path: root/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Merge pull request #2259 from dotty-staging/fix-#2245Guillaume Martres2017-04-131-2/+5
| * Fix #2245: strip colors from strings before writing to fileFelix Mulder2017-04-131-2/+5
* | Fix NPE when adding cleanup hookFelix Mulder2017-04-131-2/+3
* Fix #2241: print failing test title instead of outdirFelix Mulder2017-04-131-1/+1
* Fix #2244: make sure logging goes through appropriate interfaceFelix Mulder2017-04-132-5/+18
* Fix #2242: let user know which file got logged toFelix Mulder2017-04-131-5/+6
* Fix #2243: improve failing test outputFelix Mulder2017-04-132-4/+6
* Add docs to SummaryReport.scalaFelix Mulder2017-04-121-0/+25
* Remove duplication with run test output verificationFelix Mulder2017-04-121-19/+7
* Make vulpix test filter work on substring instead of regexpFelix Mulder2017-04-121-15/+16
* Remove need for java written summary reporterFelix Mulder2017-04-126-131/+198
* Make sure that everything is dumped to log filesFelix Mulder2017-04-122-51/+104
* Add ability to only compile run testsFelix Mulder2017-04-123-16/+44
* Implement meta tests suggested by @DarkDimiusFelix Mulder2017-04-121-0/+15
* Fix interactive mode in eclipseFelix Mulder2017-04-121-1/+3
* Only complete tests after run has been performedFelix Mulder2017-04-121-24/+28
* Add vulpix docstrings and change definesFelix Mulder2017-04-122-2/+12
* Improve test failure outputFelix Mulder2017-04-121-1/+5
* Make inter JVM communication be string basedFelix Mulder2017-04-126-168/+120
* Move vulpix to `dotty.tools.vulpix`Felix Mulder2017-04-126-0/+1516