path: root/scalaParser
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scalaParser')
2 files changed, 752 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/ScalaSyntax.scala b/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/ScalaSyntax.scala
index de4919c..8dfe6e7 100644
--- a/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/ScalaSyntax.scala
+++ b/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/ScalaSyntax.scala
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ class ScalaSyntax(val input: ParserInput) extends Parser with Basic with Identif
optional(Semis) ~
(TopPackageSeq ~ optional(Semis ~ TopStatSeq) | TopStatSeq) ~
optional(Semis) ~
- WL
+ WL ~ EOI
diff --git a/scalaParser/src/test/resources/test.scala b/scalaParser/src/test/resources/test.scala
index d8d973e..d560736 100644
--- a/scalaParser/src/test/resources/test.scala
+++ b/scalaParser/src/test/resources/test.scala
@@ -1,6 +1,751 @@
-object K{
- omg("lol",
- 1,
- 2
- )
-} \ No newline at end of file
+/* Scala.js compiler
+ * Copyright 2013 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Sébastien Doeraene
+ */
+package scala.scalajs.compiler
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.math.PartialOrdering
+import scala.reflect.internal.Flags
+import ir.{Trees => js, Types => jstpe}
+import util.ScopedVar
+import ScopedVar.withScopedVars
+/** Generation of exports for JavaScript
+ *
+ * @author Sébastien Doeraene
+ */
+trait GenJSExports extends SubComponent { self: GenJSCode =>
+ import global._
+ import jsAddons._
+ import definitions._
+ import jsDefinitions._
+ trait JSExportsPhase { this: JSCodePhase =>
+ /**
+ * Generate exporter methods for a class
+ * @param classSym symbol of class we export for
+ * @param decldExports symbols exporter methods that have been encountered in
+ * the class' tree. This is not the same as since
+ * inherited concrete methods from traits should be in this param, too
+ */
+ def genMemberExports(
+ classSym: Symbol,
+ decldExports: List[Symbol]): List[js.Tree] = {
+ val newlyDecldExports = decldExports.filterNot { isOverridingExport _ }
+ val newlyDecldExportNames =
+ newlyDecldExportNames map { genMemberExport(classSym, _) }
+ }
+ def genConstructorExports(classSym: Symbol): List[js.ConstructorExportDef] = {
+ val constructors = classSym.tpe.member(nme.CONSTRUCTOR).alternatives
+ // Generate exports from constructors and their annotations
+ val ctorExports = for {
+ ctor <- constructors
+ exp <- jsInterop.exportsOf(ctor)
+ } yield (exp, ctor)
+ val exports = for {
+ (jsName, specs) <- ctorExports.groupBy(_._1.jsName) // group by exported name
+ } yield {
+ val (namedExports, normalExports) = specs.partition(_._1.isNamed)
+ val normalCtors = => ExportedSymbol(s._2))
+ val namedCtors = for {
+ (exp, ctor) <- namedExports
+ } yield {
+ implicit val pos = exp.pos
+ ExportedBody(List(JSAnyTpe),
+ genNamedExporterBody(ctor, genFormalArg(1).ref),
+ nme.CONSTRUCTOR.toString, pos)
+ }
+ val ctors = normalCtors ++ namedCtors
+ implicit val pos = ctors.head.pos
+ val js.MethodDef(_, args, _, body) =
+ withNewLocalNameScope(genExportMethod(ctors, jsName))
+ js.ConstructorExportDef(jsName, args, body)
+ }
+ exports.toList
+ }
+ def genModuleAccessorExports(classSym: Symbol): List[js.ModuleExportDef] = {
+ for {
+ exp <- jsInterop.exportsOf(classSym)
+ } yield {
+ implicit val pos = exp.pos
+ if (exp.isNamed)
+ reporter.error(pos, "You may not use @JSNamedExport on an object")
+ js.ModuleExportDef(exp.jsName)
+ }
+ }
+ /** Generate the exporter proxy for a named export */
+ def genNamedExporterDef(dd: DefDef): js.MethodDef = {
+ implicit val pos = dd.pos
+ val sym = dd.symbol
+ val Block(Apply(fun, _) :: Nil, _) = dd.rhs
+ val trgSym = fun.symbol
+ val inArg =
+ js.ParamDef(js.Ident("namedParams"), jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false)
+ val inArgRef = inArg.ref
+ val methodIdent = encodeMethodSym(sym)
+ withScopedVars(
+ currentMethodInfoBuilder :=
+ currentClassInfoBuilder.addMethod(
+ ) {
+ js.MethodDef(methodIdent, List(inArg), toIRType(sym.tpe.resultType),
+ genNamedExporterBody(trgSym, inArg.ref))(None)
+ }
+ }
+ private def genNamedExporterBody(trgSym: Symbol, inArg: js.Tree)(
+ implicit pos: Position) = {
+ if (hasRepeatedParam(trgSym)) {
+ reporter.error(pos,
+ "You may not name-export a method with a *-parameter")
+ }
+ val jsArgs = for {
+ (pSym, index) <-
+ } yield {
+ val rhs = js.JSBracketSelect(inArg,
+ js.StringLiteral(
+ js.VarDef(js.Ident("namedArg$" + index), jstpe.AnyType,
+ mutable = false, rhs = rhs)
+ }
+ val jsArgRefs =
+ // Generate JS code to prepare arguments (default getters and unboxes)
+ val jsArgPrep = genPrepareArgs(jsArgRefs, trgSym)
+ val jsResult = genResult(trgSym,
+ js.Block(jsArgs ++ jsArgPrep :+ jsResult)
+ }
+ private def genMemberExport(classSym: Symbol, name: TermName): js.Tree = {
+ val alts =
+ assert(!alts.isEmpty,
+ s"Ended up with no alternatives for ${classSym.fullName}::$name. " +
+ s"Original set was ${alts} with types ${}")
+ val (jsName, isProp) = jsInterop.jsExportInfo(name)
+ // Check if we have a conflicting export of the other kind
+ val conflicting =
+, !isProp))
+ if (conflicting != NoSymbol) {
+ val kind = if (isProp) "property" else "method"
+ val alts = conflicting.alternatives
+ reporter.error(alts.head.pos,
+ s"Exported $kind $jsName conflicts with ${alts.head.fullName}")
+ }
+ withNewLocalNameScope {
+ if (isProp)
+ genExportProperty(alts, jsName)
+ else
+ genExportMethod(, jsName)
+ }
+ }
+ private def genExportProperty(alts: List[Symbol], jsName: String) = {
+ assert(!alts.isEmpty)
+ implicit val pos = alts.head.pos
+ // Separate getters and setters. Somehow isJSGetter doesn't work here. Hence
+ // we just check the parameter list length.
+ val (getter, setters) = alts.partition(_.tpe.params.isEmpty)
+ // if we have more than one getter, something went horribly wrong
+ assert(getter.size <= 1,
+ s"Found more than one getter to export for name ${jsName}.")
+ val getTree =
+ if (getter.isEmpty) js.EmptyTree
+ else genApplyForSym(getter.head)
+ val setTree =
+ if (setters.isEmpty) js.EmptyTree
+ else genExportSameArgc(, 0) // we only have 1 argument
+ js.PropertyDef(js.StringLiteral(jsName), getTree, genFormalArg(1), setTree)
+ }
+ /** generates the exporter function (i.e. exporter for non-properties) for
+ * a given name */
+ private def genExportMethod(alts0: List[Exported], jsName: String) = {
+ assert(alts0.nonEmpty,
+ "need at least one alternative to generate exporter method")
+ implicit val pos = alts0.head.pos
+ val alts = {
+ // toString() is always exported. We might need to add it here
+ // to get correct overloading.
+ if (jsName == "toString" && alts0.forall(_.params.nonEmpty))
+ ExportedSymbol(Object_toString) :: alts0
+ else
+ alts0
+ }
+ // Factor out methods with variable argument lists. Note that they can
+ // only be at the end of the lists as enforced by PrepJSExports
+ val (varArgMeths, normalMeths) = alts.partition(_.hasRepeatedParam)
+ // Highest non-repeated argument count
+ val maxArgc = (
+ // We have argc - 1, since a repeated parameter list may also be empty
+ // (unlike a normal parameter)
+ - 1) ++
+ ).max
+ val formalArgs = genFormalArgs(maxArgc)
+ // Calculates possible arg counts for normal method
+ def argCounts(ex: Exported) = ex match {
+ case ExportedSymbol(sym) =>
+ val params = sym.tpe.params
+ // Find default param
+ val dParam = params.indexWhere { _.hasFlag(Flags.DEFAULTPARAM) }
+ if (dParam == -1) Seq(params.size)
+ else dParam to params.size
+ case ex: ExportedBody =>
+ List(ex.params.size)
+ }
+ // Generate tuples (argc, method)
+ val methodArgCounts = {
+ // Normal methods
+ for {
+ method <- normalMeths
+ argc <- argCounts(method)
+ } yield (argc, method)
+ } ++ {
+ // Repeated parameter methods
+ for {
+ method <- varArgMeths
+ argc <- method.params.size - 1 to maxArgc
+ } yield (argc, method)
+ }
+ // Create a map: argCount -> methods (methods may appear multiple times)
+ val methodByArgCount =
+ methodArgCounts.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(
+ // Create tuples: (methods, argCounts). This will be the cases we generate
+ val caseDefinitions =
+ methodByArgCount.groupBy(_._2).mapValues(_.keySet)
+ // Verify stuff about caseDefinitions
+ assert({
+ val argcs = caseDefinitions.values.flatten.toList
+ argcs == argcs.distinct &&
+ argcs.forall(_ <= maxArgc)
+ }, "every argc should appear only once and be lower than max")
+ // Generate a case block for each (methods, argCounts) tuple
+ val cases = for {
+ (methods, argcs) <- caseDefinitions
+ if methods.nonEmpty && argcs.nonEmpty
+ // exclude default case we're generating anyways for varargs
+ if methods != varArgMeths.toSet
+ // body of case to disambiguates methods with current count
+ caseBody =
+ genExportSameArgc(methods.toList, 0, Some(argcs.min))
+ // argc in reverse order
+ argcList = argcs.toList.sortBy(- _)
+ } yield (, caseBody)
+ val hasVarArg = varArgMeths.nonEmpty
+ def defaultCase = {
+ if (!hasVarArg)
+ genThrowTypeError()
+ else
+ genExportSameArgc(varArgMeths, 0)
+ }
+ val body = {
+ if (cases.isEmpty)
+ defaultCase
+ else if (cases.size == 1 && !hasVarArg)
+ cases.head._2
+ else {
+ js.Match(
+ js.Unbox(js.JSBracketSelect(
+ js.VarRef(js.Ident("arguments"), false)(jstpe.AnyType),
+ js.StringLiteral("length")),
+ 'I'),
+ cases.toList, defaultCase)(jstpe.AnyType)
+ }
+ }
+ js.MethodDef(js.StringLiteral(jsName), formalArgs, jstpe.AnyType, body)(None)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Resolve method calls to [[alts]] while assuming they have the same
+ * parameter count.
+ * @param alts Alternative methods
+ * @param paramIndex Index where to start disambiguation
+ * @param maxArgc only use that many arguments
+ */
+ private def genExportSameArgc(alts: List[Exported],
+ paramIndex: Int, maxArgc: Option[Int] = None): js.Tree = {
+ implicit val pos = alts.head.pos
+ if (alts.size == 1)
+ alts.head.body
+ else if (maxArgc.exists(_ <= paramIndex) ||
+ !alts.exists(_.params.size > paramIndex)) {
+ // We reach here in three cases:
+ // 1. The parameter list has been exhausted
+ // 2. The optional argument count restriction has triggered
+ // 3. We only have (more than once) repeated parameters left
+ // Therefore, we should fail
+ reporter.error(pos,
+ s"""Cannot disambiguate overloads for exported method ${} with types
+ | ${"\n ")}""".stripMargin)
+ js.Undefined()
+ } else {
+ val altsByTypeTest = groupByWithoutHashCode(alts) {
+ case ExportedSymbol(alt) =>
+ // get parameter type while resolving repeated params
+ val tpe = enteringPhase(currentRun.uncurryPhase) {
+ val ps = alt.paramss.flatten
+ if (ps.size <= paramIndex || isRepeated(ps(paramIndex))) {
+ assert(isRepeated(ps.last))
+ repeatedToSingle(ps.last.tpe)
+ } else {
+ enteringPhase(currentRun.posterasurePhase) {
+ ps(paramIndex).tpe
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ typeTestForTpe(tpe)
+ case ex: ExportedBody =>
+ typeTestForTpe(ex.params(paramIndex))
+ }
+ if (altsByTypeTest.size == 1) {
+ // Testing this parameter is not doing any us good
+ genExportSameArgc(alts, paramIndex+1, maxArgc)
+ } else {
+ // Sort them so that, e.g., isInstanceOf[String]
+ // comes before isInstanceOf[Object]
+ val sortedAltsByTypeTest = topoSortDistinctsBy(
+ altsByTypeTest)(_._1)(RTTypeTest.Ordering)
+ val defaultCase = genThrowTypeError()
+ sortedAltsByTypeTest.foldRight[js.Tree](defaultCase) { (elem, elsep) =>
+ val (typeTest, subAlts) = elem
+ implicit val pos = subAlts.head.pos
+ val param = genFormalArg(paramIndex+1)
+ val genSubAlts = genExportSameArgc(subAlts, paramIndex+1, maxArgc)
+ def hasDefaultParam = subAlts.exists {
+ case ExportedSymbol(p) =>
+ val params = p.tpe.params
+ params.size > paramIndex &&
+ params(paramIndex).hasFlag(Flags.DEFAULTPARAM)
+ case _: ExportedBody => false
+ }
+ val optCond = typeTest match {
+ case HijackedTypeTest(boxedClassName, _) =>
+ Some(js.IsInstanceOf(param.ref, jstpe.ClassType(boxedClassName)))
+ case InstanceOfTypeTest(tpe) =>
+ Some(genIsInstanceOf(param.ref, tpe))
+ case NoTypeTest =>
+ None
+ }
+ optCond.fold[js.Tree] {
+ genSubAlts // note: elsep is discarded, obviously
+ } { cond =>
+ val condOrUndef = if (!hasDefaultParam) cond else {
+ js.If(cond, js.BooleanLiteral(true),
+ js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.===, param.ref, js.Undefined()))(
+ jstpe.BooleanType)
+ }
+ js.If(condOrUndef, genSubAlts, elsep)(jstpe.AnyType)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Generate a call to the method [[sym]] while using the formalArguments
+ * and potentially the argument array. Also inserts default parameters if
+ * required.
+ */
+ private def genApplyForSym(sym: Symbol): js.Tree = {
+ implicit val pos = sym.pos
+ // the (single) type of the repeated parameter if any
+ val repeatedTpe = enteringPhase(currentRun.uncurryPhase) {
+ for {
+ param <- sym.paramss.flatten.lastOption
+ if isRepeated(param)
+ } yield repeatedToSingle(param.tpe)
+ }
+ val normalArgc = sym.tpe.params.size -
+ (if (repeatedTpe.isDefined) 1 else 0)
+ // optional repeated parameter list
+ val jsVarArg = repeatedTpe map { tpe =>
+ // Copy arguments that go to vararg into an array, put it in a wrapper
+ val countIdent = freshLocalIdent("count")
+ val count = js.VarRef(countIdent, mutable = false)(jstpe.IntType)
+ val counterIdent = freshLocalIdent("i")
+ val counter = js.VarRef(counterIdent, mutable = true)(jstpe.IntType)
+ val arrayIdent = freshLocalIdent("varargs")
+ val array = js.VarRef(arrayIdent, mutable = false)(jstpe.AnyType)
+ val arguments = js.VarRef(js.Ident("arguments"),
+ mutable = false)(jstpe.AnyType)
+ val argLen = js.Unbox(
+ js.JSBracketSelect(arguments, js.StringLiteral("length")), 'I')
+ val argOffset = js.IntLiteral(normalArgc)
+ val jsArrayCtor =
+ js.JSBracketSelect(
+ js.JSBracketSelect(js.JSEnvInfo(), js.StringLiteral("global")),
+ js.StringLiteral("Array"))
+ js.Block(
+ // var i = 0
+ js.VarDef(counterIdent, jstpe.IntType, mutable = true,
+ rhs = js.IntLiteral(0)),
+ // val count = arguments.length - <normalArgc>
+ js.VarDef(countIdent, jstpe.IntType, mutable = false,
+ rhs = js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.Int_-, argLen, argOffset)),
+ // val varargs = new Array(count)
+ js.VarDef(arrayIdent, jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false,
+ rhs = js.JSNew(jsArrayCtor, List(count))),
+ // while (i < count)
+ js.While(js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.Num_<, counter, count), js.Block(
+ // varargs[i] = arguments[<normalArgc> + i];
+ js.Assign(
+ js.JSBracketSelect(array, counter),
+ js.JSBracketSelect(arguments,
+ js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.Int_+, argOffset, counter))),
+ // i = i + 1 (++i won't work, desugar eliminates it)
+ js.Assign(counter, js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.Int_+,
+ counter, js.IntLiteral(1)))
+ )),
+ // new WrappedArray(varargs)
+ genNew(WrappedArrayClass, WrappedArray_ctor, List(array))
+ )
+ }
+ // normal arguments
+ val jsArgs = genFormalArgs(normalArgc)
+ val jsArgRefs =
+ // Generate JS code to prepare arguments (default getters and unboxes)
+ val jsArgPrep = genPrepareArgs(jsArgRefs, sym)
+ val jsResult = genResult(sym, ++ jsVarArg)
+ js.Block(jsArgPrep :+ jsResult)
+ }
+ /** Generate the necessary JavaScript code to prepare the arguments of an
+ * exported method (unboxing and default parameter handling)
+ */
+ private def genPrepareArgs(jsArgs: List[js.VarRef], sym: Symbol)(
+ implicit pos: Position): List[js.VarDef] = {
+ val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[js.VarDef]
+ val funTpe = enteringPhase(currentRun.posterasurePhase)(sym.tpe)
+ for {
+ (jsArg, (param, i)) <- jsArgs zip funTpe.params.zipWithIndex
+ } yield {
+ // Code to verify the type of the argument (if it is defined)
+ val verifiedArg = {
+ val tpePosterasure =
+ enteringPhase(currentRun.posterasurePhase)(param.tpe)
+ tpePosterasure match {
+ case tpe if isPrimitiveValueType(tpe) =>
+ val unboxed = makePrimitiveUnbox(jsArg, tpe)
+ // Ensure we don't convert null to a primitive value type
+ js.If(js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.===, jsArg, js.Null()),
+ genThrowTypeError(s"Found null, expected $tpe"),
+ unboxed)(unboxed.tpe)
+ case tpe: ErasedValueType =>
+ val boxedClass = tpe.valueClazz
+ val unboxMethod = boxedClass.derivedValueClassUnbox
+ genApplyMethod(
+ genAsInstanceOf(jsArg, tpe),
+ boxedClass, unboxMethod, Nil)
+ case tpe =>
+ genAsInstanceOf(jsArg, tpe)
+ }
+ }
+ // If argument is undefined and there is a default getter, call it
+ val verifiedOrDefault = if (param.hasFlag(Flags.DEFAULTPARAM)) {
+ js.If(js.BinaryOp(js.BinaryOp.===, jsArg, js.Undefined()), {
+ val trgSym = {
+ if (sym.isClassConstructor) sym.owner.companionModule.moduleClass
+ else sym.owner
+ }
+ val defaultGetter = trgSym.tpe.member(
+ nme.defaultGetterName(, i+1))
+ assert(defaultGetter.exists,
+ s"need default getter for method ${sym.fullName}")
+ assert(!defaultGetter.isOverloaded)
+ val trgTree = {
+ if (sym.isClassConstructor) genLoadModule(trgSym)
+ else js.This()(encodeClassType(trgSym))
+ }
+ // Pass previous arguments to defaultGetter
+ genApplyMethod(trgTree, trgSym, defaultGetter,
+ result.take(defaultGetter.tpe.params.size)
+ }, {
+ // Otherwise, unbox the argument
+ verifiedArg
+ })(verifiedArg.tpe)
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, it is always the unboxed argument
+ verifiedArg
+ }
+ result +=
+ js.VarDef(js.Ident("prep", jsArg.ident.originalName),
+ verifiedOrDefault.tpe, mutable = false, verifiedOrDefault)
+ }
+ result.toList
+ }
+ /** Generate the final forwarding call to the exported method.
+ * Attention: This method casts the arguments to the right type. The IR
+ * checker will not detect if you pass in a wrongly typed argument.
+ */
+ private def genResult(sym: Symbol,
+ args: List[js.Tree])(implicit pos: Position) = {
+ val thisType =
+ if (sym.owner == ObjectClass) jstpe.ClassType(ir.Definitions.ObjectClass)
+ else encodeClassType(sym.owner)
+ val call = genApplyMethod(js.This()(thisType), sym.owner, sym, args)
+ ensureBoxed(call,
+ enteringPhase(currentRun.posterasurePhase)(sym.tpe.resultType))
+ }
+ private sealed abstract class Exported {
+ def pos: Position
+ def params: List[Type]
+ def body: js.Tree
+ def name: String
+ def typeInfo: String
+ def hasRepeatedParam: Boolean
+ }
+ private case class ExportedSymbol(sym: Symbol) extends Exported {
+ def pos: Position = sym.pos
+ def params: List[Type] =
+ def body: js.Tree = genApplyForSym(sym)
+ def name: String =
+ def typeInfo: String = sym.tpe.toString
+ def hasRepeatedParam: Boolean = GenJSExports.this.hasRepeatedParam(sym)
+ }
+ private case class ExportedBody(params: List[Type], body: js.Tree,
+ name: String, pos: Position) extends Exported {
+ def typeInfo: String = params.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
+ val hasRepeatedParam: Boolean = false
+ }
+ }
+ private def isOverridingExport(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
+ lazy val osym = sym.nextOverriddenSymbol
+ sym.isOverridingSymbol && !osym.owner.isInterface
+ }
+ private sealed abstract class RTTypeTest
+ private final case class HijackedTypeTest(
+ boxedClassName: String, rank: Int) extends RTTypeTest
+ private final case class InstanceOfTypeTest(tpe: Type) extends RTTypeTest {
+ override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = {
+ that match {
+ case InstanceOfTypeTest(thatTpe) => tpe =:= thatTpe
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private case object NoTypeTest extends RTTypeTest
+ private object RTTypeTest {
+ implicit object Ordering extends PartialOrdering[RTTypeTest] {
+ override def tryCompare(lhs: RTTypeTest, rhs: RTTypeTest): Option[Int] = {
+ if (lteq(lhs, rhs)) if (lteq(rhs, lhs)) Some(0) else Some(-1)
+ else if (lteq(rhs, lhs)) Some(1) else None
+ }
+ override def lteq(lhs: RTTypeTest, rhs: RTTypeTest): Boolean = {
+ (lhs, rhs) match {
+ // NoTypeTest is always last
+ case (_, NoTypeTest) => true
+ case (NoTypeTest, _) => false
+ case (HijackedTypeTest(_, rank1), HijackedTypeTest(_, rank2)) =>
+ rank1 <= rank2
+ case (InstanceOfTypeTest(t1), InstanceOfTypeTest(t2)) =>
+ t1 <:< t2
+ case (_:HijackedTypeTest, _:InstanceOfTypeTest) => true
+ case (_:InstanceOfTypeTest, _:HijackedTypeTest) => false
+ }
+ }
+ override def equiv(lhs: RTTypeTest, rhs: RTTypeTest): Boolean = {
+ lhs == rhs
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Very simple O(n²) topological sort for elements assumed to be distinct
+ private def topoSortDistinctsBy[A <: AnyRef, B](coll: List[A])(f: A => B)(
+ implicit ord: PartialOrdering[B]): List[A] = {
+ @scala.annotation.tailrec
+ def loop(coll: List[A], acc: List[A]): List[A] = {
+ if (coll.isEmpty) acc
+ else if (coll.tail.isEmpty) coll.head :: acc
+ else {
+ val (lhs, rhs) = coll.span(x => !coll.forall(
+ y => (x eq y) || !ord.lteq(f(x), f(y))))
+ assert(!rhs.isEmpty, s"cycle while ordering $coll")
+ loop(lhs ::: rhs.tail, rhs.head :: acc)
+ }
+ }
+ loop(coll, Nil)
+ }
+ private def typeTestForTpe(tpe: Type): RTTypeTest = {
+ tpe match {
+ case tpe: ErasedValueType =>
+ InstanceOfTypeTest(tpe.valueClazz.typeConstructor)
+ case _ =>
+ import ir.{Definitions => Defs}
+ (toTypeKind(tpe): @unchecked) match {
+ case VoidKind => HijackedTypeTest(Defs.BoxedUnitClass, 0)
+ case BooleanKind => HijackedTypeTest(Defs.BoxedBooleanClass, 1)
+ case ByteKind => HijackedTypeTest(Defs.BoxedByteClass, 2)
+ case ShortKind => HijackedTypeTest(Defs.BoxedShortClass, 3)
+ case IntKind => HijackedTypeTest(Defs.BoxedIntegerClass, 4)
+ case FloatKind => HijackedTypeTest(Defs.BoxedFloatClass, 5)
+ case DoubleKind => HijackedTypeTest(Defs.BoxedDoubleClass, 6)
+ case CharKind => InstanceOfTypeTest(boxedClass(CharClass).tpe)
+ case LongKind => InstanceOfTypeTest(boxedClass(LongClass).tpe)
+ case REFERENCE(cls) =>
+ if (cls == StringClass) HijackedTypeTest(Defs.StringClass, 7)
+ else if (cls == ObjectClass) NoTypeTest
+ else if (isRawJSType(tpe)) {
+ cls match {
+ case JSUndefinedClass => HijackedTypeTest(Defs.BoxedUnitClass, 0)
+ case JSBooleanClass => HijackedTypeTest(Defs.BoxedBooleanClass, 1)
+ case JSNumberClass => HijackedTypeTest(Defs.BoxedDoubleClass, 6)
+ case JSStringClass => HijackedTypeTest(Defs.StringClass, 7)
+ case _ => NoTypeTest
+ }
+ } else InstanceOfTypeTest(tpe)
+ case ARRAY(_) => InstanceOfTypeTest(tpe)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Group-by that does not rely on hashCode(), only equals() - O(n²)
+ private def groupByWithoutHashCode[A, B](
+ coll: List[A])(f: A => B): List[(B, List[A])] = {
+ import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+ val m = new ArrayBuffer[(B, List[A])]
+ m.sizeHint(coll.length)
+ for (elem <- coll) {
+ val key = f(elem)
+ val index = m.indexWhere(_._1 == key)
+ if (index < 0) m += ((key, List(elem)))
+ else m(index) = (key, elem :: m(index)._2)
+ }
+ m.toList
+ }
+ private def genThrowTypeError(msg: String = "No matching overload")(
+ implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ js.Throw(js.StringLiteral(msg))
+ }
+ private def genFormalArgs(count: Int)(implicit pos: Position): List[js.ParamDef] =
+ (1 to count map genFormalArg).toList
+ private def genFormalArg(index: Int)(implicit pos: Position): js.ParamDef =
+ js.ParamDef(js.Ident("arg$" + index), jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false)
+ private def hasRepeatedParam(sym: Symbol) =
+ enteringPhase(currentRun.uncurryPhase) {
+ sym.paramss.flatten.lastOption.exists(isRepeated _)
+ }