path: root/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niobuffer/CharBufferTest.scala
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authorHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:45:31 -0800
committerHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:45:31 -0800
commit24f31e120f9537faede7a174bb09ee35f64e1ce4 (patch)
tree06ffc3ecc7847789008352b7e2b7c040dad48907 /examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niobuffer/CharBufferTest.scala
parentb89ce9cbf79363f8cab09186a5d7ba94bc0af02a (diff)
parent2c4b142503bd2d871e6818b5cab8c38627d9e4a0 (diff)
Merge commit '2c4b142503bd2d871e6818b5cab8c38627d9e4a0' as 'examples/scala-js'
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niobuffer/CharBufferTest.scala')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niobuffer/CharBufferTest.scala b/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niobuffer/CharBufferTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b13c478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niobuffer/CharBufferTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js Test Suite **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+** |/____/ **
+\* */
+package scala.scalajs.testsuite.niobuffer
+import java.nio._
+import scala.scalajs.js
+import js.JSConverters._
+object CharBufferTest extends BaseBufferTest {
+ trait Factory extends BaseFactory {
+ type BufferType = CharBuffer
+ def withContent(capacity: Int, content: Char*): CharBuffer =
+ withContent(0, capacity, capacity, content: _*)
+ def withContent(pos: Int, limit: Int, capacity: Int,
+ content: Char*): CharBuffer = {
+ val buf = allocBuffer(pos, limit, capacity)
+ buf.put(content.toArray)
+ buf.position(pos)
+ buf
+ }
+ }
+ def zeros(n: Int): String =
+ "\u0000"*n
+ def charRange(start: Int, end: Int): Array[Char] =
+ (start until end).map(_.toChar).toArray
+ def defineTests(factory: Factory): Unit = {
+ import factory._
+ commonTests(factory)
+ it("absolute get()") {
+ val buf = withContent(10, charRange(0, 10): _*)
+ expect(buf.get(0)).toEqual(0)
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(0)
+ expect(buf.get(3)).toEqual(3)
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(0)
+ expect(() => buf.get(-1)).toThrow
+ expect(() => buf.get(15)).toThrow
+ buf.limit(4)
+ expect(() => buf.get(5)).toThrow
+ }
+ if (!createsReadOnly) {
+ it("absolute put()") {
+ val buf = allocBuffer(10)
+ buf.put(5, 42)
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(0)
+ buf.put(3, 2)
+ expect(buf.get(3)).toEqual(2)
+ expect(buf.get(5)).toEqual(42)
+ expect(buf.get(7)).toEqual(0)
+ expect(() => buf.put(-1, 2)).toThrow
+ expect(() => buf.put(14, 9)).toThrow
+ buf.limit(4)
+ expect(() => buf.put(4, 1)).toThrow
+ }
+ } else {
+ it("absolute put() - read-only") {
+ val buf = allocBuffer(10)
+ expect(() => buf.put(2, 1)).toThrow
+ expect(buf.get(2)).toEqual(0)
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(0)
+ expect(() => buf.put(-2, 1)).toThrow
+ expect(() => buf.put(12, 1)).toThrow
+ }
+ }
+ it("relative get()") {
+ val buf = withContent(10, charRange(0, 10): _*)
+ expect(buf.get()).toEqual(0)
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(1)
+ buf.position(3)
+ expect(buf.get()).toEqual(3)
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(4)
+ buf.limit(4)
+ expect(() => buf.get()).toThrow
+ }
+ if (!createsReadOnly) {
+ it("relative put()") {
+ val buf = allocBuffer(10)
+ buf.put(5.toChar)
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(1)
+ expect(buf.get(0)).toEqual(5)
+ buf.position(3)
+ buf.put(36.toChar)
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(4)
+ expect(buf.get(3)).toEqual(36)
+ buf.position(10)
+ expect(() => buf.put(3.toChar)).toThrow
+ }
+ } else {
+ it("relative put() - read-only") {
+ val buf = allocBuffer(10)
+ expect(() => buf.put(5.toChar)).toThrow
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(0)
+ expect(buf.get(0)).toEqual(0)
+ buf.position(10)
+ expect(() => buf.put(3.toChar)).toThrow
+ }
+ }
+ it("relative bulk get()") {
+ val buf = withContent(10, charRange(0, 10): _*)
+ val a = new Array[Char](4)
+ buf.get(a)
+ expect(, 1, 2, 3))
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(4)
+ buf.position(6)
+ buf.get(a, 1, 2)
+ expect(, 6, 7, 3))
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(8)
+ expect(() => buf.get(a)).toThrow
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(8)
+ expect(, 6, 7, 3))
+ }
+ if (!createsReadOnly) {
+ it("relative bulk put()") {
+ val buf = allocBuffer(10)
+ buf.put(Array[Char](6, 7, 12))
+ expect((0 to 3).map(buf.get(_).toInt).toJSArray).toEqual(js.Array(6, 7, 12, 0))
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(3)
+ buf.position(2)
+ buf.put(Array[Char](44, 55, 66, 77, 88), 2, 2)
+ expect((0 to 4).map(buf.get(_).toInt).toJSArray).toEqual(js.Array(6, 7, 66, 77, 0))
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(4)
+ expect(() => buf.put(Array.fill[Char](10)(0))).toThrow
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(4)
+ expect((0 to 4).map(buf.get(_).toInt).toJSArray).toEqual(js.Array(6, 7, 66, 77, 0))
+ }
+ } else {
+ it("relative bulk put() - read-only") {
+ val buf = allocBuffer(10)
+ expect(() => buf.put(Array[Char](6, 7, 12))).toThrow
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(0)
+ expect(buf.get(0)).toEqual(0)
+ buf.position(8)
+ expect(() => buf.put(Array[Char](6, 7, 12))).toThrow
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(8)
+ expect(buf.get(8)).toEqual(0)
+ }
+ }
+ if (!createsReadOnly) {
+ it("compact()") {
+ val buf = withContent(10, charRange(0, 10): _*)
+ buf.position(6)
+ buf.mark()
+ buf.compact()
+ expect(buf.position()).toEqual(4)
+ expect(buf.limit()).toEqual(10)
+ expect(() => buf.reset()).toThrow
+ for (i <- 0 until 4)
+ expect(buf.get(i).toInt).toEqual(i + 6)
+ }
+ } else {
+ it("compact() - read-only") {
+ val buf = allocBuffer(10)
+ expect(() => buf.compact()).toThrow
+ }
+ }
+ it("slice()" + (if (createsReadOnly) " - read-only" else "")) {
+ val buf1 = withContent(10, charRange(0, 10): _*)
+ buf1.position(3)
+ buf1.limit(7)
+ buf1.mark()
+ val buf2 = buf1.slice()
+ expect(buf2.position()).toEqual(0)
+ expect(buf2.limit()).toEqual(4)
+ expect(buf2.capacity()).toEqual(4)
+ expect(() => buf2.reset()).toThrow
+ expect(buf2.get(1)).toEqual(4)
+ buf2.position(2)
+ expect(buf1.position()).toEqual(3)
+ if (!createsReadOnly) {
+ buf2.put(89.toChar)
+ expect(buf1.get(5)).toEqual(89)
+ expect(buf2.position()).toEqual(3)
+ expect(buf1.position()).toEqual(3)
+ }
+ expect(() => buf2.limit(5)).toThrow
+ expect(buf2.limit()).toEqual(4)
+ buf2.limit(3)
+ expect(buf1.limit()).toEqual(7)
+ if (!createsReadOnly) {
+ buf1.put(3, 23)
+ expect(buf2.get(0)).toEqual(23)
+ }
+ }
+ it("duplicate()" + (if (createsReadOnly) " - read-only" else "")) {
+ val buf1 = withContent(10, charRange(0, 10): _*)
+ buf1.position(3)
+ buf1.limit(7)
+ buf1.mark()
+ val buf2 = buf1.duplicate()
+ expect(buf2.position()).toEqual(3)
+ expect(buf2.limit()).toEqual(7)
+ expect(buf2.capacity()).toEqual(10)
+ expect(buf2.get(4)).toEqual(4)
+ buf2.position(4)
+ expect(buf1.position()).toEqual(3)
+ expect(buf2.position()).toEqual(4)
+ buf2.reset()
+ expect(buf2.position()).toEqual(3)
+ buf2.position(4)
+ if (!createsReadOnly) {
+ buf2.put(89.toChar)
+ expect(buf1.get(4)).toEqual(89)
+ expect(buf2.position()).toEqual(5)
+ expect(buf1.position()).toEqual(3)
+ }
+ buf2.limit(5)
+ expect(buf1.limit()).toEqual(7)
+ if (!createsReadOnly) {
+ buf1.put(6, 23)
+ buf2.limit(10)
+ expect(buf2.get(6)).toEqual(23)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ describe("Allocated CharBuffer") {
+ defineTests(new Factory {
+ def allocBuffer(capacity: Int): CharBuffer =
+ CharBuffer.allocate(capacity)
+ })
+ }
+ class WrappedCharBufferFactory extends Factory {
+ def allocBuffer(capacity: Int): CharBuffer =
+ CharBuffer.wrap(new Array[Char](capacity))
+ override def allocBuffer(pos: Int, limit: Int, capacity: Int): CharBuffer =
+ CharBuffer.wrap(new Array[Char](capacity), pos, limit-pos)
+ override def withContent(pos: Int, limit: Int, capacity: Int,
+ content: Char*): CharBuffer = {
+ val after = capacity - (pos + content.size)
+ CharBuffer.wrap(
+ (Seq.fill(pos)(0.toChar) ++ content ++ Seq.fill(after)(0.toChar)).toArray,
+ pos, limit-pos)
+ }
+ }
+ describe("Wrapped CharBuffer") {
+ defineTests(new WrappedCharBufferFactory)
+ }
+ describe("Read-only wrapped CharBuffer") {
+ defineTests(new WrappedCharBufferFactory {
+ override val createsReadOnly = true
+ override def allocBuffer(capacity: Int): CharBuffer =
+ super.allocBuffer(capacity).asReadOnlyBuffer()
+ override def allocBuffer(pos: Int, limit: Int, capacity: Int): CharBuffer =
+ super.allocBuffer(pos, limit, capacity).asReadOnlyBuffer()
+ override def withContent(pos: Int, limit: Int, capacity: Int,
+ content: Char*): CharBuffer =
+ super.withContent(pos, limit, capacity, content: _*).asReadOnlyBuffer()
+ })
+ }
+ describe("CharBuffer wrapping a CharSequence") {
+ defineTests(new Factory {
+ override val createsReadOnly = true
+ def allocBuffer(capacity: Int): CharBuffer = {
+ if (capacity < 0)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ CharBuffer.wrap(zeros(capacity))
+ }
+ override def allocBuffer(pos: Int, limit: Int, capacity: Int): CharBuffer = {
+ if (capacity < 0)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ CharBuffer.wrap(zeros(capacity), pos, limit-pos)
+ }
+ override def withContent(pos: Int, limit: Int, capacity: Int,
+ content: Char*): CharBuffer = {
+ val after = capacity - (pos + content.size)
+ CharBuffer.wrap(
+ zeros(pos) + content.mkString + zeros(after),
+ pos, limit-pos)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ describe("Sliced CharBuffer") {
+ defineTests(new Factory {
+ def allocBuffer(capacity: Int): CharBuffer = {
+ if (capacity < 0)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ val buf = CharBuffer.allocate(capacity+25)
+ buf.position(17)
+ buf.limit(17+capacity)
+ buf.slice()
+ }
+ override def withContent(pos: Int, limit: Int, capacity: Int,
+ content: Char*): CharBuffer = {
+ if (!(0 <= pos && pos <= limit && limit <= capacity))
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ val buf = CharBuffer.allocate(capacity+25)
+ buf.position(9+pos)
+ buf.put(content.toArray)
+ buf.position(9)
+ buf.limit(9+capacity)
+ val buf2 = buf.slice()
+ buf2.position(pos)
+ buf2.limit(limit)
+ buf2
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ describe("Sliced CharBuffer wrapping a CharSequence") {
+ defineTests(new Factory {
+ override val createsReadOnly = true
+ def allocBuffer(capacity: Int): CharBuffer = {
+ if (capacity < 0)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ val buf = CharBuffer.wrap(zeros(capacity+25))
+ buf.position(17)
+ buf.limit(17+capacity)
+ buf.slice()
+ }
+ override def withContent(pos: Int, limit: Int, capacity: Int,
+ content: Char*): CharBuffer = {
+ if (!(0 <= pos && pos <= limit && limit <= capacity))
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ val after = (25+capacity) - (9+pos+content.size)
+ val buf = CharBuffer.wrap(zeros(9+pos) + content.mkString + zeros(after))
+ buf.position(9)
+ buf.limit(9+capacity)
+ val buf2 = buf.slice()
+ buf2.position(pos)
+ buf2.limit(limit)
+ buf2
+ }
+ })
+ }