path: root/ruby/tests/basic_proto2.rb
diff options
authorHarshit Chopra <harshit@squareup.com>2017-08-25 12:11:15 -0700
committerHarshit Chopra <harshit@squareup.com>2018-09-27 14:21:16 -0400
commitd0535cc09e6eac1bddddd51c20b5738c0e841765 (patch)
treef712febe270ba656970f65b952114e14650103b6 /ruby/tests/basic_proto2.rb
parent048f5c26a783f5f92061aec3aab19986e5c8d435 (diff)
Adds support for proto2 syntax for Ruby gem.
This change only adds basic proto2 support without advanced features like extensions, custom options, maps, etc. The protoc binary now generates ruby code for proto2 syntax. However, for now, it is restricted to proto2 files without advanced features like extensions, in which case it still errors out. This change also modifies the DSL to add proto messages to the DescriptorPool. There is a new DSL Builder#add_file to create a new FileDescriptor. With this, the generated ruby DSL looks something like: Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.generated_pool.build do add_file "test.proto" do add_message "foo" do optional :val, :int32, 1 end end end
Diffstat (limited to 'ruby/tests/basic_proto2.rb')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ruby/tests/basic_proto2.rb b/ruby/tests/basic_proto2.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1231627
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ruby/tests/basic_proto2.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+# basic_test_pb.rb is in the same directory as this test.
+require 'basic_test_proto2_pb'
+require 'common_tests'
+require 'google/protobuf'
+require 'json'
+require 'test/unit'
+# ------------- generated code --------------
+module BasicTestProto2
+ pool = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.new
+ pool.build do
+ add_file "test_proto2.proto", syntax: :proto2 do
+ add_message "BadFieldNames" do
+ optional :dup, :int32, 1
+ optional :class, :int32, 2
+ optional :"a.b", :int32, 3
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ BadFieldNames = pool.lookup("BadFieldNames").msgclass
+# ------------ test cases ---------------
+ class MessageContainerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ # Required by CommonTests module to resolve proto2 proto classes used in tests.
+ def proto_module
+ ::BasicTestProto2
+ end
+ include CommonTests
+ def test_has_field
+ m = TestMessage.new
+ assert_false m.has_optional_int32?
+ assert_false TestMessage.descriptor.lookup('optional_int32').has?(m)
+ assert_false m.has_optional_int64?
+ assert_false TestMessage.descriptor.lookup('optional_int64').has?(m)
+ assert_false m.has_optional_uint32?
+ assert_false TestMessage.descriptor.lookup('optional_uint32').has?(m)
+ assert_false m.has_optional_uint64?
+ assert_false TestMessage.descriptor.lookup('optional_uint64').has?(m)
+ assert_false m.has_optional_bool?
+ assert_false TestMessage.descriptor.lookup('optional_bool').has?(m)
+ assert_false m.has_optional_float?
+ assert_false TestMessage.descriptor.lookup('optional_float').has?(m)
+ assert_false m.has_optional_double?
+ assert_false TestMessage.descriptor.lookup('optional_double').has?(m)
+ assert_false m.has_optional_string?
+ assert_false TestMessage.descriptor.lookup('optional_string').has?(m)
+ assert_false m.has_optional_bytes?
+ assert_false TestMessage.descriptor.lookup('optional_bytes').has?(m)
+ assert_false m.has_optional_enum?
+ assert_false TestMessage.descriptor.lookup('optional_enum').has?(m)
+ m = TestMessage.new(:optional_int32 => nil)
+ assert_false m.has_optional_int32?
+ assert_raise NoMethodError do
+ m.has_repeated_msg?
+ end
+ assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ TestMessage.descriptor.lookup('repeated_msg').has?(m)
+ end
+ m.optional_msg = TestMessage2.new
+ assert_true m.has_optional_msg?
+ assert_true TestMessage.descriptor.lookup('optional_msg').has?(m)
+ m = OneofMessage.new
+ assert_false m.has_my_oneof?
+ m.a = "foo"
+ assert_true m.has_a?
+ assert_true OneofMessage.descriptor.lookup('a').has?(m)
+ assert_equal "foo", m.a
+ assert_true m.has_my_oneof?
+ assert_false m.has_b?
+ assert_false OneofMessage.descriptor.lookup('b').has?(m)
+ assert_false m.has_c?
+ assert_false OneofMessage.descriptor.lookup('c').has?(m)
+ assert_false m.has_d?
+ assert_false OneofMessage.descriptor.lookup('d').has?(m)
+ m = OneofMessage.new
+ m.b = 100
+ assert_true m.has_b?
+ assert_equal 100, m.b
+ assert_true m.has_my_oneof?
+ assert_false m.has_a?
+ assert_false m.has_c?
+ assert_false m.has_d?
+ m = OneofMessage.new
+ m.c = TestMessage2.new
+ assert_true m.has_c?
+ assert_equal TestMessage2.new, m.c
+ assert_true m.has_my_oneof?
+ assert_false m.has_a?
+ assert_false m.has_b?
+ assert_false m.has_d?
+ m = OneofMessage.new
+ m.d = :A
+ assert_true m.has_d?
+ assert_equal :A, m.d
+ assert_true m.has_my_oneof?
+ assert_false m.has_a?
+ assert_false m.has_b?
+ assert_false m.has_c?
+ end
+ def test_defined_defaults
+ m = TestMessageDefaults.new
+ assert_equal 1, m.optional_int32
+ assert_equal 2, m.optional_int64
+ assert_equal 3, m.optional_uint32
+ assert_equal 4, m.optional_uint64
+ assert_equal true, m.optional_bool
+ assert_equal 6.0, m.optional_float
+ assert_equal 7.0, m.optional_double
+ assert_equal "Default Str", m.optional_string
+ assert_equal "\xCF\xA5s\xBD\xBA\xE6fubar".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT"), m.optional_bytes
+ assert_equal :B2, m.optional_enum
+ assert_false m.has_optional_int32?
+ assert_false m.has_optional_int64?
+ assert_false m.has_optional_uint32?
+ assert_false m.has_optional_uint64?
+ assert_false m.has_optional_bool?
+ assert_false m.has_optional_float?
+ assert_false m.has_optional_double?
+ assert_false m.has_optional_string?
+ assert_false m.has_optional_bytes?
+ assert_false m.has_optional_enum?
+ end
+ def test_set_clear_defaults
+ m = TestMessageDefaults.new
+ m.optional_int32 = -42
+ assert_equal -42, m.optional_int32
+ assert_true m.has_optional_int32?
+ m.clear_optional_int32
+ assert_equal 1, m.optional_int32
+ assert_false m.has_optional_int32?
+ m.optional_string = "foo bar"
+ assert_equal "foo bar", m.optional_string
+ assert_true m.has_optional_string?
+ m.clear_optional_string
+ assert_equal "Default Str", m.optional_string
+ assert_false m.has_optional_string?
+ m.optional_msg = TestMessage2.new(:foo => 42)
+ assert_equal TestMessage2.new(:foo => 42), m.optional_msg
+ assert_true m.has_optional_msg?
+ m.clear_optional_msg
+ assert_equal nil, m.optional_msg
+ assert_false m.has_optional_msg?
+ m.optional_msg = TestMessage2.new(:foo => 42)
+ assert_equal TestMessage2.new(:foo => 42), m.optional_msg
+ assert_true TestMessageDefaults.descriptor.lookup('optional_msg').has?(m)
+ TestMessageDefaults.descriptor.lookup('optional_msg').clear(m)
+ assert_equal nil, m.optional_msg
+ assert_false TestMessageDefaults.descriptor.lookup('optional_msg').has?(m)
+ m = TestMessage.new
+ m.repeated_int32.push(1)
+ assert_equal [1], m.repeated_int32
+ m.clear_repeated_int32
+ assert_equal [], m.repeated_int32
+ m = OneofMessage.new
+ m.a = "foo"
+ assert_equal "foo", m.a
+ assert_true m.has_a?
+ m.clear_a
+ assert_false m.has_a?
+ m = OneofMessage.new
+ m.a = "foobar"
+ assert_true m.has_my_oneof?
+ m.clear_my_oneof
+ assert_false m.has_my_oneof?
+ m = OneofMessage.new
+ m.a = "bar"
+ assert_equal "bar", m.a
+ assert_true m.has_my_oneof?
+ OneofMessage.descriptor.lookup('a').clear(m)
+ assert_false m.has_my_oneof?
+ end
+ def test_initialization_map_errors
+ e = assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ TestMessage.new(:hello => "world")
+ end
+ assert_match(/hello/, e.message)
+ e = assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ TestMessage.new(:repeated_uint32 => "hello")
+ end
+ assert_equal e.message, "Expected array as initializer value for repeated field 'repeated_uint32'."
+ end
+ def test_to_h
+ m = TestMessage.new(:optional_bool => true, :optional_double => -10.100001, :optional_string => 'foo', :repeated_string => ['bar1', 'bar2'])
+ expected_result = {
+ :optional_bool=>true,
+ :optional_double=>-10.100001,
+ :optional_string=>"foo",
+ :repeated_string=>["bar1", "bar2"],
+ }
+ assert_equal expected_result, m.to_h
+ m = OneofMessage.new(:a => "foo")
+ expected_result = {:a => "foo"}
+ assert_equal expected_result, m.to_h
+ end
+ def test_map_keyword_disabled
+ pool = Google::Protobuf::DescriptorPool.new
+ e = assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ pool.build do
+ add_file 'test_file.proto', syntax: :proto2 do
+ add_message "MapMessage" do
+ map :map_string_int32, :string, :int32, 1
+ map :map_string_msg, :string, :message, 2, "TestMessage2"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ assert_match(/Cannot add a native map/, e.message)
+ end
+ def test_respond_to
+ # This test fails with JRuby 1.7.23, likely because of an old JRuby bug.
+ return if RUBY_PLATFORM == "java"
+ msg = TestMessage.new
+ assert !msg.respond_to?(:bacon)
+ end
+ def test_file_descriptor
+ file_descriptor = TestMessage.descriptor.file_descriptor
+ assert_true nil != file_descriptor
+ assert_equal "tests/basic_test_proto2.proto", file_descriptor.name
+ assert_equal :proto2, file_descriptor.syntax
+ file_descriptor = TestEnum.descriptor.file_descriptor
+ assert_true nil != file_descriptor
+ assert_equal "tests/basic_test_proto2.proto", file_descriptor.name
+ assert_equal :proto2, file_descriptor.syntax
+ end
+ end