path: root/examples/scala-js/partest/src/main/scala/scala/tools/partest/scalajs/PartestInterface.scala
diff options
authorHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:50:50 -0800
committerHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:50:50 -0800
commit88595a41e3ec13c1a516e847fe3d0b279facf3fc (patch)
tree4f03b902de7b81fa2e32792e84b680038345e761 /examples/scala-js/partest/src/main/scala/scala/tools/partest/scalajs/PartestInterface.scala
parent82773a11c99d260e97ca63356bfb7b417599b1e9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/partest/src/main/scala/scala/tools/partest/scalajs/PartestInterface.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/partest/src/main/scala/scala/tools/partest/scalajs/PartestInterface.scala b/examples/scala-js/partest/src/main/scala/scala/tools/partest/scalajs/PartestInterface.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dc2189..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/partest/src/main/scala/scala/tools/partest/scalajs/PartestInterface.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-/* NOTE
- * Most of this file is copy-pasted from
- *
- * It is unfortunately not configurable enough, hence the duplication
- */
-package scalajs
-import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
-import sbt.testing.Fingerprint
-import sbt.testing.TaskDef
-import sbt.testing.EventHandler
-import sbt.testing.Logger
-import sbt.testing.Task
-import sbt.testing.AnnotatedFingerprint
-object Framework {
- // as partest is not driven by test classes discovered by sbt, need to add this marker fingerprint to definedTests
- val fingerprint = new AnnotatedFingerprint { def isModule = true; def annotationName = "partest" }
- // TODO how can we export `fingerprint` so that a user can just add this to their build.sbt
- // definedTests in Test += new sbt.TestDefinition("partest", fingerprint, true, Array())
-class Framework extends sbt.testing.Framework {
- def fingerprints: Array[Fingerprint] = Array(Framework.fingerprint)
- def name: String = "partest"
- def runner(args: Array[String], remoteArgs: Array[String], testClassLoader: ClassLoader): sbt.testing.Runner =
- new Runner(args, remoteArgs, testClassLoader)
-/** Represents one run of a suite of tests.
- */
-case class Runner(args: Array[String], remoteArgs: Array[String], testClassLoader: ClassLoader) extends sbt.testing.Runner {
- /** Returns an array of tasks that when executed will run tests and suites determined by the
- * passed <code>TaskDef</code>s.
- *
- * <p>
- * Each returned task, when executed, will run tests and suites determined by the
- * test class name, fingerprints, "explicitly specified" field, and selectors of one of the passed <code>TaskDef</code>s.
- * </p>
- *
- * <p>
- * This <code>tasks</code> method may be called with <code>TaskDef</code>s containing the same value for <code>testClassName</code> but
- * different fingerprints. For example, if both a class and its companion object were test classes, the <code>tasks</code> method could be
- * passed an array containing <code>TaskDef</code>s with the same name but with a different value for <code>fingerprint.isModule</code>.
- * </p>
- *
- * <p>
- * A test framework may "reject" a requested task by returning no <code>Task</code> for that <code>TaskDef</code>.
- * </p>
- *
- * @param taskDefs the <code>TaskDef</code>s for requested tasks
- * @return an array of <code>Task</code>s
- * @throws IllegalStateException if invoked after <code>done</code> has been invoked.
- */
- def tasks(taskDefs: Array[TaskDef]): Array[sbt.testing.Task] =
- taskDefs map (PartestTask(_, args): sbt.testing.Task)
- /** Indicates the client is done with this <code>Runner</code> instance.
- *
- * @return a possibly multi-line summary string, or the empty string if no summary is provided -- TODO
- */
- def done(): String = ""
-/** Run partest in this VM. Assumes we're running in a forked VM!
- *
- * TODO: make configurable
- */
-case class PartestTask(taskDef: TaskDef, args: Array[String]) extends Task {
- // Get scala version through test name
- val scalaVersion = taskDef.fullyQualifiedName.stripPrefix("partest-")
- /** Executes this task, possibly returning to the client new tasks to execute. */
- def execute(eventHandler: EventHandler, loggers: Array[Logger]): Array[Task] = {
- val forkedCp = scala.util.Properties.javaClassPath
- val classLoader = new URLClassLoader(forkedCp.split( File(_).toURI.toURL))
- if (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / (1024*1024) < 800)
- loggers foreach (_.warn(s"""Low heap size detected (~ ${Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / (1024*1024)}M). Please add the following to your build.sbt: javaOptions in Test += "-Xmx1G""""))
- val maybeOptions =
- ScalaJSPartestOptions(args, str => loggers.foreach(_.error(str)))
- maybeOptions foreach { options =>
- val runner = SBTRunner(
- Framework.fingerprint, eventHandler, loggers,
- new File(s"../partest/fetchedSources/${scalaVersion}"),
- classLoader, null, null, Array.empty[String], options, scalaVersion)
- try runner execute Array("run", "pos", "neg")
- catch {
- case ex: ClassNotFoundException =>
- loggers foreach { l => l.error("Please make sure partest is running in a forked VM by including the following line in build.sbt:\nfork in Test := true") }
- throw ex
- }
- }
- Array()
- }
- type SBTRunner = { def execute(kinds: Array[String]): String }
- // use reflection to instantiate,
- // casting to the structural type SBTRunner above so that method calls on the result will be invoked reflectively as well
- private def SBTRunner(partestFingerprint: Fingerprint, eventHandler: EventHandler, loggers: Array[Logger], testRoot: File, testClassLoader: URLClassLoader, javaCmd: File, javacCmd: File, scalacArgs: Array[String], options: ScalaJSPartestOptions, scalaVersion: String): SBTRunner = {
- val runnerClass = Class.forName("")
- runnerClass.getConstructors()(0).newInstance(partestFingerprint, eventHandler, loggers, testRoot, testClassLoader, javaCmd, javacCmd, scalacArgs, options, scalaVersion).asInstanceOf[SBTRunner]
- }
- /** A possibly zero-length array of string tags associated with this task. */
- def tags: Array[String] = Array()