Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Had lots of restarts still. Memory is now 10x that of tail+kafkacat.logs-filebeatStaffan Olsson2017-11-071-1/+1
* Got OOMKilledStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+1
* Memory use little higher than fluent-bit and tail+kafkacatStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-4/+5
* Dropped the logs- prefix now in the logs-kafka namespaceStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+1
* Removes kubernetes debug as the result is ...Staffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+1
* Fixes kubernetes metadata inclusionStaffan Olsson2017-11-042-3/+3
* Fixes JSON syntax getting broken by "Reached end of topic"Staffan Olsson2017-11-042-1/+2
* ClusterRoleBinding fixes RBAC for filebeatStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-3/+2
* Tentative RBAC; kubectl describe's error messages are helpfulStaffan Olsson2017-11-042-0/+25
* Adds test (without asserts) for filebeat topic, jq-compatible logStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-0/+75
* Fixes pod start in GKE, read-only file systemStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+1
* filebeat 6.0.0-rc2Staffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+1
* Copies the result of the original filebeat branch ...Staffan Olsson2017-11-044-0/+132
* Beat this, fluent-bit :) ...Staffan Olsson2017-11-041-4/+5
* Merge branch 'raw-restart-on-new-files' into 1.8-logs-streamingStaffan Olsson2017-11-042-6/+20
| * Rock solid :) ...Staffan Olsson2017-11-041-3/+3
| * Leaves room for log collectors, now that I like this one ...Staffan Olsson2017-11-042-7/+12
| * Got categorized as CrashLoopBackoffStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+1
| * We'll lose some lines at restart, but we'll pick up new containers ...Staffan Olsson2017-11-041-0/+9
* Increases readability of test outputStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+2
* Can't output as JSON unless aggregation produces JSONStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+1
* As in #60: Need >1 replicas for producer to handle pod reschedulingStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-3/+2
* Merge branch 'logs-streaming-test' into 1.8-logs-streamingStaffan Olsson2017-11-043-6/+80
| * Updates manifest to k8s 1.8Staffan Olsson2017-11-041-2/+6
| * Refreshes test syntax from Yolean/kube-testStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-9/+8
| * Uses latest kafkacat build for logs testStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+1
| * Intuitively the exit condition should be last, I thinkStaffan Olsson2017-11-042-6/+6
| * Makes test printout compatible with jqStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-2/+2
| * Prints only some logs to test log, to avoid an infinite loop of aggregationStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-3/+7
| * test stubStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-0/+67
* Fixes log reading in GKE's 1.8.1 nodesStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-0/+6
* Same level of producer info as in events-kube, and ...Staffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+3
* Manifest updated to k8s 1.8Staffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+6
* No reason to run in kube-system namespaceStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+1
* Changes folder name for merge to 1.8 masterStaffan Olsson2017-11-042-0/+0
* Latest kafka image, for topic creationaddon-logsStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+1
* Latest kafkacat imageStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+1
* Won't discover new files anyway. Read the excellent manual ...Staffan Olsson2017-11-041-3/+1
* I didn't understand how -z is supposed to workStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-3/+4
* Gets the logs into Kafka all right, but you can only delimit on single chars ...Staffan Olsson2017-11-041-1/+13
* Reading metadata of containers will have to be some other producer's responsi...Staffan Olsson2017-11-041-5/+0
* Creates the topicStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-0/+32
* just a container sitting there (on each node) doing nothingStaffan Olsson2017-11-041-0/+40
* Runs Kafka 1.0.0v2.1.0Staffan Olsson2017-11-016-10/+7
* kafkacat, too, based on debian:stretch-slim 20171009Staffan Olsson2017-10-151-1/+1
* Shares debian with kafka-initutils -> faster first startStaffan Olsson2017-10-155-7/+7
* initutils based on latest debian slimStaffan Olsson2017-10-151-1/+1
* Some ideas on how to keep this repo simpleStaffan Olsson2017-10-151-1/+7
* Merge pull request #74 from elm-/mastersolsson2017-10-142-2/+2
| * - fix #65: wait for replyElmar Weber2017-10-132-2/+2