path: root/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Segment.scala
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1 files changed, 117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Segment.scala b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Segment.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45bd7b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/scala/sims/collision/Segment.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/* _____ _ __ ________ ___ *\
+** / ___/(_) |/ / ___/ |__ \ Simple Mechanics Simulator 2 **
+** \__ \/ / /|_/ /\__ \ __/ / copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Odersky **
+** ___/ / / / / /___/ / / __/ **
+** /____/_/_/ /_//____/ /____/ **
+\* */
+package sims.collision
+import scala.math._
+import sims.math._
+/** A segment passing through two points.
+ *
+ * @param point1 position vector of the first point
+ * @param point2 position vector of the second point
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if both vertices are equal */
+case class Segment(point1: Vector2D, point2: Vector2D)
+ extends Linear
+ with Intersectable[Segment] {
+ require(point1 != point2, "A segment must have two distinct vertices.")
+ val point = point1
+ /**Vector from <code>vertex1</code> to <code>vertex2</code>.*/
+ val direction = point2 - point
+ /**Length of this segment.*/
+ val length = direction.length
+ def closest(point: Vector2D) = {
+ var t = ((point - point1) dot (direction)) / (direction dot direction)
+ if (t < 0) t = 0
+ if (t > 1) t = 1
+ point1 + direction * t
+ }
+ def distance(p: Vector2D) = {
+ // For more concise code, the following substitutions are made:
+ // * point1 -> a
+ // * point2 -> b
+ // * p -> c
+ val ab = direction
+ val ac = p - point1
+ val bc = p - point2
+ val e = ac dot ab
+ val distanceSquare =
+ // Handle cases where c projects outside ab
+ if (e <= 0) ac dot ac
+ else if (e >= (ab dot ab)) bc dot bc
+ // Handle cases where c projects onto ab
+ else (ac dot ac) - e * e / (ab dot ab)
+ math.sqrt(distanceSquare)
+ }
+ def clipped(reference: Segment): List[Vector2D] = {
+ val clipped = Linear.clip(this.point1, this.point2, reference.point1, reference.direction)
+ if (clipped.length == 0) Nil
+ else Linear.clip(clipped(0), clipped(1), reference.point2, -reference.direction)
+ }
+ def intersection(segment: Segment): Option[Vector2D] = {
+ val n = segment.leftNormal
+ // Handle case when two segments parallel
+ if ((n dot direction) == 0) None
+ else {
+ val t = (n dot (segment.point1 - point1)) / (n dot direction)
+ val i = point + direction * t
+ if (0 <= t && t <= 1 && (i - segment.point1).length <= segment.length) Some(i)
+ else None
+ }
+ /*
+ // Returns 2 times the signed triangle area. The result is positive if
+ // abc is ccw, negative if abc is cw, zero if abc is degenerate.
+ def signed2DTriArea(a: Vector2D, b: Vector2D, c: Vector2D) = {
+ (a.x - c.x) * (b.y - c.y) - (a.y - c.y) * (b.x - c.x);
+ }
+ val a = point1; val b = point2; val c = segment.point; val d = segment.point2
+ // Sign of areas correspond to which side of ab points c and d are
+ val a1 = signed2DTriArea(a, b, d); // Compute winding of abd (+ or -)
+ val a2 = signed2DTriArea(a, b, c); // To intersect, must have sign opposite of a1
+ // If c and d are on different sides of ab, areas have different signs
+ if (a1 * a2 < 0.0f) {
+ // Compute signs for a and b with respect to segment cd
+ val a3 = signed2DTriArea(c, d, a); // Compute winding of cda (+ or -)
+ // Since area is constant a1-a2 = a3-a4, or a4=a3+a2-a1
+ // float a4 = Signed2DTriArea(c, d, b); // Must have opposite sign of a3
+ val a4 = a3 + a2 - a1;
+ // Points a and b on different sides of cd if areas have different signs
+ if (a3 * a4 < 0.0f) {
+ // Segments intersect. Find intersection point along L(t)=a+t*(b-a).
+ // Given height h1 of a over cd and height h2 of b over cd,
+ // t = h1 / (h1 - h2) = (b*h1/2) / (b*h1/2 - b*h2/2) = a3 / (a3 - a4),
+ // where b (the base of the triangles cda and cdb, i.e., the length
+ // of cd) cancels out.
+ val t = a3 / (a3 - a4);
+ val p = a + (b - a) * t;
+ return Some(p);
+ }
+ }
+ // Segments not intersecting (or collinear)
+ return None;
+ */
+ }