path: root/src/library/scala/util/Either.scala
blob: d2954786981016cdc432c32ab3f7c8aa44c7a6b7 (plain) (tree)
























































































































































/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package util

/** Represents a value of one of two possible types (a disjoint union.)
 *  An instance of `Either` is an instance of either [[scala.util.Left]] or [[scala.util.Right]].
 *  A common use of `Either` is as an alternative to [[scala.Option]] for dealing
 *  with possibly missing values.  In this usage, [[scala.None]] is replaced
 *  with a [[scala.util.Left]] which can contain useful information.
 *  [[scala.util.Right]] takes the place of [[scala.Some]].  Convention dictates
 *  that `Left` is used for failure and `Right` is used for success.
 *  For example, you could use `Either[String, Int]` to indicate whether a
 *  received input is a `String` or an `Int`.
 *  {{{
 *  import
 *  val in = readLine("Type Either a string or an Int: ")
 *  val result: Either[String,Int] =
 *    try Right(in.toInt)
 *    catch {
 *      case e: NumberFormatException => Left(in)
 *    }
 *  result match {
 *    case Right(x) => s"You passed me the Int: $x, which I will increment. $x + 1 = ${x+1}"
 *    case Left(x)  => s"You passed me the String: $x"
 *  }
 *  }}}
 *  `Either` is right-biased, which means that `Right` is assumed to be the default case to
 *  operate on. If it is `Left`, operations like `map` and `flatMap` return the `Left` value unchanged:
 *  {{{
 *  def doubled(i: Int) = i * 2
 *  Right(42).map(doubled) // Right(84)
 *  Left(42).map(doubled)  // Left(42)
 *  }}}
 *  Since `Either` defines the methods `map` and `flatMap`, it can also be used in for comprehensions:
 *  {{{
 *  val right1 = Right(1)   : Right[Double, Int] 
 *  val right2 = Right(2)
 *  val right3 = Right(3)
 *  val left23 = Left(23.0) : Left[Double, Int]  
 *  val left42 = Left(42.0)
 *  for {
 *    a <- right1
 *    b <- right2
 *    c <- right3
 *  } yield a + b + c // Right(6)
 *  for {
 *    a <- right1
 *    b <- right2
 *    c <- left23
 *  } yield a + b + c // Left(23.0)
 *  for {
 *    a <- right1
 *    b <- left23
 *    c <- right2
 *  } yield a + b + c // Left(23.0)
 *  // It may be necessary to provide the type of the “missing” value, especially the type
 *  // of the right value for `Left`. Otherwise, without any context that constrains the type,
 *  // it might be inferred as `Nothing`:
 *  for {
 *    a <- left23
 *    b <- right1
 *    c <- left42  // type at this position: Either[Double, Nothing]
 *  } yield a + b + c
 *  //            ^
 *  // error: ambiguous reference to overloaded definition,
 *  // both method + in class Int of type (x: Char)Int
 *  // and  method + in class Int of type (x: Byte)Int
 *  // match argument types (Nothing)
 *  }}}
 *  @author <a href="">Tony Morris</a>, Workingmouse
 *  @version 2.0, 2016-07-15
 *  @since 2.7
sealed abstract class Either[+A, +B] extends Product with Serializable {
  /** Projects this `Either` as a `Left`. */
  def left = Either.LeftProjection(this)

  /** Projects this `Either` as a `Right`.
   *  Because `Either` is right-biased, this method is not normally needed.
  def right = Either.RightProjection(this)

  /** Applies `fa` if this is a `Left` or `fb` if this is a `Right`.
   *  @example {{{
   *  val result = util.Try("42".toInt).toEither
   *  result.fold(
   *    e => s"Operation failed with $e",
   *    v => s"Operation produced value: $v"
   *  )
   *  }}}
   *  @param fa the function to apply if this is a `Left`
   *  @param fb the function to apply if this is a `Right`
   *  @return the results of applying the function
  def fold[C](fa: A => C, fb: B => C): C = this match {
    case Right(b) => fb(b)
    case Left(a)  => fa(a)

  /** If this is a `Left`, then return the left value in `Right` or vice versa.
   *  @example {{{
   *  val left: Either[String, Int]  = Left("left")
   *  val right: Either[Int, String] = left.swap // Result: Right("left")
   *  }}}
   *  @example {{{
   *  val right = Right(2)
   *  val left  = Left(3)
   *  for {
   *    r1 <- right
   *    r2 <- left.swap
   *  } yield r1 * r2 // Right(6)
   *  }}}
  def swap: Either[B, A] = this match {
    case Left(a)  => Right(a)
    case Right(b) => Left(b)

  /** Joins an `Either` through `Right`.
   *  This method requires that the right side of this `Either` is itself
   *  an `Either` type. That is, this must be some type like: {{{
   *  Either[A, Either[A, C]]
   *  }}} (which respects the type parameter bounds, shown below.)
   *  If this instance is a `Right[Either[A, C]]` then the contained `Either[A, C]`
   *  will be returned, otherwise this value will be returned unmodified.
   *  @example {{{
   *  Right[String, Either[String, Int]](Right(12)).joinRight // Result: Right(12)
   *  Right[String, Either[String, Int]](Left("flower")).joinRight // Result: Left("flower")
   *  Left[String, Either[String, Int]]("flower").joinRight // Result: Left("flower")
   *  }}}
   * This method, and `joinLeft`, are analogous to `Option#flatten`
  def joinRight[A1 >: A, B1 >: B, C](implicit ev: B1 <:< Either[A1, C]): Either[A1, C] = this match {
    case Right(b) => b
    case Left(a)  => this.asInstanceOf[Either[A1, C]]


  /** Joins an `Either` through `Left`.
   *  This method requires that the left side of this `Either` is itself an
   *  `Either` type. That is, this must be some type like: {{{
   *  Either[Either[C, B], B]
   *  }}} (which respects the type parameter bounds, shown below.)
   *  If this instance is a `Left[Either[C, B]]` then the contained `Either[C, B]`
   *  will be returned, otherwise this value will be returned unmodified.
   *  {{{
   *  Left[Either[Int, String], String](Right("flower")).joinLeft // Result: Right("flower")
   *  Left[Either[Int, String], String](Left(12)).joinLeft // Result: Left(12)
   *  Right[Either[Int, String], String]("daisy").joinLeft // Result: Right("daisy")
   *  }}}
   *  This method, and `joinRight`, are analogous to `Option#flatten`.
  def joinLeft[A1 >: A, B1 >: B, C](implicit ev: A1 <:< Either[C, B1]): Either[C, B1] = this match {
    case Left(a)  => a
    case Right(b) => this.asInstanceOf[Either[C, B1]]

  /** Executes the given side-effecting function if this is a `Right`.
   *  {{{
   *  Right(12).foreach(println) // prints "12"
   *  Left(12).foreach(println)  // doesn't print
   *  }}}
   *  @param f The side-effecting function to execute.
  def foreach[U](f: B => U): Unit = this match {
    case Right(b) => f(b)
    case Left(_)  =>

  /** Returns the value from this `Right` or the given argument if this is a `Left`.
   *  {{{
   *  Right(12).getOrElse(17) // 12
   *  Left(12).getOrElse(17)  // 17
   *  }}}
  def getOrElse[BB >: B](or: => BB): BB = this match {
    case Right(b) => b
    case Left(_)  => or

  /** Returns `true` if this is a `Right` and its value is equal to `elem` (as determined by `==`),
   *  returns `false` otherwise.
   *  {{{
   *  // Returns true because value of Right is "something" which equals "something".
   *  Right("something") contains "something"
   *  // Returns false because value of Right is "something" which does not equal "anything".
   *  Right("something") contains "anything"
   *  // Returns false because it's not a Right value.
   *  Left("something") contains "something"
   *  }}}
   *  @param elem    the element to test.
   *  @return `true` if the option has an element that is equal (as determined by `==`) to `elem`, `false` otherwise.
  final def contains[BB >: B](elem: BB): Boolean = this match {
    case Right(b) => b == elem
    case Left(_)  => false

  /** Returns `true` if `Left` or returns the result of the application of
   *  the given predicate to the `Right` value.
   *  {{{
   *  Right(12).forall(_ > 10)    // true
   *  Right(7).forall(_ > 10)     // false
   *  Left(12).forall(_ => false) // true
   *  }}}
  def forall(f: B => Boolean): Boolean = this match {
    case Right(b) => f(b)
    case Left(_)  => true

  /** Returns `false` if `Left` or returns the result of the application of
   *  the given predicate to the `Right` value.
   *  {{{
   *  Right(12).exists(_ > 10)   // true
   *  Right(7).exists(_ > 10)    // false
   *  Left(12).exists(_ => true) // false
   *  }}}
  def exists(p: B => Boolean): Boolean = this match {
    case Right(b) => p(b)
    case Left(_)  => false

  /** Binds the given function across `Right`.
   *  @param f The function to bind across `Right`.
  def flatMap[AA >: A, Y](f: B => Either[AA, Y]): Either[AA, Y] = this match {
    case Right(b) => f(b)
    case Left(a)  => this.asInstanceOf[Either[AA, Y]]

  /** The given function is applied if this is a `Right`.
   *  {{{
   *  Right(12).map(x => "flower") // Result: Right("flower")
   *  Left(12).map(x => "flower")  // Result: Left(12)
   *  }}}
  def map[Y](f: B => Y): Either[A, Y] = this match {
    case Right(b) => Right(f(b))
    case Left(a)  => this.asInstanceOf[Either[A, Y]]

  /** Returns `Right` with the existing value of `Right` if this is a `Right` and the given predicate `p` holds for the right value,
   *  returns `Left(zero)` if this is a `Right` and the given predicate `p` does not hold for the right value,
   *  returns `Left` with the existing value of `Left` if this is a `Left`.
   * {{{
   * Right(12).filterOrElse(_ > 10, -1)   // Right(12)
   * Right(7).filterOrElse(_ > 10, -1)    // Left(-1)
   * Left(7).filterOrElse(_ => false, -1) // Left(7)
   * }}}
  def filterOrElse[AA >: A](p: B => Boolean, zero: => AA): Either[AA, B] = this match {
    case Right(b) => if (p(b)) this else Left(zero)
    case Left(a)  => this

  /** Returns a `Seq` containing the `Right` value if
   *  it exists or an empty `Seq` if this is a `Left`.
   * {{{
   * Right(12).toSeq // Seq(12)
   * Left(12).toSeq  // Seq()
   * }}}
  def toSeq: collection.immutable.Seq[B] = this match {
    case Right(b) => collection.immutable.Seq(b)
    case Left(_)  => collection.immutable.Seq.empty

  /** Returns a `Some` containing the `Right` value
   *  if it exists or a `None` if this is a `Left`.
   * {{{
   * Right(12).toOption // Some(12)
   * Left(12).toOption  // None
   * }}}
  def toOption: Option[B] = this match {
    case Right(b) => Some(b)
    case Left(_)  => None

  def toTry(implicit ev: A <:< Throwable): Try[B] = this match {
    case Right(b) => Success(b)
    case Left(a)  => Failure(a)

  /** Returns `true` if this is a `Left`, `false` otherwise.
   *  {{{
   *  Left("tulip").isLeft // true
   *  Right("venus fly-trap").isLeft // false
   *  }}}
  def isLeft: Boolean

  /** Returns `true` if this is a `Right`, `false` otherwise.
   *  {{{
   *  Left("tulip").isRight // false
   *  Right("venus fly-trap").isRight // true
   *  }}}
  def isRight: Boolean

/** The left side of the disjoint union, as opposed to the [[scala.util.Right]] side.
 *  @author <a href="">Tony Morris</a>, Workingmouse
 *  @version 1.0, 11/10/2008
final case class Left[+A, +B](@deprecatedName('a, "2.12.0") value: A) extends Either[A, B] {
  def isLeft  = true
  def isRight = false

  @deprecated("Use .value instead.", "2.12.0") def a: A = value

/** The right side of the disjoint union, as opposed to the [[scala.util.Left]] side.
 *  @author <a href="">Tony Morris</a>, Workingmouse
 *  @version 1.0, 11/10/2008
final case class Right[+A, +B](@deprecatedName('b, "2.12.0") value: B) extends Either[A, B] {
  def isLeft  = false
  def isRight = true

  @deprecated("Use .value instead.", "2.12.0") def b: B = value

object Either {

  /** If the condition is satisfied, return the given `B` in `Right`,
   *  otherwise, return the given `A` in `Left`.
   *  {{{
   *  val userInput: String = ...
   *  Either.cond(
   *    userInput.forall(_.isDigit) && userInput.size == 10,
   *    PhoneNumber(userInput),
   *    "The input (%s) does not look like a phone number".format(userInput)
   *  }}}
  def cond[X, Y](test: Boolean, right: => Y, left: => X): Either[X, Y] =
    if (test) Right(right) else Left(left)

  /** Allows use of a `merge` method to extract values from Either instances
   *  regardless of whether they are Left or Right.
   *  {{{
   *  val l = Left(List(1)): Either[List[Int], Vector[Int]]
   *  val r = Right(Vector(1)): Either[List[Int], Vector[Int]]
   *  l.merge: Seq[Int] // List(1)
   *  r.merge: Seq[Int] // Vector(1)
   *  }}}
  implicit class MergeableEither[A](private val x: Either[A, A]) extends AnyVal {
    def merge: A = x match {
      case Right(a) => a
      case Left(a)  => a

  /** Projects an `Either` into a `Left`.
   *  This allows for-comprehensions over the left side of Either instances,
   *  reversing Either's usual right-bias.
   *  For example {{{
   *  for (s <- Left("flower").left) yield s.length // Left(6)
   *  }}}
   *  Continuing the analogy with [[scala.Option]], a `LeftProjection` declares
   *  that `Left` should be analogous to `Some` in some code.
   *  {{{
   *  // using Option:
   *  def interactWithDB(x: Query): Option[Result] =
   *    try Some(getResultFromDatabase(x))
   *    catch {
   *      case _: SQLException => None
   *    }
   *  // this will only be executed if interactWithDB returns a Some
   *  val report = for (result <- interactWithDB(someQuery)) yield generateReport(result)
   *  report match {
   *    case Some(r) => send(r)
   *    case None    => log("report not generated, not sure why...")
   *  }}}
   *  {{{
   *  // using Either
   *  def interactWithDB(x: Query): Either[Exception, Result] =
   *    try Right(getResultFromDatabase(x))
   *    catch {
   *      case e: SQLException => Left(e)
   *    }
   *   // this will only be executed if interactWithDB returns a Right
   *   val report = for (result <- interactWithDB(someQuery).right) yield generateReport(result)
   *   report match {
   *     case Right(r) => send(r)
   *     case Left(e)  => log(s"report not generated, reason was $e")
   *   }
   *   }}}
   *  @author <a href="">Tony Morris</a>, Workingmouse
   *  @version 1.0, 11/10/2008
  final case class LeftProjection[+A, +B](e: Either[A, B]) {
    /** Returns the value from this `Left` or throws `java.util.NoSuchElementException`
     *  if this is a `Right`.
     * {{{
     * Left(12).left.get  // 12
     * Right(12).left.get // NoSuchElementException
     * }}}
     * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if the projection is [[scala.util.Right]]
    def get: A = e match {
      case Left(a)  => a
      case Right(_) => throw new NoSuchElementException("Either.left.get on Right")

    /** Executes the given side-effecting function if this is a `Left`.
     * {{{
     * Left(12).left.foreach(x => println(x))  // prints "12"
     * Right(12).left.foreach(x => println(x)) // doesn't print
     * }}}
     * @param f The side-effecting function to execute.
    def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = e match {
      case Left(a)  => f(a)
      case Right(_) =>

    /** Returns the value from this `Left` or the given argument if this is a `Right`.
     *  {{{
     *  Left(12).left.getOrElse(17)  // 12
     *  Right(12).left.getOrElse(17) // 17
     *  }}}
    def getOrElse[AA >: A](or: => AA): AA = e match {
      case Left(a)  => a
      case Right(_) => or

    /** Returns `true` if `Right` or returns the result of the application of
     *  the given function to the `Left` value.
     *  {{{
     *  Left(12).left.forall(_ > 10)  // true
     *  Left(7).left.forall(_ > 10)   // false
     *  Right(12).left.forall(_ > 10) // true
     *  }}}
    def forall(@deprecatedName('f) p: A => Boolean): Boolean = e match {
      case Left(a)  => p(a)
      case Right(_) => true

    /** Returns `false` if `Right` or returns the result of the application of
     *  the given function to the `Left` value.
     *  {{{
     *  Left(12).left.exists(_ > 10)  // true
     *  Left(7).left.exists(_ > 10)   // false
     *  Right(12).left.exists(_ > 10) // false
     *  }}}
    def exists(@deprecatedName('f) p: A => Boolean): Boolean = e match {
      case Left(a)  => p(a)
      case Right(_) => false

    /** Binds the given function across `Left`.
     *  {{{
     *  Left(12).left.flatMap(x => Left("scala")) // Left("scala")
     *  Right(12).left.flatMap(x => Left("scala")) // Right(12)
     *  }}}
     *  @param f The function to bind across `Left`.
    def flatMap[BB >: B, X](f: A => Either[X, BB]): Either[X, BB] = e match {
      case Left(a)  => f(a)
      case Right(b) => e.asInstanceOf[Either[X, BB]]

    /** Maps the function argument through `Left`.
     *  {{{
     *  Left(12) + 2) // Left(14)
     *  Right[Int, Int](12) + 2) // Right(12)
     *  }}}
    def map[X](f: A => X): Either[X, B] = e match {
      case Left(a)  => Left(f(a))
      case Right(b) => e.asInstanceOf[Either[X, B]]

    /** Returns `None` if this is a `Right` or if the given predicate
     *  `p` does not hold for the left value, otherwise, returns a `Left`.
     *  {{{
     *  Left(12).left.filter(_ > 10)  // Some(Left(12))
     *  Left(7).left.filter(_ > 10)   // None
     *  Right(12).left.filter(_ > 10) // None
     *  }}}
    def filter[Y](p: A => Boolean): Option[Either[A, Y]] = e match {
      case Left(a)  => if(p(a)) Some(Left(a)) else None
      case Right(b) => None

    /** Returns a `Seq` containing the `Left` value if it exists or an empty
     *  `Seq` if this is a `Right`.
     *  {{{
     *  Left(12).left.toSeq // Seq(12)
     *  Right(12).left.toSeq // Seq()
     *  }}}
    def toSeq: Seq[A] = e match {
      case Left(a)  => Seq(a)
      case Right(_) => Seq.empty

    /** Returns a `Some` containing the `Left` value if it exists or a
     *  `None` if this is a `Right`.
     *  {{{
     *  Left(12).left.toOption // Some(12)
     *  Right(12).left.toOption // None
     *  }}}
    def toOption: Option[A] = e match {
      case Left(a)  => Some(a)
      case Right(_) => None

  /** Projects an `Either` into a `Right`.
   *  Because `Either` is already right-biased, this class is not normally needed.
   *  (It is retained in the library for now for easy cross-compilation between Scala
   *  2.11 and 2.12.)
   *  @author <a href="">Tony Morris</a>, Workingmouse
   *  @version 1.0, 11/10/2008
  final case class RightProjection[+A, +B](e: Either[A, B]) {

    /** Returns the value from this `Right` or throws
     *  `java.util.NoSuchElementException` if this is a `Left`.
     *  {{{
     *  Right(12).right.get // 12
     *  Left(12).right.get // NoSuchElementException
     *  }}}
     * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException if the projection is `Left`.
    def get: B = e match {
      case Right(b) => b
      case Left(_)  => throw new NoSuchElementException("Either.right.get on Left")

    /** Executes the given side-effecting function if this is a `Right`.
     *  {{{
     *  Right(12).right.foreach(x => println(x)) // prints "12"
     *  Left(12).right.foreach(x => println(x))  // doesn't print
     *  }}}
     *  @param f The side-effecting function to execute.
    def foreach[U](f: B => U): Unit = e match {
      case Right(b) => f(b)
      case Left(_)  =>

    /** Returns the value from this `Right` or the given argument if this is a `Left`.
     *  {{{
     *  Right(12).right.getOrElse(17) // 12
     *  Left(12).right.getOrElse(17)  // 17
     *  }}}
    def getOrElse[BB >: B](or: => BB): BB = e match {
      case Right(b) => b
      case Left(_)  => or

    /** Returns `true` if `Left` or returns the result of the application of
     *  the given function to the `Right` value.
     *  {{{
     *  Right(12).right.forall(_ > 10) // true
     *  Right(7).right.forall(_ > 10)  // false
     *  Left(12).right.forall(_ > 10)  // true
     *  }}}
    def forall(f: B => Boolean): Boolean = e match {
      case Right(b) => f(b)
      case Left(_)  => true

    /** Returns `false` if `Left` or returns the result of the application of
     *  the given function to the `Right` value.
     *  {{{
     *  Right(12).right.exists(_ > 10)  // true
     *  Right(7).right.exists(_ > 10)   // false
     *  Left(12).right.exists(_ > 10)   // false
     *  }}}
    def exists(@deprecatedName('f) p: B => Boolean): Boolean = e match {
      case Right(b) => p(b)
      case Left(_)  => false

    /** Binds the given function across `Right`.
     *  @param f The function to bind across `Right`.
    def flatMap[AA >: A, Y](f: B => Either[AA, Y]): Either[AA, Y] = e match {
      case Right(b) => f(b)
      case Left(a)  => e.asInstanceOf[Either[AA, Y]]

    /** The given function is applied if this is a `Right`.
     *  {{{
     *  Right(12) => "flower") // Result: Right("flower")
     *  Left(12) => "flower")  // Result: Left(12)
     *  }}}
    def map[Y](f: B => Y): Either[A, Y] = e match {
      case Right(b) => Right(f(b))
      case Left(a)  => e.asInstanceOf[Either[A, Y]]

    /** Returns `None` if this is a `Left` or if the
     *  given predicate `p` does not hold for the right value,
     *  otherwise, returns a `Right`.
     * {{{
     * Right(12).right.filter(_ > 10) // Some(Right(12))
     * Right(7).right.filter(_ > 10)  // None
     * Left(12).right.filter(_ > 10)  // None
     * }}}
    def filter[X](p: B => Boolean): Option[Either[X, B]] = e match {
      case Right(b) => if(p(b)) Some(Right(b)) else None
      case Left(_)  => None

    /** Returns a `Seq` containing the `Right` value if
     *  it exists or an empty `Seq` if this is a `Left`.
     * {{{
     * Right(12).right.toSeq // Seq(12)
     * Left(12).right.toSeq // Seq()
     * }}}
    def toSeq: Seq[B] = e match {
      case Right(b) => Seq(b)
      case Left(_)  => Seq.empty

    /** Returns a `Some` containing the `Right` value
     *  if it exists or a `None` if this is a `Left`.
     * {{{
     * Right(12).right.toOption // Some(12)
     * Left(12).right.toOption // None
     * }}}
    def toOption: Option[B] = e match {
      case Right(b) => Some(b)
      case Left(_)  => None