[Type], args: List[Tree], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context)
- extends TestApplication(methRef, methRef.widen.appliedTo(targs), args, resultType) {
- def argType(arg: Tree, formal: Type): Type = normalize(arg.tpe, formal)
- def treeToArg(arg: Tree): Tree = arg
- def isVarArg(arg: Tree): Boolean = tpd.isWildcardStarArg(arg)
- def harmonizeArgs(args: List[Tree]) = harmonize(args)
- }
- /** Subclass of Application for applicability tests with type arguments and value
- * argument trees.
- */
- class ApplicableToTreesDirectly(methRef: TermRef, targs: List[Type], args: List[Tree], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) extends ApplicableToTrees(methRef, targs, args, resultType)(ctx) {
- override def addArg(arg: TypedArg, formal: Type) =
- ok = ok & (argType(arg, formal) <:< formal)
- }
- /** Subclass of Application for applicability tests with value argument types. */
- class ApplicableToTypes(methRef: TermRef, args: List[Type], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context)
- extends TestApplication(methRef, methRef, args, resultType) {
- def argType(arg: Type, formal: Type): Type = arg
- def treeToArg(arg: Tree): Type = arg.tpe
- def isVarArg(arg: Type): Boolean = arg.isRepeatedParam
- def harmonizeArgs(args: List[Type]) = harmonizeTypes(args)
- }
- /** Subclass of Application for type checking an Apply node, where
- * types of arguments are either known or unknown.
- */
- abstract class TypedApply[T >: Untyped](
- app: untpd.Apply, fun: Tree, methRef: TermRef, args: List[Trees.Tree[T]], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context)
- extends Application(methRef, fun.tpe, args, resultType) {
- type TypedArg = Tree
- def isVarArg(arg: Trees.Tree[T]): Boolean = untpd.isWildcardStarArg(arg)
- private var typedArgBuf = new mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]
- private var liftedDefs: mutable.ListBuffer[Tree] = null
- private var myNormalizedFun: Tree = fun
- init()
- def addArg(arg: Tree, formal: Type): Unit =
- typedArgBuf += adaptInterpolated(arg, formal.widenExpr, EmptyTree)
- def makeVarArg(n: Int, elemFormal: Type): Unit = {
- val args = typedArgBuf.takeRight(n).toList
- typedArgBuf.trimEnd(n)
- val elemtpt = TypeTree(elemFormal)
- val seqLit =
- if (methodType.isJava) JavaSeqLiteral(args, elemtpt)
- else SeqLiteral(args, elemtpt)
- typedArgBuf += seqToRepeated(seqLit)
- }
- def harmonizeArgs(args: List[TypedArg]) = harmonize(args)
- override def appPos = app.pos
- def fail(msg: => Message, arg: Trees.Tree[T]) = {
- ctx.error(msg, arg.pos)
- ok = false
- }
- def fail(msg: => Message) = {
- ctx.error(msg, app.pos)
- ok = false
- }
- def normalizedFun = myNormalizedFun
- override def liftFun(): Unit =
- if (liftedDefs == null) {
- liftedDefs = new mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]
- myNormalizedFun = liftApp(liftedDefs, myNormalizedFun)
- }
- /** The index of the first difference between lists of trees `xs` and `ys`,
- * where `EmptyTree`s in the second list are skipped.
- * -1 if there are no differences.
- */
- private def firstDiff[T <: Trees.Tree[_]](xs: List[T], ys: List[T], n: Int = 0): Int = xs match {
- case x :: xs1 =>
- ys match {
- case EmptyTree :: ys1 => firstDiff(xs1, ys1, n)
- case y :: ys1 => if (x ne y) n else firstDiff(xs1, ys1, n + 1)
- case nil => n
- }
- case nil =>
- ys match {
- case EmptyTree :: ys1 => firstDiff(xs, ys1, n)
- case y :: ys1 => n
- case nil => -1
- }
- }
- private def sameSeq[T <: Trees.Tree[_]](xs: List[T], ys: List[T]): Boolean = firstDiff(xs, ys) < 0
- val result = {
- var typedArgs = typedArgBuf.toList
- def app0 = cpy.Apply(app)(normalizedFun, typedArgs) // needs to be a `def` because typedArgs can change later
- val app1 =
- if (!success) app0.withType(ErrorType)
- else {
- if (!sameSeq(args, orderedArgs)) {
- // need to lift arguments to maintain evaluation order in the
- // presence of argument reorderings.
- liftFun()
- val eqSuffixLength = firstDiff(app.args.reverse, orderedArgs.reverse)
- val (liftable, rest) = typedArgs splitAt (typedArgs.length - eqSuffixLength)
- typedArgs = liftArgs(liftedDefs, methType, liftable) ++ rest
- }
- if (sameSeq(typedArgs, args)) // trick to cut down on tree copying
- typedArgs = args.asInstanceOf[List[Tree]]
- assignType(app0, normalizedFun, typedArgs)
- }
- wrapDefs(liftedDefs, app1)
- }
- }
- /** Subclass of Application for type checking an Apply node with untyped arguments. */
- class ApplyToUntyped(app: untpd.Apply, fun: Tree, methRef: TermRef, proto: FunProto, resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context)
- extends TypedApply(app, fun, methRef, proto.args, resultType) {
- def typedArg(arg: untpd.Tree, formal: Type): TypedArg = proto.typedArg(arg, formal.widenExpr)
- def treeToArg(arg: Tree): untpd.Tree = untpd.TypedSplice(arg)
- }
- /** Subclass of Application for type checking an Apply node with typed arguments. */
- class ApplyToTyped(app: untpd.Apply, fun: Tree, methRef: TermRef, args: List[Tree], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context)
- extends TypedApply[Type](app, fun, methRef, args, resultType) {
- // Dotty deviation: Dotc infers Untyped for the supercall. This seems to be according to the rules
- // (of both Scala and Dotty). Untyped is legal, and a subtype of Typed, whereas TypeApply
- // is invariant in the type parameter, so the minimal type should be inferred. But then typedArg does
- // not match the abstract method in Application and an abstract class error results.
- def typedArg(arg: tpd.Tree, formal: Type): TypedArg = arg
- def treeToArg(arg: Tree): Tree = arg
- }
- /** If `app` is a `this(...)` constructor call, the this-call argument context,
- * otherwise the current context.
- */
- def argCtx(app: untpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Context =
- if (untpd.isSelfConstrCall(app)) ctx.thisCallArgContext else ctx
- def typedApply(tree: untpd.Apply, pt: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
- def realApply(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = track("realApply") {
- val originalProto = new FunProto(tree.args, IgnoredProto(pt), this)(argCtx(tree))
- val fun1 = typedExpr(tree.fun, originalProto)
- // Warning: The following lines are dirty and fragile. We record that auto-tupling was demanded as
- // a side effect in adapt. If it was, we assume the tupled proto-type in the rest of the application,
- // until, possibly, we have to fall back to insert an implicit on the qualifier.
- // This crucially relies on he fact that `proto` is used only in a single call of `adapt`,
- // otherwise we would get possible cross-talk between different `adapt` calls using the same
- // prototype. A cleaner alternative would be to return a modified prototype from `adapt` together with
- // a modified tree but this would be more convoluted and less efficient.
- val proto = if (originalProto.isTupled) originalProto.tupled else originalProto
- // If some of the application's arguments are function literals without explicitly declared
- // parameter types, relate the normalized result type of the application with the
- // expected type through `constrainResult`. This can add more constraints which
- // help sharpen the inferred parameter types for the argument function literal(s).
- // This tweak is needed to make i1378 compile.
- if (tree.args.exists(untpd.isFunctionWithUnknownParamType(_)))
- if (!constrainResult(fun1.tpe.widen, proto.derivedFunProto(resultType = pt)))
- typr.println(i"result failure for $tree with type ${fun1.tpe.widen}, expected = $pt")
- /** Type application where arguments come from prototype, and no implicits are inserted */
- def simpleApply(fun1: Tree, proto: FunProto)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
- methPart(fun1).tpe match {
- case funRef: TermRef =>
- val app =
- if (proto.allArgTypesAreCurrent())
- new ApplyToTyped(tree, fun1, funRef, proto.typedArgs, pt)
- else
- new ApplyToUntyped(tree, fun1, funRef, proto, pt)(argCtx(tree))
- convertNewGenericArray(ConstFold(app.result))
- case _ =>
- handleUnexpectedFunType(tree, fun1)
- }
- /** Try same application with an implicit inserted around the qualifier of the function
- * part. Return an optional value to indicate success.
- */
- def tryWithImplicitOnQualifier(fun1: Tree, proto: FunProto)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[Tree] =
- tryInsertImplicitOnQualifier(fun1, proto) flatMap { fun2 =>
- tryEither {
- implicit ctx => Some(simpleApply(fun2, proto)): Option[Tree]
- } {
- (_, _) => None
- }
- }
- fun1.tpe match {
- case ErrorType => untpd.cpy.Apply(tree)(fun1, tree.args).withType(ErrorType)
- case TryDynamicCallType => typedDynamicApply(tree, pt)
- case _ =>
- tryEither {
- implicit ctx => simpleApply(fun1, proto)
- } {
- (failedVal, failedState) =>
- def fail = { failedState.commit(); failedVal }
- // Try once with original prototype and once (if different) with tupled one.
- // The reason we need to try both is that the decision whether to use tupled
- // or not was already taken but might have to be revised when an implicit
- // is inserted on the qualifier.
- tryWithImplicitOnQualifier(fun1, originalProto).getOrElse(
- if (proto eq originalProto) fail
- else tryWithImplicitOnQualifier(fun1, proto).getOrElse(fail))
- }
- }
- }
- /** Convert expression like
- *
- * e += (args)
- *
- * where the lifted-for-assignment version of e is { val xs = es; e' } to
- *
- * { val xs = es; e' = e' + args }
- */
- def typedOpAssign: Tree = track("typedOpAssign") {
- val Apply(Select(lhs, name), rhss) = tree
- val lhs1 = typedExpr(lhs)
- val liftedDefs = new mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]
- val lhs2 = untpd.TypedSplice(liftAssigned(liftedDefs, lhs1))
- val assign = untpd.Assign(lhs2, untpd.Apply(untpd.Select(lhs2, name.init), rhss))
- wrapDefs(liftedDefs, typed(assign))
- }
- if (untpd.isOpAssign(tree))
- tryEither {
- implicit ctx => realApply
- } { (failedVal, failedState) =>
- tryEither {
- implicit ctx => typedOpAssign
- } { (_, _) =>
- failedState.commit()
- failedVal
- }
- }
- else {
- val app = realApply
- app match {
- case Apply(fn @ Select(left, _), right :: Nil) if fn.hasType =>
- val op = fn.symbol
- if (op == defn.Any_== || op == defn.Any_!=)
- checkCanEqual(left.tpe.widen, right.tpe.widen, app.pos)
- case _ =>
- }
- app
- }
- }
- /** Overridden in ReTyper to handle primitive operations that can be generated after erasure */
- protected def handleUnexpectedFunType(tree: untpd.Apply, fun: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
- throw new Error(i"unexpected type.\n fun = $fun,\n methPart(fun) = ${methPart(fun)},\n methPart(fun).tpe = ${methPart(fun).tpe},\n tpe = ${fun.tpe}")
- def typedNamedArgs(args: List[untpd.Tree])(implicit ctx: Context) =
- for (arg @ NamedArg(id, argtpt) <- args) yield {
- val argtpt1 = typedType(argtpt)
- cpy.NamedArg(arg)(id, argtpt1).withType(argtpt1.tpe)
- }
- def typedTypeApply(tree: untpd.TypeApply, pt: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = track("typedTypeApply") {
- val isNamed = hasNamedArg(tree.args)
- val typedArgs = if (isNamed) typedNamedArgs(tree.args) else tree.args.mapconserve(typedType(_))
- val typedFn = typedExpr(tree.fun, PolyProto(typedArgs.tpes, pt))
- typedFn.tpe.widen match {
- case pt: PolyType =>
- if (typedArgs.length <= pt.paramBounds.length && !isNamed)
- if (typedFn.symbol == defn.Predef_classOf && typedArgs.nonEmpty) {
- val arg = typedArgs.head
- checkClassType(arg.tpe, arg.pos, traitReq = false, stablePrefixReq = false)
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- def tryDynamicTypeApply(): Tree = typedFn match {
- case typedFn: Select if !pt.isInstanceOf[FunProto] => typedDynamicSelect(typedFn, typedArgs, pt)
- case _ => tree.withType(TryDynamicCallType)
- }
- if (typedFn.tpe eq TryDynamicCallType) tryDynamicTypeApply()
- else assignType(cpy.TypeApply(tree)(typedFn, typedArgs), typedFn, typedArgs)
- }
- /** Rewrite `new Array[T](....)` if T is an unbounded generic to calls to newGenericArray.
- * It is performed during typer as creation of generic arrays needs a classTag.
- * we rely on implicit search to find one.
- */
- def convertNewGenericArray(tree: tpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = tree match {
- case Apply(TypeApply(tycon, targs@(targ :: Nil)), args) if tycon.symbol == defn.ArrayConstructor =>
- fullyDefinedType(tree.tpe, "array", tree.pos)
- def newGenericArrayCall =
- ref(defn.DottyArraysModule)
- .select(defn.newGenericArrayMethod).withPos(tree.pos)
- .appliedToTypeTrees(targs).appliedToArgs(args)
- if (TypeErasure.isUnboundedGeneric(targ.tpe))
- newGenericArrayCall
- else tree
- case _ =>
- tree
- }
- def typedUnApply(tree: untpd.Apply, selType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = track("typedUnApply") {
- val Apply(qual, args) = tree
- def notAnExtractor(tree: Tree) =
- errorTree(tree, s"${qual.show} cannot be used as an extractor in a pattern because it lacks an unapply or unapplySeq method")
- /** If this is a term ref tree, try to typecheck with its type name.
- * If this refers to a type alias, follow the alias, and if
- * one finds a class, reference the class companion module.
- */
- def followTypeAlias(tree: untpd.Tree): untpd.Tree = {
- tree match {
- case tree: untpd.RefTree =>
- val ttree = typedType(untpd.rename(tree, tree.name.toTypeName))
- ttree.tpe match {
- case alias: TypeRef if alias.info.isAlias =>
- companionRef(alias) match {
- case companion: TermRef => return untpd.ref(companion) withPos tree.pos
- case _ =>
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- untpd.EmptyTree
- }
- /** A typed qual.unapply or qual.unapplySeq tree, if this typechecks.
- * Otherwise fallBack with (maltyped) qual.unapply as argument
- * Note: requires special handling for overloaded occurrences of
- * unapply or unapplySeq. We first try to find a non-overloaded
- * method which matches any type. If that fails, we try to find an
- * overloaded variant which matches one of the argument types.
- * In fact, overloaded unapply's are problematic because a non-
- * overloaded unapply does *not* need to be applicable to its argument
- * whereas overloaded variants need to have a conforming variant.
- */
- def trySelectUnapply(qual: untpd.Tree)(fallBack: Tree => Tree): Tree = {
- val genericProto = new UnapplyFunProto(WildcardType, this)
- def specificProto = new UnapplyFunProto(selType, this)
- // try first for non-overloaded, then for overloaded ocurrences
- def tryWithName(name: TermName)(fallBack: Tree => Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
- tryEither {
- implicit ctx => typedExpr(untpd.Select(qual, name), specificProto)
- } {
- (sel, _) =>
- tryEither {
- implicit ctx => typedExpr(untpd.Select(qual, name), genericProto)
- } {
- (_, _) => fallBack(sel)
- }
- }
- // try first for unapply, then for unapplySeq
- tryWithName(nme.unapply) {
- sel => tryWithName(nme.unapplySeq)(_ => fallBack(sel)) // for backwards compatibility; will be dropped
- }
- }
- /** Produce a typed qual.unapply or qual.unapplySeq tree, or
- * else if this fails follow a type alias and try again.
- */
- val unapplyFn = trySelectUnapply(qual) { sel =>
- val qual1 = followTypeAlias(qual)
- if (qual1.isEmpty) notAnExtractor(sel)
- else trySelectUnapply(qual1)(_ => notAnExtractor(sel))
- }
- def fromScala2x = unapplyFn.symbol.exists && (unapplyFn.symbol.owner is Scala2x)
- /** Is `subtp` a subtype of `tp` or of some generalization of `tp`?
- * The generalizations of a type T are the smallest set G such that
- *
- * - T is in G
- * - If a typeref R in G represents a class or trait, R's superclass is in G.
- * - If a type proxy P is not a reference to a class, P's supertype is in G
- */
- def isSubTypeOfParent(subtp: Type, tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
- if (subtp <:< tp) true
- else tp match {
- case tp: TypeRef if tp.symbol.isClass => isSubTypeOfParent(subtp, tp.firstParent)
- case tp: TypeProxy => isSubTypeOfParent(subtp, tp.superType)
- case _ => false
- }
- unapplyFn.tpe.widen match {
- case mt: MethodType if mt.paramTypes.length == 1 =>
- val unapplyArgType = mt.paramTypes.head
- unapp.println(i"unapp arg tpe = $unapplyArgType, pt = $selType")
- val ownType =
- if (selType <:< unapplyArgType) {
- unapp.println(i"case 1 $unapplyArgType ${ctx.typerState.constraint}")
- selType
- } else if (isSubTypeOfParent(unapplyArgType, selType)(ctx.addMode(Mode.GADTflexible))) {
- maximizeType(unapplyArgType) match {
- case Some(tvar) =>
- def msg =
- ex"""There is no best instantiation of pattern type $unapplyArgType
- |that makes it a subtype of selector type $selType.
- |Non-variant type variable ${tvar.origin} cannot be uniquely instantiated."""
- if (fromScala2x) {
- // We can't issue an error here, because in Scala 2, ::[B] is invariant
- // whereas List[+T] is covariant. According to the strict rule, a pattern
- // match of a List[C] against a case x :: xs is illegal, because
- // B cannot be uniquely instantiated. Of course :: should have been
- // covariant in the first place, but in the Scala libraries it isn't.
- // So for now we allow these kinds of patterns, even though they
- // can open unsoundness holes. See SI-7952 for an example of the hole this opens.
- if (ctx.settings.verbose.value) ctx.warning(msg, tree.pos)
- } else {
- unapp.println(s" ${unapplyFn.symbol.owner} ${unapplyFn.symbol.owner is Scala2x}")
- ctx.strictWarning(msg, tree.pos)
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- unapp.println(i"case 2 $unapplyArgType ${ctx.typerState.constraint}")
- unapplyArgType
- } else {
- unapp.println("Neither sub nor super")
- unapp.println(TypeComparer.explained(implicit ctx => unapplyArgType <:< selType))
- errorType(
- ex"Pattern type $unapplyArgType is neither a subtype nor a supertype of selector type $selType",
- tree.pos)
- }
- val dummyArg = dummyTreeOfType(ownType)
- val unapplyApp = typedExpr(untpd.TypedSplice(Apply(unapplyFn, dummyArg :: Nil)))
- val unapplyImplicits = unapplyApp match {
- case Apply(Apply(unapply, `dummyArg` :: Nil), args2) => assert(args2.nonEmpty); args2
- case Apply(unapply, `dummyArg` :: Nil) => Nil
- }
- var argTypes = unapplyArgs(unapplyApp.tpe, unapplyFn, args, tree.pos)
- for (argType <- argTypes) assert(!argType.isInstanceOf[TypeBounds], unapplyApp.tpe.show)
- val bunchedArgs = argTypes match {
- case argType :: Nil =>
- if (argType.isRepeatedParam) untpd.SeqLiteral(args, untpd.TypeTree()) :: Nil
- else if (args.lengthCompare(1) > 0 && ctx.canAutoTuple) untpd.Tuple(args) :: Nil
- else args
- case _ => args
- }
- if (argTypes.length != bunchedArgs.length) {
- ctx.error(em"wrong number of argument patterns for $qual; expected: ($argTypes%, %)", tree.pos)
- argTypes = argTypes.take(args.length) ++
- List.fill(argTypes.length - args.length)(WildcardType)
- }
- val unapplyPatterns = (bunchedArgs, argTypes).zipped map (typed(_, _))
- val result = assignType(cpy.UnApply(tree)(unapplyFn, unapplyImplicits, unapplyPatterns), ownType)
- unapp.println(s"unapply patterns = $unapplyPatterns")
- if ((ownType eq selType) || ownType.isError) result
- else Typed(result, TypeTree(ownType))
- case tp =>
- val unapplyErr = if (tp.isError) unapplyFn else notAnExtractor(unapplyFn)
- val typedArgsErr = args mapconserve (typed(_, defn.AnyType))
- cpy.UnApply(tree)(unapplyErr, Nil, typedArgsErr) withType ErrorType
- }
- }
- /** A typed unapply hook, can be overridden by re any-typers between frontend
- * and pattern matcher.
- */
- def typedUnApply(tree: untpd.UnApply, selType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): UnApply =
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot type check an UnApply node")
- /** Is given method reference applicable to type arguments `targs` and argument trees `args`?
- * @param resultType The expected result type of the application
- */
- def isApplicable(methRef: TermRef, targs: List[Type], args: List[Tree], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
- val nestedContext = ctx.fresh.setExploreTyperState
- new ApplicableToTrees(methRef, targs, args, resultType)(nestedContext).success
- }
- /** Is given method reference applicable to type arguments `targs` and argument trees `args` without inferring views?
- * @param resultType The expected result type of the application
- */
- def isDirectlyApplicable(methRef: TermRef, targs: List[Type], args: List[Tree], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
- val nestedContext = ctx.fresh.setExploreTyperState
- new ApplicableToTreesDirectly(methRef, targs, args, resultType)(nestedContext).success
- }
- /** Is given method reference applicable to argument types `args`?
- * @param resultType The expected result type of the application
- */
- def isApplicable(methRef: TermRef, args: List[Type], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = {
- val nestedContext = ctx.fresh.setExploreTyperState
- new ApplicableToTypes(methRef, args, resultType)(nestedContext).success
- }
- /** Is given type applicable to type arguments `targs` and argument trees `args`,
- * possibly after inserting an `apply`?
- * @param resultType The expected result type of the application
- */
- def isApplicable(tp: Type, targs: List[Type], args: List[Tree], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
- onMethod(tp, isApplicable(_, targs, args, resultType))
- /** Is given type applicable to argument types `args`, possibly after inserting an `apply`?
- * @param resultType The expected result type of the application
- */
- def isApplicable(tp: Type, args: List[Type], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean =
- onMethod(tp, isApplicable(_, args, resultType))
- private def onMethod(tp: Type, p: TermRef => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = tp match {
- case methRef: TermRef if methRef.widenSingleton.isInstanceOf[MethodicType] =>
- p(methRef)
- case mt: MethodicType =>
- p(mt.narrow)
- case _ =>
- tp.member(nme.apply).hasAltWith(d => p(TermRef(tp, nme.apply, d)))
- }
- /** In a set of overloaded applicable alternatives, is `alt1` at least as good as
- * `alt2`? `alt1` and `alt2` are non-overloaded references.
- */
- def isAsGood(alt1: TermRef, alt2: TermRef)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = track("isAsGood") { ctx.traceIndented(i"isAsGood($alt1, $alt2)", overload) {
- assert(alt1 ne alt2)
- /** Is class or module class `sym1` derived from class or module class `sym2`?
- * Module classes also inherit the relationship from their companions.
- */
- def isDerived(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Boolean =
- if (sym1 isSubClass sym2) true
- else if (sym2 is Module) isDerived(sym1, sym2.companionClass)
- else (sym1 is Module) && isDerived(sym1.companionClass, sym2)
- /** Is alternative `alt1` with type `tp1` as specific as alternative
- * `alt2` with type `tp2` ?
- *
- * 1. A method `alt1` of type (p1: T1, ..., pn: Tn)U is as specific as `alt2`
- * if `alt2` is applicable to arguments (p1, ..., pn) of types T1,...,Tn
- * or if `alt1` is nullary.
- * 2. A polymorphic member of type [a1 >: L1 <: U1, ..., an >: Ln <: Un]T is as
- * specific as `alt2` of type `tp2` if T is as specific as `tp2` under the
- * assumption that for i = 1,...,n each ai is an abstract type name bounded
- * from below by Li and from above by Ui.
- * 3. A member of any other type `tp1` is:
- * a. always as specific as a method or a polymorphic method.
- * b. as specific as a member of any other type `tp2` if `tp1` is compatible
- * with `tp2`.
- */
- def isAsSpecific(alt1: TermRef, tp1: Type, alt2: TermRef, tp2: Type): Boolean = ctx.traceIndented(i"isAsSpecific $tp1 $tp2", overload) { tp1 match {
- case tp1: MethodType => // (1)
- def repeatedToSingle(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case tp @ ExprType(tp1) => tp.derivedExprType(repeatedToSingle(tp1))
- case _ => if (tp.isRepeatedParam) tp.argTypesHi.head else tp
- }
- val formals1 =
- if (tp1.isVarArgsMethod && tp2.isVarArgsMethod) tp1.paramTypes map repeatedToSingle
- else tp1.paramTypes
- isApplicable(alt2, formals1, WildcardType) ||
- tp1.paramTypes.isEmpty && tp2.isInstanceOf[MethodOrPoly]
- case tp1: PolyType => // (2)
- val tparams = ctx.newTypeParams(alt1.symbol, tp1.paramNames, EmptyFlags, tp1.instantiateBounds)
- isAsSpecific(alt1, tp1.instantiate(tparams map (_.typeRef)), alt2, tp2)
- case _ => // (3)
- tp2 match {
- case tp2: MethodType => true // (3a)
- case tp2: PolyType if tp2.isPolymorphicMethodType => true // (3a)
- case tp2: PolyType => // (3b)
- val nestedCtx = ctx.fresh.setExploreTyperState
- {
- implicit val ctx: Context = nestedCtx
- isAsSpecificValueType(tp1, constrained(tp2).resultType)
- }
- case _ => // (3b)
- isAsSpecificValueType(tp1, tp2)
- }
- }}
- /** Test whether value type `tp1` is as specific as value type `tp2`.
- * Let's abbreviate this to `tp1 <:s tp2`.
- * Previously, `<:s` was the same as `<:`. This behavior is still
- * available under mode `Mode.OldOverloadingResolution`. The new behavior
- * is different, however. Here, `T <:s U` iff
- *
- * flip(T) <: flip(U)
- *
- * where `flip` changes top-level contravariant type aliases to covariant ones.
- * Intuitively `<:s` means subtyping `<:`, except that all top-level arguments
- * to contravariant parameters are compared as if they were covariant. E.g. given class
- *
- * class Cmp[-X]
- *
- * `Cmp[T] <:s Cmp[U]` if `T <: U`. On the other hand, nested occurrences
- * of parameters are not affected.
- * So `T <: U` would imply `List[Cmp[U]] <:s List[Cmp[T]]`, as usual.
- *
- * This relation might seem strange, but it models closely what happens for methods.
- * Indeed, if we integrate the existing rules for methods into `<:s` we have now that
- *
- * (T)R <:s (U)R
- *
- * iff
- *
- * T => R <:s U => R
- */
- def isAsSpecificValueType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
- if (ctx.mode.is(Mode.OldOverloadingResolution))
- isCompatible(tp1, tp2)
- else {
- val flip = new TypeMap {
- def apply(t: Type) = t match {
- case t: TypeAlias if variance > 0 && t.variance < 0 => t.derivedTypeAlias(t.alias, 1)
- case t: TypeBounds => t
- case _ => mapOver(t)
- }
- }
- isCompatible(flip(tp1), flip(tp2))
- }
- /** Drop any implicit parameter section */
- def stripImplicit(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
- case mt: ImplicitMethodType if !mt.isDependent =>
- mt.resultType
- // todo: make sure implicit method types are not dependent?
- // but check test case in /tests/pos/depmet_implicit_chaining_zw.scala
- case pt: PolyType =>
- pt.derivedPolyType(pt.paramNames, pt.paramBounds, stripImplicit(pt.resultType))
- case _ =>
- tp
- }
- val owner1 = if (alt1.symbol.exists) alt1.symbol.owner else NoSymbol
- val owner2 = if (alt2.symbol.exists) alt2.symbol.owner else NoSymbol
- val tp1 = stripImplicit(alt1.widen)
- val tp2 = stripImplicit(alt2.widen)
- def winsOwner1 = isDerived(owner1, owner2)
- def winsType1 = isAsSpecific(alt1, tp1, alt2, tp2)
- def winsOwner2 = isDerived(owner2, owner1)
- def winsType2 = isAsSpecific(alt2, tp2, alt1, tp1)
- overload.println(i"isAsGood($alt1, $alt2)? $tp1 $tp2 $winsOwner1 $winsType1 $winsOwner2 $winsType2")
- // Assume the following probabilities:
- //
- // P(winsOwnerX) = 2/3
- // P(winsTypeX) = 1/3
- //
- // Then the call probabilities of the 4 basic operations are as follows:
- //
- // winsOwner1: 1/1
- // winsOwner2: 1/1
- // winsType1 : 7/9
- // winsType2 : 4/9
- if (winsOwner1) /* 6/9 */ !winsOwner2 || /* 4/9 */ winsType1 || /* 8/27 */ !winsType2
- else if (winsOwner2) /* 2/9 */ winsType1 && /* 2/27 */ !winsType2
- else /* 1/9 */ winsType1 || /* 2/27 */ !winsType2
- }}
- def narrowMostSpecific(alts: List[TermRef])(implicit ctx: Context): List[TermRef] = track("narrowMostSpecific") {
- alts match {
- case Nil => alts
- case _ :: Nil => alts
- case alt :: alts1 =>
- def winner(bestSoFar: TermRef, alts: List[TermRef]): TermRef = alts match {
- case alt :: alts1 =>
- winner(if (isAsGood(alt, bestSoFar)) alt else bestSoFar, alts1)
- case nil =>
- bestSoFar
- }
- val best = winner(alt, alts1)
- def asGood(alts: List[TermRef]): List[TermRef] = alts match {
- case alt :: alts1 =>
- if ((alt eq best) || !isAsGood(alt, best)) asGood(alts1)
- else alt :: asGood(alts1)
- case nil =>
- Nil
- }
- best :: asGood(alts)
- }
- }
- /** Resolve overloaded alternative `alts`, given expected type `pt` and
- * possibly also type argument `targs` that need to be applied to each alternative
- * to form the method type.
- * todo: use techniques like for implicits to pick candidates quickly?
- */
- def resolveOverloaded(alts: List[TermRef], pt: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): List[TermRef] = track("resolveOverloaded") {
- /** Is `alt` a method or polytype whose result type after the first value parameter
- * section conforms to the expected type `resultType`? If `resultType`
- * is a `IgnoredProto`, pick the underlying type instead.
- */
- def resultConforms(alt: Type, resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = resultType match {
- case IgnoredProto(ignored) => resultConforms(alt, ignored)
- case _: ValueType =>
- alt.widen match {
- case tp: PolyType => resultConforms(constrained(tp).resultType, resultType)
- case tp: MethodType => constrainResult(tp.resultType, resultType)
- case _ => true
- }
- case _ => true
- }
- /** If the `chosen` alternative has a result type incompatible with the expected result
- * type `pt`, run overloading resolution again on all alternatives that do match `pt`.
- * If the latter succeeds with a single alternative, return it, otherwise
- * fallback to `chosen`.
- *
- * Note this order of events is done for speed. One might be tempted to
- * preselect alternatives by result type. But is slower, because it discriminates
- * less. The idea is when searching for a best solution, as is the case in overloading
- * resolution, we should first try criteria which are cheap and which have a high
- * probability of pruning the search. result type comparisons are neither cheap nor
- * do they prune much, on average.
- */
- def adaptByResult(chosen: TermRef) = {
- def nestedCtx = ctx.fresh.setExploreTyperState
- pt match {
- case pt: FunProto if !resultConforms(chosen, pt.resultType)(nestedCtx) =>
- alts.filter(alt =>
- (alt ne chosen) && resultConforms(alt, pt.resultType)(nestedCtx)) match {
- case Nil => chosen
- case alt2 :: Nil => alt2
- case alts2 =>
- resolveOverloaded(alts2, pt) match {
- case alt2 :: Nil => alt2
- case _ => chosen
- }
- }
- case _ => chosen
- }
- }
- var found = resolveOverloaded(alts, pt, Nil)(ctx.retractMode(Mode.ImplicitsEnabled))
- if (found.isEmpty && ctx.mode.is(Mode.ImplicitsEnabled))
- found = resolveOverloaded(alts, pt, Nil)
- found match {
- case alt :: Nil => adaptByResult(alt) :: Nil
- case _ => found
- }
- }
- /** This private version of `resolveOverloaded` does the bulk of the work of
- * overloading resolution, but does not do result adaptation. It might be
- * called twice from the public `resolveOverloaded` method, once with
- * implicits enabled, and once without.
- */
- private def resolveOverloaded(alts: List[TermRef], pt: Type, targs: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): List[TermRef] = track("resolveOverloaded") {
- def isDetermined(alts: List[TermRef]) = alts.isEmpty || alts.tail.isEmpty
- /** The shape of given tree as a type; cannot handle named arguments. */
- def typeShape(tree: untpd.Tree): Type = tree match {
- case untpd.Function(args, body) =>
- defn.FunctionOf(args map Function.const(defn.AnyType), typeShape(body))
- case _ =>
- defn.NothingType
- }
- /** The shape of given tree as a type; is more expensive than
- * typeShape but can can handle named arguments.
- */
- def treeShape(tree: untpd.Tree): Tree = tree match {
- case NamedArg(name, arg) =>
- val argShape = treeShape(arg)
- cpy.NamedArg(tree)(name, argShape).withType(argShape.tpe)
- case _ =>
- dummyTreeOfType(typeShape(tree))
- }
- def narrowByTypes(alts: List[TermRef], argTypes: List[Type], resultType: Type): List[TermRef] =
- alts filter (isApplicable(_, argTypes, resultType))
- val candidates = pt match {
- case pt @ FunProto(args, resultType, _) =>
- val numArgs = args.length
- val normArgs = args.mapConserve {
- case Block(Nil, expr) => expr
- case x => x
- }
- def sizeFits(alt: TermRef, tp: Type): Boolean = tp match {
- case tp: PolyType => sizeFits(alt, tp.resultType)
- case MethodType(_, ptypes) =>
- val numParams = ptypes.length
- def isVarArgs = ptypes.nonEmpty && ptypes.last.isRepeatedParam
- def hasDefault = alt.symbol.hasDefaultParams
- if (numParams == numArgs) true
- else if (numParams < numArgs) isVarArgs
- else if (numParams > numArgs + 1) hasDefault
- else isVarArgs || hasDefault
- case _ =>
- numArgs == 0
- }
- def narrowBySize(alts: List[TermRef]): List[TermRef] =
- alts filter (alt => sizeFits(alt, alt.widen))
- def narrowByShapes(alts: List[TermRef]): List[TermRef] = {
- if (normArgs exists (_.isInstanceOf[untpd.Function]))
- if (hasNamedArg(args)) narrowByTrees(alts, args map treeShape, resultType)
- else narrowByTypes(alts, normArgs map typeShape, resultType)
- else
- alts
- }
- def narrowByTrees(alts: List[TermRef], args: List[Tree], resultType: Type): List[TermRef] = {
- val alts2 = alts.filter(alt =>
- isDirectlyApplicable(alt, targs, args, resultType)
- )
- if (alts2.isEmpty && !ctx.isAfterTyper)
- alts.filter(alt =>
- isApplicable(alt, targs, args, resultType)
- )
- else
- alts2
- }
- val alts1 = narrowBySize(alts)
- //ctx.log(i"narrowed by size: ${alts1.map(_.symbol.showDcl)}%, %")
- if (isDetermined(alts1)) alts1
- else {
- val alts2 = narrowByShapes(alts1)
- //ctx.log(i"narrowed by shape: ${alts1.map(_.symbol.showDcl)}%, %")
- if (isDetermined(alts2)) alts2
- else {
- pretypeArgs(alts2, pt)
- narrowByTrees(alts2, pt.typedArgs, resultType)
- }
- }
- case pt @ PolyProto(targs1, pt1) =>
- assert(targs.isEmpty)
- val alts1 = alts filter pt.isMatchedBy
- resolveOverloaded(alts1, pt1, targs1)
- case defn.FunctionOf(args, resultType) =>
- narrowByTypes(alts, args, resultType)
- case pt =>
- alts filter (normalizedCompatible(_, pt))
- }
- val found = narrowMostSpecific(candidates)
- if (found.length <= 1) found
- else {
- val noDefaults = alts.filter(!_.symbol.hasDefaultParams)
- if (noDefaults.length == 1) noDefaults // return unique alternative without default parameters if it exists
- else {
- val deepPt = pt.deepenProto
- if (deepPt ne pt) resolveOverloaded(alts, deepPt, targs)
- else alts
- }
- }
- }
- /** Try to typecheck any arguments in `pt` that are function values missing a
- * parameter type. The expected type for these arguments is the lub of the
- * corresponding formal parameter types of all alternatives. Type variables
- * in formal parameter types are replaced by wildcards. The result of the
- * typecheck is stored in `pt`, to be retrieved when its `typedArgs` are selected.
- * The benefit of doing this is to allow idioms like this:
- *
- * def map(f: Char => Char): String = ???
- * def map[U](f: Char => U): Seq[U] = ???
- * map(x => x.toUpper)
- *
- * Without `pretypeArgs` we'd get a "missing parameter type" error for `x`.
- * With `pretypeArgs`, we use the union of the two formal parameter types
- * `Char => Char` and `Char => ?` as the expected type of the closure `x => x.toUpper`.
- * That union is `Char => Char`, so we have an expected parameter type `Char`
- * for `x`, and the code typechecks.
- */
- private def pretypeArgs(alts: List[TermRef], pt: FunProto)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
- def recur(altFormals: List[List[Type]], args: List[untpd.Tree]): Unit = args match {
- case arg :: args1 if !altFormals.exists(_.isEmpty) =>
- def isUnknownParamType(t: untpd.Tree) = t match {
- case ValDef(_, tpt, _) => tpt.isEmpty
- case _ => false
- }
- arg match {
- case arg: untpd.Function if arg.args.exists(isUnknownParamType) =>
- def isUniform[T](xs: List[T])(p: (T, T) => Boolean) = xs.forall(p(_, xs.head))
- val formalsForArg: List[Type] = altFormals.map(_.head)
- // For alternatives alt_1, ..., alt_n, test whether formal types for current argument are of the form
- // (p_1_1, ..., p_m_1) => r_1
- // ...
- // (p_1_n, ..., p_m_n) => r_n
- val decomposedFormalsForArg: List[Option[(List[Type], Type)]] =
- formalsForArg.map(defn.FunctionOf.unapply)
- if (decomposedFormalsForArg.forall(_.isDefined)) {
- val formalParamTypessForArg: List[List[Type]] =
- decomposedFormalsForArg.map(_.get._1)
- if (isUniform(formalParamTypessForArg)((x, y) => x.length == y.length)) {
- val commonParamTypes = formalParamTypessForArg.transpose.map(ps =>
- // Given definitions above, for i = 1,...,m,
- // ps(i) = List(p_i_1, ..., p_i_n) -- i.e. a column
- // If all p_i_k's are the same, assume the type as formal parameter
- // type of the i'th parameter of the closure.
- if (isUniform(ps)(ctx.typeComparer.isSameTypeWhenFrozen(_, _))) ps.head
- else WildcardType)
- val commonFormal = defn.FunctionOf(commonParamTypes, WildcardType)
- overload.println(i"pretype arg $arg with expected type $commonFormal")
- pt.typedArg(arg, commonFormal)
- }
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- recur(altFormals.map(_.tail), args1)
- case _ =>
- }
- def paramTypes(alt: Type): List[Type] = alt match {
- case mt: MethodType => mt.paramTypes
- case mt: PolyType => paramTypes(mt.resultType)
- case _ => Nil
- }
- recur(alts.map(alt => paramTypes(alt.widen)), pt.args)
- }
- private def harmonizeWith[T <: AnyRef](ts: List[T])(tpe: T => Type, adapt: (T, Type) => T)(implicit ctx: Context): List[T] = {
- def numericClasses(ts: List[T], acc: Set[Symbol]): Set[Symbol] = ts match {
- case t :: ts1 =>
- val sym = tpe(t).widen.classSymbol
- if (sym.isNumericValueClass) numericClasses(ts1, acc + sym)
- else Set()
- case Nil =>
- acc
- }
- val clss = numericClasses(ts, Set())
- if (clss.size > 1) {
- val lub = defn.ScalaNumericValueTypeList.find(lubTpe =>
- clss.forall(cls => defn.isValueSubType(cls.typeRef, lubTpe))).get
- ts.mapConserve(adapt(_, lub))
- }
- else ts
- }
- /** If `trees` all have numeric value types, and they do not have all the same type,
- * pick a common numeric supertype and convert all trees to this type.
- */
- def harmonize(trees: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = {
- def adapt(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = tree match {
- case cdef: CaseDef => tpd.cpy.CaseDef(cdef)(body = adapt(cdef.body, pt))
- case _ => adaptInterpolated(tree, pt, tree)
- }
- if (ctx.isAfterTyper) trees else harmonizeWith(trees)(_.tpe, adapt)
- }
- /** If all `types` are numeric value types, and they are not all the same type,
- * pick a common numeric supertype and return it instead of every original type.
- */
- def harmonizeTypes(tpes: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] =
- harmonizeWith(tpes)(identity, (tp, pt) => pt)