path: root/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Printers.scala
diff options
authorHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:50:50 -0800
committerHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:50:50 -0800
commit88595a41e3ec13c1a516e847fe3d0b279facf3fc (patch)
tree4f03b902de7b81fa2e32792e84b680038345e761 /examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Printers.scala
parent82773a11c99d260e97ca63356bfb7b417599b1e9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Printers.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 709 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Printers.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Printers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6208d5f..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Printers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,709 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import scala.annotation.{switch, tailrec}
-import Position._
-import Trees._
-import Types._
-import Infos._
-import Utils.escapeJS
-object Printers {
- /** Basically copied from scala.reflect.internal.Printers */
- trait IndentationManager {
- protected val out: Writer
- protected var indentMargin = 0
- protected val indentStep = 2
- protected var indentString = " " // 40
- protected def indent(): Unit = indentMargin += indentStep
- protected def undent(): Unit = indentMargin -= indentStep
- protected def println(): Unit = {
- out.write('\n')
- while (indentMargin > indentString.length())
- indentString += indentString
- if (indentMargin > 0)
- out.write(indentString, 0, indentMargin)
- }
- @tailrec
- protected final def printSeq[A](ls: List[A])(printelem: A => Unit)(
- printsep: A => Unit): Unit = {
- ls match {
- case Nil =>
- case x :: Nil =>
- printelem(x)
- case x :: rest =>
- printelem(x)
- printsep(x)
- printSeq(rest)(printelem)(printsep)
- }
- }
- protected def printColumn(ts: List[Any], start: String, sep: String,
- end: String): Unit = {
- print(start); indent(); println()
- printSeq(ts) { x =>
- print(x)
- } { _ =>
- print(sep)
- println()
- }
- undent(); println(); print(end)
- }
- protected def printRow(ts: List[Any], start: String, sep: String,
- end: String): Unit = {
- print(start)
- printSeq(ts) { x =>
- print(x)
- } { _ =>
- print(sep)
- }
- print(end)
- }
- protected def printRow(ts: List[Any], sep: String): Unit =
- printRow(ts, "", sep, "")
- protected def print(args: Any*): Unit =
- args.foreach(printOne)
- protected def printOne(arg: Any): Unit
- }
- class IRTreePrinter(protected val out: Writer) extends IndentationManager {
- def printTopLevelTree(tree: Tree) {
- tree match {
- case Skip() =>
- // do not print anything
- case Block(stats) =>
- for (stat <- stats)
- printTopLevelTree(stat)
- case _ =>
- printTree(tree)
- println()
- }
- }
- protected def printBlock(tree: Tree): Unit = {
- val trees = tree match {
- case Block(trees) => trees
- case _ => List(tree)
- }
- printColumn(trees, "{", ";", "}")
- }
- protected def printSig(args: List[ParamDef], resultType: Type): Unit = {
- printRow(args, "(", ", ", ")")
- if (resultType != NoType)
- print(": ", resultType, " = ")
- else
- print(" ")
- }
- protected def printArgs(args: List[Tree]): Unit = {
- printRow(args, "(", ", ", ")")
- }
- def printTree(tree: Tree): Unit = {
- tree match {
- case EmptyTree =>
- print("<empty>")
- // Definitions
- case VarDef(ident, vtpe, mutable, rhs) =>
- if (mutable)
- print("var ")
- else
- print("val ")
- print(ident, ": ", vtpe)
- if (rhs != EmptyTree)
- print(" = ", rhs)
- case ParamDef(ident, ptpe, mutable) =>
- if (mutable)
- print("var ")
- print(ident, ": ", ptpe)
- // Control flow constructs
- case Skip() =>
- print("/*<skip>*/")
- case tree: Block =>
- printBlock(tree)
- case Labeled(label, tpe, body) =>
- print(label)
- if (tpe != NoType)
- print("[", tpe, "]")
- print(": ")
- printBlock(body)
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- print(lhs, " = ", rhs)
- case Return(expr, label) =>
- if (label.isEmpty) print("return ", expr)
- else print("return(", label.get, ") ", expr)
- case If(cond, BooleanLiteral(true), elsep) =>
- print(cond, " || ", elsep)
- case If(cond, thenp, BooleanLiteral(false)) =>
- print(cond, " && ", thenp)
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- print("if (", cond, ") ")
- printBlock(thenp)
- elsep match {
- case Skip() => ()
- case If(_, _, _) =>
- print(" else ")
- printTree(elsep)
- case _ =>
- print(" else ")
- printBlock(elsep)
- }
- case While(cond, body, label) =>
- if (label.isDefined)
- print(label.get, ": ")
- print("while (", cond, ") ")
- printBlock(body)
- case DoWhile(body, cond, label) =>
- if (label.isDefined)
- print(label.get, ": ")
- print("do ")
- printBlock(body)
- print(" while (", cond, ")")
- case Try(block, errVar, handler, finalizer) =>
- print("try ")
- printBlock(block)
- if (handler != EmptyTree) {
- print(" catch (", errVar, ") ")
- printBlock(handler)
- }
- if (finalizer != EmptyTree) {
- print(" finally ")
- printBlock(finalizer)
- }
- case Throw(expr) =>
- print("throw ", expr)
- case Continue(label) =>
- if (label.isEmpty) print("continue")
- else print("continue ", label.get)
- case Match(selector, cases, default) =>
- print("match (", selector, ") ")
- print("{"); indent
- for ((values, body) <- cases) {
- println()
- printRow(values, "case ", " | ", ":"); indent; println()
- printTree(body)
- print(";")
- undent
- }
- if (default != EmptyTree) {
- println()
- print("default:"); indent; println()
- printTree(default)
- print(";")
- undent
- }
- undent; println(); print("}")
- case Debugger() =>
- print("debugger")
- // Scala expressions
- case New(cls, ctor, args) =>
- print("new ", cls, "().", ctor)
- printArgs(args)
- case LoadModule(cls) =>
- print("mod:", cls)
- case StoreModule(cls, value) =>
- print("mod:", cls, "<-", value)
- case Select(qualifier, item, _) =>
- print(qualifier, ".", item)
- case Apply(receiver, method, args) =>
- print(receiver, ".", method)
- printArgs(args)
- case StaticApply(receiver, cls, method, args) =>
- print(receiver, ".", cls, "::", method)
- printArgs(args)
- case TraitImplApply(impl, method, args) =>
- print(impl, "::", method)
- printArgs(args)
- case UnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- import UnaryOp._
- print("(", (op: @switch) match {
- case `typeof` => "typeof"
- case Boolean_! => "!"
- case IntToLong | DoubleToLong => "(long)"
- case DoubleToInt | LongToInt => "(int)"
- case DoubleToFloat => "(float)"
- case LongToDouble => "(double)"
- }, lhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Int_-, IntLiteral(0), rhs) =>
- print("(-", rhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Int_^, IntLiteral(-1), rhs) =>
- print("(~", rhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Long_-, LongLiteral(0L), rhs) =>
- print("(-", rhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Long_^, LongLiteral(-1L), rhs) =>
- print("(~", rhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Float_-, FloatLiteral(0.0f), rhs) =>
- print("(-", rhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Double_-,
- IntLiteral(0) | FloatLiteral(0.0f) | DoubleLiteral(0.0), rhs) =>
- print("(-", rhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- import BinaryOp._
- print("(", lhs, " ", (op: @switch) match {
- case === => "==="
- case !== => "!=="
- case String_+ => "+[string]"
- case `in` => "in"
- case `instanceof` => "instanceof"
- case Int_+ => "+[int]"
- case Int_- => "-[int]"
- case Int_* => "*[int]"
- case Int_/ => "/[int]"
- case Int_% => "%[int]"
- case Int_| => "|"
- case Int_& => "&"
- case Int_^ => "^"
- case Int_<< => "<<"
- case Int_>>> => ">>>"
- case Int_>> => ">>"
- case Float_+ => "+[float]"
- case Float_- => "-[float]"
- case Float_* => "*[float]"
- case Float_/ => "/[float]"
- case Float_% => "%[float]"
- case Double_+ => "+"
- case Double_- => "-"
- case Double_* => "*"
- case Double_/ => "/"
- case Double_% => "%"
- case Num_== => "=="
- case Num_!= => "!="
- case Num_< => "<"
- case Num_<= => "<="
- case Num_> => ">"
- case Num_>= => ">="
- case Long_+ => "+[long]"
- case Long_- => "-[long]"
- case Long_* => "*[long]"
- case Long_/ => "/[long]"
- case Long_% => "%[long]"
- case Long_| => "|[long]"
- case Long_& => "&[long]"
- case Long_^ => "^[long]"
- case Long_<< => "<<[long]"
- case Long_>>> => ">>>[long]"
- case Long_>> => ">>[long]"
- case Long_== => "==[long]"
- case Long_!= => "!=[long]"
- case Long_< => "<[long]"
- case Long_<= => "<=[long]"
- case Long_> => ">[long]"
- case Long_>= => ">=[long]"
- case Boolean_== => "==[bool]"
- case Boolean_!= => "!=[bool]"
- case Boolean_| => "|[bool]"
- case Boolean_& => "&[bool]"
- }, " ", rhs, ")")
- case NewArray(tpe, lengths) =>
- print("new ", tpe.baseClassName)
- for (length <- lengths)
- print("[", length, "]")
- for (dim <- lengths.size until tpe.dimensions)
- print("[]")
- case ArrayValue(tpe, elems) =>
- print(tpe)
- printArgs(elems)
- case ArrayLength(array) =>
- print(array, ".length")
- case ArraySelect(array, index) =>
- print(array, "[", index, "]")
- case RecordValue(tpe, elems) =>
- print("(")
- var first = true
- for ((field, value) <- tpe.fields zip elems) {
- if (first) first = false
- else print(", ")
- print(, " = ", value)
- }
- print(")")
- case IsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- print(expr, ".isInstanceOf[", cls, "]")
- case AsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- print(expr, ".asInstanceOf[", cls, "]")
- case Unbox(expr, charCode) =>
- print(expr, ".asInstanceOf[", charCode, "]")
- case GetClass(expr) =>
- print(expr, ".getClass()")
- case CallHelper(helper, args) =>
- print(helper)
- printArgs(args)
- // JavaScript expressions
- case JSNew(ctor, args) =>
- def containsOnlySelectsFromAtom(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case JSDotSelect(qual, _) => containsOnlySelectsFromAtom(qual)
- case JSBracketSelect(qual, _) => containsOnlySelectsFromAtom(qual)
- case VarRef(_, _) => true
- case This() => true
- case _ => false // in particular, Apply
- }
- if (containsOnlySelectsFromAtom(ctor))
- print("new ", ctor)
- else
- print("new (", ctor, ")")
- printArgs(args)
- case JSDotSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- print(qualifier, ".", item)
- case JSBracketSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- print(qualifier, "[", item, "]")
- case JSFunctionApply(fun, args) =>
- fun match {
- case _:JSDotSelect | _:JSBracketSelect | _:Select =>
- print("protect(", fun, ")")
- case _ =>
- print(fun)
- }
- printArgs(args)
- case JSDotMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- print(receiver, ".", method)
- printArgs(args)
- case JSBracketMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- print(receiver, "[", method, "]")
- printArgs(args)
- case JSDelete(prop) =>
- print("delete ", prop)
- case JSUnaryOp("typeof", lhs) =>
- print("typeof(", lhs, ")")
- case JSUnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- print("(", op, lhs, ")")
- case JSBinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- print("(", lhs, " ", op, " ", rhs, ")")
- case JSArrayConstr(items) =>
- printRow(items, "[", ", ", "]")
- case JSObjectConstr(Nil) =>
- print("{}")
- case JSObjectConstr(fields) =>
- print("{"); indent; println()
- printSeq(fields) {
- case (name, value) => print(name, ": ", value)
- } { _ =>
- print(",")
- println()
- }
- undent; println(); print("}")
- case JSEnvInfo() =>
- print("<envinfo>")
- // Literals
- case Undefined() =>
- print("(void 0)")
- case UndefinedParam() =>
- print("<undefined param>")
- case Null() =>
- print("null")
- case BooleanLiteral(value) =>
- print(if (value) "true" else "false")
- case IntLiteral(value) =>
- if (value >= 0)
- print(value)
- else
- print("(", value, ")")
- case FloatLiteral(value) =>
- if (value == 0.0f && 1.0f / value < 0.0f)
- print("(-0)")
- else if (value >= 0.0f)
- print(value)
- else
- print("(", value, ")")
- case DoubleLiteral(value) =>
- if (value == 0.0 && 1.0 / value < 0.0)
- print("(-0)")
- else if (value >= 0.0)
- print(value)
- else
- print("(", value, ")")
- case StringLiteral(value) =>
- print("\"", escapeJS(value), "\"")
- case ClassOf(cls) =>
- print("classOf[", cls, "]")
- // Atomic expressions
- case VarRef(ident, _) =>
- print(ident)
- case This() =>
- print("this")
- case Closure(captureParams, params, body, captureValues) =>
- print("(lambda")
- printRow(captureValues, "<", ", ", ">")
- printRow(captureParams ++ params, "(", ", ", ") = ")
- printBlock(body)
- print(")")
- // Classes
- case ClassDef(name, kind, parent, ancestors, defs) =>
- kind match {
- case ClassKind.Class => print("class ")
- case ClassKind.ModuleClass => print("module class ")
- case ClassKind.Interface => print("interface ")
- case ClassKind.RawJSType => print("jstype ")
- case ClassKind.HijackedClass => print("hijacked class ")
- case ClassKind.TraitImpl => print("trait impl ")
- }
- print(name)
- parent.foreach(print(" extends ", _))
- if (ancestors.nonEmpty)
- printRow(ancestors, " ancestors ", ", ", "")
- print(" ")
- printColumn(defs, "{", "", "}")
- println()
- case MethodDef(name, args, resultType, body) =>
- print(name)
- printSig(args, resultType)
- printBlock(body)
- case PropertyDef(name, _, _, _) =>
- // TODO
- print(s"<property: $name>")
- case ConstructorExportDef(fullName, args, body) =>
- print("export \"", escapeJS(fullName), "\"")
- printSig(args, NoType) // NoType as trick not to display a type
- printBlock(body)
- case ModuleExportDef(fullName) =>
- print("export \"", escapeJS(fullName), "\"")
- case _ =>
- print(s"<error, elem of class ${tree.getClass()}>")
- }
- }
- def printType(tpe: Type): Unit = tpe match {
- case AnyType => print("any")
- case NothingType => print("nothing")
- case UndefType => print("void")
- case BooleanType => print("boolean")
- case IntType => print("int")
- case LongType => print("long")
- case FloatType => print("float")
- case DoubleType => print("number")
- case StringType => print("string")
- case NullType => print("null")
- case ClassType(className) => print(className)
- case NoType => print("<notype>")
- case ArrayType(base, dims) =>
- print(base)
- for (i <- 1 to dims)
- print("[]")
- case RecordType(fields) =>
- print("(")
- var first = false
- for (RecordType.Field(name, _, tpe, mutable) <- fields) {
- if (first) first = false
- else print(", ")
- if (mutable)
- print("var ")
- print(name, ": ", tpe)
- }
- print(")")
- }
- protected def printIdent(ident: Ident): Unit =
- printString(escapeJS(
- protected def printOne(arg: Any): Unit = arg match {
- case tree: Tree =>
- printTree(tree)
- case tpe: Type =>
- printType(tpe)
- case ident: Ident =>
- printIdent(ident)
- case arg =>
- printString(if (arg == null) "null" else arg.toString)
- }
- protected def printString(s: String): Unit = {
- out.write(s)
- }
- // Make it public
- override def println(): Unit = super.println()
- def complete(): Unit = ()
- }
- class InfoPrinter(protected val out: Writer) extends IndentationManager {
- def printClassInfo(classInfo: ClassInfo): Unit = {
- import classInfo._
- println("name: ", escapeJS(name))
- println("encodedName: ", escapeJS(encodedName))
- println("isExported: ", isExported)
- println("ancestorCount: ", ancestorCount)
- println("kind: ", kind)
- println("superClass: ", superClass)
- if (ancestors.nonEmpty) {
- println("ancestors: ",
-"[", ", ", "]"))
- }
- if (optimizerHints != OptimizerHints.empty)
- println("optimizerHints: ", optimizerHints)
- print("methods:")
- indent(); println()
- methods.foreach(printMethodInfo)
- undent(); println()
- }
- def printMethodInfo(methodInfo: MethodInfo): Unit = {
- import methodInfo._
- print(escapeJS(encodedName), ":")
- indent(); println()
- if (isAbstract)
- println("isAbstract: ", isAbstract)
- if (isExported)
- println("isExported: ", isExported)
- if (calledMethods.nonEmpty) {
- print("calledMethods:")
- indent(); println()
- printSeq(calledMethods.toList) { case (caller, callees) =>
- print(escapeJS(caller), ": ")
- print("[", ", ", "]"))
- } { _ => println() }
- undent(); println()
- }
- if (calledMethodsStatic.nonEmpty) {
- print("calledMethodsStatic:")
- indent(); println()
- printSeq(calledMethodsStatic.toList) { case (caller, callees) =>
- print(escapeJS(caller), ": ")
- print("[", ", ", "]"))
- } { _ => println() }
- undent(); println()
- }
- if (instantiatedClasses.nonEmpty) {
- println("instantiatedClasses: ",
-"[", ", ", "]"))
- }
- if (accessedModules.nonEmpty) {
- println("accessedModules: ",
-"[", ", ", "]"))
- }
- if (accessedClassData.nonEmpty) {
- println("accessedClassData: ",
-"[", ", ", "]"))
- }
- if (optimizerHints != OptimizerHints.empty)
- println("optimizerHints: ", optimizerHints)
- undent(); println()
- }
- private def println(arg1: Any, args: Any*): Unit = {
- print((arg1 +: args): _*)
- println()
- }
- protected def printOne(arg: Any): Unit = arg match {
- case classInfo: ClassInfo => printClassInfo(classInfo)
- case methodInfo: MethodInfo => printMethodInfo(methodInfo)
- case arg => out.write(arg.toString())
- }
- def complete(): Unit = ()
- }