path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/ShowPickled.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/ShowPickled.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 287 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/ShowPickled.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/ShowPickled.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 477449074..000000000
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/util/ShowPickled.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-package dotty.tools.dotc
-package util
-import java.io.{File, FileInputStream, PrintStream}
-import java.lang.Long.toHexString
-import java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat
-import java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble
-import scala.reflect.internal.Flags
-import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.PickleFormat
-import core.unpickleScala2.PickleBuffer
-import core.Names._
-object ShowPickled {
- import PickleFormat._
- case class PickleBufferEntry(num: Int, startIndex: Int, tag: Int, bytes: Array[Byte]) {
- def isName = tag == TERMname || tag == TYPEname
- def hasName = tag match {
- case TYPEsym | ALIASsym | CLASSsym | MODULEsym | VALsym | EXTref | EXTMODCLASSref => true
- case _ => false
- }
- def readName =
- if (isName) new String(bytes, "UTF-8")
- else sys.error("%s is no name" format tagName)
- def nameIndex =
- if (hasName) readNat(bytes, 0)
- else sys.error("%s has no name" format tagName)
- def tagName = tag2string(tag)
- override def toString = "%d,%d: %s".format(num, startIndex, tagName)
- }
- case class PickleBufferEntryList(entries: IndexedSeq[PickleBufferEntry]) {
- def nameAt(idx: Int) = {
- val entry = entries(idx)
- if (entry.isName) entry.readName
- else if (entry.hasName) entries(entry.nameIndex).readName
- else "?"
- }
- }
- def makeEntryList(buf: PickleBuffer, index: Array[Int]) = {
- val entries = buf.toIndexedSeq.zipWithIndex map {
- case ((tag, data), num) => PickleBufferEntry(num, index(num), tag, data)
- }
- PickleBufferEntryList(entries)
- }
- def tag2string(tag: Int): String = tag match {
- case TERMname => "TERMname"
- case TYPEname => "TYPEname"
- case NONEsym => "NONEsym"
- case TYPEsym => "TYPEsym"
- case ALIASsym => "ALIASsym"
- case CLASSsym => "CLASSsym"
- case MODULEsym => "MODULEsym"
- case VALsym => "VALsym"
- case EXTref => "EXTref"
- case NOtpe => "NOtpe"
- case NOPREFIXtpe => "NOPREFIXtpe"
- case THIStpe => "THIStpe"
- case SINGLEtpe => "SINGLEtpe"
- case CONSTANTtpe => "CONSTANTtpe"
- case TYPEREFtpe => "TYPEREFtpe"
- case REFINEDtpe => "REFINEDtpe"
- case CLASSINFOtpe => "CLASSINFOtpe"
- case METHODtpe => "METHODtpe"
- case POLYtpe => "POLYtpe"
- case IMPLICITMETHODtpe => "METHODtpe" // IMPLICITMETHODtpe no longer used.
- case SUPERtpe => "SUPERtpe"
- case LITERALunit => "LITERALunit"
- case LITERALboolean => "LITERALboolean"
- case LITERALbyte => "LITERALbyte"
- case LITERALshort => "LITERALshort"
- case LITERALchar => "LITERALchar"
- case LITERALint => "LITERALint"
- case LITERALlong => "LITERALlong"
- case LITERALfloat => "LITERALfloat"
- case LITERALdouble => "LITERALdouble"
- case LITERALstring => "LITERALstring"
- case LITERALnull => "LITERALnull"
- case LITERALclass => "LITERALclass"
- case LITERALenum => "LITERALenum"
- case ANNOTATEDtpe => "ANNOTATEDtpe"
- case TREE => "TREE"
- case _ => "***BAD TAG***(" + tag + ")"
- }
- /** Extremely regrettably, essentially copied from PickleBuffer.
- */
- def readNat(data: Array[Byte], index: Int): Int = {
- var idx = index
- var result = 0L
- var b = 0L
- do {
- b = data(idx)
- idx += 1
- result = (result << 7) + (b & 0x7f)
- } while((b & 0x80) != 0L)
- result.toInt
- }
- def printFile(buf: PickleBuffer, out: PrintStream = System.out): Unit = {
- out.println("Version " + buf.readNat() + "." + buf.readNat())
- val index = buf.createIndex
- val entryList = makeEntryList(buf, index)
- buf.readIndex = 0
- def p(s: String) = out print s
- def printNameRef(): Unit = {
- val idx = buf.readNat()
- val name = entryList nameAt idx
- val toPrint = " %s(%s)".format(idx, name)
- out print toPrint
- }
- def printNat() = p(" " + buf.readNat())
- def printReadNat(x: Int) = p(" " + x)
- def printSymbolRef() = printNat()
- def printTypeRef() = printNat()
- def printConstantRef() = printNat()
- def printAnnotInfoRef() = printNat()
- def printConstAnnotArgRef() = printNat()
- def printAnnotArgRef() = printNat()
- def printSymInfo(end: Int, isType: Boolean): Unit = {
- printNameRef()
- printSymbolRef()
- val pflags = buf.readLongNat()
- def printFlags(privateWithin: Option[Int]) = {
- val accessBoundary = (
- for (idx <- privateWithin) yield {
- val s = entryList nameAt idx
- idx + "(" + s + ")"
- }
- )
- val flagString = PickleBuffer.unpickleScalaFlags(pflags, isType).toString
- out.print(" %s[%s]".format(toHexString(pflags), flagString))
- }
- /** Might be info or privateWithin */
- val x = buf.readNat()
- if (buf.readIndex == end) {
- printFlags(None)
- printReadNat(x)
- }
- else {
- printFlags(Some(x))
- printTypeRef()
- }
- }
- /** Note: the entries which require some semantic analysis to be correctly
- * interpreted are for the most part going to tell you the wrong thing.
- * It's not so easy to duplicate the logic applied in the UnPickler.
- */
- def printEntry(i: Int): Unit = {
- buf.readIndex = index(i)
- p(i + "," + buf.readIndex + ": ")
- val tag = buf.readByte()
- out.print(tag2string(tag))
- val len = buf.readNat()
- val end = len + buf.readIndex
- p(" " + len + ":")
- tag match {
- case TERMname =>
- out.print(" ")
- out.print(termName(buf.bytes, buf.readIndex, len).toString)
- buf.readIndex = end
- case TYPEname =>
- out.print(" ")
- out.print(typeName(buf.bytes, buf.readIndex, len))
- buf.readIndex = end
- case TYPEsym | ALIASsym | CLASSsym | MODULEsym | VALsym =>
- printSymInfo(end, tag == TYPEsym || tag == ALIASsym || tag == CLASSsym)
- if (tag == CLASSsym && (buf.readIndex < end)) printTypeRef()
- case EXTref | EXTMODCLASSref =>
- printNameRef()
- if (buf.readIndex < end) { printSymbolRef() }
- case THIStpe =>
- printSymbolRef()
- case SINGLEtpe =>
- printTypeRef(); printSymbolRef()
- case CONSTANTtpe =>
- printTypeRef(); printConstantRef()
- case TYPEREFtpe =>
- printTypeRef(); printSymbolRef(); buf.until(end, printTypeRef)
- case TYPEBOUNDStpe =>
- printTypeRef(); printTypeRef()
- case REFINEDtpe =>
- printSymbolRef(); buf.until(end, printTypeRef)
- case CLASSINFOtpe =>
- printSymbolRef(); buf.until(end, printTypeRef)
- printTypeRef(); buf.until(end, printTypeRef)
- case POLYtpe =>
- printTypeRef(); buf.until(end, printSymbolRef)
- case LITERALboolean =>
- out.print(if (buf.readLong(len) == 0L) " false" else " true")
- case LITERALbyte =>
- out.print(" " + buf.readLong(len).toByte)
- case LITERALshort =>
- out.print(" " + buf.readLong(len).toShort)
- case LITERALchar =>
- out.print(" " + buf.readLong(len).toChar)
- case LITERALint =>
- out.print(" " + buf.readLong(len).toInt)
- case LITERALlong =>
- out.print(" " + buf.readLong(len))
- case LITERALfloat =>
- out.print(" " + intBitsToFloat(buf.readLong(len).toInt))
- case LITERALdouble =>
- out.print(" " + longBitsToDouble(buf.readLong(len)))
- case LITERALstring =>
- printNameRef()
- case LITERALenum =>
- printSymbolRef()
- case LITERALnull =>
- out.print(" <null>")
- case LITERALclass =>
- printTypeRef()
- case CHILDREN =>
- printSymbolRef(); buf.until(end, printSymbolRef)
- case SYMANNOT =>
- printSymbolRef(); printTypeRef(); buf.until(end, printAnnotArgRef)
- case ANNOTATEDtpe =>
- printTypeRef(); buf.until(end, printAnnotInfoRef)
- case ANNOTINFO =>
- printTypeRef(); buf.until(end, printAnnotArgRef)
- buf.until(end, printConstAnnotArgRef)
- case EXISTENTIALtpe =>
- printTypeRef(); buf.until(end, printSymbolRef)
- case _ =>
- }
- out.println()
- if (buf.readIndex != end) {
- out.println("BAD ENTRY END: computed = %d, actual = %d, bytes = %s".format(
- end, buf.readIndex, buf.bytes.slice(index(i), (end max buf.readIndex)).mkString(", ")
- ))
- }
- }
- for (i <- 0 until index.length) printEntry(i)
- }
- *
- def fromFile(path: String) = fromBytes(io.File(path).toByteArray)
- def fromName(name: String) = fromBytes(scalaSigBytesForPath(name) getOrElse Array())
- def fromBytes(data: => Array[Byte]): Option[PickleBuffer] =
- try Some(new PickleBuffer(data, 0, data.length))
- catch { case _: Exception => None }
- def show(what: String, pickle: PickleBuffer) = {
- Console.println(what)
- val saved = pickle.readIndex
- pickle.readIndex = 0
- printFile(pickle, Console.out)
- pickle.readIndex = saved
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
- args foreach { arg =>
- (fromFile(arg) orElse fromName(arg)) match {
- case Some(pb) => show(arg + ":", pb)
- case _ => Console.println("Cannot read " + arg)
- }
- }
- }*/