path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Namers.scala
blob: f31394407ed7377d81f8a046d5d1f9b3a4f735b7 (plain) (tree)





















































































































































































































/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2009 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky
// $Id$

package typechecker

import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import symtab.Flags
import symtab.Flags._

/** This trait declares methods to create symbols and to enter them into scopes.
 *  @author Martin Odersky
 *  @version 1.0
trait Namers { self: Analyzer =>
  import global._
  import definitions._

  /** Convert to corresponding type parameters all skolems of method parameters
   *  which appear in `tparams`.
  class DeSkolemizeMap(tparams: List[Symbol]) extends TypeMap {
    def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
      case TypeRef(pre, sym, args)
      if (sym.isTypeSkolem && (tparams contains sym.deSkolemize)) =>
//        println("DESKOLEMIZING "+sym+" in "+sym.owner)
        mapOver(rawTypeRef(NoPrefix, sym.deSkolemize, args))
      case PolyType(tparams1, restpe) =>
        new DeSkolemizeMap(tparams1 ::: tparams).mapOver(tp)
      case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) =>
        val parents1 = parents mapConserve (this)
        if (parents1 eq parents) tp else ClassInfoType(parents1, decls, clazz)
      case _ =>

  private class NormalNamer(context : Context) extends Namer(context)
  def newNamer(context : Context) : Namer = new NormalNamer(context)

  // In the typeCompleter (templateSig) of a case class (resp it's module),
  // synthetic `copy' (reps `apply', `unapply') methods are added. To compute
  // their signatures, the corresponding ClassDef is needed.
  // During naming, for each case class module symbol, the corresponding ClassDef
  // is stored in this map.
  private[typechecker] val caseClassOfModuleClass = new HashMap[Symbol, ClassDef]

  // Default getters of constructors are added to the companion object in the
  // typeCompleter of the constructor (methodSig). To compute the signature,
  // we need the ClassDef. To create and enter the symbols into the companion
  // object, we need the templateNamer of that module class.
  // This map is extended during naming of classes, the Namer is added in when
  // it's available, i.e. in the type completer (templateSig) of the module class.
  private[typechecker] val classAndNamerOfModule = new HashMap[Symbol, (ClassDef, Namer)]

  def resetNamer() {

  abstract class Namer(val context: Context) {

    val typer = newTyper(context)

    def setPrivateWithin[Sym <: Symbol](tree: Tree, sym: Sym, mods: Modifiers): Sym = {
      if (!mods.privateWithin.isEmpty)
        sym.privateWithin = typer.qualifyingClass(tree, mods.privateWithin, true)

    def inConstructorFlag: Long =
      if (context.owner.isConstructor && !context.inConstructorSuffix || context.owner.isEarly) INCONSTRUCTOR
      else 0l

    def moduleClassFlags(moduleFlags: Long) =
      (moduleFlags & ModuleToClassFlags) | FINAL | inConstructorFlag

    def updatePosFlags(sym: Symbol, pos: Position, flags: Long): Symbol = {
      if (settings.debug.value) log("overwriting " + sym)
      val lockedFlag = sym.flags & LOCKED
      sym setPos pos
      sym.flags = flags | lockedFlag
      if (sym.isModule && sym.moduleClass != NoSymbol)
        updatePosFlags(sym.moduleClass, pos, moduleClassFlags(flags))
      if (sym.owner.isPackageClass &&
          (sym.linkedSym.rawInfo.isInstanceOf[loaders.SymbolLoader] ||
           sym.linkedSym.rawInfo.isComplete && runId(sym.validTo) != currentRunId))
        // pre-set linked symbol to NoType, in case it is not loaded together with this symbol.

    private def isTemplateContext(context: Context): Boolean = context.tree match {
      case Template(_, _, _) => true
      case Import(_, _) => isTemplateContext(context.outer)
      case _ => false

    private var innerNamerCache: Namer = null
    protected def makeConstructorScope(classContext : Context) : Context = {
      val outerContext = classContext.outer.outer
      outerContext.makeNewScope(outerContext.tree, outerContext.owner)(Constructor1ScopeKind)

    def namerOf(sym: Symbol): Namer = {

      def innerNamer: Namer = {
        if (innerNamerCache eq null)
          innerNamerCache =
            if (!isTemplateContext(context)) this
            else newNamer(context.make(context.tree, context.owner, scopeFor(context.tree, InnerScopeKind)))

      def primaryConstructorParamNamer: Namer = { //todo: can we merge this with SCCmode?
        val classContext = context.enclClass
        val paramContext = makeConstructorScope(classContext)
        val unsafeTypeParams = context.owner.unsafeTypeParams
        unsafeTypeParams foreach(sym => paramContext.scope.enter(sym))
      if (sym.isTerm) {
        if (sym.hasFlag(PARAM) && sym.owner.isPrimaryConstructor)
        else if (sym.hasFlag(PARAMACCESSOR))
        else innerNamer
      } else innerNamer

    protected def conflict(newS : Symbol, oldS : Symbol) : Boolean = {
      (!oldS.isSourceMethod ||
        nme.isSetterName( ||
        newS.owner.isPackageClass) &&
        !((newS.owner.isTypeParameter || newS.owner.isAbstractType) &&
 &&'_') //@M: allow repeated use of `_' for higher-order type params

    // IDE hook
    protected def setInfo[Sym <: Symbol](sym : Sym)(tpe : LazyType) : Sym = sym.setInfo(tpe)

    private def doubleDefError(pos: Position, sym: Symbol) {
      context.error(pos, + " is already defined as " +
        (if (sym.hasFlag(SYNTHETIC))
          "(compiler-generated) "+ (if (sym.isModule) "case class companion " else "")
         else "") +
        (if (sym.hasFlag(CASE)) "case class " + else sym.toString()))

    private def inCurrentScope(m: Symbol): Boolean = {
      if (context.owner.isClass) context.owner == m.owner
      else m.owner.isClass && context.scope ==

    /** Enter symbol into context's scope and return symbol itself */
    def enterInScope(sym: Symbol): Symbol = enterInScope(sym, context.scope)

    /** Enter symbol into given scope and return symbol itself */
    def enterInScope(sym: Symbol, scope: Scope): Symbol = {
      // allow for overloaded methods
      if (!(sym.isSourceMethod && sym.owner.isClass && !sym.owner.isPackageClass)) {
        var prev = scope.lookupEntryWithContext(;
        if ((prev ne null) && prev.owner == scope && conflict(sym, prev.sym)) {
           doubleDefError(sym.pos, prev.sym)
           sym setInfo ErrorType
           scope unlink prev.sym // let them co-exist...
           scope enter sym
        } else scope enter sym
      } else scope enter sym

    def enterPackageSymbol(pos: Position, pid: RefTree, pkgOwner: Symbol): Symbol = {
      val owner = pid match {
        case Ident(name) =>
        case Select(qual: RefTree, name) =>
          enterPackageSymbol(pos, qual, pkgOwner).moduleClass
      var pkg =
      if (!pkg.isPackage || owner != pkg.owner) {
        pkg = owner.newPackage(pos,
        pkg.moduleClass.setInfo(new PackageClassInfoType(newScope, pkg.moduleClass, null))

    def enterClassSymbol(tree : ClassDef): Symbol = {
      var c: Symbol = context.scope.lookupWithContext(;
      if (c.isType && c.owner.isPackageClass && context.scope == && !currentRun.compiles(c)) {
        updatePosFlags(c, tree.pos, tree.mods.flags)
        setPrivateWithin(tree, c, tree.mods)
      } else {
        var sym = context.owner.newClass(tree.pos,
        sym = sym.setFlag(tree.mods.flags | inConstructorFlag)
        sym = setPrivateWithin(tree, sym, tree.mods)
        c = enterInScope(sym)
      if (c.owner.isPackageClass) {
        val file = context.unit.source.file
        val clazz = c.asInstanceOf[ClassSymbol]
        if (settings.debug.value && (clazz.sourceFile ne null) && !clazz.sourceFile.equals(file)) {
          Console.err.println("SOURCE MISMATCH: " + clazz.sourceFile + " vs. " + file + " SYM=" + c);
        clazz.sourceFile = file
        if (clazz.sourceFile ne null) {
          assert(!currentRun.compiles(clazz) || clazz.sourceFile == currentRun.symSource(c));
          currentRun.symSource(c) = clazz.sourceFile
      assert('(') == -1)

    /** Enter a module symbol. The tree parameter can be either a module definition
     *  or a class definition */
    def enterModuleSymbol(tree : ModuleDef): Symbol = {
      // .pos, mods.flags | MODULE | FINAL, name
      var m: Symbol = context.scope.lookupWithContext(
      val moduleFlags = tree.mods.flags | MODULE | FINAL
      if (m.isModule && !m.isPackage && inCurrentScope(m) &&
          (!currentRun.compiles(m) || (m hasFlag SYNTHETIC))) {
        updatePosFlags(m, tree.pos, moduleFlags)
        setPrivateWithin(tree, m, tree.mods)
        context.unit.synthetics -= m
      } else {
        m = context.owner.newModule(tree.pos,
        m = setPrivateWithin(tree, m, tree.mods)
        m = enterInScope(m)

        setPrivateWithin(tree, m.moduleClass, tree.mods)
      if (m.owner.isPackageClass) {
        m.moduleClass.sourceFile = context.unit.source.file
        currentRun.symSource(m) = m.moduleClass.sourceFile

    def enterSyms(trees: List[Tree]): Namer = {
      var namer : Namer = this
      for (tree <- trees) {
        val txt = namer.enterSym(tree)
        if (!(txt eq namer.context)) namer = newNamer(txt)

    def newTypeSkolems(tparams: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] = {
      val tskolems = tparams map (_.newTypeSkolem)
      val ltp = new LazyType {
        override def complete(sym: Symbol) {
          sym setInfo, tskolems) //@M the info of a skolem is the skolemized info of the actual type parameter of the skolem
      tskolems foreach (_.setInfo(ltp))

    /** Replace type parameters with their TypeSkolems, which can later be deskolemized to the original type param
     * (a skolem is a representation of a bound variable when viewed inside its scope)
    def skolemize(tparams: List[TypeDef]) {
      val tskolems = newTypeSkolems(tparams map (_.symbol))
      for ((tparam, tskolem) <- tparams zip tskolems) tparam.symbol = tskolem

    def applicableTypeParams(owner: Symbol): List[Symbol] =
      if (owner.isTerm || owner.isPackageClass) List()
      else applicableTypeParams(owner.owner) ::: owner.typeParams

    /** If no companion object for clazz exists yet, create one by applying `creator` to
     *  class definition tree.
     *  @return the companion object symbol.
    def ensureCompanionObject(tree: ClassDef, creator: => Tree): Symbol = {
      val m: Symbol = context.scope.lookupWithContext(! _.isSourceMethod)
      if (m.isModule && inCurrentScope(m) && currentRun.compiles(m)) m
      else enterSyntheticSym(creator)

    def enterSym(tree: Tree): Context = try {

      def finishWith(tparams: List[TypeDef]) {
        val sym = tree.symbol
        if (settings.debug.value) log("entered " + sym + " in " + context.owner + ", scope-id = " + context.scope.hashCode());
        var ltype = namerOf(sym).typeCompleter(tree)
        if (!tparams.isEmpty) {
          //@M! TypeDef's type params are handled differently
          //@M e.g., in [A[x <: B], B], A and B are entered first as both are in scope in the definition of x
          //@M x is only in scope in `A[x <: B]'
          if(!sym.isAbstractType) //@M TODO: change to isTypeMember ?
            newNamer(context.makeNewScope(tree, sym)(FinishWithScopeKind)).enterSyms(tparams)

          ltype = new PolyTypeCompleter(tparams, ltype, tree, sym, context) //@M
          if (sym.isTerm) skolemize(tparams)
        def copyIsSynthetic() =
        if ( == nme.copy && sym.hasFlag(SYNTHETIC) ||
   + "$default$") && copyIsSynthetic()){
          // the 'copy' method of case classes needs a special type completer to make bug0054.scala (and others)
          // work. the copy method has to take exactly the same parameter types as the primary constructor.
          setInfo(sym)(mkTypeCompleter(tree)(copySym => {
            val constrType = copySym.owner.primaryConstructor.tpe
            val subst = new SubstSymMap(copySym.owner.typeParams, tparams map (_.symbol))
            for ((params, cparams) <- tree.asInstanceOf[DefDef];
                 (param, cparam) <- {
              // need to clone the type cparam.tpe??? problem is: we don't have the new owner yet (the new param symbol)
              () // @LUC TODO workaround for #1996
        } else setInfo(sym)(ltype)
      def finish = finishWith(List())

      if (tree.symbol == NoSymbol) {
        val owner = context.owner
        tree match {
          case PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
            tree.symbol = enterPackageSymbol(tree.pos, pid,
              if (context.owner == EmptyPackageClass) RootClass else context.owner)
            val namer = newNamer(
                context.make(tree, tree.symbol.moduleClass,
          case tree @ ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) =>
            tree.symbol = enterClassSymbol(tree)
            if ((mods.flags & CASE) != 0L) {
              val m = ensureCompanionObject(tree, caseModuleDef(tree))
              caseClassOfModuleClass(m.moduleClass) = tree
            val constrs = impl.body filter {
              case DefDef(_, name, _, _, _, _) => name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR
              case _ => false
            val hasDefault = constrs.exists(c => {
              val DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, _) = c
              vparamss.exists(_.exists(_.mods hasFlag DEFAULTPARAM))
            if (hasDefault) {
              val m = ensureCompanionObject(tree, companionModuleDef(tree, List(gen.scalaScalaObjectConstr)))
              classAndNamerOfModule(m) = (tree, null)
          case tree @ ModuleDef(mods, name, _) =>
            tree.symbol = enterModuleSymbol(tree)
            if ( == nme.PACKAGEkw) {

          case vd @ ValDef(mods, name, tp, rhs) =>
            if ((!context.owner.isClass ||
                 (mods.flags & (PRIVATE | LOCAL)) == (PRIVATE | LOCAL).toLong ||
                 name.endsWith(nme.OUTER, nme.OUTER.length) ||
                 context.unit.isJava) &&
                (mods.flags & LAZY) == 0L) {
              tree.symbol = enterInScope(owner.newValue(tree.pos, name)
            } else {
              // add getter and possibly also setter
              val accflags: Long = ACCESSOR |
                (if ((mods.flags & MUTABLE) != 0L) mods.flags & ~MUTABLE & ~PRESUPER
                 else mods.flags & ~PRESUPER | STABLE)
              if (nme.isSetterName(name))
                context.error(tree.pos, "Names of vals or vars may not end in `_='")
              // .isInstanceOf[..]: probably for (old) IDE hook. is this obsolete?
              val getter = enterAliasMethod(tree, name, accflags, mods)
              if ((mods.flags & MUTABLE) != 0L) {
                val setter = enterAliasMethod(tree, nme.getterToSetter(name),
                                            accflags & ~STABLE & ~CASEACCESSOR,
              tree.symbol =
                if (mods.hasFlag(DEFERRED)) {
                  getter setPos tree.pos // unfocus getter position, because there won't be a separate value
                } else {
                  var vsym =
                    if (!context.owner.isClass) {
                      assert((mods.flags & LAZY) != 0L) // if not a field, it has to be a lazy val
                      owner.newValue(tree.pos, name + "$lzy" ).setFlag(mods.flags | MUTABLE)
                    } else {
                      owner.newValue(tree.pos, nme.getterToLocal(name))
                        .setFlag(mods.flags & FieldFlags | PRIVATE | LOCAL |
                                 (if (mods.hasFlag(LAZY)) MUTABLE else 0))
                  if ((mods.flags & LAZY) != 0L)
              addBeanGetterSetter(vd, getter)
          case DefDef(mods, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, tparams, _, _, _) =>
            var sym = owner.newConstructor(tree.pos).setFlag(mods.flags | owner.getFlag(ConstrFlags))
            setPrivateWithin(tree, sym, mods)
            tree.symbol = enterInScope(sym)
          case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, _, _, _) =>
            tree.symbol = enterNewMethod(tree, name, mods.flags, mods, tree.pos)
          case TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, _) =>
            var flags: Long = mods.flags
            if ((flags & PARAM) != 0L) flags |= DEFERRED
            var sym = new TypeSymbol(owner, tree.pos, name).setFlag(flags)
            setPrivateWithin(tree, sym, mods)
            tree.symbol = enterInScope(sym)
          case DocDef(_, defn) =>
          case imp @ Import(_, _) =>
            tree.symbol = NoSymbol.newImport(tree.pos)
            return (context.makeNewImport(imp))
          case _ =>
    } catch {
      case ex: TypeError =>
        //Console.println("caught " + ex + " in enterSym")//DEBUG
        typer.reportTypeError(tree.pos, ex)

    def enterSyntheticSym(tree: Tree): Symbol = {
      context.unit.synthetics(tree.symbol) = tree

    def enterNewMethod(tree: Tree, name: Name, flags: Long, mods: Modifiers, pos: Position): TermSymbol = {
      val sym = context.owner.newMethod(pos, name).setFlag(flags)
      setPrivateWithin(tree, sym, mods)

    def enterAliasMethod(tree: Tree, name: Name, flags: Long, mods: Modifiers): TermSymbol =
      enterNewMethod(tree, name, flags, mods, tree.pos.focus)

    private def addBeanGetterSetter(vd: ValDef, getter: Symbol) {
      def isAnn(ann: Tree, demand: String) = ann match {
        case Apply(Select(New(Ident(name)), _), _) =>
          name.toString == demand
        case Apply(Select(New(Select(pre, name)), _), _) =>
          name.toString == demand
        case _ => false
      val ValDef(mods, name, tpt, _) = vd
      val hasBP = mods.annotations.exists(isAnn(_, "BeanProperty"))
      val hasBoolBP = mods.annotations.exists(isAnn(_, "BooleanBeanProperty"))
      if ((hasBP || hasBoolBP) && !forMSIL) {
        if (!name(0).isLetter)
          context.error(vd.pos, "`BeanProperty' annotation can be applied "+
                                "only to fields that start with a letter")
        else if (mods hasFlag PRIVATE)
          // avoids name clashes with private fields in traits
          context.error(vd.pos, "`BeanProperty' annotation can only be applied "+
                                "to non-private fields")
        else {
          val flags = mods.flags & (DEFERRED | OVERRIDE | STATIC)
          val beanName = name(0).toString.toUpperCase + name.subName(1, name.length)

          val getterName = if (hasBoolBP) "is" + beanName
                           else "get" + beanName
          val getterMods = Modifiers(flags, mods.privateWithin, Nil, mods.positions)
          val beanGetterDef = atPos(vd.pos.focus) {
            DefDef(getterMods, getterName, Nil, List(Nil), tpt.duplicate,
                   if (mods hasFlag DEFERRED) EmptyTree
                   else Select(This(, name)) }

          if (mods hasFlag MUTABLE) {
            // can't use "enterSyntheticSym", because the parameter type is not yet
            // known. instead, uses the same machinery as for the non-bean setter:
            // create and enter the symbol here, add the tree in Typer.addGettterSetter.
            val setterName = "set" + beanName
            val setter = enterAliasMethod(vd, setterName, flags, mods)

// --- Lazy Type Assignment --------------------------------------------------

    def typeCompleter(tree: Tree) = mkTypeCompleter(tree) { sym =>
      if (settings.debug.value) log("defining " + sym + Flags.flagsToString(sym.flags)+sym.locationString)
      val tp = typeSig(tree)
      tp match {
        case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
          // check that lower bound is not an F-bound
          for (t <- lo) {
            t match {
              case TypeRef(_, sym, _) => sym.initialize
              case _ =>
        case _ =>
      if ((sym.isAliasType || sym.isAbstractType) && !(sym hasFlag PARAM) &&
          !typer.checkNonCyclic(tree.pos, tp))
        sym.setInfo(ErrorType) // this early test is there to avoid infinite baseTypes when
                               // adding setters and getters --> bug798
      if (settings.debug.value) log("defined " + sym);

    def moduleClassTypeCompleter(tree: Tree) = {
      mkTypeCompleter(tree) { sym =>
        val moduleSymbol = tree.symbol
        assert(moduleSymbol.moduleClass == sym) // sets moduleClass info as a side effect.

    def getterTypeCompleter(vd: ValDef) = mkTypeCompleter(vd) { sym =>
      if (settings.debug.value) log("defining " + sym)
      val tp = typeSig(vd)
      sym.setInfo(PolyType(List(), tp))
      if (settings.debug.value) log("defined " + sym)

    def setterTypeCompleter(vd: ValDef) = mkTypeCompleter(vd) { sym =>
      if (settings.debug.value) log("defining " + sym)
      val param = sym.newSyntheticValueParam(typeSig(vd))
      sym.setInfo(MethodType(List(param), UnitClass.tpe))
      if (settings.debug.value) log("defined " + sym)

    def selfTypeCompleter(tree: Tree) = mkTypeCompleter(tree) { sym =>
      var selftpe = typer.typedType(tree).tpe
      if (!(selftpe.typeSymbol isNonBottomSubClass sym.owner))
        selftpe = intersectionType(List(sym.owner.tpe, selftpe))
//    println("completing self of "+sym.owner+": "+selftpe)

    private def widenIfNotFinal(sym: Symbol, tpe: Type, pt: Type): Type = {
      val getter =
        if (sym.isValue && sym.owner.isClass && (sym hasFlag PRIVATE))
        else sym
      def isHidden(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match {
        case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
          (sym isLessAccessibleThan getter) || isHidden(pre)
        case ThisType(sym) =>
          sym isLessAccessibleThan getter
        case p: SimpleTypeProxy =>
        case _ =>
      val tpe1 = tpe.deconst
      val tpe2 = tpe1.widen
      if ((sym.isVariable || sym.isMethod && !(sym hasFlag ACCESSOR)))
        if (tpe2 <:< pt) tpe2 else tpe1
      else if (isHidden(tpe)) tpe2
      else if (!(sym hasFlag FINAL)) tpe1
      else tpe

    // sets each ValDef's symbol
    def enterValueParams(owner: Symbol, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): List[List[Symbol]] = {
      def enterValueParam(param: ValDef): Symbol = {
        param.symbol = setInfo(
            val sym = owner.newValueParameter(param.pos,
              setFlag(param.mods.flags & (BYNAMEPARAM | IMPLICIT | DEFAULTPARAM))
            setPrivateWithin(param, sym, param.mods)

    private def templateSig(templ: Template): Type = {
      val clazz = context.owner
      def checkParent(tpt: Tree): Type = {
        val tp = tpt.tpe
        if (tp.typeSymbol == context.owner) {
          context.error(tpt.pos, ""+tp.typeSymbol+" inherits itself")
        } else if (tp.isError) {
        } else {
      def enterSelf(self: ValDef) {
        if (!self.tpt.isEmpty) {
          clazz.typeOfThis = selfTypeCompleter(self.tpt)
          self.symbol = clazz.thisSym.setPos(self.pos)
        } else {
          self.tpt.tpe = NoType
          if ( != nme.WILDCARD) {
            clazz.typeOfThis = clazz.tpe
            self.symbol = clazz.thisSym
          } else if (self ne emptyValDef) {
            self.symbol = clazz.newThisSym(self.pos) setInfo clazz.tpe
        if ( != nme.WILDCARD) {
          self.symbol = context.scope enter self.symbol

      /* experimental code for allowiong early types as type parameters
      val earlyTypes = templ.body filter (treeInfo.isEarlyTypeDef)

      val parentTyper =
        if (earlyTypes.isEmpty) typer
        else {
          val earlyContext = context.outer.makeNewScope(context.tree, context.outer.owner.newLocalDummy(templ.pos))(InnerScopeKind)
          newTyper(earlyContext).typedStats(earlyTypes, context.owner)

          val parentContext = context.makeNewScope(context.tree, context.owner)(InnerScopeKind)
          for (etdef <- earlyTypes) parentContext.scope enter etdef.symbol
      var parents = parentTyper.parentTypes(templ) map checkParent
      if (!earlyTypes.isEmpty) {
        val earlyMap = new EarlyMap(context.owner)
        for (etdef <- earlyTypes) {
          val esym = etdef.symbol
          esym.owner = context.owner
          esym setInfo earlyMap(

        println("earlies: "+(earlyTypes map (_.symbol)))
        println("earlies: "+(earlyTypes map (_.symbol.tpe)))
        println("earlies: "+(earlyTypes map (
        println("parents: "+parents)


      var parents = typer.parentTypes(templ) map checkParent
      val decls = newClassScope(clazz)
//      for (etdef <- earlyTypes) decls enter etdef.symbol
      val templateNamer = newNamer(context.make(templ, clazz, decls))

      /* add overridden virtuals to parents
      val overridden = clazz.overriddenVirtuals
      if (!overridden.isEmpty)
        parents = parents ::: ( overridden map (
          sym => TypeRef(clazz.owner.thisType, sym, clazz.typeParams map (_.tpe))))
      println("Parents of "+clazz+":"+parents)

      // check that virtual classses are only defined as members of templates
      if (clazz.isVirtualClass && !clazz.owner.isClass)
          "virtual traits and their subclasses must be defined as members of some other class")

      // make subclasses of virtual classes virtual as well; check that
      // they are defined in same scope.
      val virtualParents = parents map (_.typeSymbol) filter (_.isVirtualClass)
      virtualParents find {
        vp => !(clazz.owner.isClass && (clazz.owner isSubClass vp.owner))
      } match {
        case Some(vp) =>
            "subclass of virtual "+vp+
            " needs to be defined at same level,\nas member of "+vp.owner)
        case None =>
          if (!virtualParents.isEmpty) clazz setFlag DEFERRED // make it virtual

      // add apply and unapply methods to companion objects of case classes,
      // unless they exist already; here, "clazz" is the module class
      Namers.this.caseClassOfModuleClass get clazz match {
        case Some(cdef) =>
          addApplyUnapply(cdef, templateNamer)
          caseClassOfModuleClass -= clazz
        case None =>

      // add the copy method to case classes; this needs to be done here, not in SyntheticMethods, because
      // the namer phase must traverse this copy method to create default getters for its parameters.
      Namers.this.caseClassOfModuleClass get clazz.linkedModuleOfClass.moduleClass match {
        case Some(cdef) =>
          def hasCopy(decls: Scope) = {
            decls.iterator exists ( == nme.copy)
          if (!hasCopy(decls) &&
              !parents.exists(p => hasCopy( &&
              !parents.flatMap(_.baseClasses).removeDuplicates.exists(bc => hasCopy(
            addCopyMethod(cdef, templateNamer)
        case None =>

      // if default getters (for constructor defaults) need to be added to that module,
      // here's the namer to use
      val module = clazz.sourceModule
      if (classAndNamerOfModule contains module) {
        val (cdef, _) = classAndNamerOfModule(module)
        classAndNamerOfModule(module) = (cdef, templateNamer)

      ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz)

    private def classSig(tparams: List[TypeDef], impl: Template): Type =
      polyType(typer.reenterTypeParams(tparams), templateSig(impl))

    private def methodSig(mods: Modifiers, tparams: List[TypeDef],
                          vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): Type = {
      val meth = context.owner

      // enters the skolemized version into scope, returns the deSkolemized symbols
      val tparamSyms = typer.reenterTypeParams(tparams)
      // since the skolemized tparams are in scope, the TypeRefs in vparamSymss refer to skolemized tparams
      var vparamSymss = enterValueParams(meth, vparamss)

      if (tpt.isEmpty && == nme.CONSTRUCTOR) {
        tpt.tpe = context.enclClass.owner.tpe
        tpt setPos meth.pos.focus

      if (onlyPresentation && methodArgumentNames != null)
        methodArgumentNames(meth) =;

      def convertToDeBruijn(vparams: List[Symbol], level: Int): TypeMap = new TypeMap {
        def debruijnFor(param: Symbol) =
          DeBruijnIndex(level, vparams indexOf param)
        def apply(tp: Type) = {
          tp match {
            case SingleType(_, sym) =>
              if (settings.Xexperimental.value && sym.owner == meth && (vparams contains sym)) {
                if (sym hasFlag IMPLICIT) {
                  context.error(sym.pos, "illegal type dependence on implicit parameter")
                } else
              } else tp
            case MethodType(params, restpe) =>
              val params1 = this.mapOver(params)
              val restpe1 = convertToDeBruijn(vparams, level + 1)(restpe)
              if ((params1 eq params) && (restpe1 eq restpe)) tp
              else copyMethodType(tp, params1, restpe1)
            case _ =>

        // AnnotatedTypes can contain trees in the annotation arguments. When accessing a
        // parameter in an annotation, set the type of the Ident to the DeBruijnIndex
        object treeTrans extends TypeMapTransformer {
          override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree =
            tree match {
              case Ident(name) if (vparams contains tree.symbol) =>
                val dtpe = debruijnFor(tree.symbol)
                val dsym =
                  newLocalDummy(context.owner, tree.symbol.pos)
                  .newValue(tree.symbol.pos, name)

              case tree => super.transform(tree)

        // for type annotations (which may contain trees)
        override def mapOver(arg: Tree) = Some(treeTrans.transform(arg))

      val checkDependencies: TypeTraverser = new TypeTraverser {
        def traverse(tp: Type) = {
          tp match {
            case SingleType(_, sym) =>
              if (sym.owner == meth && (vparamSymss exists (_ contains sym)))
                  "illegal dependent method type"+
                  (if (settings.Xexperimental.value)
                     ": parameter appears in the type of another parameter in the same section or an earlier one"
                   else ""))
            case _ =>

      /** Called for all value parameter lists, right to left
       *  @param vparams the symbols of one parameter list
       *  @param restpe  the result type (possibly a MethodType)
      def makeMethodType(vparams: List[Symbol], restpe: Type) = {
        // new dependent method types: probably OK already, since 'enterValueParams' above
        // enters them in scope, and all have a lazy type. so they may depend on other params. but: need to
        // check that params only depend on ones in earlier sections, not the same. (done by checkDependencies,
        // so re-use / adapt that)
        val params = vparams map (vparam =>
          if (meth hasFlag JAVA) vparam.setInfo(objToAny(vparam.tpe)) else vparam)
        val restpe1 = convertToDeBruijn(vparams, 1)(restpe) // new dependent types: replace symbols in restpe with the ones in vparams
        if (!vparams.isEmpty && vparams.head.hasFlag(IMPLICIT))
          ImplicitMethodType(params, restpe1)
        else if (meth hasFlag JAVA) JavaMethodType(params, restpe1)
        else MethodType(params, restpe1)

      def thisMethodType(restpe: Type) =
          tparamSyms, // deSkolemized symbols
          if (vparamSymss.isEmpty) PolyType(List(), restpe)
          // vparamss refer (if they do) to skolemized tparams
          else checkDependencies((vparamSymss :\ restpe) (makeMethodType)))

      var resultPt = if (tpt.isEmpty) WildcardType else typer.typedType(tpt).tpe
      val site = meth.owner.thisType

      def overriddenSymbol = intersectionType( => {
        // luc: added .syubstSym from skolemized to deSkolemized
        // site.memberType(sym): PolyType(tparams, MethodType(..., ...)) ==> all references to tparams are deSkolemized
        // thisMethodType: tparams in PolyType are deSkolemized, the references in the MethodTypes are skolemized. ==> the two didn't match
        // for instance, would not override, and the default on parameter b would not be inherited
        //   class A { def foo[T](a: T)(b: T = a) = a }
        //   class B extends A { override def foo[U](a: U)(b: U) = b }
        sym != NoSymbol && (site.memberType(sym) matches thisMethodType(resultPt).substSym(tparams map (_.symbol), tparamSyms))

      // fill in result type and parameter types from overridden symbol if there is a unique one.
      if (meth.owner.isClass && (tpt.isEmpty || vparamss.exists(_.exists(_.tpt.isEmpty)))) {
        // try to complete from matching definition in base type
        for (vparams <- vparamss; vparam <- vparams)
          if (vparam.tpt.isEmpty) vparam.symbol setInfo WildcardType
        val overridden = overriddenSymbol
        if (overridden != NoSymbol && !(overridden hasFlag OVERLOADED)) {
          resultPt = site.memberType(overridden) match {
            case PolyType(tparams, rt) => rt.substSym(tparams, tparamSyms)
            case mt => mt

          for (vparams <- vparamss) {
            var pfs = resultPt.paramTypes
            for (vparam <- vparams) {
              if (vparam.tpt.isEmpty) {
                vparam.tpt.tpe = pfs.head
                vparam.tpt setPos vparam.pos.focus
                vparam.symbol setInfo pfs.head
              pfs = pfs.tail
            resultPt = resultPt.resultType
          resultPt match {
            case PolyType(List(), rtpe) => resultPt = rtpe
            case MethodType(List(), rtpe) => resultPt = rtpe
            case _ =>
          if (tpt.isEmpty) {
            // provisionally assign `meth' a method type with inherited result type
            // that way, we can leave out the result type even if method is recursive.
            meth setInfo thisMethodType(resultPt)
      // Add a () parameter section if this overrides some method with () parameters.
      if (meth.owner.isClass && vparamss.isEmpty && overriddenSymbol.alternatives.exists([MethodType])) {
        vparamSymss = List(List())
      for (vparams <- vparamss; vparam <- vparams if vparam.tpt.isEmpty) {
        context.error(vparam.pos, "missing parameter type")
        vparam.tpt.tpe = ErrorType

      addDefaultGetters(meth, vparamss, tparams, overriddenSymbol)

        val rt = if (tpt.isEmpty) {
          // replace deSkolemized symbols with skolemized ones (for resultPt computed by looking at overridden symbol, right?)
          val pt = resultPt.substSym(tparamSyms, tparams map (_.symbol))
          // compute result type from rhs
          tpt.tpe = widenIfNotFinal(meth, typer.computeType(rhs, pt), pt)
          tpt setPos meth.pos.focus
        } else typer.typedType(tpt).tpe
        // #2382: return type of default getters are always @uncheckedVariance
        if (meth.hasFlag(DEFAULTPARAM))
          rt.withAnnotation(AnnotationInfo(definitions.uncheckedVarianceClass.tpe, List(), List()))
        else rt

     * For every default argument, insert a method computing that default
     * Also adds the "override" and "defaultparam" (for inherited defaults) flags
     * Typer is too late, if an inherited default is used before the method is
     * typechecked, the corresponding param would not yet have the "defaultparam"
     * flag.
    private def addDefaultGetters(meth: Symbol, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tparams: List[TypeDef], overriddenSymbol: => Symbol) {
      val isConstr = meth.isConstructor
      val overridden = if (isConstr || !meth.owner.isClass) NoSymbol
                       else overriddenSymbol
      val overrides = overridden != NoSymbol && !(overridden hasFlag OVERLOADED)
      // value parameters of the base class (whose defaults might be overridden)
      var baseParamss = overridden.tpe.paramss
        // match empty and missing parameter list
        if (vparamss.isEmpty && baseParamss == List(Nil)) baseParamss = Nil
        if (vparamss == List(Nil) && baseParamss.isEmpty) baseParamss = List(Nil)
        assert(!overrides || vparamss.length == baseParamss.length, ""+ meth.fullNameString + ", "+ overridden.fullNameString)

      var ownerNamer: Option[Namer] = None
      var moduleNamer: Option[(ClassDef, Namer)] = None

      var posCounter = 1

      // for each value parameter, create the getter method if it has a default argument. previous
      // denotes the parameter lists which are on the left side of the current one. these get added
      // to the default getter. Example: "def foo(a: Int)(b: Int = a)" gives "foo$default$1(a: Int) = a"
      (List[List[ValDef]]() /: (vparamss))((previous: List[List[ValDef]], vparams: List[ValDef]) => {
        assert(!overrides || vparams.length == baseParamss.head.length, ""+ meth.fullNameString + ", "+ overridden.fullNameString)
        var baseParams = if (overrides) baseParamss.head else Nil
        for (vparam <- vparams) {
          val sym = vparam.symbol
          // true if the corresponding parameter of the base class has a default argument
          val baseHasDefault = overrides && (baseParams.head hasFlag DEFAULTPARAM)
          if (sym hasFlag DEFAULTPARAM) {
            // generate a default getter for that argument
            val oflag = if (baseHasDefault) OVERRIDE else 0
            val name = (if (isConstr) "init" else +"$default$"+ posCounter

            // Create trees for the defaultGetter. Uses tools from Unapplies.scala
            var deftParams = tparams map copyUntyped[TypeDef]
            val defvParamss = previous map ( => {
              // in the default getter, remove the default parameter
              val p1 = atPos(p.pos.focus) { ValDef(p.mods &~ DEFAULTPARAM,, p.tpt.duplicate, EmptyTree) }

            val parentNamer = if (isConstr) {
              val (cdef, nmr) = moduleNamer.getOrElse {
                val module = meth.owner.linkedModuleOfClass
                module.initialize // call type completer (typedTemplate), adds the
                                  // module's templateNamer to classAndNamerOfModule
                val (cdef, nmr) = classAndNamerOfModule(module)
                moduleNamer = Some(cdef, nmr)
                (cdef, nmr)
              deftParams = cdef.tparams map copyUntypedInvariant
            } else {
              ownerNamer.getOrElse {
                val ctx = context.nextEnclosing(c => c.scope.toList.contains(meth))
                assert(ctx != NoContext)
                val nmr = newNamer(ctx)
                ownerNamer = Some(nmr)

            // If the parameter type mentions any type parameter of the method, let the compiler infer the
            // return type of the default getter => allow "def foo[T](x: T = 1)" to compile.
            // This is better than always using Wildcard for inferring the result type, for example in
            //    def f(i: Int, m: Int => Int = identity _) = m(i)
            // if we use Wildcard as expected, we get "Nothing => Nothing", and the default is not usable.
            val names = deftParams map { case TypeDef(_, name, _, _) => name }
            object subst extends Transformer {
              override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
                case Ident(name) if (names contains name) =>
                case _ =>
              def apply(tree: Tree) = {
                val r = transform(tree)
                if (r.exists(_.isEmpty)) TypeTree()
                else r

            val defTpt = subst(copyUntyped(vparam.tpt match {
              // default getter for by-name params
              case AppliedTypeTree(_, List(arg)) if sym.hasFlag(BYNAMEPARAM) => arg
              case t => t
            val defRhs = copyUntyped(vparam.rhs)

            val defaultTree = atPos(vparam.pos.focus) {
                Modifiers(meth.flags & (PRIVATE | PROTECTED | FINAL)) | SYNTHETIC | DEFAULTPARAM | oflag,
                name, deftParams, defvParamss, defTpt, defRhs)
            meth.owner.resetFlag(INTERFACE) // there's a concrete member now
            val default = parentNamer.enterSyntheticSym(defaultTree)
            sym.defaultGetter = default
          } else if (baseHasDefault) {
            // the parameter does not have a default itself, but the corresponding parameter
            // in the base class does.
            sym.defaultGetter = baseParams.head.defaultGetter
          posCounter += 1
          if (overrides) baseParams = baseParams.tail
        if (overrides) baseParamss = baseParamss.tail
        previous ::: List(vparams)

    //@M! an abstract type definition (abstract type member/type parameter) may take type parameters, which are in scope in its bounds
    private def typeDefSig(tpsym: Symbol, tparams: List[TypeDef], rhs: Tree) = {
      val tparamSyms = typer.reenterTypeParams(tparams) //@M make tparams available in scope (just for this abstypedef)
      val tp = typer.typedType(rhs).tpe match {
        case TypeBounds(lt, rt) if (lt.isError || rt.isError) =>
          TypeBounds(NothingClass.tpe, AnyClass.tpe)
        case tp @ TypeBounds(lt, rt) if (tpsym hasFlag JAVA) =>
          TypeBounds(lt, objToAny(rt))
        case tp =>

      def verifyOverriding(other: Symbol): Boolean = {
        if(other.unsafeTypeParams.length != tparamSyms.length) {
              "The kind of "+tpsym.keyString+" "+tpsym.varianceString + tpsym.nameString+
              " does not conform to the expected kind of " + other.defString + other.locationString + ".")
        } else true

      // @M: make sure overriding in refinements respects rudimentary kinding
      // have to do this early, as otherwise we might get crashes: (see neg/bug1275.scala)
      //   suppose some parameterized type member is overridden by a type member w/o params,
      //   then appliedType will be called on a type that does not expect type args --> crash
      if (tpsym.owner.isRefinementClass &&  // only needed in refinements
      else polyType(tparamSyms, tp)

    /** Given a case class
     *   case class C[Ts] (ps: Us)
     *  Add the following methods to toScope:
     *  1. if case class is not abstract, add
     *   <synthetic> <case> def apply[Ts](ps: Us): C[Ts] = new C[Ts](ps)
     *  2. add a method
     *   <synthetic> <case> def unapply[Ts](x: C[Ts]) = <ret-val>
     *  where <ret-val> is the caseClassUnapplyReturnValue of class C (see UnApplies.scala)
     * @param cdef is the class definition of the case class
     * @param namer is the namer of the module class (the comp. obj)
    def addApplyUnapply(cdef: ClassDef, namer: Namer) {
      if (!(cdef.symbol hasFlag ABSTRACT)) {
        val applyMethod = caseModuleApplyMeth(cdef)
        if (applyMethod.vparamss.size > 2)
          context.error(cdef.symbol.pos, "case classes limited by implementation: maximum of 2 constructor parameter lists.")


    def addCopyMethod(cdef: ClassDef, namer: Namer) {
      caseClassCopyMeth(cdef) foreach (namer.enterSyntheticSym(_))

    def typeSig(tree: Tree): Type = {
      val sym: Symbol = tree.symbol
      // For definitions, transform Annotation trees to AnnotationInfos, assign
      // them to the sym's annotations. Type annotations: see Typer.typedAnnotated

      // We have to parse definition annotatinos here (not in the typer when traversing
      // the MemberDef tree): the typer looks at annotations of certain symbols; if
      // they were added only in typer, depending on the compilation order, they would
      // be visible or not
      val annotated = if (sym.isModule) sym.moduleClass else sym
      // typeSig might be called multiple times, e.g. on a ValDef: val, getter, setter
      // parse the annotations only once.
      if (!annotated.isInitialized) tree match {
        case defn: MemberDef =>
          val ainfos = defn.mods.annotations filter { _ != null } map { ann =>
            // need to be lazy, #1782
            LazyAnnotationInfo(() => typer.typedAnnotation(ann))
          if (!ainfos.isEmpty)
          if (annotated.isTypeSkolem)
        case _ =>
      implicit val scopeKind = TypeSigScopeKind
      val result =
        try {
          tree match {
            case ClassDef(_, _, tparams, impl) =>
              newNamer(context.makeNewScope(tree, sym)).classSig(tparams, impl)

            case ModuleDef(_, _, impl) =>
              val clazz = sym.moduleClass
              clazz.setInfo(newNamer(context.makeNewScope(tree, clazz)).templateSig(impl))
              //clazz.typeOfThis = singleType(sym.owner.thisType, sym);

            case DefDef(mods, _, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
              newNamer(context.makeNewScope(tree, sym)).methodSig(mods, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs)

            case vdef @ ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
              val typer1 = typer.constrTyperIf(sym.hasFlag(PARAM | PRESUPER) && sym.owner.isConstructor)
              if (tpt.isEmpty) {
                if (rhs.isEmpty) {
                  context.error(tpt.pos, "missing parameter type");
                } else {
                  tpt.tpe = widenIfNotFinal(
                    newTyper(typer1.context.make(vdef, sym)).computeType(rhs, WildcardType),
                  tpt setPos vdef.pos.focus
              } else typer1.typedType(tpt).tpe

            case TypeDef(_, _, tparams, rhs) =>
              newNamer(context.makeNewScope(tree, sym)).typeDefSig(sym, tparams, rhs) //@M!

            case Import(expr, selectors) =>
              val expr1 = typer.typedQualifier(expr)
              val base = expr1.tpe
              if (expr1.symbol.isRootPackage) context.error(tree.pos, "_root_ cannot be imported")
              def checkNotRedundant(pos: Position, from: Name, to: Name): Boolean = {
                if (!tree.symbol.hasFlag(SYNTHETIC) &&
                    !((expr1.symbol ne null) && expr1.symbol.isInterpreterWrapper) &&
                    base.member(from) != NoSymbol) {
                  val e = context.scope.lookupEntryWithContext(to)(context.owner)
                  def warnRedundant(sym: Symbol) =
                    context.unit.warning(pos, "imported `"+to+
                                         "' is permanently hidden by definition of "+sym+
                  if ((e ne null) && e.owner == context.scope) {
                    warnRedundant(e.sym); return false
                  } else if (context eq context.enclClass) {
                    val defSym = context.prefix.member(to) filter (
                      sym => sym.exists && context.isAccessible(sym, context.prefix, false))
                    if (defSym != NoSymbol) { warnRedundant(defSym); return false }
              def checkSelectors(selectors: List[ImportSelector]): Unit = selectors match {
                case ImportSelector(from, _, to, _) :: rest =>
                  if (from != nme.WILDCARD && base != ErrorType) {
                    if (base.member(from) == NoSymbol && base.member(from.toTypeName) == NoSymbol)
                      context.error(tree.pos, from.decode + " is not a member of " + expr);
                    if (checkNotRedundant(tree.pos, from, to))
                      checkNotRedundant(tree.pos, from.toTypeName, to.toTypeName)
                  if (from != nme.WILDCARD && (rest.exists (sel => == from)))
                    context.error(tree.pos, from.decode + " is renamed twice");
                  if ((to ne null) && to != nme.WILDCARD && (rest exists (sel => sel.rename == to)))
                    context.error(tree.pos, to.decode + " appears twice as a target of a renaming");
                case Nil =>
        } catch {
          case ex: TypeError =>
            //Console.println("caught " + ex + " in typeSig")//DEBUG
            typer.reportTypeError(tree.pos, ex)
      result match {
        case PolyType(tparams, restpe)
        if (!tparams.isEmpty && tparams.head.owner.isTerm ||
            // Adriaan: The added conditon below is quite a hack. It seems that HK type parameters is relying
            // on a pass that forces all infos in the type to get everything right.
            // The problem is that the same pass causes cyclic reference errors in
            // test pos/cyclics.scala. It turned out that deSkolemize is run way more often than necessary,
            // ruinning it only when needed fixes the cuclic reference errors.
            // But correcting deSkolemize broke HK types, because we don't do the traversal anymore.
            // For the moment I made a special hack to do the traversal if we have HK type parameters.
            // Maybe it's not a hack, then we need to document it better. But ideally, we should find
            // a way to deal with HK types that's not dependent on accidental side
            // effects like this.
            tparams.exists(!_.typeParams.isEmpty)) =>
          new DeSkolemizeMap(tparams) mapOver result
        case _ =>
//          println("not skolemizing "+result+" in "+context.owner)
//          new DeSkolemizeMap(List()) mapOver result

    /** Check that symbol's definition is well-formed. This means:
     *   - no conflicting modifiers
     *   - `abstract' modifier only for classes
     *   - `override' modifier never for classes
     *   - `def' modifier never for parameters of case classes
     *   - declarations only in mixins or abstract classes (when not @native)
    def validate(sym: Symbol) {
      def checkNoConflict(flag1: Int, flag2: Int) {
        if (sym.hasFlag(flag1) && sym.hasFlag(flag2))
            if (flag1 == DEFERRED)
              "abstract member may not have " + Flags.flagsToString(flag2) + " modifier";
              "illegal combination of modifiers: " +
              Flags.flagsToString(flag1) + " and " + Flags.flagsToString(flag2) +
              " for: " + sym);

      if (sym.hasFlag(IMPLICIT) && !sym.isTerm)
        context.error(sym.pos, "`implicit' modifier can be used only for values, variables and methods")
      if (sym.hasFlag(IMPLICIT) && sym.owner.isPackageClass)
        context.error(sym.pos, "`implicit' modifier cannot be used for top-level objects")
      if (sym.hasFlag(SEALED) && !sym.isClass)
        context.error(sym.pos, "`sealed' modifier can be used only for classes")
      if (sym.hasFlag(ABSTRACT) && !sym.isClass)
        context.error(sym.pos, "`abstract' modifier can be used only for classes; " +
          "\nit should be omitted for abstract members")
      if (sym.hasFlag(OVERRIDE | ABSOVERRIDE) && !sym.hasFlag(TRAIT) && sym.isClass)
        context.error(sym.pos, "`override' modifier not allowed for classes")
      if (sym.hasFlag(OVERRIDE | ABSOVERRIDE) && sym.isConstructor)
        context.error(sym.pos, "`override' modifier not allowed for constructors")
      if (sym.hasFlag(ABSOVERRIDE) && !sym.owner.isTrait)
        context.error(sym.pos, "`abstract override' modifier only allowed for members of traits")
      if (sym.hasFlag(LAZY) && sym.hasFlag(PRESUPER))
        context.error(sym.pos, "`lazy' definitions may not be initialized early")
      if ( == FunctionClass(0) &&
          sym.isValueParameter && sym.owner.isClass && sym.owner.hasFlag(CASE))
        context.error(sym.pos, "pass-by-name arguments not allowed for case class parameters");
      if (sym hasFlag DEFERRED) { // virtual classes count, too
        if (sym.hasAnnotation(definitions.NativeAttr))
        else if (!sym.isValueParameter && !sym.isTypeParameterOrSkolem &&
          !context.tree.isInstanceOf[ExistentialTypeTree] &&
          (!sym.owner.isClass || sym.owner.isModuleClass || sym.owner.isAnonymousClass)) {
              "only classes can have declared but undefined members" + varNotice(sym))

      checkNoConflict(DEFERRED, PRIVATE)
      checkNoConflict(FINAL, SEALED)
      checkNoConflict(PRIVATE, PROTECTED)
      checkNoConflict(PRIVATE, OVERRIDE)
      /* checkNoConflict(PRIVATE, FINAL) // can't do this because FINAL also means compile-time constant */
      checkNoConflict(ABSTRACT, FINAL)  // bug #1833
      checkNoConflict(DEFERRED, FINAL)

  abstract class TypeCompleter extends LazyType {
    val tree: Tree

  def mkTypeCompleter(t: Tree)(c: Symbol => Unit) = new TypeCompleter {
    val tree = t
    override def complete(sym: Symbol) = c(sym)

  /** A class representing a lazy type with known type parameters.
  class PolyTypeCompleter(tparams: List[Tree], restp: TypeCompleter, owner: Tree, ownerSym: Symbol, ctx: Context) extends TypeCompleter {
    override val typeParams: List[Symbol]= tparams map (_.symbol) //@M
    override val tree = restp.tree
    override def complete(sym: Symbol) {
      if(ownerSym.isAbstractType) //@M an abstract type's type parameters are entered -- TODO: change to isTypeMember ?
        newNamer(ctx.makeNewScope(owner, ownerSym)(PolyTypeCompleterScopeKind)).enterSyms(tparams) //@M

  /** The symbol that which this accessor represents (possibly in part).
   *  This is used for error messages, where we want to speak in terms
   *  of the actual declaration or definition, not in terms of the generated setters
   *  and getters */
  def underlying(member: Symbol): Symbol =
    if (member hasFlag ACCESSOR) {
      if (member.isDeferred) {
        val getter = if (member.isSetter) member.getter(member.owner) else member
        val result = getter.owner.newValue(getter.pos,
        if (getter.setter(member.owner) != NoSymbol) result.setFlag(MUTABLE)
      } else member.accessed
    } else member

  /** An explanatory note to be added to error messages
   *  when there's a problem with abstract var defs */
  def varNotice(sym: Symbol): String =
    if (underlying(sym).isVariable)
      "\n(Note that variables need to be initialized to be defined)"
    else ""