path: root/project/ParserUtil.scala
diff options
authorJason Zaugg <>2016-02-10 12:26:41 +1000
committerJason Zaugg <>2016-02-11 22:20:38 +1000
commit39a858de7a65b70ae35ce460e7746cae5e4d3fc4 (patch)
tree54aff920f4b150f0fe8bdd2d8eea7612ef7ffac3 /project/ParserUtil.scala
parent8f8f81b72ef07140952aeb76120bd032e35cc918 (diff)
Fix SBT tab completion of scala command
`scala -deprecation` (without a trailing script argument) wasn't allowed. Now it is. I also supported trailing whitespace on all commands. Also fixed: a bug with completion of `scalac ./san<TAB>`. It was completing as though the `./` had not been typed, which threw the suggestion off by a few characters.
Diffstat (limited to 'project/ParserUtil.scala')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/project/ParserUtil.scala b/project/ParserUtil.scala
index f6658b146b..cdaf8831a5 100644
--- a/project/ParserUtil.scala
+++ b/project/ParserUtil.scala
@@ -9,41 +9,39 @@ object ParserUtil { => x._1 + x._2)
- def EitherOr(a: Parser[String], b: Parser[String]): Parser[String] = {
- a.flatMap[String] {
- case "" => b
- case x: String =>
- concat(Space.string ~ b).map[String]((s: String) => x + s)
- }
- }
def Opt(a: Parser[String]) = a.?.map(_.getOrElse(""))
val StringBasicNotStartingWithDash = notStartingWith(StringBasic, '-')
val IsDirectoryFilter = new SimpleFileFilter(_.isDirectory)
val JarOrDirectoryParser = FileParser(GlobFilter("*.jar") || IsDirectoryFilter)
- def FileParser(filter: FileFilter, dirFilter: FileFilter = AllPassFilter, base: File = file(".")) = {
+ def FileParser(fileFilter: FileFilter, dirFilter: FileFilter = AllPassFilter, base: File = file(".")) = {
def matching(prefix: String): List[String] = {
val preFile = file(prefix)
val cwd = base
val parent = Option(preFile.getParentFile).getOrElse(cwd)
if (preFile.exists) {
if (preFile.isDirectory) {
- preFile.*(IsDirectoryFilter.&&(dirFilter) || filter)
+ preFile.*(IsDirectoryFilter.&&(dirFilter) || fileFilter)
} else {
- List(preFile).filter(filter.accept).map(_.getPath)
+ List(preFile).filter(fileFilter.accept).map(_.getPath)
else if (parent != null) {
def ensureSuffix(s: String, suffix: String) = if (s.endsWith(suffix)) s else s + suffix
- def pathOf(f: File): String = if (f.isDirectory && !filter.accept(f)) ensureSuffix(f.getPath, "/") else f.getPath
- parent.*(GlobFilter( + "*") && ((IsDirectoryFilter && dirFilter) || filter)) => pathOf(if (parent == cwd) x.relativeTo(cwd).get else x)).toList
+ def pathOf(f: File): String = {
+ val f1 = if (preFile.getParentFile == null) f.relativeTo(cwd).getOrElse(f) else f
+ if (f1.isDirectory && !fileFilter.accept(f1)) ensureSuffix(f1.getPath, "/") else f1.getPath
+ }
+ val childFilter = GlobFilter( + "*") && ((IsDirectoryFilter && dirFilter) || fileFilter)
+ val children = parent.*(childFilter).get
} else Nil
def displayPath = Completions.single(Completion.displayOnly("<path>"))
token(StringBasic, TokenCompletions.fixed((seen, level) => if (seen.isEmpty) displayPath else matching(seen) match {
case Nil => displayPath
case x :: Nil =>
- if (filter.accept(file(x)))
+ if (fileFilter.accept(file(x)))
Completions.strict(Set(Completion.tokenDisplay(x.stripPrefix(seen), x)))