path: root/src/main/scala/scala/async/internal/TransformUtils.scala
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authorJason Zaugg <jzaugg@gmail.com>2015-09-24 10:28:07 +1000
committerJason Zaugg <jzaugg@gmail.com>2015-09-24 10:28:07 +1000
commit7263aaad02a75978a0a48f90bf171c66cda4328c (patch)
treef3e876db8c7b7b4d5d7311dc7e9b3742057cf233 /src/main/scala/scala/async/internal/TransformUtils.scala
parent93f207fee780652d08f93e1ea40e018db59fee99 (diff)
parent168e10cd8b60789aa3c9c96aeb5d5522c3ec6922 (diff)
Merge pull request #141 from retronym/ticket/await-extractorv0.9.6-RC1_2.11v0.9.5-RC1_2.11
Enable a compiler plugin to use the async transform after patmat
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/scala/scala/async/internal/TransformUtils.scala')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/scala/async/internal/TransformUtils.scala b/src/main/scala/scala/async/internal/TransformUtils.scala
index 547f980..90419d3 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/scala/async/internal/TransformUtils.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/scala/async/internal/TransformUtils.scala
@@ -41,6 +41,19 @@ private[async] trait TransformUtils {
def isAwait(fun: Tree) =
fun.symbol == defn.Async_await
+ def newBlock(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree): Block = {
+ Block(stats, expr)
+ }
+ def isLiteralUnit(t: Tree) = t match {
+ case Literal(Constant(())) =>
+ true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ def isPastTyper =
+ c.universe.asInstanceOf[scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable].isPastTyper
// Copy pasted from TreeInfo in the compiler.
// Using a quasiquote pattern like `case q"$fun[..$targs](...$args)" => is not
// sufficient since https://github.com/scala/scala/pull/3656 as it doesn't match
@@ -150,6 +163,7 @@ private[async] trait TransformUtils {
val NonFatalClass = rootMirror.staticModule("scala.util.control.NonFatal")
+ val ThrowableClass = rootMirror.staticClass("java.lang.Throwable")
val Async_await = asyncBase.awaitMethod(c.universe)(c.macroApplication.symbol).ensuring(_ != NoSymbol)
val IllegalStateExceptionClass = rootMirror.staticClass("java.lang.IllegalStateException")
@@ -161,16 +175,26 @@ private[async] trait TransformUtils {
val labelDefs = t.collect {
case ld: LabelDef => ld.symbol
- t.exists {
+ val result = t.exists {
case rt: RefTree => rt.symbol != null && isLabel(rt.symbol) && !(labelDefs contains rt.symbol)
case _ => false
+ result
- private def isLabel(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
+ def isLabel(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
val LABEL = 1L << 17 // not in the public reflection API.
(internal.flags(sym).asInstanceOf[Long] & LABEL) != 0L
+ def symId(sym: Symbol): Int = {
+ val symtab = this.c.universe.asInstanceOf[reflect.internal.SymbolTable]
+ sym.asInstanceOf[symtab.Symbol].id
+ }
+ def substituteTrees(t: Tree, from: List[Symbol], to: List[Tree]): Tree = {
+ val symtab = this.c.universe.asInstanceOf[reflect.internal.SymbolTable]
+ val subst = new symtab.TreeSubstituter(from.asInstanceOf[List[symtab.Symbol]], to.asInstanceOf[List[symtab.Tree]])
+ subst.transform(t.asInstanceOf[symtab.Tree]).asInstanceOf[Tree]
+ }
/** Map a list of arguments to:
@@ -362,4 +386,121 @@ private[async] trait TransformUtils {
else withAnnotation(tp, Annotation(UncheckedBoundsClass.asType.toType, Nil, ListMap()))
// =====================================
+ /**
+ * Efficiently decorate each subtree within `t` with the result of `t exists isAwait`,
+ * and return a function that can be used on derived trees to efficiently test the
+ * same condition.
+ *
+ * If the derived tree contains synthetic wrapper trees, these will be recursed into
+ * in search of a sub tree that was decorated with the cached answer.
+ */
+ final def containsAwaitCached(t: Tree): Tree => Boolean = {
+ def treeCannotContainAwait(t: Tree) = t match {
+ case _: Ident | _: TypeTree | _: Literal => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ def shouldAttach(t: Tree) = !treeCannotContainAwait(t)
+ val symtab = c.universe.asInstanceOf[scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable]
+ def attachContainsAwait(t: Tree): Unit = if (shouldAttach(t)) {
+ val t1 = t.asInstanceOf[symtab.Tree]
+ t1.updateAttachment(ContainsAwait)
+ t1.removeAttachment[NoAwait.type]
+ }
+ def attachNoAwait(t: Tree): Unit = if (shouldAttach(t)) {
+ val t1 = t.asInstanceOf[symtab.Tree]
+ t1.updateAttachment(NoAwait)
+ }
+ object markContainsAwaitTraverser extends Traverser {
+ var stack: List[Tree] = Nil
+ override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = {
+ stack ::= tree
+ try {
+ if (isAwait(tree))
+ stack.foreach(attachContainsAwait)
+ else
+ attachNoAwait(tree)
+ super.traverse(tree)
+ } finally stack = stack.tail
+ }
+ }
+ markContainsAwaitTraverser.traverse(t)
+ (t: Tree) => {
+ object traverser extends Traverser {
+ var containsAwait = false
+ override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = {
+ def castTree = tree.asInstanceOf[symtab.Tree]
+ if (!castTree.hasAttachment[NoAwait.type]) {
+ if (castTree.hasAttachment[ContainsAwait.type])
+ containsAwait = true
+ else if (!treeCannotContainAwait(t))
+ super.traverse(tree)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ traverser.traverse(t)
+ traverser.containsAwait
+ }
+ }
+ final def cleanupContainsAwaitAttachments(t: Tree): t.type = {
+ val symtab = c.universe.asInstanceOf[scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable]
+ t.foreach {t =>
+ t.asInstanceOf[symtab.Tree].removeAttachment[ContainsAwait.type]
+ t.asInstanceOf[symtab.Tree].removeAttachment[NoAwait.type]
+ }
+ t
+ }
+ // First modification to translated patterns:
+ // - Set the type of label jumps to `Unit`
+ // - Propagate this change to trees known to directly enclose them:
+ // ``If` / `Block`) adjust types of enclosing
+ final def adjustTypeOfTranslatedPatternMatches(t: Tree, owner: Symbol): Tree = {
+ import definitions.UnitTpe
+ typingTransform(t, owner) {
+ (tree, api) =>
+ tree match {
+ case Block(stats, expr) =>
+ val stats1 = stats map api.recur
+ val expr1 = api.recur(expr)
+ if (expr1.tpe =:= UnitTpe)
+ internal.setType(treeCopy.Block(tree, stats1, expr1), UnitTpe)
+ else
+ treeCopy.Block(tree, stats1, expr1)
+ case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
+ val cond1 = api.recur(cond)
+ val thenp1 = api.recur(thenp)
+ val elsep1 = api.recur(elsep)
+ if (thenp1.tpe =:= definitions.UnitTpe && elsep.tpe =:= UnitTpe)
+ internal.setType(treeCopy.If(tree, cond1, thenp1, elsep1), UnitTpe)
+ else
+ treeCopy.If(tree, cond1, thenp1, elsep1)
+ case Apply(fun, args) if isLabel(fun.symbol) =>
+ internal.setType(treeCopy.Apply(tree, api.recur(fun), args map api.recur), UnitTpe)
+ case t => api.default(t)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ final def mkMutableField(tpt: Type, name: TermName, init: Tree): List[Tree] = {
+ if (isPastTyper) {
+ // If we are running after the typer phase (ie being called from a compiler plugin)
+ // we have to create the trio of members manually.
+ val ACCESSOR = (1L << 27).asInstanceOf[FlagSet]
+ val STABLE = (1L << 22).asInstanceOf[FlagSet]
+ val field = ValDef(Modifiers(Flag.MUTABLE | Flag.PRIVATE | Flag.LOCAL), name + " ", TypeTree(tpt), init)
+ val getter = DefDef(Modifiers(ACCESSOR | STABLE), name, Nil, Nil, TypeTree(tpt), Select(This(tpnme.EMPTY), field.name))
+ val setter = DefDef(Modifiers(ACCESSOR), name + "_=", Nil, List(List(ValDef(NoMods, TermName("x"), TypeTree(tpt), EmptyTree))), TypeTree(definitions.UnitTpe), Assign(Select(This(tpnme.EMPTY), field.name), Ident(TermName("x"))))
+ field :: getter :: setter :: Nil
+ } else {
+ val result = ValDef(NoMods, name, TypeTree(tpt), init)
+ result :: Nil
+ }
+ }
+case object ContainsAwait
+case object NoAwait \ No newline at end of file