path: root/src/test/scala/scala/async/run/anf/AnfTransformSpec.scala
blob: 757ae0bcb343553fba7bbc1343865b8ebe6bfac9 (plain) (tree)
















































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package scala.async
package run
package anf

import language.{reflectiveCalls, postfixOps}
import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext, future, Await}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.async.Async.{async, await}
import org.junit.Test
import scala.async.internal.AsyncId

class AnfTestClass {

  import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

  def base(x: Int): Future[Int] = future {
    x + 2

  def m(y: Int): Future[Int] = async {
    val blerg = base(y)

  def m2(y: Int): Future[Int] = async {
    val f = base(y)
    val f2 = base(y + 1)
    await(f) + await(f2)

  def m3(y: Int): Future[Int] = async {
    val f = base(y)
    var z = 0
    if (y > 0) {
      z = await(f) + 2
    } else {
      z = await(f) - 2

  def m4(y: Int): Future[Int] = async {
    val f = base(y)
    val z = if (y > 0) {
      await(f) + 2
    } else {
      await(f) - 2
    z + 1

  def futureUnitIfElse(y: Int): Future[Unit] = async {
    val f = base(y)
    if (y > 0) {
      State.result = await(f) + 2
    } else {
      State.result = await(f) - 2

object State {
  @volatile var result: Int = 0

class AnfTransformSpec {

  def `simple ANF transform`() {
    val o = new AnfTestClass
    val fut = o.m(10)
    val res = Await.result(fut, 2 seconds)
    res mustBe (12)

  def `simple ANF transform 2`() {
    val o = new AnfTestClass
    val fut = o.m2(10)
    val res = Await.result(fut, 2 seconds)
    res mustBe (25)

  def `simple ANF transform 3`() {
    val o = new AnfTestClass
    val fut = o.m3(10)
    val res = Await.result(fut, 2 seconds)
    res mustBe (14)

  def `ANF transform of assigning the result of an if-else`() {
    val o = new AnfTestClass
    val fut = o.m4(10)
    val res = Await.result(fut, 2 seconds)
    res mustBe (15)

  def `Unit-typed if-else in tail position`() {
    val o = new AnfTestClass
    val fut = o.futureUnitIfElse(10)
    Await.result(fut, 2 seconds)
    State.result mustBe (14)

  def `inlining block does not produce duplicate definition`() {
    AsyncId.async {
      val f = 12
      val x = AsyncId.await(f)

        type X = Int
        val x: X = 42
      type X = Int
      x: X

  def `inlining block in tail position does not produce duplicate definition`() {
    AsyncId.async {
      val f = 12
      val x = AsyncId.await(f)

        val x = 42
    } mustBe (42)

  def `match as expression 1`() {
    import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
    val result = AsyncId.async {
      val x = "" match {
        case _ => AsyncId.await(1) + 1
    result mustBe (2)

  def `match as expression 2`() {
    import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
    val result = AsyncId.async {
      val x = "" match {
        case "" if false => AsyncId.await(1) + 1
        case _           => 2 + AsyncId.await(1)
      val y = x
      "" match {
        case _ => AsyncId.await(y) + 100
    result mustBe (103)

  def nestedAwaitAsBareExpression() {
    import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    val result = async {
    result mustBe (true)

  def nestedAwaitInBlock() {
    import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    val result = async {
    result mustBe (true)

  def nestedAwaitInIf() {
    import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    val result = async {
      if ("".isEmpty)
      else 0
    result mustBe (true)

  def byNameExpressionsArentLifted() {
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    def foo(ignored: => Any, b: Int) = b
    val result = async {
      foo(???, await(1))
    result mustBe (1)

  def evaluationOrderRespected() {
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    def foo(a: Int, b: Int) = (a, b)
    val result = async {
      var i = 0
      def next() = {
        i += 1;
      foo(next(), await(next()))
    result mustBe ((1, 2))

  def awaitInNonPrimaryParamSection1() {
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    def foo(a0: Int)(b0: Int) = s"a0 = $a0, b0 = $b0"
    val res = async {
      var i = 0
      def get = {i += 1; i}
    res mustBe "a0 = 1, b0 = 2"

  def awaitInNonPrimaryParamSection2() {
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    def foo[T](a0: Int)(b0: Int*) = s"a0 = $a0, b0 = ${b0.head}"
    val res = async {
      var i = 0
      def get = async {i += 1; i}
      foo[Int](await(get))(await(get) :: await(async(Nil)) : _*)
    res mustBe "a0 = 1, b0 = 2"

  def awaitInNonPrimaryParamSectionWithLazy1() {
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    def foo[T](a: => Int)(b: Int) = b
    val res = async {
      def get = async {0}
    res mustBe 0

  def awaitInNonPrimaryParamSectionWithLazy2() {
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    def foo[T](a: Int)(b: => Int) = a
    val res = async {
      def get = async {0}
    res mustBe 0

  def awaitWithLazy() {
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    def foo[T](a: Int, b: => Int) = a
    val res = async {
      def get = async {0}
      foo[Int](await(get), ???)
    res mustBe 0

  def awaitOkInReciever() {
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    class Foo { def bar(a: Int)(b: Int) = a + b }
    async {
      await(async(new Foo)).bar(1)(2)

  def namedArgumentsRespectEvaluationOrder() {
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    def foo(a: Int, b: Int) = (a, b)
    val result = async {
      var i = 0
      def next() = {
        i += 1;
      foo(b = next(), a = await(next()))
    result mustBe ((2, 1))

  def namedAndDefaultArgumentsRespectEvaluationOrder() {
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    var i = 0
    def next() = {
      i += 1;
    def foo(a: Int = next(), b: Int = next()) = (a, b)
    async {
      foo(b = await(next()))
    } mustBe ((2, 1))
    i = 0
    async {
      foo(a = await(next()))
    } mustBe ((1, 2))

  def repeatedParams1() {
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    var i = 0
    def foo(a: Int, b: Int*) = b.toList
    def id(i: Int) = i
    async {
      foo(await(0), id(1), id(2), id(3), await(4))
    } mustBe (List(1, 2, 3, 4))

  def repeatedParams2() {
    import AsyncId.{async, await}
    var i = 0
    def foo(a: Int, b: Int*) = b.toList
    def id(i: Int) = i
    async {
      foo(await(0), List(id(1), id(2), id(3)): _*)
    } mustBe (List(1, 2, 3))

  def awaitInThrow() {
    import _root_.scala.async.internal.AsyncId.{async, await}
      async {
        throw new Exception("msg: " + await(0))
    ).getMessage mustBe "msg: 0"

  def awaitInTyped() {
    import _root_.scala.async.internal.AsyncId.{async, await}
    async {
      (("msg: " + await(0)): String).toString
    } mustBe "msg: 0"

  def awaitInAssign() {
    import _root_.scala.async.internal.AsyncId.{async, await}
    async {
      var x = 0
      x = await(1)
    } mustBe 1

  def caseBodyMustBeTypedAsUnit() {
    import _root_.scala.async.internal.AsyncId.{async, await}
    val Up = 1
    val Down = 2
    val sign = async {
      await(1) match {
        case Up   => 1.0
        case Down => -1.0
    sign mustBe 1.0

  def awaitInImplicitApply() {
    val tb = mkToolbox(s"-cp ${toolboxClasspath}")
    val tree = tb.typeCheck(tb.parse {
        | import language.implicitConversions
        | import _root_.scala.async.internal.AsyncId.{async, await}
        | implicit def view(a: Int): String = ""
        | async {
        |   await(0).length
        | }
    val applyImplicitView = tree.collect { case x if x.getClass.getName.endsWith("ApplyImplicitView") => x }
    applyImplicitView.map(_.toString) mustBe List("view(a$1)")