path: root/examples/scala-js/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/js/JSArrayOps.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/js/JSArrayOps.scala')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/js/JSArrayOps.scala b/examples/scala-js/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/js/JSArrayOps.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71f705d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/scala-js/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/js/JSArrayOps.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js API **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+** |/____/ **
+\* */
+ * All doc-comments marked as "MDN" are by Mozilla Contributors,
+ * distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license from
+ *
+ */
+package scala.scalajs.js
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
+import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._
+/** Discouraged native JavaScript Array methods.
+ *
+ * In general, you should prefer the Scala collection methods available
+ * implicitly through [[ArrayOps]], because they are inlineable, and hence
+ * faster.
+ *
+ * To enable the use of these functions on js.[[Array]]s, import the implicit
+ * conversion [[JSArrayOps.jsArrayOps]].
+ */
+trait JSArrayOps[A] extends Object {
+ /**
+ * The indexOf() method returns the first index at which a given element can
+ * be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present.
+ *
+ * MDN
+ */
+ @JSName("indexOf")
+ def jsIndexOf(searchElement: A, fromIndex: Int): Int = native
+ @JSName("indexOf")
+ def jsIndexOf(searchElement: A): Int = native
+ /**
+ * The lastIndexOf() method returns the last index at which a given element
+ * can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present. The array is
+ * searched backwards, starting at fromIndex.
+ *
+ * MDN
+ */
+ @JSName("lastIndexOf")
+ def jsLastIndexOf(searchElement: A, fromIndex: Int): Int = native
+ @JSName("lastIndexOf")
+ def jsLastIndexOf(searchElement: A): Int = native
+ /**
+ * The every method executes the provided callback function once for each
+ * element present in the array until it finds one where callback returns
+ * a falsy value (a value that becomes false when converted to a Boolean).
+ * If such an element is found, the every method immediately returns false.
+ * Otherwise, if callback returned a true value for all elements, every
+ * will return true. callback is invoked only for indexes of the array
+ * which have assigned values; it is not invoked for indexes which have been
+ * deleted or which have never been assigned values.
+ *
+ * callback is invoked with three arguments:
+ *
+ * - the value of the element
+ * - the index of the element
+ * - and the Array object being traversed.
+ *
+ * If a thisObject parameter is provided to every, it will be used as the
+ * this for each invocation of the callback. If it is not provided, or is
+ * null, the global object associated with callback is used instead.
+ *
+ * every does not mutate the array on which it is called.
+ *
+ * every acts like the "for all" quantifier in mathematics. In particular, for
+ * an empty array, it returns true. (It is vacuously true that all elements of
+ * the empty set satisfy any given condition.)
+ *
+ * MDN
+ */
+ @JSName("every")
+ def jsEvery[T](callbackfn: ThisFunction3[T, A, Int, Array[A], Boolean],
+ thisArg: T): Boolean = native
+ @JSName("every")
+ def jsEvery(callbackfn: Function3[A, Int, Array[A], Boolean]): Boolean = native
+ /**
+ * some executes the callback function once for each element present in the
+ * array until it finds one where callback returns a true value. If such an
+ * element is found, some immediately returns true. Otherwise, some returns
+ * false. callback is invoked only for indexes of the array which have assigned
+ * values; it is not invoked for indexes which have been deleted or which
+ * have never been assigned values.
+ *
+ * callback is invoked with three arguments: the value of the element, the index
+ * of the element, and the Array object being traversed.
+ *
+ * If a thisObject parameter is provided to some, it will be used as the this
+ * for each invocation of the callback. If it is not provided, or is null,
+ * the global object associated with callback is used instead.
+ *
+ * some does not mutate the array on which it is called.
+ *
+ * MDN
+ */
+ @JSName("some")
+ def jsSome[T](callbackfn: ThisFunction3[T, A, Int, Array[A], Boolean],
+ thisArg: T): Boolean = native
+ @JSName("some")
+ def jsSome(callbackfn: Function3[A, Int, Array[A], Boolean]): Boolean = native
+ @JSName("some")
+ def jsSome(callbackfn: Function2[A, Int, Boolean]): Boolean = native
+ @JSName("some")
+ def jsSome(callbackfn: Function1[A, Boolean]): Boolean = native
+ /**
+ * forEach executes the provided callback once for each element of the array
+ * with an assigned value. It is not invoked for indexes which have been deleted
+ * or which have been initialized to undefined.
+ *
+ * callback is invoked with three arguments:
+ *
+ * - the element value
+ * - the element index
+ * - the array being traversed
+ *
+ * If a thisArg parameter is provided to forEach, it will be used as the
+ * this value for each callback invocation as if,
+ * element, index, array) was called. If thisArg is undefined or null,
+ * the this value within the function depends on whether the function
+ * is in strict mode or not (passed value if in strict mode, global object
+ * if in non-strict mode).
+ *
+ * MDN
+ */
+ @JSName("forEach")
+ def jsForEach[T](callbackfn: ThisFunction3[T, A, Int, Array[A], _],
+ thisArg: T): Unit = native
+ @JSName("forEach")
+ def jsForEach(callbackfn: Function3[A, Int, Array[A], _]): Unit = native
+ @JSName("forEach")
+ def jsForEach(callbackfn: Function2[A, Int, _]): Unit = native
+ @JSName("forEach")
+ def jsForEach(callbackfn: Function1[A, _]): Unit = native
+ /**
+ * map calls a provided callback function once for each element in an array,
+ * in order, and constructs a new array from the results. callback is
+ * invoked only for indexes of the array which have assigned values; it is
+ * not invoked for indexes which have been deleted or which have never been
+ * assigned values.
+ *
+ * callback is invoked with three arguments: the value of the element, the
+ * index of the element, and the Array object being traversed.
+ *
+ * If a thisArg parameter is provided to map, it will be used as the this for
+ * each invocation of the callback. If it is not provided, or is null, the
+ * global object associated with callback is used instead.
+ *
+ * map does not mutate the array on which it is called.
+ *
+ * MDN
+ */
+ @JSName("map")
+ def jsMap[B, T](callbackfn: ThisFunction3[T, A, Int, Array[A], B],
+ thisArg: T): Array[B] = native
+ @JSName("map")
+ def jsMap[B](callbackfn: Function3[A, Int, Array[A], B]): Array[B] = native
+ @JSName("map")
+ def jsMap[B](callbackfn: Function2[A, Int, B]): Array[B] = native
+ @JSName("map")
+ def jsMap[B](callbackfn: Function1[A, B]): Array[B] = native
+ /**
+ * filter calls a provided callback function once for each element in an array,
+ * and constructs a new array of all the values for which callback returns a true
+ * value. callback is invoked only for indexes of the array which have assigned
+ * values; it is not invoked for indexes which have been deleted or which have
+ * never been assigned values. Array elements which do not pass the callback
+ * test are simply skipped, and are not included in the new array.
+ *
+ * callback is invoked with three arguments:
+ *
+ * - the value of the element
+ * - the index of the element
+ * - the Array object being traversed
+ *
+ * If a thisObject parameter is provided to filter, it will be used as the this
+ * for each invocation of the callback. If it is not provided, or is null, the
+ * global object associated with callback is used instead.
+ *
+ * filter does not mutate the array on which it is called.
+ *
+ * MDN
+ */
+ @JSName("filter")
+ def jsFilter[T](callbackfn: ThisFunction3[T, A, Int, Array[A], Boolean],
+ thisArg: T): Array[A] = native
+ @JSName("filter")
+ def jsFilter(callbackfn: Function3[A, Int, Array[A], Boolean]): Array[A] = native
+ @JSName("filter")
+ def jsFilter(callbackfn: Function2[A, Int, Boolean]): Array[A] = native
+ @JSName("filter")
+ def jsFilter(callbackfn: Function1[A, Boolean]): Array[A] = native
+ /**
+ * reduce executes the callback function once for each element present in
+ * the array, excluding holes in the array, receiving four arguments: the
+ * initial value (or value from the previous callback call), the value of
+ * the current element, the current index, and the array over which
+ * iteration is occurring.
+ *
+ * The first time the callback is called, previousValue and currentValue can
+ * be one of two values. If initialValue is provided in the call to reduce,
+ * then previousValue will be equal to initialValue and currentValue will be
+ * equal to the first value in the array. If no initialValue was provided,
+ * then previousValue will be equal to the first value in the array and
+ * currentValue will be equal to the second.
+ *
+ * MDN
+ */
+ @JSName("reduce")
+ def jsReduce[B](callbackfn: Function4[B, A, Int, Array[A], B], initialValue: B): B = native
+ @JSName("reduce")
+ def jsReduce[B](callbackfn: Function3[B, A, Int, B], initialValue: B): B = native
+ @JSName("reduce")
+ def jsReduce[B](callbackfn: Function2[B, A, B], initialValue: B): B = native
+ @JSName("reduce")
+ def jsReduce[B](callbackfn: Function4[B, A, Int, Array[A], B]): B = native
+ @JSName("reduce")
+ def jsReduce[B](callbackfn: Function3[B, A, Int, B]): B = native
+ @JSName("reduce")
+ def jsReduce[B](callbackfn: Function2[B, A, B]): B = native
+ /**
+ * reduceRight executes the callback function once for each element present
+ * in the array, excluding holes in the array, receiving four arguments:
+ * the initial value (or value from the previous callback call), the value
+ * of the current element, the current index, and the array over which
+ * iteration is occurring.
+ *
+ * MDN
+ */
+ @JSName("reduceRight")
+ def jsReduceRight[B](callbackfn: Function4[B, A, Int, Array[A], B], initialValue: B): B = native
+ @JSName("reduceRight")
+ def jsReduceRight[B](callbackfn: Function3[B, A, Int, B], initialValue: B): B = native
+ @JSName("reduceRight")
+ def jsReduceRight[B](callbackfn: Function2[B, A, B], initialValue: B): B = native
+ @JSName("reduceRight")
+ def jsReduceRight[B](callbackfn: Function4[B, A, Int, Array[A], B]): B = native
+ @JSName("reduceRight")
+ def jsReduceRight[B](callbackfn: Function3[B, A, Int, B]): B = native
+ @JSName("reduceRight")
+ def jsReduceRight[B](callbackfn: Function2[B, A, B]): B = native
+object JSArrayOps {
+ @inline implicit def jsArrayOps[A](array: Array[A]): JSArrayOps[A] =
+ array.asInstanceOf[JSArrayOps[A]]