path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/MethodSynthesis.scala
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authorPaul Phillips <>2012-11-13 08:30:55 -0800
committerPaul Phillips <>2012-11-20 14:10:53 -0800
commit009c57d4622fe69394fe031ad7577a4fdee0b1d9 (patch)
tree8a3edcf2b3f241069cc2bfc7706eb5cce7f58dcb /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/MethodSynthesis.scala
parente5b050814deb2e7e1d6d05511d3a6cb6b013b549 (diff)
Removed code from the typechecker.
Removing code from this neighborhood is more difficult than elsewhere, making it all the more important that it be done.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/MethodSynthesis.scala')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/MethodSynthesis.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/MethodSynthesis.scala
index 6aafd32237..e67d6814f1 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/MethodSynthesis.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/MethodSynthesis.scala
@@ -29,61 +29,23 @@ trait MethodSynthesis {
if (sym.isLazy) ValDef(sym, body)
else DefDef(sym, body)
- def applyTypeInternal(tags: List[TT[_]]): Type = {
- val symbols = tags map compilerSymbolFromTag
- val container :: args = symbols
- val tparams = container.typeConstructor.typeParams
- // Conservative at present - if manifests were more usable this could do a lot more.
- // [Eugene to Paul] all right, they are now. what do you have in mind?
- require(symbols forall (_ ne NoSymbol), "Must find all tags: " + symbols)
- require(container.owner.isPackageClass, "Container must be a top-level class in a package: " + container)
- require(tparams.size == args.size, "Arguments must match type constructor arity: " + tparams + ", " + args)
- appliedType(container, args map (_.tpe): _*)
- }
- def companionType[T](implicit ct: CT[T]) =
- rootMirror.getRequiredModule(ct.runtimeClass.getName).tpe
- // Use these like `applyType[List, Int]` or `applyType[Map, Int, String]`
- def applyType[CC](implicit t1: TT[CC]): Type =
- applyTypeInternal(List(t1))
- def applyType[CC[X1], X1](implicit t1: TT[CC[_]], t2: TT[X1]): Type =
- applyTypeInternal(List(t1, t2))
- def applyType[CC[X1, X2], X1, X2](implicit t1: TT[CC[_,_]], t2: TT[X1], t3: TT[X2]): Type =
- applyTypeInternal(List(t1, t2, t3))
- def applyType[CC[X1, X2, X3], X1, X2, X3](implicit t1: TT[CC[_,_,_]], t2: TT[X1], t3: TT[X2], t4: TT[X3]): Type =
- applyTypeInternal(List(t1, t2, t3, t4))
- def newMethodType[F](owner: Symbol)(implicit t: TT[F]): Type = {
- val fnSymbol = compilerSymbolFromTag(t)
- val formals = compilerTypeFromTag(t).typeArguments
- assert(fnSymbol isSubClass FunctionClass(formals.size - 1), (owner, t))
- val params = owner newSyntheticValueParams formals
- MethodType(params, formals.last)
- }
- /** The annotations amongst those found on the original symbol which
- * should be propagated to this kind of accessor.
- */
- def deriveAnnotations(initial: List[AnnotationInfo], category: Symbol, keepClean: Boolean): List[AnnotationInfo] = {
- initial filter { ann =>
- // There are no meta-annotation arguments attached to `ann`
- if (ann.metaAnnotations.isEmpty) {
- // A meta-annotation matching `annotKind` exists on `ann`'s definition.
- (ann.defaultTargets contains category) ||
- // `ann`'s definition has no meta-annotations, and `keepClean` is true.
- (ann.defaultTargets.isEmpty && keepClean)
- }
- // There are meta-annotation arguments, and one of them matches `annotKind`
- else ann.metaAnnotations exists (_ matches category)
+ /** The annotations amongst those found on the original symbol which
+ * should be propagated to this kind of accessor.
+ */
+ def deriveAnnotations(initial: List[AnnotationInfo], category: Symbol, keepClean: Boolean): List[AnnotationInfo] = {
+ initial filter { ann =>
+ // There are no meta-annotation arguments attached to `ann`
+ if (ann.metaAnnotations.isEmpty) {
+ // A meta-annotation matching `annotKind` exists on `ann`'s definition.
+ (ann.defaultTargets contains category) ||
+ // `ann`'s definition has no meta-annotations, and `keepClean` is true.
+ (ann.defaultTargets.isEmpty && keepClean)
+ // There are meta-annotation arguments, and one of them matches `annotKind`
+ else ann.metaAnnotations exists (_ matches category)
- }
+ }
+ }
import synthesisUtil._
class ClassMethodSynthesis(val clazz: Symbol, localTyper: Typer) {
@@ -118,22 +80,9 @@ trait MethodSynthesis {
finishMethod( enter m, f)
- private def cloneInternal(original: Symbol, f: Symbol => Tree): Tree =
- cloneInternal(original, f,
def clazzMember(name: Name) = nonPrivateMember name
def typeInClazz(sym: Symbol) = clazz.thisType memberType sym
- /** Function argument takes the newly created method symbol of
- * the same type as `name` in clazz, and returns the tree to be
- * added to the template.
- */
- def overrideMethod(name: Name)(f: Symbol => Tree): Tree =
- overrideMethod(clazzMember(name))(f)
- def overrideMethod(original: Symbol)(f: Symbol => Tree): Tree =
- cloneInternal(original, sym => f(sym setFlag OVERRIDE))
def deriveMethod(original: Symbol, nameFn: Name => Name)(f: Symbol => Tree): Tree =
cloneInternal(original, f, nameFn(
@@ -311,7 +260,6 @@ trait MethodSynthesis {
// Final methods to make the rest easier to reason about.
final def mods = tree.mods
final def basisSym = tree.symbol
- final def derivedFlags: Long = basisSym.flags & flagsMask | flagsExtra
trait DerivedFromClassDef extends DerivedFromMemberDef {