path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoop.scala
diff options
authorPaul Phillips <>2012-05-15 14:27:43 -0700
committerPaul Phillips <>2012-05-15 16:42:33 -0700
commit3e038d801cd3177ed1230eb7729e11f8743db23a (patch)
treea2905dab0bc63bad5408f5a69a5d065d0c1c0696 /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoop.scala
parentf865e3b9a0f053c09669ca70c77d88456ed2b8ba (diff)
Removing more unneeded code.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoop.scala')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoop.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoop.scala
index 4badb90968..f236ee8031 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoop.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoop.scala
@@ -103,16 +103,6 @@ class ILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], protected val out: JPrintWriter)
def isAsync = !settings.Yreplsync.value
lazy val power = new Power(intp, new StdReplVals(this))
- // TODO
- // object opt extends AestheticSettings
- //
- @deprecated("Use `intp` instead.", "2.9.0")
- def interpreter = intp
- @deprecated("Use `intp` instead.", "2.9.0")
- def interpreter_= (i: Interpreter): Unit = intp = i
def history = in.history
/** The context class loader at the time this object was created */
@@ -264,14 +254,12 @@ class ILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], protected val out: JPrintWriter)
cmd("imports", "[name name ...]", "show import history, identifying sources of names", importsCommand),
cmd("implicits", "[-v]", "show the implicits in scope", implicitsCommand),
cmd("javap", "<path|class>", "disassemble a file or class name", javapCommand),
- nullary("keybindings", "show how ctrl-[A-Z] and other keys are bound", keybindingsCommand),
cmd("load", "<path>", "load and interpret a Scala file", loadCommand),
nullary("paste", "enter paste mode: all input up to ctrl-D compiled together", pasteCommand),
nullary("power", "enable power user mode", powerCmd),
nullary("quit", "exit the interpreter", () => Result(false, None)),
nullary("replay", "reset execution and replay all previous commands", replay),
nullary("reset", "reset the repl to its initial state, forgetting all session entries", resetCommand),
- // nullary("reset", "reset the interpreter, forgetting session values but retaining session types", replay),
nullary("silent", "disable/enable automatic printing of results", verbosity),
cmd("type", "[-v] <expr>", "display the type of an expression without evaluating it", typeCommand),
@@ -280,31 +268,7 @@ class ILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], protected val out: JPrintWriter)
/** Power user commands */
lazy val powerCommands: List[LoopCommand] = List(
- nullary("dump", "displays a view of the interpreter's internal state", dumpCommand),
- nullary("vals", "gives information about the power mode repl vals", valsCommand),
- cmd("phase", "<phase>", "set the implicit phase for power commands", phaseCommand),
- cmd("wrap", "<method>", "name of method to wrap around each repl line", wrapCommand) withLongHelp ("""
- |:wrap
- |:wrap clear
- |:wrap <method>
- |
- |Installs a wrapper around each line entered into the repl.
- |Currently it must be the simple name of an existing method
- |with the specific signature shown in the following example.
- |
- |def timed[T](body: => T): T = {
- | val start = System.nanoTime
- | try body
- | finally println((System.nanoTime - start) + " nanos elapsed.")
- |}
- |:wrap timed
- |
- |If given no argument, :wrap names the wrapper installed.
- |An argument of clear will remove the wrapper if any is active.
- |Note that wrappers do not compose (a new one replaces the old
- |one) and also that the :phase command uses the same machinery,
- |so setting :wrap will clear any :phase setting.
- """.stripMargin.trim)
+ cmd("phase", "<phase>", "set the implicit phase for power commands", phaseCommand)
private def dumpCommand(): Result = {
@@ -485,14 +449,7 @@ class ILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], protected val out: JPrintWriter)
- private def keybindingsCommand(): Result = {
- if (in.keyBindings.isEmpty) "Key bindings unavailable."
- else {
- echo("Reading jline properties for default key bindings.")
- echo("Accuracy not guaranteed: treat this as a guideline only.\n")
- in.keyBindings foreach (x => echo ("" + x))
- }
- }
private def wrapCommand(line: String): Result = {
def failMsg = "Argument to :wrap must be the name of a method with signature [T](=> T): T"
onIntp { intp =>
@@ -516,10 +473,7 @@ class ILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], protected val out: JPrintWriter)
intp setExecutionWrapper intp.pathToTerm(wrapper)
"Set wrapper to '" + wrapper + "'"
case tp =>
- failMsg + (
- if (tp == NoType) "\nFound: <unknown>"
- else "\nFound: <unknown>"
- )
+ failMsg + "\nFound: <unknown>"
case _ => failMsg
@@ -528,18 +482,6 @@ class ILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], protected val out: JPrintWriter)
private def pathToPhaseWrapper = intp.pathToTerm("$r") + ".phased.atCurrent"
private def phaseCommand(name: String): Result = {
- // This line crashes us in TreeGen:
- //
- // if (intp.power.phased set name) "..."
- //
- // Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: ._7.type
- // at scala.Predef$.assert(Predef.scala:99)
- // at
- // at
- // at
- // at
- //
- // But it works like so, type annotated.
val phased: Phased = power.phased
import phased.NoPhaseName
@@ -815,10 +757,6 @@ class ILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], protected val out: JPrintWriter)
- def runCompletion =
- try in.completion execute code map (intp bindSyntheticValue _)
- catch { case ex: Exception => None }
/** Here we place ourselves between the user and the interpreter and examine
* the input they are ostensibly submitting. We intervene in several cases:
@@ -840,25 +778,8 @@ class ILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], protected val out: JPrintWriter)
// line comment, do nothing
- /** Due to my accidentally letting file completion execution sneak ahead
- * of actual parsing this now operates in such a way that the scala
- * interpretation always wins. However to avoid losing useful file
- * completion I let it fail and then check the others. So if you
- * type /tmp it will echo a failure and then give you a Directory object.
- * It's not pretty: maybe I'll implement the silence bits I need to avoid
- * echoing the failure.
- */
- else if (intp isParseable code) {
- val (code, result) = reallyInterpret
- if (power != null && code == IR.Error)
- runCompletion
- result
- }
- else runCompletion match {
- case Some(_) => None // completion hit: avoid the latent error
- case _ => reallyInterpret._2 // trigger the latent error
- }
+ else
+ reallyInterpret._2
// runs :load `file` on any files passed via -i
@@ -937,7 +858,7 @@ class ILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], protected val out: JPrintWriter)
/** process command-line arguments and do as they request */
def process(args: Array[String]): Boolean = {
- val command = new CommandLine(args.toList, msg => echo("scala: " + msg))
+ val command = new CommandLine(args.toList, echo)
def neededHelp(): String =
(if ( command.usageMsg + "\n" else "") +
(if (command.settings.Xhelp.value) command.xusageMsg + "\n" else "")
@@ -948,16 +869,6 @@ class ILoop(in0: Option[BufferedReader], protected val out: JPrintWriter)
case help => echoNoNL(help) ; true
- @deprecated("Use `process` instead", "2.9.0")
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- if (isReplDebug)
- System.out.println(new java.util.Date)
- process(args)
- }
- @deprecated("Use `process` instead", "2.9.0")
- def main(settings: Settings): Unit = process(settings)
object ILoop {
@@ -1019,32 +930,4 @@ object ILoop {
def run(lines: List[String]): String = run(lines map (_ + "\n") mkString)
- // provide the enclosing type T
- // in order to set up the interpreter's classpath and parent class loader properly
- def breakIf[T: ClassTag](assertion: => Boolean, args: NamedParam*): Unit =
- if (assertion) break[T](args.toList)
- // start a repl, binding supplied args
- def break[T: ClassTag](args: List[NamedParam]): Unit = savingContextLoader {
- val msg = if (args.isEmpty) "" else " Binding " + args.size + " value%s.".format(
- if (args.size == 1) "" else "s"
- )
- echo("Debug repl starting." + msg)
- val repl = new ILoop {
- override def prompt = "\ndebug> "
- }
- repl.settings = new Settings(echo)
- repl.settings.embeddedDefaults[T]
- repl.createInterpreter()
- = new JLineReader(new JLineCompletion(repl))
- // rebind exit so people don't accidentally call sys.exit by way of predef
- repl.quietRun("""def exit = println("Type :quit to resume program execution.")""")
- args foreach (p => repl.bind(, p.tpe, p.value))
- repl.loop()
- echo("\nDebug repl exiting.")
- repl.closeInterpreter()
- }