path: root/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/javalib/FloatTest.scala
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authorHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:45:31 -0800
committerHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:45:31 -0800
commit2c4b142503bd2d871e6818b5cab8c38627d9e4a0 (patch)
tree6ba33d2980a1a7a1286100202a695c6631bd240e /test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/javalib/FloatTest.scala
Squashed 'examples/scala-js/' content from commit 47311ba
git-subtree-dir: examples/scala-js git-subtree-split: 47311ba693f949f204f27ea9475bb63425fbd4f3
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/javalib/FloatTest.scala')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/javalib/FloatTest.scala b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/javalib/FloatTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e45a34a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/javalib/FloatTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js Test Suite **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+** |/____/ **
+\* */
+package scala.scalajs.testsuite.javalib
+import org.scalajs.jasminetest.JasmineTest
+import scala.scalajs.js
+import java.lang.{Float => JFloat}
+import scala.util.Try
+object FloatTest extends JasmineTest {
+ describe("java.lang.Float") {
+ it("should provide proper `equals`") {
+ expect( ==
+ expect( ==
+ }
+ it("hashCode") {
+ def hashCodeNotInlined(x: Any): Int = {
+ var y = x // do not inline
+ y.hashCode
+ }
+ def test(x: Float, expected: Int): Unit = {
+ expect(x.hashCode).toEqual(expected)
+ expect(hashCodeNotInlined(x)).toEqual(expected)
+ }
+ test(0.0f, 0)
+ test(-0.0f, 0)
+ test(1234.0f, 1234)
+ test(1.5f, 1073217536)
+ test(-54f, -54)
+ test(Float.MinPositiveValue, 916455424)
+ test(Float.MinValue, 670040063)
+ test(Float.MaxValue, -1477443585)
+ test(Float.NaN, 2146959360)
+ test(Float.PositiveInfinity, 2146435072)
+ test(Float.NegativeInfinity, -1048576)
+ }
+ it("should provide `toString` with integer values when an integer") {
+ expect(0.0f.toString).toEqual("0")
+ expect(-0.0f.toString).toEqual("0")
+ expect(Float.NaN.toString).toEqual("NaN")
+ expect(Float.PositiveInfinity.toString).toEqual("Infinity")
+ expect(Float.NegativeInfinity.toString).toEqual("-Infinity")
+ expect(5.0f.toString).toEqual("5")
+ expect(-5.0f.toString).toEqual("-5")
+ // We need to explicitly cut the string here, since floats are
+ // represented by doubles (but the literal is emitted as
+ // float). Therefore there may be some imprecision. This is
+ // documented as semantic difference.
+ expect(1.2f.toString.substring(0,3)).toEqual("1.2")
+ }
+ it("should parse strings") {
+ expect("0.0".toFloat).toEqual(0.0f)
+ expect("NaN".toFloat.isNaN).toBeTruthy
+ expect(Try("asdf".toFloat).isFailure).toBeTruthy
+ def test(s: String, v: Float): Unit = {
+ expect(JFloat.parseFloat(s)).toBeCloseTo(v)
+ expect(JFloat.valueOf(s).floatValue()).toBeCloseTo(v)
+ expect(new JFloat(s).floatValue()).toBeCloseTo(v)
+ }
+ test("0", 0.0f)
+ test("5.3", 5.3f)
+ test("127e2", 12700.0f)
+ test("127E-2", 1.27f)
+ test("1E+1", 10f)
+ test("-123.4", -123.4f)
+ test("65432.1", 65432.10f)
+ test("-87654.321", -87654.321f)
+ test("+.3f", 0.3f)
+ }
+ it("should reject invalid strings when parsing") {
+ def test(s: String): Unit =
+ expect(() => JFloat.parseFloat(s)).toThrow
+ test("4.3.5")
+ test("4e3.5")
+ test("hello world")
+ test("--4")
+ test("4E-3.2")
+ }
+ it("should provide `compareTo`") {
+ def compare(x: Float, y: Float): Int =
+ new JFloat(x).compareTo(new JFloat(y))
+ expect(compare(0.0f, 5.5f)).toBeLessThan(0)
+ expect(compare(10.5f, 10.2f)).toBeGreaterThan(0)
+ expect(compare(-2.1f, -1.0f)).toBeLessThan(0)
+ expect(compare(3.14f, 3.14f)).toEqual(0)
+ // From compareTo's point of view, NaN is equal to NaN
+ expect(compare(Float.NaN, Float.NaN)).toEqual(0)
+ }
+ it("should be a Comparable") {
+ def compare(x: Any, y: Any): Int =
+ x.asInstanceOf[Comparable[Any]].compareTo(y)
+ expect(compare(0.0f, 5.5f)).toBeLessThan(0)
+ expect(compare(10.5f, 10.2f)).toBeGreaterThan(0)
+ expect(compare(-2.1f, -1.0f)).toBeLessThan(0)
+ expect(compare(3.14f, 3.14f)).toEqual(0)
+ // From compareTo's point of view, NaN is equal to NaN
+ expect(compare(Float.NaN, Float.NaN)).toEqual(0)
+ }
+ it("should provide isInfinite - #515") {
+ expect(Float.PositiveInfinity.isInfinite).toBeTruthy
+ expect(Float.NegativeInfinity.isInfinite).toBeTruthy
+ expect((1f/0).isInfinite).toBeTruthy
+ expect((-1f/0).isInfinite).toBeTruthy
+ expect(0f.isInfinite).toBeFalsy
+ }
+ it("isNaN") {
+ def f(v: Float): Boolean = {
+ var v2 = v // do not inline
+ v2.isNaN
+ }
+ expect(f(Float.NaN)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(f(Float.PositiveInfinity)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(f(Float.NegativeInfinity)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(f(1f / 0)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(f(-1f / 0)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(f(0f)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(f(3f)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(f(-1.5f)).toBeFalsy
+ }
+ it("intBitsToFloat") {
+ def isZero(v: Float, neg: Boolean): Boolean = {
+ (v == 0.0f) && (1 / v == (
+ if (neg) Float.NegativeInfinity
+ else Float.PositiveInfinity))
+ }
+ import JFloat.{intBitsToFloat => f}
+ // Specials
+ expect(f(0x7f800000)).toEqual(Float.PositiveInfinity)
+ expect(f(0xff800000)).toEqual(Float.NegativeInfinity)
+ expect(isZero(f(0x00000000), false)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(isZero(f(0x80000000), true)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(f(0x7fc00000).isNaN).toBeTruthy // canonical NaN
+ // Non-canonical NaNs
+ expect(f(0x7f800001).isNaN).toBeTruthy // smallest positive NaN
+ expect(f(0x7f915ab5).isNaN).toBeTruthy // an arbitrary positive NaN
+ expect(f(0x7fffffff).isNaN).toBeTruthy // largest positive NaN
+ expect(f(0xff800001).isNaN).toBeTruthy // smallest negative NaN
+ expect(f(0xff915ab5).isNaN).toBeTruthy // an arbitrary negative NaN
+ expect(f(0xffffffff).isNaN).toBeTruthy // largest negative NaN
+ // Normal forms
+ expect(f(0x00800000)).toEqual(1.17549435e-38f) // smallest pos normal form
+ expect(f(0x7f7fffff)).toEqual(3.4028234e38f) // largest pos normal form
+ expect(f(0x4d124568)).toEqual(1.53376384e8f) // an arbitrary pos normal form
+ expect(f(0x80800000)).toEqual(-1.17549435e-38f) // smallest neg normal form
+ expect(f(0xff7fffff)).toEqual(-3.4028234e38f) // largest neg normal form
+ expect(f(0xcd124568)).toEqual(-1.53376384e8f) // an arbitrary neg normal form
+ // Subnormal forms
+ expect(f(0x00000001)).toEqual(Float.MinPositiveValue) // smallest pos subnormal form
+ expect(f(0x007fffff)).toEqual(1.1754942e-38f) // largest pos subnormal form
+ expect(f(0x007c5d44)).toEqual(1.1421059e-38f) // an arbitrary pos subnormal form
+ expect(f(0x80000001)).toEqual(-Float.MinPositiveValue) // smallest neg subnormal form
+ expect(f(0x807fffff)).toEqual(-1.1754942e-38f) // largest neg subnormal form
+ expect(f(0x807c5d44)).toEqual(-1.1421059e-38f) // an arbitrary neg subnormal form
+ }
+ it("floatToIntBits") {
+ import JFloat.{floatToIntBits => f}
+ // Specials
+ expect(f(Float.PositiveInfinity)).toEqual(0x7f800000)
+ expect(f(Float.NegativeInfinity)).toEqual(0xff800000)
+ expect(f(0.0f)).toEqual(0x00000000)
+ expect(f(-0.0f)).toEqual(0x80000000)
+ expect(f(Float.NaN)).toEqual(0x7fc00000) // canonical NaN
+ // Normal forms
+ expect(f(1.17549435e-38f)).toEqual(0x00800000) // smallest pos normal form
+ expect(f(3.4028234e38f)).toEqual(0x7f7fffff) // largest pos normal form
+ expect(f(1.53376384e8f)).toEqual(0x4d124568) // an arbitrary pos normal form
+ expect(f(-1.17549435e-38f)).toEqual(0x80800000) // smallest neg normal form
+ expect(f(-3.4028234e38f)).toEqual(0xff7fffff) // largest neg normal form
+ expect(f(-1.53376384e8f)).toEqual(0xcd124568) // an arbitrary neg normal form
+ // Subnormal forms
+ expect(f(Float.MinPositiveValue)).toEqual(0x00000001) // smallest pos subnormal form
+ expect(f(1.1754942e-38f)).toEqual(0x007fffff) // largest pos subnormal form
+ expect(f(1.1421059e-38f)).toEqual(0x007c5d44) // an arbitrary pos subnormal form
+ expect(f(-Float.MinPositiveValue)).toEqual(0x80000001) // smallest neg subnormal form
+ expect(f(-1.1754942e-38f)).toEqual(0x807fffff) // largest neg subnormal form
+ expect(f(-1.1421059e-38f)).toEqual(0x807c5d44) // an arbitrary neg subnormal form
+ }
+ }