path: root/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/Analyzer.scala
diff options
authorHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:45:31 -0800
committerHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:45:31 -0800
commit24f31e120f9537faede7a174bb09ee35f64e1ce4 (patch)
tree06ffc3ecc7847789008352b7e2b7c040dad48907 /examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/Analyzer.scala
parentb89ce9cbf79363f8cab09186a5d7ba94bc0af02a (diff)
parent2c4b142503bd2d871e6818b5cab8c38627d9e4a0 (diff)
Merge commit '2c4b142503bd2d871e6818b5cab8c38627d9e4a0' as 'examples/scala-js'
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/Analyzer.scala')
1 files changed, 587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/Analyzer.scala b/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/Analyzer.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cdd764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/Analyzer.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js tools **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013-2014, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+** |/____/ **
+\* */
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import ir.{ClassKind, Definitions, Infos}
+import ScalaJSOptimizer._
+class Analyzer(logger0: Logger, semantics: Semantics,
+ allData: Seq[Infos.ClassInfo], globalWarnEnabled: Boolean,
+ isBeforeOptimizer: Boolean) {
+ /* Set this to true to debug the DCE analyzer.
+ * We don't rely on config to disable 'debug' messages because we want
+ * to use 'debug' for displaying more stack trace info that the user can
+ * see with the 'last' command.
+ */
+ val DebugAnalyzer = false
+ object logger extends Logger {
+ var indentation: String = ""
+ def indent(): Unit = indentation += " "
+ def undent(): Unit = indentation = indentation.substring(2)
+ def log(level: Level, message: => String) =
+ logger0.log(level, indentation+message)
+ def success(message: => String) =
+ logger0.success(indentation+message)
+ def trace(t: => Throwable) =
+ logger0.trace(t)
+ def indented[A](body: => A): A = {
+ indent()
+ try body
+ finally undent()
+ }
+ def debugIndent[A](message: => String)(body: => A): A = {
+ if (DebugAnalyzer) {
+ debug(message)
+ indented(body)
+ } else {
+ body
+ }
+ }
+ def temporarilyNotIndented[A](body: => A): A = {
+ val savedIndent = indentation
+ indentation = ""
+ try body
+ finally indentation = savedIndent
+ }
+ }
+ sealed trait From
+ case class FromMethod(methodInfo: MethodInfo) extends From
+ case object FromCore extends From
+ case object FromExports extends From
+ case object FromManual extends From
+ var allAvailable: Boolean = true
+ val classInfos: mutable.Map[String, ClassInfo] = {
+ val cs = for (classData <- allData)
+ yield (classData.encodedName, new ClassInfo(classData))
+ mutable.Map.empty[String, ClassInfo] ++ cs
+ }
+ def lookupClass(encodedName: String): ClassInfo = {
+ classInfos.get(encodedName) match {
+ case Some(info) => info
+ case None =>
+ val c = new ClassInfo(createMissingClassInfo(encodedName))
+ classInfos += encodedName -> c
+ c.nonExistent = true
+ c.linkClasses()
+ c
+ }
+ }
+ def lookupModule(encodedName: String): ClassInfo = {
+ lookupClass(encodedName+"$")
+ }
+ linkClasses()
+ def linkClasses(): Unit = {
+ if (!classInfos.contains(ir.Definitions.ObjectClass))
+ sys.error("Fatal error: could not find java.lang.Object on the classpath")
+ for (classInfo <- classInfos.values.toList)
+ classInfo.linkClasses()
+ }
+ def computeReachability(manuallyReachable: Seq[ManualReachability],
+ noWarnMissing: Seq[NoWarnMissing]): Unit = {
+ // Stuff reachable from core symbols always should warn
+ reachCoreSymbols()
+ // Disable warnings as requested
+ noWarnMissing.foreach(disableWarning _)
+ // Reach all user stuff
+ manuallyReachable.foreach(reachManually _)
+ for (classInfo <- classInfos.values)
+ classInfo.reachExports()
+ }
+ /** Reach symbols used directly by scalajsenv.js. */
+ def reachCoreSymbols(): Unit = {
+ import semantics._
+ import CheckedBehavior._
+ implicit val from = FromCore
+ def instantiateClassWith(className: String, constructor: String): ClassInfo = {
+ val info = lookupClass(className)
+ info.instantiated()
+ info.callMethod(constructor)
+ info
+ }
+ val ObjectClass = instantiateClassWith("O", "init___")
+ ObjectClass.callMethod("toString__T")
+ ObjectClass.callMethod("equals__O__Z")
+ instantiateClassWith("jl_NullPointerException", "init___")
+ if (asInstanceOfs != Unchecked)
+ instantiateClassWith("jl_ClassCastException", "init___T")
+ if (asInstanceOfs == Fatal)
+ instantiateClassWith("sjsr_UndefinedBehaviorError", "init___jl_Throwable")
+ instantiateClassWith("jl_Class", "init___jl_ScalaJSClassData")
+ val RTStringModuleClass = lookupClass("sjsr_RuntimeString$")
+ RTStringModuleClass.accessModule()
+ RTStringModuleClass.callMethod("hashCode__T__I")
+ val RTLongClass = lookupClass(LongImpl.RuntimeLongClass)
+ RTLongClass.instantiated()
+ for (method <- LongImpl.AllConstructors ++ LongImpl.AllMethods)
+ RTLongClass.callMethod(method)
+ if (isBeforeOptimizer) {
+ for (method <- LongImpl.AllIntrinsicMethods)
+ RTLongClass.callMethod(method)
+ }
+ val RTLongModuleClass = lookupClass(LongImpl.RuntimeLongModuleClass)
+ RTLongModuleClass.accessModule()
+ for (method <- LongImpl.AllModuleMethods)
+ RTLongModuleClass.callMethod(method)
+ if (isBeforeOptimizer) {
+ for (hijacked <- Definitions.HijackedClasses)
+ lookupClass(hijacked).instantiated()
+ } else {
+ for (hijacked <- Definitions.HijackedClasses)
+ lookupClass(hijacked).accessData()
+ }
+ if (semantics.strictFloats) {
+ val RuntimePackage = lookupClass("sjsr_package$")
+ RuntimePackage.accessModule()
+ RuntimePackage.callMethod("froundPolyfill__D__D")
+ }
+ val BitsModuleClass = lookupClass("sjsr_Bits$")
+ BitsModuleClass.accessModule()
+ BitsModuleClass.callMethod("numberHashCode__D__I")
+ }
+ def reachManually(info: ManualReachability) = {
+ implicit val from = FromManual
+ // Don't lookupClass here, since we don't want to create any
+ // symbols. If a symbol doesn't exist, we fail.
+ info match {
+ case ReachObject(name) => classInfos(name + "$").accessModule()
+ case Instantiate(name) => classInfos(name).instantiated()
+ case ReachMethod(className, methodName, static) =>
+ classInfos(className).callMethod(methodName, static)
+ }
+ }
+ def disableWarning(noWarn: NoWarnMissing) = noWarn match {
+ case NoWarnClass(className) =>
+ lookupClass(className).warnEnabled = false
+ case NoWarnMethod(className, methodName) =>
+ lookupClass(className).lookupMethod(methodName).warnEnabled = false
+ }
+ class ClassInfo(data: Infos.ClassInfo) {
+ val encodedName = data.encodedName
+ val ancestorCount = data.ancestorCount
+ val isStaticModule = data.kind == ClassKind.ModuleClass
+ val isInterface = data.kind == ClassKind.Interface
+ val isImplClass = data.kind == ClassKind.TraitImpl
+ val isRawJSType = data.kind == ClassKind.RawJSType
+ val isHijackedClass = data.kind == ClassKind.HijackedClass
+ val isClass = !isInterface && !isImplClass && !isRawJSType
+ val isExported = data.isExported
+ val hasData = !isImplClass
+ val hasMoreThanData = isClass && !isHijackedClass
+ var superClass: ClassInfo = _
+ val ancestors = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[ClassInfo]
+ val descendants = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[ClassInfo]
+ var nonExistent: Boolean = false
+ var warnEnabled: Boolean = true
+ def linkClasses(): Unit = {
+ if (data.superClass != "")
+ superClass = lookupClass(data.superClass)
+ ancestors ++=
+ for (ancestor <- ancestors)
+ ancestor.descendants += this
+ }
+ lazy val descendentClasses = descendants.filter(_.isClass)
+ def optimizerHints: Infos.OptimizerHints = data.optimizerHints
+ var isInstantiated: Boolean = false
+ var isAnySubclassInstantiated: Boolean = false
+ var isModuleAccessed: Boolean = false
+ var isDataAccessed: Boolean = false
+ var instantiatedFrom: Option[From] = None
+ val delayedCalls = mutable.Map.empty[String, From]
+ def isNeededAtAll =
+ isDataAccessed ||
+ isAnySubclassInstantiated ||
+ (isImplClass && methodInfos.values.exists(_.isReachable))
+ lazy val methodInfos: mutable.Map[String, MethodInfo] = {
+ val ms = for (methodData <- data.methods)
+ yield (methodData.encodedName, new MethodInfo(this, methodData))
+ mutable.Map.empty[String, MethodInfo] ++ ms
+ }
+ def lookupMethod(methodName: String): MethodInfo = {
+ tryLookupMethod(methodName).getOrElse {
+ val syntheticData = createMissingMethodInfo(methodName)
+ val m = new MethodInfo(this, syntheticData)
+ m.nonExistent = true
+ methodInfos += methodName -> m
+ m
+ }
+ }
+ def tryLookupMethod(methodName: String): Option[MethodInfo] = {
+ assert(isClass || isImplClass,
+ s"Cannot call lookupMethod($methodName) on non-class $this")
+ @tailrec
+ def loop(ancestorInfo: ClassInfo): Option[MethodInfo] = {
+ if (ancestorInfo ne null) {
+ ancestorInfo.methodInfos.get(methodName) match {
+ case Some(m) if !m.isAbstract => Some(m)
+ case _ => loop(ancestorInfo.superClass)
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ loop(this)
+ }
+ override def toString(): String = encodedName
+ /** Start reachability algorithm with the exports for that class. */
+ def reachExports(): Unit = {
+ implicit val from = FromExports
+ // Myself
+ if (isExported) {
+ assert(!isImplClass, "An implementation class must not be exported")
+ if (isStaticModule) accessModule()
+ else instantiated()
+ }
+ // My methods
+ for (methodInfo <- methodInfos.values) {
+ if (methodInfo.isExported)
+ callMethod(methodInfo.encodedName)
+ }
+ }
+ def accessModule()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
+ assert(isStaticModule, s"Cannot call accessModule() on non-module $this")
+ if (!isModuleAccessed) {
+ logger.debugIndent(s"$this.isModuleAccessed = true") {
+ isModuleAccessed = true
+ instantiated()
+ callMethod("init___")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def instantiated()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
+ if (!isInstantiated && isClass) {
+ logger.debugIndent(s"$this.isInstantiated = true") {
+ isInstantiated = true
+ instantiatedFrom = Some(from)
+ ancestors.foreach(_.subclassInstantiated())
+ }
+ for ((methodName, from) <- delayedCalls)
+ delayedCallMethod(methodName)(from)
+ }
+ }
+ private def subclassInstantiated()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
+ if (!isAnySubclassInstantiated && isClass) {
+ logger.debugIndent(s"$this.isAnySubclassInstantiated = true") {
+ isAnySubclassInstantiated = true
+ if (instantiatedFrom.isEmpty)
+ instantiatedFrom = Some(from)
+ accessData()
+ methodInfos.get("__init__").foreach(_.reachStatic())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def accessData()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
+ if (!isDataAccessed && hasData) {
+ checkExistent()
+ if (DebugAnalyzer)
+ logger.debug(s"$this.isDataAccessed = true")
+ isDataAccessed = true
+ }
+ }
+ def checkExistent()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
+ if (nonExistent) {
+ if (warnEnabled && globalWarnEnabled) {
+ logger.warn(s"Referring to non-existent class $encodedName")
+ warnCallStack()
+ }
+ nonExistent = false
+ allAvailable = false
+ }
+ }
+ def callMethod(methodName: String, static: Boolean = false)(
+ implicit from: From): Unit = {
+ logger.debugIndent(s"calling${if (static) " static" else ""} $this.$methodName") {
+ if (isImplClass) {
+ // methods in impl classes are always implicitly called statically
+ lookupMethod(methodName).reachStatic()
+ } else if (isConstructorName(methodName)) {
+ // constructors are always implicitly called statically
+ lookupMethod(methodName).reachStatic()
+ } else if (static) {
+ assert(!isReflProxyName(methodName),
+ s"Trying to call statically refl proxy $this.$methodName")
+ lookupMethod(methodName).reachStatic()
+ } else {
+ for (descendentClass <- descendentClasses) {
+ if (descendentClass.isInstantiated)
+ descendentClass.delayedCallMethod(methodName)
+ else
+ descendentClass.delayedCalls += ((methodName, from))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private def delayedCallMethod(methodName: String)(implicit from: From): Unit = {
+ if (isReflProxyName(methodName)) {
+ tryLookupMethod(methodName).foreach(_.reach(this))
+ } else {
+ lookupMethod(methodName).reach(this)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ class MethodInfo(val owner: ClassInfo, data: Infos.MethodInfo) {
+ val encodedName = data.encodedName
+ val isAbstract = data.isAbstract
+ val isExported = data.isExported
+ val isReflProxy = isReflProxyName(encodedName)
+ def optimizerHints: Infos.OptimizerHints = data.optimizerHints
+ var isReachable: Boolean = false
+ var calledFrom: Option[From] = None
+ var instantiatedSubclass: Option[ClassInfo] = None
+ var nonExistent: Boolean = false
+ var warnEnabled: Boolean = true
+ override def toString(): String = s"$owner.$encodedName"
+ def reachStatic()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
+ assert(!isAbstract,
+ s"Trying to reach statically the abstract method $this")
+ checkExistent()
+ if (!isReachable) {
+ logger.debugIndent(s"$this.isReachable = true") {
+ isReachable = true
+ calledFrom = Some(from)
+ doReach()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def reach(inClass: ClassInfo)(implicit from: From): Unit = {
+ assert(owner.isClass,
+ s"Trying to reach dynamically the non-class method $this")
+ assert(!isConstructorName(encodedName),
+ s"Trying to reach dynamically the constructor $this")
+ checkExistent()
+ if (!isReachable) {
+ logger.debugIndent(s"$this.isReachable = true") {
+ isReachable = true
+ calledFrom = Some(from)
+ instantiatedSubclass = Some(inClass)
+ doReach()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private def checkExistent()(implicit from: From) = {
+ if (nonExistent) {
+ if (warnEnabled && owner.warnEnabled && globalWarnEnabled) {
+ logger.temporarilyNotIndented {
+ logger.warn(s"Referring to non-existent method $this")
+ warnCallStack()
+ }
+ }
+ allAvailable = false
+ }
+ }
+ private[this] def doReach(): Unit = {
+ logger.debugIndent(s"$this.doReach()") {
+ implicit val from = FromMethod(this)
+ if (owner.isImplClass)
+ owner.checkExistent()
+ for (moduleName <- data.accessedModules) {
+ lookupModule(moduleName).accessModule()
+ }
+ for (className <- data.instantiatedClasses) {
+ lookupClass(className).instantiated()
+ }
+ for (className <- data.accessedClassData) {
+ lookupClass(className).accessData()
+ }
+ for ((className, methods) <- data.calledMethods) {
+ val classInfo = lookupClass(className)
+ for (methodName <- methods)
+ classInfo.callMethod(methodName)
+ }
+ for ((className, methods) <- data.calledMethodsStatic) {
+ val classInfo = lookupClass(className)
+ for (methodName <- methods)
+ classInfo.callMethod(methodName, static = true)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def isReflProxyName(encodedName: String): Boolean = {
+ encodedName.endsWith("__") &&
+ (encodedName != "init___") && (encodedName != "__init__")
+ }
+ def isConstructorName(encodedName: String): Boolean =
+ encodedName.startsWith("init___") || (encodedName == "__init__")
+ private def createMissingClassInfo(encodedName: String): Infos.ClassInfo = {
+ val kind =
+ if (encodedName.endsWith("$")) ClassKind.ModuleClass
+ else if (encodedName.endsWith("$class")) ClassKind.TraitImpl
+ else ClassKind.Class
+ Infos.ClassInfo(
+ name = s"<$encodedName>",
+ encodedName = encodedName,
+ isExported = false,
+ ancestorCount = if (kind.isClass) 1 else 0,
+ kind = kind,
+ superClass = if (kind.isClass) "O" else "",
+ ancestors = List(encodedName, "O"),
+ methods = List(
+ createMissingMethodInfo("__init__"),
+ createMissingMethodInfo("init___"))
+ )
+ }
+ private def createMissingMethodInfo(encodedName: String,
+ isAbstract: Boolean = false): Infos.MethodInfo = {
+ Infos.MethodInfo(encodedName = encodedName, isAbstract = isAbstract)
+ }
+ def warnCallStack()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
+ val seenInfos = mutable.Set.empty[AnyRef]
+ def rec(level: Level, optFrom: Option[From],
+ verb: String = "called"): Unit = {
+ val involvedClasses = new mutable.ListBuffer[ClassInfo]
+ def onlyOnce(info: AnyRef): Boolean = {
+ if (seenInfos.add(info)) {
+ true
+ } else {
+ logger.log(level, " (already seen, not repeating call stack)")
+ false
+ }
+ }
+ @tailrec
+ def loopTrace(optFrom: Option[From], verb: String = "called"): Unit = {
+ optFrom match {
+ case None =>
+ logger.log(level, s"$verb from ... er ... nowhere!? (this is a bug in dce)")
+ case Some(from) =>
+ from match {
+ case FromMethod(methodInfo) =>
+ logger.log(level, s"$verb from $methodInfo")
+ if (onlyOnce(methodInfo)) {
+ methodInfo.instantiatedSubclass.foreach(involvedClasses += _)
+ loopTrace(methodInfo.calledFrom)
+ }
+ case FromCore =>
+ logger.log(level, s"$verb from scalajs-corejslib.js")
+ case FromExports =>
+ logger.log(level, "exported to JavaScript with @JSExport")
+ case FromManual =>
+ logger.log(level, "manually made reachable")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ logger.indented {
+ loopTrace(optFrom, verb = verb)
+ }
+ if (involvedClasses.nonEmpty) {
+ logger.log(level, "involving instantiated classes:")
+ logger.indented {
+ for (classInfo <- involvedClasses.result().distinct) {
+ logger.log(level, s"$classInfo")
+ if (onlyOnce(classInfo))
+ rec(Level.Debug, classInfo.instantiatedFrom, verb = "instantiated")
+ // recurse with Debug log level not to overwhelm the user
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rec(Level.Warn, Some(from))
+ }