path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
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authorPaul Phillips <>2012-12-11 10:33:09 -0800
committerPaul Phillips <>2012-12-11 12:59:06 -0800
commit1480b28944e13780498304e32141e30302f9aaef (patch)
tree9fc203d79a669dd8a73cd5b503c08fe579bee99e /src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
parent107afdc95e902a42851603ad7aab2dd5b9d319dc (diff)
parent0fd2d80e0129c7fa7d2b081cc35b06ca5651c3a5 (diff)
Merge branch 'merge-wip-into-2.10.x' into merge-2.10-into-master
* merge-wip-into-2.10.x: (44 commits) Cleanups of reifyBoundTerm and reifyBoundType SI-5841 reification of renamed imports Share the empty LinkedList between first0/last0. SI-4922 Show default in Scaladoc for generic methods. SI-6614 Test case for fixed ArrayStack misconduct. SI-6690 Release reference to last dequeued element. SI-5789 Use the ReplTest framework in the test SI-5789 Checks in the right version of the test SI-5789 Removes assertion about implclass flag in Mixin.scala SI-6766 Makes the -Pcontinuations:enable flag a project specific preference more ListOfNil => Nil DummyTree => CannotHaveAttrs evicts assert(false) from the compiler introduces global.pendingSuperCall refactors handling of parent types unifies approaches to call analysis in TreeInfo TypeApply + Select and their type-level twins SI-6696 removes "helper" tree factory methods SI-6766 Create a continuations project in eclipse Now the test suite runs MIMA for compatibility testing. ... Conflicts: src/compiler/scala/reflect/reify/codegen/GenUtils.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/Trees.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/GenICode.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenASM.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/GenJVM.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Contexts.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Namers.scala src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala src/eclipse/scala-compiler/.classpath src/eclipse/scalap/.classpath src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 143 deletions
diff --git a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
index 8d606a8fd5..fd6acc25cc 100644
--- a/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
+++ b/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
@@ -52,8 +52,10 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
object UnTyper extends Traverser {
override def traverse(tree: Tree) = {
- if (tree != EmptyTree) tree.tpe = null
- if (tree.hasSymbolField) tree.symbol = NoSymbol
+ if (tree.canHaveAttrs) {
+ tree.tpe = null
+ if (tree.hasSymbolField) tree.symbol = NoSymbol
+ }
@@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
val res = if (paramFailed || (paramTp.isError && {paramFailed = true; true})) SearchFailure else inferImplicit(fun, paramTp, context.reportErrors, false, context)
argResultsBuff += res
- if (res != SearchFailure) {
+ if (res.isSuccess) {
argBuff += mkArg(res.tree,
} else {
mkArg = mkNamedArg // don't pass the default argument (if any) here, but start emitting named arguments for the following args
@@ -711,7 +713,7 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
featureTrait.owner.ownerChain.takeWhile(_ != languageFeatureModule.moduleClass).reverse
val featureName = (nestedOwners map ( + ".")).mkString +
def action(): Boolean = {
- def hasImport = inferImplicit(EmptyTree: Tree, featureTrait.tpe, true, false, context) != SearchFailure
+ def hasImport = inferImplicit(EmptyTree: Tree, featureTrait.tpe, true, false, context).isSuccess
def hasOption = settings.language.value exists (s => s == featureName || s == "_")
val OK = hasImport || hasOption
if (!OK) {
@@ -1320,13 +1322,6 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
if (member(qual, name) != NoSymbol) qual
else adaptToMember(qual, HasMember(name))
- private def typePrimaryConstrBody(clazz : Symbol, cbody: Tree, tparams: List[Symbol], enclTparams: List[Symbol], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): Tree = {
- // XXX: see about using the class's symbol....
- enclTparams foreach (sym => context.scope.enter(sym))
- namer.enterValueParams(vparamss)
- typed(cbody)
- }
private def validateNoCaseAncestor(clazz: Symbol) = {
if (!phase.erasedTypes) {
for (ancestor <- clazz.ancestors find (_.isCase)) {
@@ -1428,114 +1423,242 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
unit.error(tparam.pos, "type parameter of value class may not be specialized")
- def parentTypes(templ: Template): List[Tree] =
- if (templ.parents.isEmpty) List(atPos(templ.pos)(TypeTree(AnyRefClass.tpe)))
- else try {
- val clazz = context.owner
- // Normalize supertype and mixins so that supertype is always a class, not a trait.
- var supertpt = typedTypeConstructor(templ.parents.head)
- val firstParent = supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol
- var mixins = templ.parents.tail map typedType
- // If first parent is a trait, make it first mixin and add its superclass as first parent
- while ((supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol ne null) && supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol.initialize.isTrait) {
- val supertpt1 = typedType(supertpt)
- if (!supertpt1.isErrorTyped) {
- mixins = supertpt1 :: mixins
- supertpt = TypeTree(supertpt1.tpe.firstParent) setPos supertpt.pos.focus
- }
+ /** Typechecks a parent type reference.
+ *
+ * This typecheck is harder than it might look, because it should honor early
+ * definitions and also perform type argument inference with the help of super call
+ * arguments provided in `encodedtpt`.
+ *
+ * The method is called in batches (batch = 1 time per each parent type referenced),
+ * two batches per definition: once from namer, when entering a ClassDef or a ModuleDef
+ * and once from typer, when typechecking the definition.
+ *
+ * ***Arguments***
+ *
+ * `encodedtpt` represents the parent type reference wrapped in an `Apply` node
+ * which indicates value arguments (i.e. type macro arguments or super constructor call arguments)
+ * If no value arguments are provided by the user, the `Apply` node is still
+ * there, but its `args` will be set to `Nil`.
+ * This argument is synthesized by `tools.nsc.ast.Parsers.templateParents`.
+ *
+ * `templ` is an enclosing template, which contains a primary constructor synthesized by the parser.
+ * Such a constructor is a DefDef which contains early initializers and maybe a super constructor call
+ * (I wrote "maybe" because trait constructors don't call super constructors).
+ * This argument is synthesized by `tools.nsc.ast.Trees.Template`.
+ *
+ * `inMixinPosition` indicates whether the reference is not the first in the
+ * list of parents (and therefore cannot be a class) or the opposite.
+ *
+ * ***Return value and side effects***
+ *
+ * Returns a `TypeTree` representing a resolved parent type.
+ * If the typechecked parent reference implies non-nullary and non-empty argument list,
+ * this argument list is attached to the returned value in SuperCallArgsAttachment.
+ * The attachment is necessary for the subsequent typecheck to fixup a super constructor call
+ * in the body of the primary constructor (see `typedTemplate` for details).
+ *
+ * This method might invoke `typedPrimaryConstrBody`, hence it might cause the side effects
+ * described in the docs of that method. It might also attribute the Super(_, _) reference
+ * (if present) inside the primary constructor of `templ`.
+ *
+ * ***Example***
+ *
+ * For the following definition:
+ *
+ * class D extends {
+ * val x = 2
+ * val y = 4
+ * } with B(x)(3) with C(y) with T
+ *
+ * this method will be called six times:
+ *
+ * (3 times from the namer)
+ * typedParentType(Apply(Apply(Ident(B), List(Ident(x))), List(3)), templ, inMixinPosition = false)
+ * typedParentType(Apply(Ident(C), List(Ident(y))), templ, inMixinPosition = true)
+ * typedParentType(Apply(Ident(T), List()), templ, inMixinPosition = true)
+ *
+ * (3 times from the typer)
+ * <the same three calls>
+ */
+ private def typedParentType(encodedtpt: Tree, templ: Template, inMixinPosition: Boolean): Tree = {
+ val app = treeInfo.dissectApplied(encodedtpt)
+ val (treeInfo.Applied(core, targs, argss), decodedtpt) = (app, app.callee)
+ val argssAreTrivial = argss == Nil || argss == ListOfNil
+ // we cannot avoid cyclic references with `initialize` here, because when type macros arrive,
+ // we'll have to check the probe for isTypeMacro anyways.
+ // therefore I think it's reasonable to trade a more specific "inherits itself" error
+ // for a generic, yet understandable "cyclic reference" error
+ var probe = typedTypeConstructor(core.duplicate).tpe.typeSymbol
+ if (probe == null) probe = NoSymbol
+ probe.initialize
+ if (probe.isTrait || inMixinPosition) {
+ if (!argssAreTrivial) {
+ if (probe.isTrait) ConstrArgsInParentWhichIsTraitError(encodedtpt, probe)
+ else () // a class in a mixin position - this warrants an error in `validateParentClasses`
+ // therefore here we do nothing, e.g. don't check that the # of ctor arguments
+ // matches the # of ctor parameters or stuff like that
- if (supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol == AnyClass && firstParent.isTrait)
- supertpt.tpe = AnyRefClass.tpe
- // Determine
- // - supertparams: Missing type parameters from supertype
- // - supertpe: Given supertype, polymorphic in supertparams
- val supertparams = if (supertpt.hasSymbolField) supertpt.symbol.typeParams else List()
- var supertpe = supertpt.tpe
- if (!supertparams.isEmpty)
- supertpe = PolyType(supertparams, appliedType(supertpe.typeConstructor, supertparams map (_.tpeHK)))
- // A method to replace a super reference by a New in a supercall
- def transformSuperCall(scall: Tree): Tree = (scall: @unchecked) match {
- case Apply(fn, args) =>
- treeCopy.Apply(scall, transformSuperCall(fn), args map (_.duplicate))
- case Select(Super(_, _), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) =>
- treeCopy.Select(
- scall,
- atPos(supertpt.pos.focus)(New(TypeTree(supertpe)) setType supertpe),
+ typedType(decodedtpt)
+ } else {
+ var supertpt = typedTypeConstructor(decodedtpt)
+ val supertparams = if (supertpt.hasSymbolField) supertpt.symbol.typeParams else Nil
+ if (supertparams.nonEmpty) {
+ typedPrimaryConstrBody(templ) {
+ val supertpe = PolyType(supertparams, appliedType(supertpt.tpe, supertparams map (_.tpeHK)))
+ val supercall = New(supertpe, mmap(argss)(_.duplicate))
+ val treeInfo.Applied(Select(ctor, nme.CONSTRUCTOR), _, _) = supercall
+ ctor setType supertpe // this is an essential hack, otherwise it will occasionally fail to typecheck
+ atPos(supertpt.pos.focus)(supercall)
+ } match {
+ case EmptyTree => MissingTypeArgumentsParentTpeError(supertpt)
+ case tpt => supertpt = TypeTree(tpt.tpe) setPos supertpt.pos.focus
+ }
+ // this is the place where we tell the typer what argss should be used for the super call
+ // if argss are nullary or empty, then (see the docs for `typedPrimaryConstrBody`)
+ // the super call dummy is already good enough, so we don't need to do anything
+ if (argssAreTrivial) supertpt else supertpt updateAttachment SuperCallArgsAttachment(argss)
+ }
+ }
- treeInfo.firstConstructor(templ.body) match {
- case constr @ DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, cbody @ Block(cstats, cunit)) =>
- // Convert constructor body to block in environment and typecheck it
- val (preSuperStats, superCall) = {
- val (stats, rest) = cstats span (x => !treeInfo.isSuperConstrCall(x))
- (stats map (_.duplicate), if (rest.isEmpty) EmptyTree else rest.head.duplicate)
- }
- val cbody1 = treeCopy.Block(cbody, preSuperStats, superCall match {
- case Apply(_, _) if supertparams.nonEmpty => transformSuperCall(superCall)
- case _ => cunit.duplicate
- })
- val outercontext = context.outer
- assert(clazz != NoSymbol, templ)
- val cscope = outercontext.makeNewScope(constr, outercontext.owner)
- val cbody2 = newTyper(cscope) // called both during completion AND typing.
- .typePrimaryConstrBody(clazz,
- cbody1, supertparams, clazz.unsafeTypeParams, vparamss map (
- superCall match {
- case Apply(_, _) =>
- val sarg = treeInfo.firstArgument(superCall)
- if (sarg != EmptyTree && supertpe.typeSymbol != firstParent)
- ConstrArgsInTraitParentTpeError(sarg, firstParent)
- if (!supertparams.isEmpty)
- supertpt = TypeTree(cbody2.tpe) setPos supertpt.pos.focus
- case _ =>
- if (!supertparams.isEmpty)
- MissingTypeArgumentsParentTpeError(supertpt)
- }
+ /** Typechecks the mishmash of trees that happen to be stuffed into the primary constructor of a given template.
+ * Before commencing the typecheck, replaces the `pendingSuperCall` dummy with the result of `actualSuperCall`.
+ * `actualSuperCall` can return `EmptyTree`, in which case the dummy is replaced with a literal unit.
+ *
+ * ***Return value and side effects***
+ *
+ * If a super call is present in the primary constructor and is not erased by the transform, returns it typechecked.
+ * Otherwise (e.g. if the primary constructor is missing or the super call isn't there) returns `EmptyTree`.
+ *
+ * As a side effect, this method attributes the underlying fields of early vals.
+ * Early vals aren't typechecked anywhere else, so it's essential to call `typedPrimaryConstrBody`
+ * at least once per definition. It'd be great to disentangle this logic at some point.
+ *
+ * ***Example***
+ *
+ * For the following definition:
+ *
+ * class D extends {
+ * val x = 2
+ * val y = 4
+ * } with B(x)(3) with C(y) with T
+ *
+ * the primary constructor of `templ` will be:
+ *
+ * Block(List(
+ * ValDef(NoMods, x, TypeTree(), 2)
+ * ValDef(NoMods, y, TypeTree(), 4)
+ * global.pendingSuperCall,
+ * Literal(Constant(())))
+ *
+ * Note the `pendingSuperCall` part. This is the representation of a fill-me-in-later supercall dummy,
+ * which encodes the fact that supercall argss are unknown during parsing and need to be transplanted
+ * from one of the parent types. Read more about why the argss are unknown in `tools.nsc.ast.Trees.Template`.
+ */
+ private def typedPrimaryConstrBody(templ: Template)(actualSuperCall: => Tree): Tree =
+ treeInfo.firstConstructor(templ.body) match {
+ case ctor @ DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, cbody @ Block(cstats, cunit)) =>
+ val (preSuperStats, superCall) = {
+ val (stats, rest) = cstats span (x => !treeInfo.isSuperConstrCall(x))
+ (stats map (_.duplicate), if (rest.isEmpty) EmptyTree else rest.head.duplicate)
+ }
+ val superCall1 = (superCall match {
+ case global.pendingSuperCall => actualSuperCall
+ case EmptyTree => EmptyTree
+ }) orElse cunit
+ val cbody1 = treeCopy.Block(cbody, preSuperStats, superCall1)
+ val clazz = context.owner
+ assert(clazz != NoSymbol, templ)
+ val cscope = context.outer.makeNewScope(ctor, context.outer.owner)
+ val cbody2 = { // called both during completion AND typing.
+ val typer1 = newTyper(cscope)
+ // XXX: see about using the class's symbol....
+ clazz.unsafeTypeParams foreach (sym => typer1.context.scope.enter(sym))
+ typer1.namer.enterValueParams(vparamss map (
+ typer1.typed(cbody1)
+ }
- val preSuperVals = treeInfo.preSuperFields(templ.body)
- if (preSuperVals.isEmpty && preSuperStats.nonEmpty)
- devWarning("Wanted to zip empty presuper val list with " + preSuperStats)
- else
- map2(preSuperStats, preSuperVals)((ldef, gdef) => gdef.tpt.tpe = ldef.symbol.tpe)
+ val preSuperVals = treeInfo.preSuperFields(templ.body)
+ if (preSuperVals.isEmpty && preSuperStats.nonEmpty)
+ devWarning("Wanted to zip empty presuper val list with " + preSuperStats)
+ else
+ map2(preSuperStats, preSuperVals)((ldef, gdef) => gdef.tpt.tpe = ldef.symbol.tpe)
- case _ =>
- if (!supertparams.isEmpty)
- MissingTypeArgumentsParentTpeError(supertpt)
- }
+ if (superCall1 == cunit) EmptyTree else cbody2
+ case _ =>
+ EmptyTree
+ }
- // Certain parents are added in the parser before it is known whether
- // that class also declared them as parents. For instance, this is an
- // error unless we take corrective action here:
- //
- // case class Foo() extends Serializable
- //
- // So we strip the duplicates before typer.
- def fixDuplicates(remaining: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = remaining match {
- case Nil => Nil
- case x :: xs =>
- val sym = x.symbol
- x :: fixDuplicates(
- if (isPossibleSyntheticParent(sym)) xs filterNot (_.symbol == sym)
- else xs
- )
+ /** Makes sure that the first type tree in the list of parent types is always a class.
+ * If the first parent is a trait, prepend its supertype to the list until it's a class.
+ */
+ private def normalizeFirstParent(parents: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = parents match {
+ case first :: rest if treeInfo.isTraitRef(first) =>
+ def explode(supertpt: Tree, acc: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
+ if (treeInfo.isTraitRef(supertpt)) {
+ val supertpt1 = typedType(supertpt)
+ if (!supertpt1.isErrorTyped) {
+ val supersupertpt = TypeTree(supertpt1.tpe.firstParent) setPos supertpt.pos.focus
+ return explode(supersupertpt, supertpt1 :: acc)
+ }
+ }
+ if (supertpt.tpe.typeSymbol == AnyClass) supertpt.tpe = AnyRefClass.tpe
+ supertpt :: acc
+ explode(first, Nil) ++ rest
+ case _ => parents
+ }
- fixDuplicates(supertpt :: mixins) mapConserve (tpt => checkNoEscaping.privates(clazz, tpt))
- }
- catch {
- case ex: TypeError =>
- // fallback in case of cyclic errors
- // @H none of the tests enter here but I couldn't rule it out
- log("Type error calculating parents in template " + templ)
- log("Error: " + ex)
- ParentTypesError(templ, ex)
- List(TypeTree(AnyRefClass.tpe))
- }
+ /** Certain parents are added in the parser before it is known whether
+ * that class also declared them as parents. For instance, this is an
+ * error unless we take corrective action here:
+ *
+ * case class Foo() extends Serializable
+ *
+ * So we strip the duplicates before typer.
+ */
+ private def fixDuplicateSyntheticParents(parents: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = parents match {
+ case Nil => Nil
+ case x :: xs =>
+ val sym = x.symbol
+ x :: fixDuplicateSyntheticParents(
+ if (isPossibleSyntheticParent(sym)) xs filterNot (_.symbol == sym)
+ else xs
+ )
+ }
+ def parentTypes(templ: Template): List[Tree] = templ.parents match {
+ case Nil => List(atPos(templ.pos)(TypeTree(AnyRefClass.tpe)))
+ case first :: rest =>
+ try {
+ val supertpts = fixDuplicateSyntheticParents(normalizeFirstParent(
+ typedParentType(first, templ, inMixinPosition = false) +:
+ (rest map (typedParentType(_, templ, inMixinPosition = true)))))
+ // if that is required to infer the targs of a super call
+ // typedParentType calls typedPrimaryConstrBody to do the inferring typecheck
+ // as a side effect, that typecheck also assigns types to the fields underlying early vals
+ // however if inference is not required, the typecheck doesn't happen
+ // and therefore early fields have their type trees not assigned
+ // here we detect this situation and take preventive measures
+ if (treeInfo.hasUntypedPreSuperFields(templ.body))
+ typedPrimaryConstrBody(templ)(EmptyTree)
+ supertpts mapConserve (tpt => checkNoEscaping.privates(context.owner, tpt))
+ } catch {
+ case ex: TypeError =>
+ // fallback in case of cyclic errors
+ // @H none of the tests enter here but I couldn't rule it out
+ // upd. @E when a definitions inherits itself, we end up here
+ // because `typedParentType` triggers `initialize` for parent types symbols
+ log("Type error calculating parents in template " + templ)
+ log("Error: " + ex)
+ ParentTypesError(templ, ex)
+ List(TypeTree(AnyRefClass.tpe))
+ }
+ }
/** <p>Check that</p>
* <ul>
@@ -1750,9 +1873,12 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
// the following is necessary for templates generated later
assert( != EmptyScope, clazz)
enterSyms(context.outer.make(templ, clazz,, templ.body)
- validateParentClasses(parents1, selfType)
+ if (!templ.isErrorTyped) // if `parentTypes` has invalidated the template, don't validate it anymore
+ validateParentClasses(parents1, selfType)
if (clazz.isCase)
+ if (clazz.isTrait && hasSuperArgs(parents1.head))
+ ConstrArgsInParentOfTraitError(parents1.head, clazz)
if ((clazz isSubClass ClassfileAnnotationClass) && !clazz.owner.isPackageClass)
unit.error(clazz.pos, "inner classes cannot be classfile annotations")
@@ -1760,9 +1886,21 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
if (!phase.erasedTypes && ! // @S: prevent crash for duplicated type members
- val body =
- if (isPastTyper || reporter.hasErrors) templ.body
- else templ.body flatMap rewrappingWrapperTrees(namer.addDerivedTrees(Typer.this, _))
+ val body = {
+ val body =
+ if (isPastTyper || reporter.hasErrors) templ.body
+ else templ.body flatMap rewrappingWrapperTrees(namer.addDerivedTrees(Typer.this, _))
+ val primaryCtor = treeInfo.firstConstructor(body)
+ val primaryCtor1 = primaryCtor match {
+ case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, Block(earlyVals :+ global.pendingSuperCall, unit)) =>
+ val argss = superCallArgs(parents1.head) getOrElse Nil
+ val pos = wrappingPos(parents1.head.pos, argss.flatten)
+ val superCall = atPos(pos)(PrimarySuperCall(argss))
+ deriveDefDef(primaryCtor)(block => Block(earlyVals :+ superCall, unit) setPos pos) setPos pos
+ case _ => primaryCtor
+ }
+ body mapConserve { case `primaryCtor` => primaryCtor1; case stat => stat }
+ }
val body1 = typedStats(body, templ.symbol)
@@ -2473,7 +2611,7 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
if (members.head eq EmptyTree) setError(tree)
else {
val typedBlock = typedPos(tree.pos, mode, pt) {
- Block(ClassDef(anonClass, NoMods, ListOfNil, ListOfNil, members, tree.pos.focus), atPos(tree.pos.focus)(New(anonClass.tpe)))
+ Block(ClassDef(anonClass, NoMods, ListOfNil, members, tree.pos.focus), atPos(tree.pos.focus)(New(anonClass.tpe)))
// Don't leak implementation details into the type, see SI-6575
if (isPartial && !typedBlock.isErrorTyped)
@@ -2676,7 +2814,11 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
var moreToAdd = true
while (moreToAdd) {
val initElems = scope.elems
- for (sym <- scope)
+ // SI-5877 The decls of a package include decls of the package object. But we don't want to add
+ // the corresponding synthetics to the package class, only to the package object class.
+ def shouldAdd(sym: Symbol) =
+ inBlock || !context.isInPackageObject(sym, context.owner)
+ for (sym <- scope if shouldAdd(sym))
for (tree <- context.unit.synthetics get sym) {
newStats += typedStat(tree) // might add even more synthetics to the scope
context.unit.synthetics -= sym
@@ -3701,7 +3843,7 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
case DynamicApplicationNamed(qual, _) if acceptsApplyDynamic(qual.tpe.widen) => true
case _ => false
// look deeper?
- // val methPart = treeInfo.methPart(fun)
+ // val treeInfo.Applied(methPart, _, _) = fun
// println("methPart of "+ fun +" is "+ methPart)
// if (methPart ne fun) isApplyDynamicNamed(methPart)
// else false
@@ -3737,7 +3879,7 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
def mkInvoke(cxTree: Tree, tree: Tree, qual: Tree, name: Name): Option[Tree] = {
log(s"dyna.mkInvoke($cxTree, $tree, $qual, $name)")
- val treeSelection = treeInfo.methPart(tree)
+ val treeInfo.Applied(treeSelection, _, _) = tree
def isDesugaredApply = treeSelection match {
case Select(`qual`, nme.apply) => true
case _ => false
@@ -3750,7 +3892,7 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
// not supported:,..., an: _*)
def hasStar(args: List[Tree]) = treeInfo.isWildcardStarArgList(args)
def applyOp(args: List[Tree]) = if (hasNamed(args)) nme.applyDynamicNamed else nme.applyDynamic
- def matches(t: Tree) = isDesugaredApply || treeInfo.methPart(t) == treeSelection
+ def matches(t: Tree) = isDesugaredApply || treeInfo.dissectApplied(t).core == treeSelection
/** Note that the trees which arrive here are potentially some distance from
* the trees of direct interest. `cxTree` is some enclosing expression which
@@ -3768,9 +3910,8 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
case _ => t.children flatMap findSelection headOption
findSelection(cxTree) match {
- case Some((opName, tapply)) =>
- val targs = treeInfo.typeArguments(tapply)
- val fun = gen.mkTypeApply(Select(qual, opName), targs)
+ case Some((opName, treeInfo.Applied(_, targs, _))) =>
+ val fun = gen.mkTypeApply(Select(qual, opName), targs)
atPos(qual.pos)(Apply(fun, Literal(Constant(name.decode)) :: Nil))
case _ =>
@@ -3965,8 +4106,8 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
return fail()
if (treeInfo.mayBeVarGetter(varsym)) {
- treeInfo.methPart(lhs1) match {
- case Select(qual, name) =>
+ lhs1 match {
+ case treeInfo.Applied(Select(qual, name), _, _) =>
val sel = Select(qual, nme.getterToSetter(name.toTermName)) setPos lhs.pos
val app = Apply(sel, List(rhs)) setPos tree.pos
return typed(app, mode, pt)
@@ -4347,9 +4488,9 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
case Apply(fn, indices) =>
- treeInfo.methPart(fn) match {
- case Select(table, nme.apply) => mkUpdate(table, indices)
- case _ => UnexpectedTreeAssignmentConversionError(qual)
+ fn match {
+ case treeInfo.Applied(Select(table, nme.apply), _, _) => mkUpdate(table, indices)
+ case _ => UnexpectedTreeAssignmentConversionError(qual)
typed1(tree1, mode, pt)
@@ -5182,21 +5323,21 @@ trait Typers extends Modes with Adaptations with Tags {
// enough to see those. See #3938
ConstructorPrefixError(tree, restpe)
} else {
- //@M fix for #2208
- // if there are no type arguments, normalization does not bypass any checks, so perform it to get rid of AnyRef
- if (result.tpe.typeArgs.isEmpty) {
- // minimal check: if(result.tpe.typeSymbolDirect eq AnyRefClass) {
- // must expand the fake AnyRef type alias, because bootstrapping (init in Definitions) is not
- // designed to deal with the cycles in the scala package (ScalaObject extends
- // AnyRef, but the AnyRef type alias is entered after the scala package is
- // loaded and completed, so that ScalaObject is unpickled while AnyRef is not
- // yet defined )
- // !!! TODO - revisit now that ScalaObject is gone.
- result setType(restpe)
- } else { // must not normalize: type application must be (bounds-)checked (during RefChecks), see #2208
- // during uncurry (after refchecks), all types are normalized
- result
- }
+ //@M fix for #2208
+ // if there are no type arguments, normalization does not bypass any checks, so perform it to get rid of AnyRef
+ if (result.tpe.typeArgs.isEmpty) {
+ // minimal check: if(result.tpe.typeSymbolDirect eq AnyRefClass) {
+ // must expand the fake AnyRef type alias, because bootstrapping (init in Definitions) is not
+ // designed to deal with the cycles in the scala package (ScalaObject extends
+ // AnyRef, but the AnyRef type alias is entered after the scala package is
+ // loaded and completed, so that ScalaObject is unpickled while AnyRef is not
+ // yet defined )
+ // !!! TODO - revisit now that ScalaObject is gone.
+ result setType(restpe)
+ } else { // must not normalize: type application must be (bounds-)checked (during RefChecks), see #2208
+ // during uncurry (after refchecks), all types are normalized
+ result
+ }