path: root/book/src/main/scala/book/Utils.scala
diff options
authorLi Haoyi <>2014-12-28 09:09:39 +0100
committerLi Haoyi <>2014-12-28 09:09:39 +0100
commita84c09efcb2d843ee04ee3299ceb592a00a42267 (patch)
treef0fd2cf8cadd7bc4bf91ebd31bd41d34a170a7f3 /book/src/main/scala/book/Utils.scala
parent7d14b23dbbdaf66b222839874a29fff4a34e1762 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'book/src/main/scala/book/Utils.scala')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/book/src/main/scala/book/Utils.scala b/book/src/main/scala/book/Utils.scala
index 2c861d0..e551621 100644
--- a/book/src/main/scala/book/Utils.scala
+++ b/book/src/main/scala/book/Utils.scala
@@ -13,69 +13,18 @@ case class pureTable(header: Frag*){
-object sect{
+object sect extends{
var indent = 0
- val headers = Seq[((String, String, Frag) => scalatags.Text.Tag, Option[Frag => Frag])](
- ((h, s, l) => div(cls:="header")(
- h1(h, l),
- h2(s)
- ), Some(f => div(cls:="content", f))),
- ((h, s, l) => div(cls:="header")(
- h1(id:=munge(h), h, l),
- br
- ), None),
- (h1(_, _, _), None),
- (h2(_, _, _), None),
- (h3(_, _, _), None),
- (h4(_, _, _), None),
- (h5(_, _, _), None),
- (h6(_, _, _), None)
- )
- var structure = Tree[String]("root", mutable.Buffer.empty)
- val usedRefs = mutable.Set.empty[String]
- def ref(s: String, txt: String = "") = {
- usedRefs += s
- a(if (txt == "") s else txt, href:=s"#${munge(s)}")
- }
- def munge(name: String) = {
- name.replace(" ", "")
- }
+ override val headers: Seq[Header] = Seq(
+ Header((h, s, l) => div(cls:="header")(h1(h, l), h2(s)), f => div(cls:="content", f)),
+ Header((h, s, l) => div(cls:="header")(h1(id:=munge(h), h, l), br)),
+ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
+ )
-case class sect(name: String, subname: String = ""){
- sect.indent += 1
- val newNode = Tree[String](name, mutable.Buffer.empty)
- val (headerWrap, contentWrap) = sect.headers(sect.indent-1)
- sect.structure.children.append(newNode)
- val prev = sect.structure
- sect.structure = newNode
- def apply(args: Frag*) = {
- val wrappedContents = contentWrap.getOrElse((x: Frag) => x)(args)
- val headingAnchor = a(
- cls:="header-link",
- href:=s"#${sect.munge(name)}",
- " ",
- i(cls:="fa fa-link")
- )
- val res = Seq[Frag](
- headerWrap(name, subname, headingAnchor)(
- cls:="content-subhead",
- id:=sect.munge(name)
- ),
- wrappedContents
- )
- sect.indent -= 1
- sect.structure = prev
- res
- }
-case class Tree[T](value: T, children: mutable.Buffer[Tree[T]])
object lnk{
val usedLinks = mutable.Set.empty[String]
def apply(name: String, url: String) = {
@@ -122,87 +71,3 @@ object lnk{
val scalaPickling = lnk("scala-pickling", "")
-class Highlighter(mappings: Seq[(String, String)]){
- def highlight(snippet: Seq[String], lang: String) = {
- val string = snippet.mkString
- val lines = string.split("\n", -1)
- if (lines.length == 1){
- code(cls:=lang + " highlight-me", lines(0), padding:=0, display:="inline")
- }else{
- val minIndent = == ' ').length)
- .filter(_ > 0)
- .min
- val stripped =
- .dropWhile(_ == "")
- .mkString("\n")
- pre(code(cls:=lang + " highlight-me hljs", stripped))
- }
- }
- def javascript(code: String*) = highlight(code, "javascript")
- def scala(code: String*) = highlight(code, "scala")
- def bash(code: String*) = highlight(code, "bash")
- def diff(code: String*) = highlight(code, "diff")
- def html(code: String*) = highlight(code, "xml")
- def ref(filepath: String, start: String = "", end: String = "\n") = {
- val lang = filepath.split('.').last match {
- case "js" => "javascript"
- case "scala" => "scala"
- case "sbt" => "scala"
- case "sh" => "bash"
- case "html" => "xml"
- case x =>
- println("??? " + x)
- ???
- }
- val lines = io.Source.fromFile(filepath).getLines().toVector
- def indent(line: String) = line.takeWhile(_.isWhitespace).length
- val startLine = lines.indexWhere(_.contains(start))
- if (startLine == -1){
- throw new Exception("Can't find marker: " + start)
- }
- val whitespace = indent(lines(startLine))
- val endLine = lines.indexWhere(
- line => line.contains(end) || (indent(line) < whitespace && line.trim != ""),
- startLine + 1
- )
- val sliced =
- if (endLine == -1) lines.drop(startLine)
- else lines.slice(startLine, endLine)
- val blob ="\n")
- val (prefix, url) =
- mappings.iterator
- .find{case (prefix, path) => filepath.startsWith(prefix)}
- .get
- val hash =
- if (endLine == -1) ""
- else s"#L$startLine-L$endLine"
- val linkUrl =
- s"$url/tree/master/${filepath.drop(prefix.length)}$hash"
- pre(
- code(cls:=lang + " highlight-me hljs", blob),
- a(
- cls:="header-link",
- i(cls:="fa fa-link "),
- position.absolute,
- right:="0.5em",
- bottom:="0.5em",
- display.block,
- fontSize:="24px",
- href:=linkUrl,
- target:="_blank"
- )
- )
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file