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<h2 id="download-apache-sparktrade">Download Apache Spark&#8482;</h2>

<p>Our latest stable version is Apache Spark 2.0.0, released on July 26, 2016
<a href="/releases/spark-release-2-0-0.html">(release notes)</a>
<a href="">(git tag)</a><br /></p>

    <p>Choose a Spark release:
  <select id="sparkVersionSelect" onchange="javascript:onVersionSelect();"></select><br /></p>
    <p>Choose a package type:
  <select id="sparkPackageSelect" onchange="javascript:onPackageSelect();"></select><br /></p>
    <p>Choose a download type:
  <select id="sparkDownloadSelect" onchange="javascript:onDownloadSelect()"></select><br /></p>
    <p>Download Spark: <span id="spanDownloadLink"></span></p>
    <p>Verify this release using the <span id="sparkDownloadVerify"></span> and <a href="">project release KEYS</a>.</p>

<p><em>Note: Starting version 2.0, Spark is built with Scala 2.11 by default.
Scala 2.10 users should download the Spark source package and build
<a href="">with Scala 2.10 support</a>.</em></p>

### Latest Preview Release

Preview releases, as the name suggests, are releases for previewing upcoming features.
Unlike nightly packages, preview releases have been audited by the project's management committee
to satisfy the legal requirements of Apache Software Foundation's release policy.
Preview releases are not meant to be functional, i.e. they can and highly likely will contain
critical bugs or documentation errors.

The latest preview release is Spark 2.0.0-preview, published on May 24, 2016.
You can select and download it above.

<h3 id="link-with-spark">Link with Spark</h3>
<p>Spark artifacts are <a href="">hosted in Maven Central</a>. You can add a Maven dependency with the following coordinates:</p>

<pre><code>groupId: org.apache.spark
artifactId: spark-core_2.11
version: 2.0.0

<h3 id="spark-source-code-management">Spark Source Code Management</h3>
<p>If you are interested in working with the newest under-development code or contributing to Apache Spark development, you can also check out the master branch from Git:</p>

<pre><code># Master development branch
git clone git://

# 2.0 maintenance branch with stability fixes on top of Spark 2.0.0
git clone git:// -b branch-2.0

<p>Once you&#8217;ve downloaded Spark, you can find instructions for installing and building it on the <a href="/documentation.html">documentation page</a>.</p>

<h3 id="release-notes-for-stable-releases">Release Notes for Stable Releases</h3>

<ul id="sparkReleaseNotes"></ul>

<h3 id="nightly-packages-and-artifacts">Nightly Packages and Artifacts</h3>
<p>For developers, Spark maintains nightly builds and SNAPSHOT artifacts. More information is available on the <a href="">Spark developer Wiki</a>.</p>


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