path: root/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset')
6 files changed, 887 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/BaseCharsetTest.scala b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/BaseCharsetTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adda838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/BaseCharsetTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js Test Suite **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+** |/____/ **
+\* */
+package scala.scalajs.testsuite.niocharset
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
+import scala.util._
+import java.nio._
+import java.nio.charset._
+import scala.scalajs.js
+import js.JSConverters._
+import org.scalajs.jasminetest.JasmineTest
+class BaseCharsetTest(val charset: Charset) extends JasmineTest {
+ import BaseCharsetTest._
+ protected val AllErrorActions = Seq(
+ CodingErrorAction.IGNORE,
+ CodingErrorAction.REPLACE,
+ CodingErrorAction.REPORT)
+ protected val ReportActions = Seq(
+ CodingErrorAction.REPORT)
+ protected def testDecode(in: ByteBuffer)(
+ outParts: OutPart[CharBuffer]*): Unit = {
+ def testOneConfig(malformedAction: CodingErrorAction,
+ unmappableAction: CodingErrorAction): Unit = {
+ val decoder = charset.newDecoder()
+ decoder.onMalformedInput(malformedAction)
+ decoder.onUnmappableCharacter(unmappableAction)
+ val actualTry = Try {
+ in.mark()
+ val buf =
+ try decoder.decode(in)
+ finally in.reset()
+ val actualChars = new Array[Char](buf.remaining())
+ buf.get(actualChars)
+ actualChars
+ }
+ val expectedTry = Try {
+ val expectedChars = Array.newBuilder[Char]
+ outParts foreach {
+ case BufferPart(buf) =>
+ val bufArray = new Array[Char](buf.remaining)
+ buf.mark()
+ try buf.get(bufArray)
+ finally buf.reset()
+ expectedChars ++= bufArray
+ case Malformed(len) =>
+ malformedAction match {
+ case CodingErrorAction.IGNORE =>
+ case CodingErrorAction.REPLACE =>
+ expectedChars ++= decoder.replacement()
+ case CodingErrorAction.REPORT =>
+ throw new MalformedInputException(len)
+ }
+ case Unmappable(len) =>
+ unmappableAction match {
+ case CodingErrorAction.IGNORE =>
+ case CodingErrorAction.REPLACE =>
+ expectedChars ++= decoder.replacement()
+ case CodingErrorAction.REPORT =>
+ throw new UnmappableCharacterException(len)
+ }
+ }
+ expectedChars.result()
+ }
+ (actualTry, expectedTry) match {
+ case (Failure(actualEx: MalformedInputException),
+ Failure(expectedEx: MalformedInputException)) =>
+ expect(actualEx.getInputLength()).toEqual(expectedEx.getInputLength())
+ case (Failure(actualEx: UnmappableCharacterException),
+ Failure(expectedEx: UnmappableCharacterException)) =>
+ expect(actualEx.getInputLength()).toEqual(expectedEx.getInputLength())
+ case (Success(actualChars), Success(expectedChars)) =>
+ expect(
+ case _ =>
+ // For the error message
+ expect(actualTry.asInstanceOf[js.Any]).toBe(
+ expectedTry.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
+ }
+ }
+ val hasAnyMalformed = outParts.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Malformed])
+ val hasAnyUnmappable = outParts.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Unmappable])
+ for {
+ malformedAction <- if (hasAnyMalformed) AllErrorActions else ReportActions
+ unmappableAction <- if (hasAnyUnmappable) AllErrorActions else ReportActions
+ } {
+ testOneConfig(malformedAction, unmappableAction)
+ }
+ }
+ protected def testEncode(in: CharBuffer)(
+ outParts: OutPart[ByteBuffer]*): Unit = {
+ def testOneConfig(malformedAction: CodingErrorAction,
+ unmappableAction: CodingErrorAction): Unit = {
+ val encoder = charset.newEncoder()
+ encoder.onMalformedInput(malformedAction)
+ encoder.onUnmappableCharacter(unmappableAction)
+ val actualTry = Try {
+ in.mark()
+ val buf =
+ try encoder.encode(in)
+ finally in.reset()
+ val actualBytes = new Array[Byte](buf.remaining())
+ buf.get(actualBytes)
+ actualBytes
+ }
+ val expectedTry = Try {
+ val expectedBytes = Array.newBuilder[Byte]
+ outParts foreach {
+ case BufferPart(buf) =>
+ val bufArray = new Array[Byte](buf.remaining)
+ buf.mark()
+ try buf.get(bufArray)
+ finally buf.reset()
+ expectedBytes ++= bufArray
+ case Malformed(len) =>
+ malformedAction match {
+ case CodingErrorAction.IGNORE =>
+ case CodingErrorAction.REPLACE =>
+ expectedBytes ++= encoder.replacement()
+ case CodingErrorAction.REPORT =>
+ throw new MalformedInputException(len)
+ }
+ case Unmappable(len) =>
+ unmappableAction match {
+ case CodingErrorAction.IGNORE =>
+ case CodingErrorAction.REPLACE =>
+ expectedBytes ++= encoder.replacement()
+ case CodingErrorAction.REPORT =>
+ throw new UnmappableCharacterException(len)
+ }
+ }
+ expectedBytes.result()
+ }
+ (actualTry, expectedTry) match {
+ case (Failure(actualEx: MalformedInputException),
+ Failure(expectedEx: MalformedInputException)) =>
+ expect(actualEx.getInputLength()).toEqual(expectedEx.getInputLength())
+ case (Failure(actualEx: UnmappableCharacterException),
+ Failure(expectedEx: UnmappableCharacterException)) =>
+ expect(actualEx.getInputLength()).toEqual(expectedEx.getInputLength())
+ case (Success(actualBytes), Success(expectedBytes)) =>
+ expect(actualBytes.toJSArray).toEqual(expectedBytes.toJSArray)
+ case _ =>
+ // For the error message
+ expect(actualTry.asInstanceOf[js.Any]).toBe(
+ expectedTry.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
+ }
+ }
+ val hasAnyMalformed = outParts.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Malformed])
+ val hasAnyUnmappable = outParts.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Unmappable])
+ for {
+ malformedAction <- if (hasAnyMalformed) AllErrorActions else ReportActions
+ unmappableAction <- if (hasAnyUnmappable) AllErrorActions else ReportActions
+ } {
+ testOneConfig(malformedAction, unmappableAction)
+ }
+ }
+object BaseCharsetTest {
+ sealed abstract class OutPart[+BufferType <: Buffer]
+ final case class BufferPart[BufferType <: Buffer](buf: BufferType) extends OutPart[BufferType]
+ final case class Malformed(length: Int) extends OutPart[Nothing]
+ final case class Unmappable(length: Int) extends OutPart[Nothing]
+ object OutPart {
+ implicit def fromBuffer[BufferType <: Buffer](buf: BufferType): BufferPart[BufferType] =
+ BufferPart(buf)
+ }
+ implicit class Interpolators(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
+ def bb(args: Any*): ByteBuffer = {
+ val strings =
+ val expressions = args.iterator
+ val buf = Array.newBuilder[Byte]
+ def appendStr(s: String): Unit = {
+ val s1 = s.replace(" ", "")
+ require(s1.length % 2 == 0)
+ for (i <- 0 until s1.length by 2)
+ buf += java.lang.Integer.parseInt(s1.substring(i, i+2), 16).toByte
+ }
+ appendStr(
+ while (strings.hasNext) {
+ match {
+ case b: Byte => buf += b
+ case bytes: Array[Byte] => buf ++= bytes
+ case bytes: Seq[_] =>
+ buf ++=[Number].byteValue())
+ }
+ appendStr(
+ }
+ ByteBuffer.wrap(buf.result())
+ }
+ def cb(args: Any*): CharBuffer =
+ CharBuffer.wrap(sc.s(args: _*))
+ }
diff --git a/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/CharsetTest.scala b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/CharsetTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15b0150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/CharsetTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js Test Suite **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+** |/____/ **
+\* */
+package scala.scalajs.testsuite.niocharset
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
+import java.nio._
+import java.nio.charset._
+import scala.scalajs.js
+import scala.scalajs.niocharset.StandardCharsets._
+import org.scalajs.jasminetest.JasmineTest
+object CharsetTest extends JasmineTest {
+ implicit def charsetAsJSAny(charset: Charset): js.Any =
+ charset.asInstanceOf[js.Any]
+ describe("java.nio.charset.Charset") {
+ it("defaultCharset") {
+ expect(Charset.defaultCharset()).toBe(UTF_8)
+ }
+ it("forName") {
+ expect(Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1")).toBe(ISO_8859_1)
+ expect(Charset.forName("Iso8859-1")).toBe(ISO_8859_1)
+ expect(Charset.forName("iso_8859_1")).toBe(ISO_8859_1)
+ expect(Charset.forName("LaTin1")).toBe(ISO_8859_1)
+ expect(Charset.forName("l1")).toBe(ISO_8859_1)
+ expect(Charset.forName("US-ASCII")).toBe(US_ASCII)
+ expect(Charset.forName("Default")).toBe(US_ASCII)
+ expect(Charset.forName("UTF-8")).toBe(UTF_8)
+ expect(Charset.forName("utf-8")).toBe(UTF_8)
+ expect(Charset.forName("UtF8")).toBe(UTF_8)
+ expect(Charset.forName("UTF_8")).toBe(UTF_8)
+ expect(Charset.forName("UTF-8")).toBe(UTF_8)
+ expect(Charset.forName("UTF-16BE")).toBe(UTF_16BE)
+ expect(Charset.forName("Utf_16BE")).toBe(UTF_16BE)
+ expect(Charset.forName("UnicodeBigUnmarked")).toBe(UTF_16BE)
+ expect(Charset.forName("UTF-16le")).toBe(UTF_16LE)
+ expect(Charset.forName("Utf_16le")).toBe(UTF_16LE)
+ expect(Charset.forName("UnicodeLittleUnmarked")).toBe(UTF_16LE)
+ expect(Charset.forName("UTF-16")).toBe(UTF_16)
+ expect(Charset.forName("Utf_16")).toBe(UTF_16)
+ expect(Charset.forName("unicode")).toBe(UTF_16)
+ expect(Charset.forName("UnicodeBig")).toBe(UTF_16)
+ expect(() => Charset.forName("this-charset-does-not-exist")).toThrow
+ }
+ it("isSupported") {
+ expect(Charset.isSupported("ISO-8859-1")).toBeTruthy
+ expect(Charset.isSupported("US-ASCII")).toBeTruthy
+ expect(Charset.isSupported("Default")).toBeTruthy
+ expect(Charset.isSupported("utf-8")).toBeTruthy
+ expect(Charset.isSupported("UnicodeBigUnmarked")).toBeTruthy
+ expect(Charset.isSupported("Utf_16le")).toBeTruthy
+ expect(Charset.isSupported("UTF-16")).toBeTruthy
+ expect(Charset.isSupported("unicode")).toBeTruthy
+ expect(Charset.isSupported("this-charset-does-not-exist")).toBeFalsy
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/Latin1Test.scala b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/Latin1Test.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6ddc36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/Latin1Test.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js Test Suite **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+** |/____/ **
+\* */
+package scala.scalajs.testsuite.niocharset
+import java.nio._
+import java.nio.charset._
+import scala.scalajs.niocharset.StandardCharsets
+import BaseCharsetTest._
+object Latin1Test extends BaseCharsetTest(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1) {
+ describe("ISO-8859-1") {
+ it("decode") {
+ // Simple tests
+ testDecode(bb"48 65 6c 6c 6f")(cb"Hello")
+ testDecode(bb"42 6f 6e 6a 6f 75 72")(cb"Bonjour")
+ testDecode(bb"00 01 0a 10 20")(cb"\u0000\u0001\u000a\u0010 ")
+ testDecode(bb"7f 7f")(cb"\u007f\u007f")
+ testDecode(bb"c8 e5 ec ec ef")(cb"Èåììï")
+ testDecode(bb"c2 ef ee ea ef f5 f2")(cb"Âïîêïõò")
+ testDecode(bb"80 81 8a 90 a0")(cb"\u0080\u0081\u008a\u0090\u00a0")
+ testDecode(bb"ff ff")(cb"ÿÿ")
+ }
+ it("encode") {
+ // Simple tests
+ testEncode(cb"Hello")(bb"48 65 6c 6c 6f")
+ testEncode(cb"Bonjour")(bb"42 6f 6e 6a 6f 75 72")
+ testEncode(cb"\u0000\u0001\u000a\u0010 ")(bb"00 01 0a 10 20")
+ testEncode(cb"\u007f\u007f")(bb"7f 7f")
+ testEncode(cb"Èåììï")(bb"c8 e5 ec ec ef")
+ testEncode(cb"Âïîêïõò")(bb"c2 ef ee ea ef f5 f2")
+ testEncode(cb"\u0080\u0081\u008a\u0090\u00a0")(bb"80 81 8a 90 a0")
+ testEncode(cb"ÿÿ")(bb"ff ff")
+ // Unmappable characters
+ testEncode(cb"\u0100")(Unmappable(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\u07ff")(Unmappable(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\ue000")(Unmappable(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\uffff")(Unmappable(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\ud835\udcd7")(Unmappable(2))
+ testEncode(cb"\u0100A")(Unmappable(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\u07ffA")(Unmappable(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\ue000A")(Unmappable(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\uffffA")(Unmappable(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\ud835\udcd7A")(Unmappable(2), bb"41")
+ // Single UTF-16 surrogates
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udaff")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udb80")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udbff")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udc00")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udf80")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udfff")(Malformed(1))
+ // High UTF-16 surrogates not followed by low surrogates
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800A")(Malformed(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800\ud800")(Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800\ud835\udcd7")(Malformed(1), Unmappable(2))
+ testEncode(cb"\udbffA")(Malformed(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\udbff\udb8f")(Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udbff\ud835\udcd7")(Malformed(1), Unmappable(2))
+ }
+ it("isLegalReplacement") {
+ val encoder = charset.newEncoder
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0x00.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0x41.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array('?'.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0x80.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0xff.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/USASCIITest.scala b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/USASCIITest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2352d3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/USASCIITest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js Test Suite **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+** |/____/ **
+\* */
+package scala.scalajs.testsuite.niocharset
+import java.nio._
+import java.nio.charset._
+import scala.scalajs.niocharset.StandardCharsets
+import BaseCharsetTest._
+object USASCIITest extends BaseCharsetTest(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII) {
+ describe("US-ASCII") {
+ it("decode") {
+ // Simple tests
+ testDecode(bb"48 65 6c 6c 6f")(cb"Hello")
+ testDecode(bb"42 6f 6e 6a 6f 75 72")(cb"Bonjour")
+ testDecode(bb"00 01 0a 10 20")(cb"\u0000\u0001\u000a\u0010 ")
+ testDecode(bb"7f 7f")(cb"\u007f\u007f")
+ // Bit 7 is ignored, giving the same results as above
+ testDecode(bb"c8 e5 ec ec ef")(cb"Hello")
+ testDecode(bb"c2 ef ee ea ef f5 f2")(cb"Bonjour")
+ testDecode(bb"80 81 8a 90 a0")(cb"\u0000\u0001\u000a\u0010 ")
+ testDecode(bb"ff ff")(cb"\u007f\u007f")
+ }
+ it("encode") {
+ // Simple tests
+ testEncode(cb"Hello")(bb"48 65 6c 6c 6f")
+ testEncode(cb"Bonjour")(bb"42 6f 6e 6a 6f 75 72")
+ testEncode(cb"\u0000\u0001\u000a\u0010 ")(bb"00 01 0a 10 20")
+ testEncode(cb"\u007f\u007f")(bb"7f 7f")
+ // Unmappable characters
+ testEncode(cb"é")(Unmappable(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\u0080")(Unmappable(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\u00ff")(Unmappable(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\u0100")(Unmappable(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\u07ff")(Unmappable(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\ue000")(Unmappable(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\uffff")(Unmappable(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\ud835\udcd7")(Unmappable(2))
+ testEncode(cb"éA")(Unmappable(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\u0080A")(Unmappable(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\u00ffA")(Unmappable(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\u0100A")(Unmappable(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\u07ffA")(Unmappable(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\ue000A")(Unmappable(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\uffffA")(Unmappable(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\ud835\udcd7A")(Unmappable(2), bb"41")
+ // Single UTF-16 surrogates
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udaff")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udb80")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udbff")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udc00")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udf80")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udfff")(Malformed(1))
+ // High UTF-16 surrogates not followed by low surrogates
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800A")(Malformed(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800\ud800")(Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800\ud835\udcd7")(Malformed(1), Unmappable(2))
+ testEncode(cb"\udbffA")(Malformed(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\udbff\udb8f")(Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udbff\ud835\udcd7")(Malformed(1), Unmappable(2))
+ }
+ it("isLegalReplacement") {
+ val encoder = charset.newEncoder
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0x00.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0x41.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array('?'.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0x80.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0xff.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/UTF16Test.scala b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/UTF16Test.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85d4eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/UTF16Test.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js Test Suite **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+** |/____/ **
+\* */
+package scala.scalajs.testsuite.niocharset
+import java.nio._
+import java.nio.charset._
+import scala.scalajs.niocharset.StandardCharsets
+import BaseCharsetTest._
+abstract class BaseUTF16Test(charset: Charset) extends BaseCharsetTest(charset) {
+ describe( {
+ it("decode") {
+ // ASCII characters
+ testDecode(bb"0042 006f 006e 006a 006f 0075 0072")(cb"Bonjour")
+ // Other characters without surrogate pairs
+ testDecode(bb"0047 0072 00fc 00df 0020 0047 006f 0074 0074")(cb"Grüß Gott")
+ testDecode(bb"039a 03b1 03bb 03b7 03bc 03ad 03c1 03b1")(cb"Καλημέρα")
+ testDecode(bb"0635 0628 0627 062d 0020 0627 0644 062e 064a 0631")(cb"صباح الخير")
+ testDecode(bb"3053 3093 306b 3061 306f")(cb"こんにちは")
+ testDecode(bb"0414 043e 0431 0440 044b 0439 0020 0434 0435 043d 044c")(cb"Добрый день")
+ testDecode(bb"4f60 597d")(cb"你好")
+ // 4-byte characters
+ testDecode(bb"d835 dcd7 d835 dcee d835 dcf5 d835 dcf5 d835 dcf8")(
+ cb"\ud835\udcd7\ud835\udcee\ud835\udcf5\ud835\udcf5\ud835\udcf8")
+ testDecode(bb"")(cb"")
+ // Here begin the sequences with at least one error
+ // Single UTF-16 surrogates
+ testDecode(bb"d800")(Malformed(2))
+ testDecode(bb"daff")(Malformed(2))
+ testDecode(bb"db80")(Malformed(2))
+ testDecode(bb"dbff")(Malformed(2))
+ testDecode(bb"dc00")(Malformed(2))
+ testDecode(bb"df80")(Malformed(2))
+ testDecode(bb"dfff")(Malformed(2))
+ // High UTF-16 surrogates not followed by low surrogates
+ testDecode(bb"d800 0041")(Malformed(2), cb"A")
+ testDecode(bb"d800 d800")(Malformed(2), Malformed(2))
+ testDecode(bb"d800 d835 dcd7")(Malformed(2), cb"\ud835\udcd7")
+ testDecode(bb"dbff 0041")(Malformed(2), cb"A")
+ testDecode(bb"dbff db8f")(Malformed(2), Malformed(2))
+ testDecode(bb"dbff d835 dcd7")(Malformed(2), cb"\ud835\udcd7")
+ // Lonely byte at the end
+ testDecode(bb"0041 41")(cb"A", Malformed(1))
+ }
+ it("encode") {
+ // ASCII characters
+ testEncode(cb"Bonjour")(bb"0042 006f 006e 006a 006f 0075 0072")
+ // Other characters without surrogate pairs
+ testEncode(cb"Grüß Gott")(bb"0047 0072 00fc 00df 0020 0047 006f 0074 0074")
+ testEncode(cb"Καλημέρα")(bb"039a 03b1 03bb 03b7 03bc 03ad 03c1 03b1")
+ testEncode(cb"صباح الخير")(bb"0635 0628 0627 062d 0020 0627 0644 062e 064a 0631")
+ testEncode(cb"こんにちは")(bb"3053 3093 306b 3061 306f")
+ testEncode(cb"Добрый день")(bb"0414 043e 0431 0440 044b 0439 0020 0434 0435 043d 044c")
+ testEncode(cb"你好")(bb"4f60 597d")
+ // 4-byte characters
+ testEncode(cb"\ud835\udcd7\ud835\udcee\ud835\udcf5\ud835\udcf5\ud835\udcf8")(
+ bb"d835 dcd7 d835 dcee d835 dcf5 d835 dcf5 d835 dcf8")
+ testEncode(cb"")(bb"")
+ // Here begin the sequences with at least one error
+ // Single UTF-16 surrogates
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udaff")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udb80")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udbff")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udc00")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udf80")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udfff")(Malformed(1))
+ // High UTF-16 surrogates not followed by low surrogates
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800A")(Malformed(1), bb"0041")
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800\ud800")(Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800\ud835\udcd7")(Malformed(1), bb"d835 dcd7")
+ testEncode(cb"\udbffA")(Malformed(1), bb"0041")
+ testEncode(cb"\udbff\udb8f")(Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udbff\ud835\udcd7")(Malformed(1), bb"d835 dcd7")
+ }
+ }
+object UTF16BETest extends BaseUTF16Test(StandardCharsets.UTF_16BE)
+object UTF16LETest extends BaseUTF16Test(StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE) {
+ override protected def testDecode(in: ByteBuffer)(
+ outParts: OutPart[CharBuffer]*): Unit = {
+ flipByteBuffer(in)
+ super.testDecode(in)(outParts: _*)
+ }
+ override protected def testEncode(in: CharBuffer)(
+ outParts: OutPart[ByteBuffer]*): Unit = {
+ for (BufferPart(buf) <- outParts)
+ flipByteBuffer(buf)
+ super.testEncode(in)(outParts: _*)
+ }
+ /** Flips all pairs of bytes in a byte buffer, except a potential lonely
+ * last byte.
+ */
+ def flipByteBuffer(buf: ByteBuffer): Unit = {
+ buf.mark()
+ while (buf.remaining() >= 2) {
+ val high = buf.get()
+ val low = buf.get()
+ buf.position(buf.position - 2)
+ buf.put(low)
+ buf.put(high)
+ }
+ buf.reset()
+ }
+object UTF16Test extends BaseUTF16Test(StandardCharsets.UTF_16) {
+ def BigEndianBOM = ByteBuffer.wrap(Array(0xfe.toByte, 0xff.toByte))
+ override protected def testDecode(in: ByteBuffer)(
+ outParts: OutPart[CharBuffer]*): Unit = {
+ // Without BOM, big endian is assumed
+ super.testDecode(in)(outParts: _*)
+ // With BOM, big endian
+ val inWithBOM = ByteBuffer.allocate(2+in.remaining)
+ inWithBOM.put(BigEndianBOM).put(in).flip()
+ super.testDecode(inWithBOM)(outParts: _*)
+ // With BOM, little endian
+ UTF16LETest.flipByteBuffer(inWithBOM)
+ super.testDecode(inWithBOM)(outParts: _*)
+ }
+ override protected def testEncode(in: CharBuffer)(
+ outParts: OutPart[ByteBuffer]*): Unit = {
+ if (in.remaining == 0) super.testEncode(in)(outParts: _*)
+ else super.testEncode(in)(BufferPart(BigEndianBOM) +: outParts: _*)
+ }
diff --git a/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/UTF8Test.scala b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/UTF8Test.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbb6a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/niocharset/UTF8Test.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js Test Suite **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+** |/____/ **
+\* */
+package scala.scalajs.testsuite.niocharset
+import java.nio._
+import java.nio.charset._
+import scala.scalajs.niocharset.StandardCharsets
+import BaseCharsetTest._
+object UTF8Test extends BaseCharsetTest(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) {
+ describe("UTF-8") {
+ it("decode") {
+ def OutSeq(elems: OutPart[CharBuffer]*): Seq[OutPart[CharBuffer]] =
+ Seq[OutPart[CharBuffer]](elems: _*)
+ // 1-byte characters
+ testDecode(bb"42 6f 6e 6a 6f 75 72")(cb"Bonjour")
+ // 2-byte characters
+ testDecode(bb"47 72 c3 bc c3 9f 20 47 6f 74 74")(cb"Grüß Gott")
+ testDecode(bb"ce 9a ce b1 ce bb ce b7 ce bc ce ad cf 81 ce b1")(cb"Καλημέρα")
+ testDecode(bb"d8 b5 d8 a8 d8 a7 d8 ad 20 d8 a7 d9 84 d8 ae d9 8a d8 b1")(cb"صباح الخير")
+ // 3-byte characters
+ testDecode(bb"e3 81 93 e3 82 93 e3 81 ab e3 81 a1 e3 81 af")(cb"こんにちは")
+ testDecode(bb"d0 94 d0 be d0 b1 d1 80 d1 8b d0 b9 20 d0 b4 d0 b5 d0 bd d1 8c")(cb"Добрый день")
+ testDecode(bb"e4 bd a0 e5 a5 bd")(cb"你好")
+ // 4-byte characters
+ testDecode(bb"f0 9d 93 97 f0 9d 93 ae f0 9d 93 b5 f0 9d 93 b5 f0 9d 93 b8")(
+ cb"\ud835\udcd7\ud835\udcee\ud835\udcf5\ud835\udcf5\ud835\udcf8")
+ testDecode(bb"")(cb"")
+ // First sequence of a certain length
+ testDecode(bb"00")(cb"\u0000")
+ testDecode(bb"c2 80")(cb"\u0080")
+ testDecode(bb"e0 a0 80")(cb"\u0800")
+ testDecode(bb"f0 90 80 80")(cb"\ud800\udc00")
+ // Last sequence of a certain length
+ testDecode(bb"7f")(cb"\u007f")
+ testDecode(bb"df bf")(cb"\u07ff")
+ testDecode(bb"ef bf bf")(cb"\uffff")
+ testDecode(bb"f4 8f bf bf")(cb"\udbff\udfff")
+ // Other boundary conditions
+ testDecode(bb"ed 9f bf")(cb"\ud7ff")
+ testDecode(bb"ee 80 80")(cb"\ue000")
+ testDecode(bb"ef bf bd")(cb"\ufffd")
+ // Here begin the sequences with at least one error
+ // Code point too big
+ testDecode(bb"f4 90 80 80")(Malformed(4))
+ testDecode(bb"41 f4 90 80 80 42")(cb"A", Malformed(4), cb"B")
+ // Unexpected continuation bytes (each is reported separately)
+ testDecode(bb"80")(Malformed(1))
+ testDecode(bb"bf")(Malformed(1))
+ testDecode(bb"80 80")(Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ testDecode(bb"80 80 80")(Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ testDecode(bb"80 80 80 80")(Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ testDecode(bb"80 80 80 80 80")(Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ testDecode(bb"41 80 80 42 80 43")(cb"A", Malformed(1), Malformed(1), cb"B", Malformed(1), cb"C")
+ // Lonely start characters, separated by spaces
+ /* We add 2 spaces at the end so that the last 4-byte start does not
+ * swallow the last space as an underflow. */
+ testDecode(bb"${(0xc0 to 0xf4).flatMap(c => Seq(c, 32)) ++ Seq[Byte](32, 32)}")(
+ (0xc0 to 0xf4).flatMap(i => OutSeq(Malformed(1), cb" ")) ++ OutSeq(cb" "): _*)
+ // Now we let it swallow the last space
+ testDecode(bb"${Seq[Byte](32) ++ (0xc0 to 0xf4).flatMap(c => Seq(c, 32))}")(
+ (0xc0 to 0xf4).flatMap(i => OutSeq(cb" ", Malformed(1))): _*)
+ // Sequences with some continuation bytes missing
+ testDecode(bb"c2")(Malformed(1))
+ testDecode(bb"e0")(Malformed(1))
+ testDecode(bb"e0 a0")(Malformed(2))
+ testDecode(bb"f0")(Malformed(1))
+ testDecode(bb"f0 90")(Malformed(2))
+ testDecode(bb"f0 90 80")(Malformed(3))
+ // and all of them concatenated
+ testDecode(bb"c2 e0 e0 a0 f0 f0 90 f0 90 80")(
+ Seq(1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3).map(Malformed(_)): _*)
+ // and with normal sequences interspersed
+ testDecode(bb"c2 41 e0 41 e0 a0 41 f0 41 f0 90 41 f0 90 80 41")(
+ Seq(1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3).flatMap(l => Seq[OutPart[CharBuffer]](Malformed(l), cb"A")): _*)
+ // Impossible bytes
+ testDecode(bb"fe")(Malformed(1))
+ testDecode(bb"ff")(Malformed(1))
+ testDecode(bb"fe fe ff ff")(Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ // Old 5-byte and 6-byte starts
+ testDecode(bb"f8 80 80 80 af")(
+ Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ testDecode(bb"fc 80 80 80 80 af")(
+ Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ // Overlong sequences (encoded with more bytes than necessary)
+ // Overlong '/'
+ testDecode(bb"c0 af")(Malformed(2))
+ testDecode(bb"e0 80 af")(Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"f0 80 80 af")(Malformed(4))
+ // Maximum overlong sequences
+ testDecode(bb"c1 bf")(Malformed(2))
+ testDecode(bb"e0 9f bf")(Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"f0 8f bf bf")(Malformed(4))
+ // Overlong NUL
+ testDecode(bb"c0 80")(Malformed(2))
+ testDecode(bb"e0 80 80")(Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"f0 80 80 80")(Malformed(4))
+ // Single UTF-16 surrogates
+ testDecode(bb"ed a0 80")(Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"ed ad bf")(Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"ed ae 80")(Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"ed af bf")(Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"ed b0 80")(Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"ed be 80")(Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"ed bf bf")(Malformed(3))
+ // Paired UTF-16 surrogates
+ testDecode(bb"ed a0 80 ed b0 80")(Malformed(3), Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"ed a0 80 ed bf bf")(Malformed(3), Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"ed ad bf ed b0 80")(Malformed(3), Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"ed ad bf ed bf bf")(Malformed(3), Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"ed ae 80 ed b0 80")(Malformed(3), Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"ed ae 80 ed bf bf")(Malformed(3), Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"ed af bf ed b0 80")(Malformed(3), Malformed(3))
+ testDecode(bb"ed af bf ed bf bf")(Malformed(3), Malformed(3))
+ }
+ it("encode") {
+ def OutSeq(elems: OutPart[ByteBuffer]*): Seq[OutPart[ByteBuffer]] =
+ Seq[OutPart[ByteBuffer]](elems: _*)
+ // 1-byte characters
+ testEncode(cb"Bonjour")(bb"42 6f 6e 6a 6f 75 72")
+ // 2-byte characters
+ testEncode(cb"Grüß Gott")(bb"47 72 c3 bc c3 9f 20 47 6f 74 74")
+ testEncode(cb"Καλημέρα")(bb"ce 9a ce b1 ce bb ce b7 ce bc ce ad cf 81 ce b1")
+ testEncode(cb"صباح الخير")(bb"d8 b5 d8 a8 d8 a7 d8 ad 20 d8 a7 d9 84 d8 ae d9 8a d8 b1")
+ // 3-byte characters
+ testEncode(cb"こんにちは")(bb"e3 81 93 e3 82 93 e3 81 ab e3 81 a1 e3 81 af")
+ testEncode(cb"Добрый день")(bb"d0 94 d0 be d0 b1 d1 80 d1 8b d0 b9 20 d0 b4 d0 b5 d0 bd d1 8c")
+ testEncode(cb"你好")(bb"e4 bd a0 e5 a5 bd")
+ // 4-byte characters
+ testEncode(cb"\ud835\udcd7\ud835\udcee\ud835\udcf5\ud835\udcf5\ud835\udcf8")(
+ bb"f0 9d 93 97 f0 9d 93 ae f0 9d 93 b5 f0 9d 93 b5 f0 9d 93 b8")
+ testEncode(cb"")(bb"")
+ // First sequence of a certain length
+ testEncode(cb"\u0000")(bb"00")
+ testEncode(cb"\u0080")(bb"c2 80")
+ testEncode(cb"\u0800")(bb"e0 a0 80")
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800\udc00")(bb"f0 90 80 80")
+ // Last sequence of a certain length
+ testEncode(cb"\u007f")(bb"7f")
+ testEncode(cb"\u07ff")(bb"df bf")
+ testEncode(cb"\uffff")(bb"ef bf bf")
+ testEncode(cb"\udbff\udfff")(bb"f4 8f bf bf")
+ // Other boundary conditions
+ testEncode(cb"\ud7ff")(bb"ed 9f bf")
+ testEncode(cb"\ue000")(bb"ee 80 80")
+ testEncode(cb"\ufffd")(bb"ef bf bd")
+ // Here begin the sequences with at least one error
+ // Single UTF-16 surrogates
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udaff")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udb80")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udbff")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udc00")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udf80")(Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udfff")(Malformed(1))
+ // High UTF-16 surrogates not followed by low surrogates
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800A")(Malformed(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800\ud800")(Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\ud800\ud835\udcd7")(Malformed(1), bb"f0 9d 93 97")
+ testEncode(cb"\udbffA")(Malformed(1), bb"41")
+ testEncode(cb"\udbff\udb8f")(Malformed(1), Malformed(1))
+ testEncode(cb"\udbff\ud835\udcd7")(Malformed(1), bb"f0 9d 93 97")
+ }
+ it("isLegalReplacement") {
+ val encoder = charset.newEncoder
+ // The good ones
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0x00.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0x41.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array('?'.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0x7f.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(
+ Array(0xc2.toByte, 0x80.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(
+ Array(0xdf.toByte, 0xbf.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(
+ Array(0xe0.toByte, 0xa0.toByte, 0x80.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(
+ Array(0xef.toByte, 0xbf.toByte, 0xbf.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(
+ Array(0xf0.toByte, 0x90.toByte, 0x80.toByte, 0x80.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(
+ Array(0xf4.toByte, 0x8f.toByte, 0xbf.toByte, 0xbf.toByte))).toBeTruthy
+ // The bad ones
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0x80.toByte))).toBeFalsy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0xbf.toByte))).toBeFalsy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0xc2.toByte))).toBeFalsy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0xdf.toByte))).toBeFalsy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0xe0.toByte))).toBeFalsy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0xef.toByte))).toBeFalsy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(Array(0xf4.toByte))).toBeFalsy
+ expect(encoder.isLegalReplacement(
+ Array(0xe0.toByte, 0x80.toByte))).toBeFalsy
+ }
+ }